Saturday, April 17, 2021

Turned Out To Be A Good Saturday

 I did what I've always been doing - played on the tablet in the mornings. I also started laundry. 

As I was getting ready to bead, I got a text saying the shop in Onalaska was having a sale on patriotic fabric. I was trying to see if mom and Nancy wanted to go. Nancy just put bread in the oven and mom was working on her quilt. After a few minutes, it was decided we wouldn't go. Patrick said he was at a break and would take me there. The shop is like 10 mins away. Actually closer to me then the shop in town. I wanted to go to see the shop and MAYBE buy some fabric. Of course, I bought fabric for QOV. I even got a jelly roll that I can make a quilt with. I'm going to have fun with that. We weren't there long, I bought $72 worth of fabric that was on sale for 40% off. I put my name in for prizes too. 

Came home and worked on my beading. 

I was able to get 2 rows in today. I'm okay with that. It was fun to do. The deer head is coming along. 

Then it was time to enjoy watching TV. Patrick watched his shows - British TV shows - and I listened to my audio book while I stitched. 

Then I found I had the thread tangled - so the frogging came out. Rip, rip, rip. It was close to the first stitches I put in on this. 

I was able to get quiet a few stitches done. He's looking pretty good. I will try and get this squared off, but I find myself going off into the next area. It's coming along pretty good and I'm happy with the way it is coming. 

I found this photo on line. I think I will do that with the jelly roll I bought. It will turn out pretty good. I just need to figure out how long and wide I will make it and if I have enough in the jelly roll to do it. I also orders some pj's from Disney. They had some on sale and I couldn't resist!

All in all, it turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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