Saturday, April 10, 2021

Company Today

 This morning we got up and cleaned up. Cleaned the kitchen floor, vacuumed the carpet, and cleaned up the bathrooms. I also got the coats washed. 

I put all my stuff away. The Snowman and all the beads were put away so we could use the table for games. Since everything was put away, I didn't have much to do. I wanted to do my cross stitching, but didn't want to have to put that away as well. 

So, I colored. 

I didn't get much done. It was fun to play with coloring. I haven't done that in awhile. I do like to play with art work at times. 

Then Nick and Joanne arrived. We played games all afternoon, evening. I won one game out of about 10 games. lol We placed 3 or 4 different games. We are always having fun! Had hamburgers and fruit as well. I'm stuffed! lol 

It wasn't a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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