Thursday, April 8, 2021

Volunteering Day

Today I was out the door by 7:15 AM. Debbie and her neighbor came and we tried to get in the van. Couldn't open the sliding doors. So, Debbie ended up driving us. Told her I would do it Tuesday when we go in the afternoon. We stopped at Dutchman Brother's I got a chai tea. She got a white chocolate coffee. She don't like coffee but said this was really good. I am afraid to try it. May buy one for Patrick and try it that way. 

We arrived at the fair grounds where we got the instructions on what to do. Debbie was awesome, as she came over to help me out with instructions. I was "scribing" while the LPN and RN where doing the vaccines. We did a good 60 shots in the 3 hours we were taking the cars. It got a little slow just before lunch. They had 2 rows with 4 tables to each line. It went fast, when the gals were on it. A couple of the gals that gives shots were slow. We were the 3 table and we would be done way before the second table was done. My LPN was fast and good! The others went to lunch first (they closed off one lane and sent them to lunch). Then it was our turn, so the lane was closed and I went to lunch. Debbie and her neighbor had to work another half hour but my shift was over. We got lunch from "Once Upon A Thyme" in Chehalis. We finally got home about 1 pm. 

I then decided to sit and watch TV while Patrick was still golfing. 

 I was going to bead when Patrick got home, but he had to take one of his golfing buddies home - in Winlock. So, he didn't get home till around 4. I will try and bead tomorrow but it's going to be iffy. We need to take Patrick to Olympia for his appointment (CT scan) and I will be at moms in the morning. I will try later. 

So, I was able to get a few more stitches in on the bear. He's coming to life. I really enjoy working on this, so not too worried when I can bead, at least I can stitch. It's coming along great. Sophie isn't too thrilled that I work on this. 

She was something else today. I got up and she cried. Then I opened the bathroom door for a few minutes so she would quit and let Patrick go back to sleep. When I got out of the bathroom, she cried even more. I got ready to go, and she was still crying. I got home and she cried. Then she gave me a ton of TLC when I sat down. Let and came back for more TLC. Patrick said she was doing that to him this morning. Not sure what her problem was. 

My day was fun! I enjoyed the volunteer work and I enjoyed my stitching. It turned out to be a great day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

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