Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Enjoyed A Quiet Day With Beading AND Cross Stitching

 This morning Patrick was up before me. Oh darn, that meant I had to make the bed. lol 

Afterwards I got laundry going. Patrick went to get a few things done, and I sat down to beading. He wanted to see a movie - "My Fair Lady" and so did I. So, I said I would stop beading at 2 pm. 

I did get 3 rows in which I'm thrilled about. The noise of the deer is coming through. It's the part next to the scarf and under the antlers. It's coming along wonderfully. There is more to come. It's going a little faster because there isn't so much confetti around this area. The cardinal is almost done too. 

While we watched "My Fair Lady" which I love! - I worked on the bear head. It's coming along. I had to take out some stitches - bottom thread - because I was off. That means tomorrow night I will work both of them in. I want to get to a square section so I can work the stair step method. It will be had to do, because I started in the middle, but I'm going to try. This is fun to work on. I'm excited to see how fast I can get the bear done. 

Which put in a good mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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