Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A LOT Cooler Day Today

I'm never any good with "titles" and it's getting harder to think of what title to put on my blogging. lol I should just put "yacky yack" on it and see what happens. lol 

Today was nice. It was closer to 75 degrees today. I had the doors open all day today. It was nice to be able to have fresh air again. 

I worked on my sourdough bread. I had it downstairs and forgot about it, it Patrick brought them up. One was for me to add blueberries and one was plain. 

I had fun with the decorations. The blueberries came through. I tried a sweeter bread, with adding agave. It helped some. It actually turned out pretty good. 

This is the plain one. It was really good too. Of course I had to try them both out. Funny how my husband always wants to give away my bread to our neighbors. I can't figure that out. I may have to make another loaf for bread slices. 

I did work on my beading while waiting on my bread to raise. 

I'm now at 483/580. Woo Hoo!! I'm really loving this. It's getting closer. What fun! Of course I did have a bead brake. So, that was a few minutes of fixing. At least it was easy to do because it was at the top of the row. It makes for a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Running Around - And Beading

 This morning I started out early. I went to the church and dropped off the quilt tops, bank, and then moms. I was back by 10:30 am. I was hoping to stop and get a hamburger, but it was way to early....ugh. I came home and had a salad that I bought at the store the other day. Opened the house up for fresh air! It's taken till now to get the fresh breeze coming in. I love it!!

Patrick was golfing. I went out to pick some blueberries and got about 4 oz. I went to check on the bigger ones. 

We have a lot of big berries getting ready. It will be ready after my smaller tree is done. My son will be getting a lot of blueberries this year!

Then it was time for beading. 

I am now at 478/580. Of course I wanted to get more done, but the last row had issues. I had the fan going. Bet you know what happened next! The fan caught the mat and flipped it over! I thought I could figure out where the beads went going backward. Well, not so much. I then counted the beads I need to put in - 85. My lines were on 2 pages. Of course I grabbed the wrong page for the "previous" page. As I laid the beads, I thought it was off. Checked the pages, and figured out what I did wrong. Put all the beads back - again. This all took a good hour! What else could go wrong?! With me, we never know. I then got the right pages, and started over. Each line was place and the beads were then put back in. Now at this point, I pondered whether it was safe to keep going. Even though I wanted to reach 480. I decided, with my luck, it was safer to call it done. I can try again tomorrow. Or whenever. So, I think at this point my day is done. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Got Back On Track - Even If It's Hot

 This morning I was up by 7 am. It was 66 degrees at that time. I wanted to do something today, even though we would be downstairs most of the day. We did watch TV and play games in the morning. By noon we were downstairs. 

I took my cross stitching down there with me. Figured I needed to work on something other than games. 

It's coming along. I do like the way it's looking so far. I was able to get a good 500 stitches in today. Felt good to be able to do that. I see I need to fill in the 3 stitches in the bear, close to the red cape. I will try to do that tonight to get it done. The stair stepping is fun to do. 

It was a very HOT day today. 

The news said it was 108 degrees for us today. Our thermometer said it was 114 degrees. Go figure. I really got hot today. I went upstairs and spent too much time up there, because I was to the point of being weak. I stayed down here while Patrick took care of the supper dishes. I really can't do the heat. 

We had a BE general meeting at 6 pm on zoom. It was a good hour and a half. I did put my "2 cents" in today. I was glad to finally get it over. 

At least I was busy with cross stitching before that! It makes for a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Another HOT Day!

 Patrick and I over slept. It was nice because we slept downstairs in the spare bedroom. When we got up and headed to Safeway, it was 92 degrees at 10:30 am. We figured it would reach 100 by noon. 

Got to Safeway and found all the cold food gone or covered up. We couldn't get to the cold stuff other than the milk. We picked up what we could. 

Came home and headed downstairs. 

I then went to work on cutting the backing and batting for the quilt tops. I had to wash the backings, and was glad it's upstairs and not downstairs. At least I was able to get it ready. Texted Rita to tell her it wasn't coming tomorrow. I will take it over on Tuesday or Wednesday. Not going to go in the heat tomorrow. 

I really didn't do anything else. Been playing games instead. Watched TV as well. Chatted with Sharon and mom. Other than that, I've been lazy. 

The temp reached 107 degrees today. One has to realize WA state is not used to this high a temp so early in the year, let alone this high. Our temp at the house said 108 degrees and there was still an hour to go before it starts to cool down. It's still 92 degrees right now, so really, really glad I'm sleeping downstairs. 

Maybe tomorrow I will do more, who knows, it's supposed to reach 114 tomorrow. We will see. Looking forward to getting back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Heat Wave Arrived

This morning we were out the door by 8:30 am to pick mom up and head to Kent. It was already 70 degrees. The trip to Kent went pretty good. Only had one area where we had to stop and go on I5. It took a good hour and forty minutes to get there. Not a bad deal. I5 South was packed. They were going stop and go the whole way. At least we were not going to the beaches - like everyone else going south. 

We arrived a few minutes before the services of my Aunt Bev's celebration of Life. It was a really nice service. Aunt Bev would be proud of her family. It was long. 

My Aunt, a beautiful woman that had it hard in her early life. After she met and married my Uncle Bill, her life was easier. She never complained and she was always happy. Her laugh was wonderful. She was a favorite among us nieces and nephews. She did get Covid, so I believe she actually died of Covid. She hated being locked up in her care center. I would have too. May she rest in peace. 

It was 100 degrees when we left at 1:30 pm. We went to Tacoma to the Spaghetti Factory. It was really good. By the time we got home it was 4:30 pm and 102 degrees. It went up for a little bit more. This is the start of the next two days. We are supposed to reach 114 degrees by Monday. Breaking records like crazy this weekend. 

Came home and we are spending our day and nights downstairs, because it's a heck of a lot cooler down here than up there. The next 3 days I will be down here. Can't deal with the heat. Maybe I can be working on stuff down here, and be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Heat Wave Started in WA

 This morning I was off to moms. I took Nancy to the doctors office to get her records and then she came back with her friend Sandy. We had 7 of us show up. It was fun. Everyone worked on their projects and I worked on the half square triangles. 

I got a lot done and added them to moms pile. For lunch we made baked potatoes. I cooked them in the Air Fryer and they turned out crisp and great. 

Came back home. I got 1 row of beading done. It's took hot and we don't have an air conditioner. Fans are going. It's late already and we haven't dropped below 80 degrees yet. Not sure if I will make it on Monday when it's supposed to get to 110 degrees. Breaking all records. The highest we have been this time a year is 89 degrees. 

At least the downstairs is cool. On top of that we have everything we need down there. Tomorrow we will be in Kent for a service for my Aunt. She passed last year, and tomorrow is our "Celebration of Life." It will be good to see family tomorrow. I'm betting there will be more than just family too. She was about 94 years old. Cancer took her. 

At least I did a a few minutes of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Quilts Of Valor Presentation Day

 Today was our day to honor more Veterans. We had the honor of honoring Dennis Lampert, US Coast Guard and USAF Reservist, Duane Fuehr, Coast Guard serving in Vietnam, and Bob Menegleini, Coast Guard.

Honoring them was a pleasure. They were a "kick" and fun to honor. 

Bob Menegleini received a quilt made by Debbie. 

Debbie and my mother were presenting the quilt for him. 

Duane received this quilt. I'm not sure who made this one. We did have one of the quilts made by Stitch 'n Peace, who often donate quilts to honor veterans with. 

He was a lot happier than he looks. lol This was a blast!

Dennis Lampert received this quilt, presented by my mother and Hildi. This quilt was made by Stitch 'n Peace. 

He told everyone he was receiving a quilt today. Only 2 people came to see his presentation. Shame more didn't come to see what we do. 

All three were US Coast Guard Veterans. I was an honor! They were able to enjoy telling stories back and forth about their service with the Coast Guard. 

I'm hoping to get my cousin signed up soon. When I do the presentations, I don't usually come home and work on stuff. I just like to enjoy my day by giving quilts to veterans. Even when I'm not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Finished Another Quilt Top

 This morning I headed over to moms. We planned on working on the QOV quilts. She's still cutting the squares for the 9 patch variation quilt. She was using my half square triangles. I accidently took her the 6" ones, so I need to remember to take over the 3" ones. I will do that on Friday. I took the tub that has the panels and blocks in them. 

We looked for fabric that we could use for the borders. 

We decided on this one. I need to iron it. I also need to cut the backing and batting to take it to the church on Monday. I will have both of them cut and ready to go. I like the way it came out. 

Then we talked about what we could do for another quilt. 

We talked about doing the panel with the scrap blocks we are making. Mom has enough for 117 blocks. We came up with this design so far. We are going to make the star block have a white border on it. Not sure yet what we will do for the next border. I do like this so far. 

Came home. Haven't done a darn thing since I got home. Guess I was tired after being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

From One Thing To Another....That Was Planned

This morning started out with my brain going in so may different ways! I did have my list of what I needed to do today, so got to it. 

Started out with vacuuming and sweeping the floor. Then headed downstairs to get another row on the quilt top I finished yesterday. Folded it up and put it in the tub that I'm taking to moms tomorrow. Then put the tub in the car so I wouldn't have to do that tomorrow morning. Once that was done, came up and worked on the QOV certificates that needed to be done for Thursday. We are excited about getting quilts out to the veterans again. 

Now that all that was done, I wanted to work on my beading. 

 It's getting so big, that it's hard to find a place to take a photo. So, it's on top of the glass baking pan I use to cover my beads. I had 5 more rows done. Now I'm at 473/580. 7 more rows and then I will be at my last 100 stitches! Can't wait!!

After supper, I pulled the pattern out and wanted to get the last pages numbered. 

Got 5 more sheets done. Just need 5 more sheets to be numbered and then I will be ready to finish this piece. It's coming along so well. I did have to throw the binder out. It was ripped all the way done the binder. Patrick gave me one of his old binders to use as a replacement. That way I didn't have to go buy another one. 

Today was planned - I know, I know better! - but it worked out. I was thrilled to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Embroidery Day

 This morning it was BE meeting day. I was on my way and arrived just after Sandy. We opened up the grange just as Georgie arrived. We had a good turn out. First we worked on the bags, mailing them out to the ones that signed up for the Virtual Seminar. I told Sandy II to keep a bag for me, and I'll buy one. 

I worked on my Wild Orchard's pattern. I also paid Sandy for the Rose pattern she picked up for me. It's one that Sandy I was working on. I will try and work on that one along with her. I was able to get the stem done now. Then I went to work on the upper flower. 

Came home thinking I had to go to my doctors appointment, only to find out it was cancelled. So, I had to reschedule. Decided to reschedule for a phone conference since I can't get in till Aug. 

That was "sort-of" good news! I sat down to work on my beading. 

I was able to get another 3 rows done. Better than nothing. I'm still in the 460's of 580. I keep hoping to get to the last 100 rows. It's actually going fast the more I do, but I need to sit down and do it. 

Lately I'm trying to get my QOV quilt tops done. I need to add another row on the quilt top I did. I will try to do that tomorrow. Then on Wednesday I will take it to moms to see what we can use for the border. I'll keep going with getting quilt tops. I want to get them over to the church, but if I don't till next week, that's fine too. 

It keeps me going and I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 20, 2021


This morning Patrick brought up the cinnamon rolls for me to put in the oven. I made some last night and we let it raise over night downstairs where it is cool. They were really good this morning. 

Katt called to chat with her dad. I got to chat with her too. She's sounding really good. I do miss that girl of mine!

I finally went downstairs to work on the quilt top that I'm doing. I need to figure out a border for it. I will try to get that done soon so I can take the 2 quilts to the church to get quilted. Mom was busy today cutting strips. Said she was pretty close to getting them finished. I'll go over on Wednesday to get more done as well. I may be bringing the tubs back then or the following week. 

I finally got it all sewed together. 

Measured it and realized I need to add another row down. I will work on that and get it on there. It needs to be wider. I do have the blocks. So, I will figure out how it goes. I have plenty of stuff to make a ton more blocks. I need to make more half square triangles. Right now they are all the same. 

Called it quits after that. We really didn't do much today for Father's Day. Patrick enjoyed reading his book out on the deck while I was downstairs. I did finish a book, and so did he. At least with Audio books I can keep working. lol That's what makes the day go by. Keeping Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

From One Thing To Another

 This morning I had plans of what I wanted to do.....Yep! I forgot that planning doesn't work for me! Nope, my plans didn't work out as planned.

So, I went into the computer room and worked on our bookkeeping. Since I had trouble getting a new listing in QuickBooks, it took longer than I was planning....a good 2 hours more than I was planning. Then 1:30 pm arrived and I went downstairs. I called my mother's cousin and we chatted a good hour or more. Must be in the family to have chatters. Called mom to see how she was going. She was working on the scraps. 

THEN I was able to do what I had planned - at least the first part. I did a few more blocks while I was getting the last border done on the QOV quilt. 

It is now finished and ready to go to the quilters. I need to cut the batting and backing for it. I was hoping to get the other quilt done today as well. Then I could do the batting and backing today. Of course we all know how that went. 

After that, I decided to relax and enjoy the day with my audiobook. I listened while Patrick watched his British shows. Even though my plans didn't work out, I was still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Friday, June 18, 2021

Quilting Day With Mom and The Rest

 Today I headed over to mom for our quilt meeting. I arrived early and we started working on cutting the fabrics. 

Everyone started to arrive and while mom cut the squares, I worked on the strips. I would give her 3 and 3 1/2" strips to cut into squares. We all got the tubs out and went through each of them. We divided them into groups - large fabrics, medium fabrics, small ones and scraps. Filled the tubs back up. Then I went and cut the strips of the scraps. I actually went through 2 of the smaller boxes. Then mom called a little bit ago to say she finished another box. We will go through the tubs later to mark the sizes of the bigger fabrics. 

This is one of the smaller boxes that we were filling with the squares. This is what mom filled tonight. I brought home the left squares (3") to add to the ones I'm working on now. It will be fun to work on. Thinking I may do a few blocks that are blue/red. I'm going to think of how I want to do it. Should be fun. 

When everyone left, mom and I worked on the quilt top. We added the next border. Then it was time to leave. I brought her home with me so we could go out to eat in town. Stopped at Phil's and enjoyed a good visit with me. Mom loved seeing him and I think he was thrilled to see her too. 

Then we took mom home and came home. Tomorrow I will add the last border on the quilt top and then try to get my quilt top done. If I get it done, I can drop the quilts off at the church and work on more scrap quilts later. We are going to do another strip quilt and may use the red where the blue borders are. Need to wait and see it tomorrow. Can't wait to finish and get a photo of it. 

I've surprised myself with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Busy At Mom's

 This morning I headed over to moms. I took my Chia tea with me to make her some tea. That way I didn't have to go and buy her one. I also did a cold Chia tea for me and took it with me. 

I took all my tubs of QOV fabrics. When I arrived mom was out to the bank. I got started by getting a few things ready for mom. I pinned the corners of the blocks for her to sew. When she arrived we got going. I made her tea and then went back to iron and cut. I did all the ironing and cutting for the blocks. We cut a lot more blocks today. We had 43 blocks made, and needed 62 blocks. We got all the blocks done and then some. 

Then we got to work on the quilt top. Of course Daisy has to be on the blocks no matter what. 

Mom finally got Daisy out of the way. This is the middle of the quilt. We have another row to go around the border, and then another navy blue border. We just got this done, when Patrick arrived. 

I had trouble with the Van, so called him to come drive the van home. He decided to take it to the shop since the "engine" light was on. I followed him to the shop in his truck and then drove us home. I wanted to stay another hour at moms but that didn't work out. 

Played a few games and listened to the end of my book. Then I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the red part on the right. I was happy to get another 300 stitches in on this. It's coming along. I'm happy with the way today went - except for the van. lol They can't work on it till Saturday. 

Tomorrow as well as today will make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Sent The Afternoon Quilting

 This morning I was up and out the door for my doctors appointment. Working on getting my IBS under control. Oh, what fun. On my way to the appointment, where I turned to go into the hospital area, there was a LONG line of homeless parked on a 3 block area. I was shocked to see them all. 

After my appointment, I headed to moms. We are working on all those scraps from Sue K. She got the strips cut and sewn together. 

Mom had a good stack of strips ready for the quilt blocks. 

Nancy showed up, so we ended up doing a line of stuff. I cut and trimmed the blocks, mom sewed and then ironed. Nancy ironed then sewed the blocks together. It turned out pretty good. 

I tried to lay them out on the floor to see how they would turn out. 

I was getting some help from both dogs. Shelby and Daisy. 

Wasn't so lucky. But we did get the idea of how it will work out. I do like the way it's turning out, considering it's a scrap quilt. We are using a lot of the strips and scraps that were there. I need to take more to mom tomorrow. Chances are we will get a couple quilts out of these. It's taking some time but mom had a lot done before I got there. Nancy was about 20 mins behind me. It will be interesting to see how they turn out. I may wind up with more quilts tops at this rate, to take to the church. I have plenty of thread for them, so it will work out I'm sure. 

Came home around 4:30 pm and then relaxed the rest of the day. It gets hard on the back to stand that long. I will be going over there again tomorrow to see if we can get a top done. I will take some more fabrics that will help in getting the scraps all done. I just need to get as much out of the scraps as I can. Mom cut me more squares, so I have more colors for the variation 9 patch I've been working on. I have enough for another quilt top as well. So, I may do that pattern in stars on the next one. Will have to wait and see how that comes out. I don't want to do quilts, but I will do QOV quilts. I have way too much in progress downstairs, but the QOV quilts are more important to me then my "WIP's" or "UFO's." I would rather work on my beading and embroidery than quilting. I'm loving the QOV quilts though - go figure! 

I guess that means, even when I work on projects, I'm still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Back To Piecing Quilts Again

 As much as I said I didn't like quilting as much as I used to. Sometimes I wonder if I ever really loved quilting. I have made several quilts in my life time, but I find I would rather cross stitch, bead, do embroidery or something else. I may be a 6 or 7th generation quilter, embroiderer, but I'm thinking that's where the line will end. Katt doesn't like to quilt. She's not a handwork person. Who knows, Phillip may surprise me and quilt. 

That being said, I found my morning downstairs working on a QOV quilt. 

I made a few more half square triangles. I needed a few more that were different from what I had. I also need to make a few more of the red. I will do that another time. I have enough now to finish this quilt and start another one. I know I will have a few quilts made with this scrap quilt design. I have a ton of scraps, so it will go fine. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed working on this quilt. I think part of that is because it's for a Veteran. 

I sewed the first 6 rows together in sets of 2. 2 rows are sewn together, and the next 2 rows are sewn together. I have 4 more rows to go. I will work on getting those made soon. Tomorrow after my doctors appointment in Olympia I will stop at moms and work on a different scrap quilt. We are trying to get a few more QOV quilts to the quilters at the church. Since we are going through quilts, we need to get moving again. 

Came back upstairs around 3 pm to work on some beading and listen more to my book. The Audiobook is, "Bury Your Dead" by Louise Penny. I believe it's book #4. I really do like this series of mysteries. It's based in the Montreal, Canada area. Then I got busy. 

I was able to get 2 more rows. I think I got 3 but will say 2. I'm NOW at 464/580.  I think I put the wrong row yesterday. This is fun. I'm liking this. I need to mark more of my pages soon. I'm getting to the point of running out of my numbered pages. I will probably sit done tomorrow night and start counting the rows. 

Today turned out to be a fun and enjoyable day. And it was a day to myself. Patrick went to the golf course to shoot some balls. I stayed and worked on my quilt top. I also did a few other things while down there too. That's what it's all about - being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Keeping Busy With QOV Projects And More

 Today Patrick was up and out the door before me. He had a doctors appointment and I wanted to get to moms before I got to our BE meeting. 

Arrived at moms around 9 am. Dropped off the strips and some fabrics for her to organize the strips. I also told her I could use more 3" and 3 1/2" squares for the variation 9 patches. I stayed and chatted with her for about 30 mins and then headed out to my BE meeting. 

Sandy beat me there. I picked up my ice tea and coffee for Sandy. Bev showed up later. We had a really good visit and stayed longer than usual. 

First off, I worked on the floss that needed to go in the box. I put another 25 floss' in the box. (Not sure what the poral is). It feels good to finally have all the colors done in the box. 

Then I got working on the Wild Orchard piece. 

I then got to work on the flower. I took the middle one out at least 2 times. I was trying to remember how to do this. The first 2 I did was wrong and didn't work. Then I thought about putting another needle on the right side to get it to be a little bigger. It was way to loose and I took that out as well. Then I finally got back on track and got the right and then left one done. It turned out great. The little white spot in the middle of the center one is where the dye didn't get covered. I'm hoping when I wash it, the dye will cover that white spot. If not, it will be a "natural" thing. 

Came home. Then sat and chatted with Patrick. Didn't do much after that. Till he went to take a nap, and I went to work on my beading. 

I got 3 rows in before supper and then got another 3 rows done afterwards. I'm around about 464/580 rows. I'm happy with the way it's coming. I hope to get to that 100 rows left to do. I'm really getting close. 

I'm going in 4 different directions. I have the beading I want to get done. I have the QOV quilt that I want to get done. I have my BE project that I'm getting excited about getting done! AND I have the scrap quilt that I'm working with Nancy and Mom to get done. Can't seem to make up my mind!

Mom called to say she has a big pile of squares for me. She also has a bunch of strips that she sewed together and cut the blocks out already. I will take more fabric over there and the white to finish the blocks. We will work on those Wednesday and Thursday, unless mom gets going and get them done before we get there. I think there is enough strips that we will have more than one or two quilts out of all that. At least we will get more quilts done with the scraps that we have. I'm not a scrap person, but if it works, I'm game! 

That's what keeps me going and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Actually Had A Plan - Sort Of Worked

Today I wanted to work on my QOV stuff. - It sort of worked - 

I went downstairs to get back to getting the quilt done. I wanted to get it close to being finished. 

THEN I SAW the mess I have downstairs. I had to go through the fabrics that Sue gave us. All good. But then there is a box of strips. UGH I found blocks of different colors, different sizes, and not yet completed. I got rid of the really small fabrics that are hard to work with. Then I went back and sewed on the quilt. That didn't last long! I went back to organize the boxes. I put the blocks and panels in one box, bigger pieces of fabric in another, and the third has scrappy pieces. Back to working on the quilt. Didn't get very far when I decided to pick up the mess on the floor. 

Called mom and was telling her about all the strips of fabric I have. We decided to sew them together and cut them into blocks. I called Nancy to see what pattern she had, and we decided to do all this on Thursday. - Went back to work on the quilt. 

I have the top row sewn together. I also have more blocks for the bottom. I need 2 more rows to add. 

Now I have plenty of fabric as well as panels and blocks. I'm hoping some of the other quilters will come and get some of this fabric. I have more QOV fabric than I have of my own fabric! AND I HAVE A LOT! This is a challenge. I'm hoping we can finish a top on Thursday. I am close to getting this one done as well. I will keep working on it. Once I get this going, I can pull out the blocks and panels. Then I can get a few of those done as well. The church might get more quilts than they want, but we need to keep our stash up there. I know Debbie will be coming for some fabrics as well. At this rate, I won't need to order fabric for a long time - other than the backing. 

At this rate, I won't be anything but Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Friday, June 11, 2021

Quilting Day At Moms

 This morning I headed over to moms. I was late, but one couldn't tell when I got there. I was the first one there. 

I got busy with getting the pattern done for Chris' eagle. I redesigned the one I did for them before, that was taken apart. I want to give Chris an eagle that he would love to have. It took awhile to do, but it turned out great. I used Jennie Austin patterns and combined them. I had everyone's approval. It will replace the other eagle. Mom is going to get the 'appliquic' cut and ready to work on the eagle. Mom and I are going to work together for this. I want to have the eagle done. That way we can just put it on the quilt when it comes in. 

I then sat to work on my labels. We received 3 more quilts from Stitch 'n Peace that needed labels. So, I was able to get 2 of them done. 

Having 2 quilts ready is AWESOME! I need to do one more and then I can take them to the museum to wait for a Veteran to receive them. 

I now want to go downstairs and get back to making tops. I need to go through the stash that Sue gave us. I will go through and pull out the small pieces for my 9 patch variation. I will also see what I can use for some panels. So, now I'm ready to get moving on getting more quilts done. Took awhile, but the bug is back. 

That is what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Another Presentation Day for QOV!

 Today we honored 5 Veterans. As everyone knows, Veterans are a part of my life. This is my life - Honoring all those Veterans!

Sue Klapel made this quilt with the stars that mom appliqued. This was awarded to Trenten Vlach, Army. 

This quilt was made by one of the "Stitch 'n Peace" group in Rochester WA. This was given to Norm Chapman. 

Kerry Claussen, who is a nephew of Debbie Aust (member). This quilt was made by her to her nephew. 

This is her and her nephew together. 

This is all 5 Veterans we honored. Kerry, John Wickert, Norm Chapman, and Kennie Cotton, Jr. What an honor this was!!

Before leaving, Faye game me all the fabrics that were given to her from Sue Klapel. 

The batting in the bag behind doesn't count. But the bag and tubs are what I brought home. There is tons of fabric for quilts. Debbie will be by later to pick some fabrics. I will go through and find a few reds that are small pieces to go with my variation 9 patch. I will also see what I can do with the panels. Patrick helped me put the tubs downstairs, and I got to work with the paper work for QOV. 

Got home and relaxed. Didn't want to work on anything. Coming down from my "high" of giving away quilts. What fun! That's what makes my day! Keeping Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Working Hard Today

 This morning we went to moms. Patrick bought her some bark, dirt, and flowers for her yard. We split up. Mom and I worked in the front yard and Patrick worked in the back on the deck. He hooked up the drip system for the plants. While Patrick was doing that, mom and I were getting the weeds out of the front garden area. Mom also wanted to plant her Lily in that area as well. It's really got a lot of odds and ends in there. The funny part was mom huffing just as much as I was and she's 88 years old. I have breathing issues, and I was huffing and puffing. Between the two of us, we got the weeding done, added the bark and snapped the Rhodies. We didn't get all her Rhodies but did get one done. Then when Patrick was done, he came to help us out with the bark. I had lunch with mom and then we came home. Patrick wasn't hungry, so he finished up outside. 

Came home and I wanted to just sit for a little bit. Then I decided to pull out my cross stitching. Of course Sophie was hoping I would pay more attention to her than the cross stitching. She was keeping an eye on Patrick as well. 

I was able to get a good 700 + stitches done. I'm working on the side of the this piece. I'm close to the edge, but there is enough for framing. I am working on the stair step method right now. I'll do this side that way for awhile. Should be fun. I'm getting part of Santa done on that side. I do like working on this. 

I had thought about going downstairs to work on the QOV quilt. I really do need to get it done, since we are giving 5 away tomorrow and another 4 on the 24th. We gave away 4 last time too. So, with 13 of the 20 quilts gone, we need to keep up with the requests. I have an idea for another one as well. If I can get a couple quilts over to the church, that would help. 

Even with yard work, I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...