Friday, June 11, 2021

Quilting Day At Moms

 This morning I headed over to moms. I was late, but one couldn't tell when I got there. I was the first one there. 

I got busy with getting the pattern done for Chris' eagle. I redesigned the one I did for them before, that was taken apart. I want to give Chris an eagle that he would love to have. It took awhile to do, but it turned out great. I used Jennie Austin patterns and combined them. I had everyone's approval. It will replace the other eagle. Mom is going to get the 'appliquic' cut and ready to work on the eagle. Mom and I are going to work together for this. I want to have the eagle done. That way we can just put it on the quilt when it comes in. 

I then sat to work on my labels. We received 3 more quilts from Stitch 'n Peace that needed labels. So, I was able to get 2 of them done. 

Having 2 quilts ready is AWESOME! I need to do one more and then I can take them to the museum to wait for a Veteran to receive them. 

I now want to go downstairs and get back to making tops. I need to go through the stash that Sue gave us. I will go through and pull out the small pieces for my 9 patch variation. I will also see what I can use for some panels. So, now I'm ready to get moving on getting more quilts done. Took awhile, but the bug is back. 

That is what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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