Thursday, June 10, 2021

Another Presentation Day for QOV!

 Today we honored 5 Veterans. As everyone knows, Veterans are a part of my life. This is my life - Honoring all those Veterans!

Sue Klapel made this quilt with the stars that mom appliqued. This was awarded to Trenten Vlach, Army. 

This quilt was made by one of the "Stitch 'n Peace" group in Rochester WA. This was given to Norm Chapman. 

Kerry Claussen, who is a nephew of Debbie Aust (member). This quilt was made by her to her nephew. 

This is her and her nephew together. 

This is all 5 Veterans we honored. Kerry, John Wickert, Norm Chapman, and Kennie Cotton, Jr. What an honor this was!!

Before leaving, Faye game me all the fabrics that were given to her from Sue Klapel. 

The batting in the bag behind doesn't count. But the bag and tubs are what I brought home. There is tons of fabric for quilts. Debbie will be by later to pick some fabrics. I will go through and find a few reds that are small pieces to go with my variation 9 patch. I will also see what I can do with the panels. Patrick helped me put the tubs downstairs, and I got to work with the paper work for QOV. 

Got home and relaxed. Didn't want to work on anything. Coming down from my "high" of giving away quilts. What fun! That's what makes my day! Keeping Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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