Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Headache Day

 This morning I work with a headache, and it's still here. So, now I'm going to call it an early night because of it. 

I worked on my QOV quilt today. 

I was able to get this much done and realized it needed some kind of border. 

So, I added the blue border. I think that did it. It turned out better than I thought. Patrick was golfing, so I had all day to work on this. It did take a few hours, but I do like the results. 

Then came up and worked on my bead, starting another part of the star. Then I have been doing down hill feeling bad. Took another migraine pill, but that's not helping much. So, I'm going to call it a night and be thankful I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Where Does The Weeks Go?

Okay, here we go again - Monday. Could have sworn it was the other day! Thanksgiving came and went so fast, that it makes my head spin at times. 

Today started out with going to the bank, then Connie's to pick up a quilt, visit with mom, head to the bowling alley, and then to Faye's. So, where to start?! Connie finished my quilt and she had Faye's quilt done, so I picked them both up. She gave me some blocks and I brought them home. I went to the bowling alley - thinking I could take a short cut - YEAH NO. 

Just as I arrived at the tracks, the red lights went off and the crossing came done. I waited, watched it come to a stop and sat there.....and sat there.....and sat there. Then I turned around, went another 4 miles around the tracks, and noticed it still hadn't moved when I reach the other side of this train! UGH.

I stopped off at Faye's to give her the quilt Connie finished. She was cleaning house. I chatted with her and her hubby for a little bit then went to McD's for my free fries and an ice tea. Patrick was outside when I got home. We shared the fries and tea. He was busy with the leaves. He must have done over 50 bags of leaves. We told the neighbors if they know someone next year that can do the leaves, we will hire them. He's getting too old for this - his words not mine. 

I got laundry going. AND I need to put the clothes in the dryer! Completely forgot I was doing laundry! 

Instead I was working on the star. I have #2 done. Which means there are 3 more to finish. I may take a break and do the panel on the ornament first. I have it started. 

Patrick is golfing tomorrow, so I really think I will go downstairs and get that quilt top done. Then I have another idea for another quilt, and may start that. I do like getting a few of them done. 

Now it's night time and I have no clue where my day went, let alone where the week went. It's just life, but boy! I would like to be able to enjoy the day a little more sometimes. At least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Back To The Stars

This morning turned out quiet.  I got going on laundry since Patrick did his usual piles. 

Funny how the day went on. I was in the middle of a game and laundry (after cleaning the cat litter and cleaning up the kitchen by putting dishes away), when my brother called. We had a very long chat. Funny but we both talked about things we love. He was telling me about a good book that talks about the Civil War. So, I pulled out the family Civil War Veterans information and read a lot to him. Then we chatted about how one was Confederate and the other was Union. It's really interesting on which side the family fought on. So, I believe that call was close to 2 hours. It was a joy to hear from him!

Then it was running close to our virtual meeting with BE. I didn't work on embroidery, I was working on my star. 

I really think the wire thread works better on this. I'm liking this. Now I just need to order more wire thread to finish more. I'm a little low on it. I was only able to spend an hour with them because we decided to eat at the bowling alley. 

We arrived early at the bowling alley and then ordered our food. I got a chicken sandwich was really good. I then bowled worth crap. I do believe Patrick finally passed me up on average. This is so frustrating! I bowled a 152, 152, and a 149. Averaged 151 - which dropped me another pin. I'm not liking this! I need to figure out what my problem is. Oh, well. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Went To The Movies

 This morning I was up before Patrick. No plans were planned. So, we sat around in the morning, while I played games. 

At about 11:30 am we decided to go to the movies. We watched "Encanto." It was really good. We were the first to get there, then more came into the theater. One family came just as the movie started and sat behind us. I really, really wanted to get up and move. I hate it when there is a whole theater to sit in and they decide to sit in front or behind me. Behind is worse! They kick my seat. Again, it's the "crowd" thing with me. I had my mask on most of the time, because to me they were too close. I made it through the movie without having a cow over it. I enjoyed the movie more and wasn't going to let the family bother me. I could hear them chattering, but let that go. The movie was really good and didn't have a "vilian. (sp)" Just a good story. I love my animated shows. Hey, give me credit, I behaved myself and enjoyed the movie! lol 

We came back home and I played my dragon game (weekend challenge). I also worked on getting my word chart done for the 3rd Santa. I'm on row 54 with 82 rows. At least I'm more than half way now. I've done about 20 rows or more today. 

Sophie has been hanging on me all day. It's hard to do much with her there, but I do love my cat! 

Sometimes I think she gets in "my face" just so she can have my chair. Since I was in it most of the day, she wasn't able to do her usual resting. Even though I didn't do any stitching, I did work on my word chart. Maybe tomorrow I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 26, 2021

I Don't Do Black Fridays LOL

 This morning Patrick was up and ready to go. He was golfing today. After he left, I got busy with laundry and then decided to do a video on my beading. As it went, I was looking around the house for things that will work while I video myself working on my beading. It was some set up! 

At first I tried it with my camera, but I couldn't get it to zoom in where I wanted it. So, I put my phone between the 2 rulers. It worked out good. I realized after that I needed to turn the phone the other way to get a better angle. So, when I uploaded it, I had it go to full frame. It cut some work out, but overall it worked. I then posted it on YouTube. I may do more later. I was thinking it would be a good idea to do the stars but that will take some doing.

This is what I was working on in the video. I started the 2nd Santa in the Trio. I didn't get much else done on it though. 

Then I decided to get back to writing my word chart. I finished the 2nd Santa and started the word chart on the third. I have about a 3rd of it done. Patrick got home and I just sat and enjoyed doing nothing. Sophie wanted TLC and I was game. 

We waited the championship of the Great British Baking Show, and I was shocked to find the day has come and gone. I did talk to Sharon in Olympia and she was telling me how she went to Shipwrecked Beads. I told her I wasn't that crazy to go out in the rain, let alone the crowds. I can't do crowds. I didn't even go to moms for quilting. It was just a day for me to relax and enjoy the day. It is surprising how long it takes to do a video for YouTube. But I'm getting better at it, I think. lol 

I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Today was preparing and getting ready for Thanksgiving. Mom came over around 2 pm and we ate at about 3 pm.

I worked on my beading when we finished.

 I finished the one piece. Then.......

started the second one. Which turned out to be all wrong! I kept making mistakes, and taking it out. Then as I was looking at it, I realized I started it wrong. So, all those 5 rows that I did, and took apart about 3 times, was all wrong. So, I called it quits. 

The day turned out pretty good. Food was awesome and it was nice having mom over. I'm thankful for my family, that Patrick is still with us, and hopefully, things will get better. I believe Thanksgiving has gone away from our beginnings to being Thankful for what we have. A time to reflex on what we have. I'm Thankful for all my friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

It turned out to be a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Presentation Day Among Other Things

 This is another one of those days where I started out slow, picked up the mood all afternoon and then came home to end up slow. 

I headed over to the museum to work on setting up for the presentation we were doing today. We honored my cousins husband and Debbie's cousin today. It was awesome and I would love to show photos, but it was their wish that we not take photos for posting. I can show the quilts however. 

This quilt was given to Debbie's cousin. She had this waiting for him. He's active duty and was here to visit for Thanksgiving. He will be retiring in about a year. Funny how YOUNG he looked. 

This quilt went to my cousin's husband. It was quilted and I didn't get a photo of it. But he loved it, so I did good. 

Then it was off to Olympia to one of Patrick's doctors appointments. We are waiting on getting a biopsy on Patrick's liver. So, we have a plan going through. Fingers crossed it won't be bad news again. 

On the way home, we stopped at Dairy Queen to get supper. We always get a Buster Parfait after supper. He had the chicken and I had a hamburger - which I could eat every day! It was really good. 

Once home, I got a few things done for tomorrow. Then I decided to call it quits for the day. I only did the sit ups for tonight. Didn't do all my exercises because I just didn't feel like it. My day is done. I will be happen to sit and listen to my book before going to bed. 

At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

This And That And More

 Today I was surprised when Patrick left for golfing. lol - I completely forgot he was going today. I have a list of things to do, so headed out early. First on my list was to stop at the church and pick up a quilt. Dropped one off that the same time. I got to meet Linda who was making the quilts for us. She's really sweet! I was so thrilled to meet her. Told her to call me if she needed anything. Then I was off to Safeway for hamburger. The store was already busy, so had to wait in line for a bit before I could check out. Next and last stop was the post office for stamps. I need to get my Christmas cards out before I forget. We bought some with our picture, so really do need to mail those out. 

Came home and got busy on the bisques and cornbread. Once those were done, I sat and watched TV. I wanted to get caught up on "Who Do You Think You Are?" I do like that show and found I was related to a couple of them so far. I was able to get more information on Patrick's side as well on at least one of them. 

While I was doing that, I decided to work on getting my second Santa word chart done. 

I need to do the point of the second one and then the word chart will be done. I will work on the second Santa after I get the first part of the star done. I will probably keep going back and forth between the two to keep me interested in continuing. 

I then had to get ready for our presentation tomorrow. I will be doing my cousin's husband. So, I did the certificates and got that ready. Realized I had 2 quilts downstairs to go to the museum and found one still needed a label. So, I put the label on (after cutting out more labels and ironing 2 so I had a seam). Once that was done, the quilts went into the bag. I have the quilt I picked up ready to go to Sharon, as it's her quilt. I am going to try and convince her that quilt is too small for Chuck and needs to go to someone else. I will work on it. 

Then I sat and enjoyed playing games, realizing it was time to go relax and listen to my book. So, I'm calling it a day. My day was being Happy Quilting & Happy Stitching! 


Monday, November 22, 2021

It's A Better Day Today -

 This morning I felt a lot better. I did see that my arm is red and itchy. It's still sore too. But as for my feeling "normal," I'm there. 

I got moving on laundry and played my game. I wanted to get it done since it quit at noon. I was able to get a lot of laundry done. I wanted to clean off the table and get it ready for Thanksgiving. I know it's just the three of us, but I wanted to have a nice table setting for a couple days. It's looking pretty good now! I put my beading in my dresser draw that I cleaned out. I kept out the ornament beads so I can work on those. 

I started another star. This time I used the Wildfire thread to see if it will hold better than the thread I used. If it does, I will need to get more! lol I also need to get more of the white in this star. So, I'll be placing another order for beads soon. lol 

Debbie showed up to pick up some fabric for her quilt. Once that comes back, I will have 3 quilts ready to go to the quilters. I did get a text that we have a quilt done at the church, so I will take another one over when I pick it up. I think it's Sharon's quilt. 

Patrick was working out in the yard off and on today. He cut some wood and put it out "free" in the yard. We have that maple tree that's coming down bit by bit. I will miss that tree! We played a lot of games around that tree. Even had my Uncles, father, and siblings playing games together. It's going to be sad to see it go. One of my favorite trees, but not everything can live forever. 

I'm enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 This morning I woke to feeling a little better but not much. It is our 39th Wedding Anniversary. Patrick shocked me yesterday with a beautiful set of earrings and necklace. 

We pretty much relaxed today. I would have loved to have done more, but Sunday is bowling night. On top of that, when one doesn't feel 100% then we don't do much. 

I worked on my beading to keep me from hurting too much. 

I finished the first panel of the Santa ornament. I'm happy to say, I did pretty good on doing the word chart. I just need to get the other 2 Santa word charts done. I will work on that. I need to do 2 of each. I didn't want to do this one again so fast, so I started working on another star. I only got about 7 rows done before it was time to go bowling. 

We stopped at Safeway before going to the bowling alley. We got what we needed to for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I will clear the table and get it ready for Thanksgiving. I want to have a nice table for a couple days before we eat at the table. lol 

I bowled okay, considering. I was able to bowl a 164, 145, 166 - which dropped my average another pin. What fun! Our team lost 3 games. Poor Nick, he couldn't bowl tonight. His hand kept sticking to the ball. Then he just started throwing the ball without any planning. Other teams noticed how he was doing, but we know it's normal so we don't worry too much about it. Trouble is, when a team mate gets like that, one tends to feel it, and bowling goes out the window for the team. Oh, well. 

At least I am starting to feel better and I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Day After Booster

 I feel like I have been rolled over with a rolling pin serval times! I'm so sore on my arm. Can't touch it without having some pain. The shot was nothing! But the after affect is worse. 

I slept in today. Then I laid around. I did fix supper. lol It was our anniversary dinner! It was really good. Patrick surprised the heck out of me! He bought me some really pretty Celtic necklace and earrings! I'm going to wear them tomorrow! I love them!

Patrick spent part of his day outside cleaning up the yard. 

 Yesterday when we were going to Olympia, we saw this in the yard! 

As much as I love this tree, I do believe it's dying. So, we may have to cut it down. Patrick was getting the leaves cleaned up today and then worked on the branches. This is the same tree that cracked when Patrick and I were at the garden. A big branch fell down then too. If one looks up on the tree, one will see a branch going across the tree. That happened a could days ago. 

I wanted to do something today, even though I felt like crap - so I pulled out the ornament to work on. 

I was able to get a little done. I wish I could have finished it, but just wasn't into it. So, I'm going to call it a night - early. I hope I will be able to bowl tomorrow but at this rate, thinking not. 

I was just happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Usual Friday!

Today started out with getting ready for golfing and quilting. No, I don't golf - Patrick does. 

I stopped at the church to drop off a batting and backing to one of the members who made a quilt for our QOV group. It's awesome what she had done for us. 

I worked on my binding of the quilt. I'm happy to say I have one side done and will work on the rest later. Everyone loves the colors and loves the yellow that is the binding. 

I had to leave right after lunch because we had to go to Olympia. Arriving home around 1:30 pm to find my beads are now all in. 

 I was thrilled to see this!

Then I took some Benadryl for my booster shot. Yep, we went up to get Patrick's blood tests and then get a booster shot. I wasn't too thrilled about getting it because I didn't want to be ackey tomorrow. I'm hoping it will work out with the Benadryl. I tend to react to shots.  Next stop was Costco. We picked up some crab for our anniversary on Sunday. We will celebrate our 39th anniversary and decided to eat crab for our "dinner out." We had Costco supper. lol Dropped off mom's list of stuff. 

Then it was home! We watched The Great Britain Baking Show. I didn't feel like doing anything but play games. lol - Nothing new there!

But at least this morning was being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Another Finish - Woo Hoo


This morning I was out the door by 8 am. Went to pick mom and Daisy up to head to Olympia for Daisy's eye appointment. We were a half hour early and they went ahead and took her in. I was shocked! We usually have to wait a good half hour before they take Daisy in. We waited in the car. While we waited, we stitched. Both mom and I got about a foot done on the binding of the quilt. It was nice to have some of it done. Then we headed back home. Arriving back in town at 10:15 - heading to McD's for breakfast. We both missed it this morning. Then headed back to moms house that was getting a new roof. I had to help mom with getting medications for Daisy, which took me till noon! Then I came home. 

I got busy on the star. I wanted to get the beaded star done. 

 It doesn't "puff up" like the rest of the ones I've seen. I will need to do another one to see if I can get them to look a little better. I do like how it comes together, but I need to do another one to see if I did something wrong on this one. lol I will be doing more! I need to order more beads for that. 

Patrick headed out to bowling. That left me trying to decide what I wanted to do. Then I decided to work on the ornament I wanted to do before I realized I didn't have the beads. I got some beads in today, so I could get started. 

I worked on the Santa for the first panel. I need to do 2 of these. It's different, but I do like working on these. There is a silver framing that goes on. It's pretty cool. I'm trying not to have too many beads out while I bead. lol - so one can see the different beads on the mat. 

I did enjoy 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

From One Thing To Another

 This morning was Patrick's golf day. Man was it cold this morning! He said he did pretty good after he warmed up. lol 

While he was gone, I made a couple phone calls. Had to call Judy H. who is a QOV member who works out of Olympia. She knew Bev, so had to let her know. She did find out just before I called. Then Debbie called telling me how her day started out - and got worse as the day went on. 

I then sat down and did my Flosstube on YouTube. I put all my recent projects on the tube. I also added my thoughts for my next cross stitch project. 

I went downstairs after that, and worked on the binding of my quilt. 

I put the yellow binding on. Now I just need to stitch it down and get it done. That would really make my day to get a UFO done! Especially a quilt! I may just keep giving Kathleen Ament my quilts to get done. I love the work she does. Now I just need to get them done and out of my closet. Time to use them!

Once that was done, I had a phone call from my neighbor. Soooo, I pulled all my embroidery thread - for my machine - out and put it all in a bag to give to Carmen on Friday. She has a neighbor who loves to machine embroidery, and since my sewing machine isn't easy to do embroidery on any more, I decided to give it away. I found my bobbins for the sewing machine that is going to the HS girl, and will give that to Debbie next time I see her. I cleaned out a lot down there! Felt good to clean out some stuff. 

Came back up and started to work on my beading again. 

This side looks good, but I have mistakes on the other side. Since this is my first one, I will leave them. Patrick said he didn't see the mistake and that was nice of him! But I know they are there. 

One can tell on this side. Funny how I got one side wrong and the other side looks good. I'll just tell Katt not to put the bad side out. OR I may just keep this one and work on getting better ones done for her. I will put the last piece on either tonight or tomorrow. 

I have to get up early again and go up to Olympia with mom. She has a doctors appointment for Daisy. She's got the eye appointment where we will be sitting in the car the whole time. So, I'm taking the quilt and we will bind it while in the car. Mom stitches in the same direction that I do, even though she is right handed. That will really make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Day At Home

This morning I was glad knowing I would be home all day. I'm tired of running around, which is what last week was. 

I made a few phone calls. Mom called to say Nancy's Birthday was today, so I called and wished here a Happy Birthday. We talked about QOV. She asked 3 on the list if they could come the day before Thanksgiving. I told her not to call anyone else and I would check with Debbie to see if she had another relative. She didn't, but I do. I called my cousin to see if Mike would come and get a quilt. HE ACCEPTED. So, now we have 2 Veterans that we are going to honor. It's going to be awesome! I have a quilt that he can have. We will give him one of the panel quilts. He did ask that we don't share the photos to media or Facebook. I agreed. 

Then I went downstairs to trim my quilt and get the binding ready. 

 The binding is the same as the back  - that bright yellow on the right. I think it will work. I can't wait to get this done! I didn't want to put the binding on just yet, so I will do that later. At least it's read to be bound. 

I noticed that Sandy contacted Georgie to tell her of the loss of Beverly. Beverly Ramsey passed away yesterday morning. She was a "kick in the pants!" Always had a smile and was always making everyone around her feel special. She had a laugh that had everyone laughing. I will truly miss her every week! She was the one that would be at BE every week. God Bless her and may she rest in peace. 

Came back upstairs and worked on my beaded star. 

I finished another piece. Then I started putting these pieces together. 

I just need to make one more wedge and then I'm ready to put it all together. I got part of this together, still need to work on the seam. I do notice I will need to put a bead in the center when I get there. I don't want a big hole. It will be fun to try and get that done. I will get there. I like the way it's coming along. I will do another one later. I do know my beads are in the mail for the ornament. I will work on these till they come in. I may need to order more beads later. 

It's been fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 15, 2021

It Turned Out To Be A Long Day!

 I was up at 5:45 am and out the door by 6:15 am. Mom and I left her place about 6:30 am to get up to Olympia for her doctors appointment. We ended up waiting about 30 mins after we got up there. Her appointment was at 8 am and we were done by 9 am. Then we went to get a blood test for her, and that took another 30 mins. I had left my phone in the car, so when I got to it, I had a text that one of our BE gals passed away this morning from Covid. Sandy and her family have covid as well. Sandy asked me not so say who passed. It brakes my heart! We didn't have BE today because of Covid and others not able to make it. 

We came home and I got gas for her and then went to McD's for breakfast, since it wasn't 10:30 yet. I took her home and headed back home. 

Before getting home I had to stop at the bowling alley, Safeway and the bank. Then Jackson Hwy was closed, so went around to get home. The rain is causing a lot of flooding around this area. I was able to visit with the bowlers from my other leagues that I didn't join. When I did get home, it was windy and rainy that my hair was wet and frizzed. 

I then decided to work on my beaded star. 

This is keeping me busy. I love working on it. I put 2 of the pieces together. I need to make 2 more and then I can get the star done. I love working on this. I may have to do more stars, it's so much fun!

We had our water meeting tonight and only 7 of us showed up out of 25 houses. I couldn't believe it. So, we will just keep doing what we do. I don't know who will take over if something happens to us. 

Came back home after 20 mins, and I worked more on the star. I finished the 2 pieces I was working on yesterday. I found that I did that one right - that I was taking apart. I figured out I was folding it wrong! I just needed to turn it around and it would have been fine. So, I guess I did 1 1/2 of the 1 piece. Trouble was, I took half of it out! UGH

My friends are falling, and it's heart breaking. I pray my friend is in a better place. I will miss her laughter and her chatting. My God bless her! Maybe, just maybe she will be up there and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

One Of Those Sunday's

 This morning I had to head over to moms to help her with insurance stuff. I had my brother on the phone at the same time. The guy arrived around 11 am and I finally left moms by 1 pm.  Both him and mom know how to chat!! It was hard to get anything in. I let them chat, then I finally said I needed to go. 

Came home and worked on my beading. I found that one of my pieces was done wrong and I ended up taking out half of it. 

I had started one (left) before I realized the one on the right was done wrong. So, I started taking it apart. I realized at this point that the mistake was done on the last half. So, I can "revive" this one. I will work on it tomorrow and get both of them done. I thought I would have to remove all the beads, so I really don't know what I did wrong. Once I got to this point, it looked right. Weird how that worked out! I will finish the 2 and then put 3 of them together before finishing the next 2 parts. 

It was off to bowling - UGH! As secretary there seems to be something every week. That didn't happen with Theresa, but it's sure happening with me! I bowled lousy! 166, 145 and then 137. Not my kinda bowling. We took 2 games - but our bowling partners where out because they have Covid. So, since Patrick and I had to bowl alone, we did good to take 2 games. I'm okay with that, but not happy with my bowling!

So, seems like it really wasn't my day today. I would have rather been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Back To Beading

This morning we went to Berry Field's Restaurant. I don't think we will go back anytime soon. We arrived, sat down (told to take a seat)...and waited. Then we waited more. Patrick finally gave up and waved to a gal to ask for a menu - after about 3 others that were after us were waited on. After more chatter, she brought the menu. Then our waitress came and said another blonde haired gal came and was waiting one others. She didn't see her get up and go somewhere else, and thought we were waiting on more to come. Patrick said, "no, just us." She took our order. Then we waited....and waited.....and waited. When it finally came - I had waffles - it was "room temp." Patrick's was a little hotter than mine. I couldn't get the butter to melt on my waffle. So, nope, I'm not going there again for awhile. 

We then stopped at Safeway - waiting in line.....and waiting. Beginning to believe it wasn't my day! We then headed over to Debbie's to pick up her quilt that is ready to be quilted. I'm going to take that next to Connie. I'm keeping the quilts here and giving them out one at a time for awhile. 

When we got home, I was ready to just relax! I was tired of the way my day was going. lol 

 Since I have to wait on my beads to get here, I remembered I promised Katt some stair ornaments that are all white. So, I got to work on it. I finished one part, still have 5 more. I'm working on the second part. It's fun and it's different for me. I like working on it. It's peyote stitch. I used the whites I had on hand and not the one white it called for. I wanted a 2 tone star. I think she will like this. 

It feels good to be back to beading. I know I have my peyote parrot to work on, but I don't want to get started back on that just yet. I need to get my Christmas pieces done! That will keep me Happy Stitching!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Three Guesses What Today Was

 I seem to be repeating myself lately - just like the days of the week! Today was quilting day at moms. I ended up helping mom out with getting the booster shop appointment she wanted. She tried to get the booster shot at Rite Aid - had the appointment confirmed - and when she went over there, they had her come back 3 times - "in an hour," "in a half hour," and "try again in an hour." They had her in the computer because she got a confirmation - but they didn't have her in Centralia. She gave them her confirmation number, everything that was given to her - and they never gave her the booster. She was so ticked yesterday. So, I loaded her on the Walgreens site and she's scheduled to get her shot on Monday. Once that was done, I could get my time with the group. 

I worked on my beading pattern. I want to get my ornaments done. So, I worked on the word chart. 

Finished the first one and started on the second one. Then I remembered that row 1 & 2 are put on the same time. So, I need to fix my 2 patterns to have the two rows together. 

I went to Kathleen Amendt's to pick up my quilt! I LOVE it! I also dropped off another one. It's not big enough to use on the bed, but it's big enough to display on the spare bed. I love it!! I will show a photo of it tomorrow - after I get the binding on it. I should have given it to Debbie to sew the binding on for me! Dang!

Debbie stopped by to pick up some fabric. I dropped off a quilt at Connie's. I also gave her the pattern that we got as a donation. She's going to sew it together. I told her to give me a bill for any fabric that she buys because of all the stuff she does for us. 

Came home and played a few games. Send a message to one of my games telling them I'm tired of upgrading and then not able to play the challenge. 

I asked for Katt's help. She's going into business - Katt's Creations. She's doing my brother's names and rank on the vinyl so I can iron them onto the quilt block. 

It will go in the empty spot. Once that is done, I will get the quilt quilted. She's been sending what she's doing. It's awesome and I think it will work great! I love her work. 

Between all this, I can still find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 11, 2021


 Today is Veterans Day! I spent the day at the Veterans Memorial Museum. We set up a table and "nominated" about 20 more Veterans for our QOV quilts. 

On a day like today, I wish my father was here. He would have joined me today and helped out. I feel close to him when I can honor veterans. My best friend and father!

One of the people we signed up was a WAV - Navy woman Veteran. She got so emotional that we would honor her with a quilt. She joined about the time I would have, if I would have gone into the military. Dad didn't want me to go in. Women then were not treated right. Most women who served during that time, don't talk about it. We signed her up and will get her a quilt!

Came home around 4:30 pm. I ironed the blue background fabric for one of the QOV quilts. I will take that tomorrow to Connie. I will get the others ready as well. I also got some white fabric for Georgie ready. Called Kathleen to see if she would do another quilt for me. Found out she has my quilt done! I'm so excited!! She thought she already told me it was ready. Said, "nope." I'm excited! I will pick it up tomorrow and then I will get going on the binding. 

Now I'm getting ready to bead some ornaments. I know I have to finish the tapestry. I want to get another ornament done for this year. This time it's Santa's and I will be able to get a gift or 2 done hopefully. I hope that counts as being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Sewing Day

 This morning Patrick went golfing and I went downstairs to see if I could get my plan to work on the quilt. 

I ended up with this idea instead of my other idea. 

I was going to do it this way, but it didn't look like what I wanted it to look like. I wanted to be able to "weave it" around, but it didn't look right. So, I texted Patrick to see what he thought and he liked the first photo above. 

Then I worked on getting the center the right side......worked on it, like I said. Oh, well. I still have to clip some off the sides. I accidently took the sides off and not the top part. So, I decided the darker blue would be better. Now I have to clip a little more off. At this point, I called it quits. I must of taken off at least 2 inches so far. But it's better to cut bigger than smaller. - Like I did on the sides! The star will have a border on it, with gold and a square in the corner.

Patrick got home and I sat down to work on getting the binding done on the quilt. I added the label, and now it's ready to go to the museum tomorrow.  I will take 3 quilts over tomorrow. We will be showing a couple off. Hopefully getting more Veterans to honor as well. 

Called Georgie to see if she had a white fabric that we used to have. She thought we did and then she called to say she didn't. So, we are going to do something else. We - as in Debbie. 

I decided to play for a little while and watch the mask singer. I love that show! I felt good about being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Movie Tuesday

 I'm behind again! I completely forgot to do my blog last night. 

Yesterday was on busy day. We were up and getting a few things cleaned up. Then I went downstairs to cut some batting and backing for the 2 quilt tops I have done. I will drop one off at Connie's and then I may or may not drop the other one at the church. The church has 3 and the last time I gave them 3, it took 4 months to get them all back. Half way through cutting for the next quilt, Patrick told me I had 10 mins to get ready. 

We went to the "Ron's Gone Wrong" movie. I enjoyed it. The ending was different but the interesting part is that they used the same concept as they did on "Emotions" movie. I like cartoons, so one can't go wrong with that. I noticed they had the "cloud" like they did in a couple other movies. Not giving it away, but so much is the same and yet different. 

Came home and put a few more stitches in on the binding. I will have to get that done tonight, since I will be at the museum all day Thursday. We are going to have a table at the museum for Veterans Day. It's a day where the museum is open to any and everyone - free of charge. We will be there for questions and promoting our group. I plan to be there all day. Not sure what time we can go to set up, but I will check on that. 

I will have 3 or 4 quilts to drop off. It will be fun! We will do some displays of the quilts we have done. It will work out for us in the long run. We need to be there, because we are part of the museum and it would look bad if we don't. 

Yesterday I wasn't so lucky to be busy and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Enjoying A Stitching Day

 This morning I was up after Patrick. He was heading to golfing and I was going to the bank and then to our BE meeting. 

Sandy brought her hot pot and some tea bags. She has the good tea - from Canada! I love their teas! A lot better tasting then what we get here. Anyway, it turned out to be just Sandy, Bev and I today. 

I got this part done. I do like working on this, but can't wait to get to the flowers. That will come later. I told more about what I did on my BE blog. 

I decided to do the leaves in this area. They went quick and I love the stitch for those. 

After our meeting I headed over to the bowling alley and paid them for last night. Then headed home. I wanted to stop and get a chicken sandwich at McD's but they had one heck of a line in the drive-thru, so came home. I will get one later. lol 

Patrick came home about 20 mins after me. He was complaining (sort of) that he didn't have a treat (bar) to eat. So, I asked what he wanted and when he couldn't tell me I decided to try a new recipe. I liked the Pecan Pie Bars that I found online. 

As usual, Patrick couldn't wait till they completely cooled down. He had to try it. I took a bite and they tasted good. The honey has a (sort of) burnt taste but is good. 

Then I decided I wanted to get back to my cross stitching. 

I added the gold in the coat. Then I worked on some more of the red. Once I did that, I wanted to work on the wolf and was surprised the green was on the right side as well. It's coming along pretty good. I don't have a lot more to go to reach the bottom. Then I will more it up and work on the top part of the right side. OR I may work on the left side and try to get the bottom done first. It's going to be fun to see what I decide to do. I may get back to the stair step style. I do love this piece! 

Today was a busy day to be enjoying stitching. It just makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lazy Sunday - Then Bowling

 I was trying to get my book finish - audiobook. So, I got laundry going and then played on my weekend game. I seem to keep playing that all weekend. At least I get my dragons! lol 

So, while working on the game, laundry was getting done. Then I had to get moving on cleaning up the litter box. Once that was done, then it was time to clean the kitchen. I had to get the dishwasher unloaded and then add the dishes in - we all know we put the glasses and things on the sink side because we are too lazy to unload or load a dishwasher! That I did and added the dishes. Then it was time to mop the floor and use my new vacuum cleaner - woo hoo! I did the living room and Patrick did the bedrooms. He was getting the bathrooms done today too. 

As it turned out, I did pull the quilt down and work on the binding. I wanted to get the binding done which didn't happen. I did get the 3rd side done. Then our quilter called to say she's ready for quilts again. So, Faye is dropping off her quilt and I will drop another one off on Friday. I will probably get another quilt to the church. Told her not to worry, as we are taking the next 2 months off to get a few quilts done. 

This is the quilt that Hildi finished for us. I have this ready to go to the museum. If I can get my binding done, I will take 3 quilts to the museum. We are getting there. 

Next it was time to go bowling.....well at least call it bowling....because I didn't bowl very good and lost 2 pins in my average. I bowled a 145, 160 and 168. Not good. Only one of those was my average and it's not 145! Came home and got the money all figured out and ready to call it a day. We had one heck of a day. The President and I have a joke about how we have had issues every week so far! We are getting through them, but it's getting tiring when it's every week!

Today I wonder if I can call working on my binding being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, November 6, 2021

It Was A Good Saturday

I was playing (yes, as usual) on the tablet this morning. Then Patrick brought the mail in and I was thrilled to see the new panels I ordered. 

 I have 2 of these, which are pretty. They are different, which is what I like to do. After awhile doing the same panels gets a little old. 

I liked this one, so got 3 of them. This will keep me busy for awhile. Even though I have more panels downstairs. We do get tired of the same panels, so this mixes things up. 

While Patrick was doing yard work in the rain, I was in the house working on the binding of the QOV quilt. I have another size almost done. It won't be to much more and I will just need to put the label on it. 

We went to the movies - "The Eternals" which turned out to be really good. It's left open for the next one. I did like it, but a couple people I liked ended up getting killed. Just like most movies I think. 

Came home and I made cream puffs. I was hungry for them. They turned out pretty good. Then I decided to play on the tablet for the rest of the evening while Patrick watched his British shows. When the old guys came on, I paid attention. 

It was a pretty good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

My Day Got Away From Me

 Yesterday was quilting at moms. So, I headed over there. We were expecting one of the gals to come but she didn't and surprisingly we had all relaxed when we figured she wasn't coming. 

I worked on the binding of the quilt I took last time. I need to get it done, but didn't. I've got 2 sides done and right now it's not in a big hurry to get them done. I did get one of my panels in yesterday. 

Of course Sophie had to check it out as well. 

It's long and skinny which will work to keep the quilt closer to 60 x 80". I did come up with a plan, and I may use it on this one. I will have to see. 

After coming home, Patrick was an hour passed my getting home. He took off and went to work to say hi and drop stuff off for them. Then when he came home, we went out to eat. 

Like every Friday when I have quilting, I don't feel like doing much..... hence the reason the day got past me. I completely forgot to do my blog - even after Patrick asked if I did it. I thought I had because I remember the day before - go figure. So, as for yesterday I can be thankful for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

A Trip To Olympia And Back

Today we decided to go to Costco and pick up a few things. While we were there, we picked up a new vacuum. I love it - of course I had to try it out! It's a Sharp and works great. Picked up more hair than the last one. 

Came home and I was doing whatever it was. Can't remember half my day. Guess it wasn't that important after we got back. I did vacuum so that might be part of the "can't remember" part. When I clean, I don't think that's doing much. 😄 I played a few games, walked around and did this and that. 

 Then when Patrick went golfing, I worked on this piece. I got more red done and it's coming along. I will work on the gold later. Since today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday, I will be at moms tomorrow. I will take the quilt with me to moms. 

Faye has another quilt top done for the church. So, I will try and get that over there. If not, I may take one of mine. I would rather hold back on quilts right now, but we do need to get them done. 

At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 😁

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Guess I Was In The Mood To Sew Today

 This morning Patrick went golfing. I played a few games and watched 2 shows that I had recorded. By then I was ready to head downstairs and get to work. 

I sent this photo to Patrick to see if he liked it. He's my go to for making things look good. I had to work on the strips. I didn't measure, but used the the panel as my guide. Being Dyslexic has it's problems, but in this case, it wasn't a problem. 

I also sent a text asking if the red works for this (before I sewed it down). He liked it, so I put it on. It's closer to the size it needs to be. He likes the blocks. It worked out great for me. I put another panel on the wall and added the applique star blocks around it. I'm still thinking about it. I may not do that. It takes time for me to figure out what I want to do. This one is the one both Debbie and I figured out. It turned out awesome. We do make a good team. This is 2 tops done and ready to go to the quilters. I'm not sure if I want to take them to the church, but I may send one of these to the church. I just hope Connie will get back to quilting for us. lol She needs to re-coop before I will take quilts over to her. 

Then I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the coat tonight. I was able to get a lot done. It's been awhile since I have been in the mood to work on this. I do love doing, but there are times I just want to chill. It's coming along and is close to the bottom of the piece. I was going to go back to the wolf but decided to work on the coat instead. The reds are fun to work with. 

So, it turned out to be my day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...