This morning things went wild! Had 5 texts from 3 people. I let Patrick sleep in to find the Fed Ex man at the door to collect the bolt of fabric. So, I'm in my robe dealing with the bolt going out in the mail. Once that was done and Patrick was showered, I finally got my shower. Patrick said he was heading to the store and had to go to DOL to state he sold the van and get the paperwork done.
So, I decided the heck with this and went downstairs to get to work on the quilt on the wall. I had to measure it and go from there.
Once all the blocks were done and put together, I had to decide on the border. It wasn't going to be a big border as the blocks were big enough.
I measured the sides. Once I had the right size, I need to put them on. The first one was a trial as I started from the center and worked out. I found on the other 3 sides it was easier to start at the top and sew down. Normally I did it from the half way point and went back to finish the other side. That didn't work. I found a lot of material on the blocks made it hard to work it in. Once I took out half of the border and re-stitched it, I realized it went better when I did the hole border at one time.
Debbie stopped by to collect her backing and batting. I also gave her the bolt of fabric of red and some blue to take to Connie tomorrow.
Then it was time to try and get a few more blocks done. I have to get these blocks out of my box. I have enough to do 3 more quilts. So, it's going to be awhile. I'm not too crazy about putting sashing in all the quilts, but that's what it looks like I'm going to have to do. I'm getting there. I just don't want to do that much sewing. I guess it's a good thing I'm in the mood to work on these.

I am putting the red around the blocks that are too small. Because this is going to be too small for what we want in a quilt, I'm going to have to do another set of sashing's of blue around. I like the way this looks now, but it's just not big enough. The blue will be bright. This is taking a lot of work. I would rather work on the panels, but since no one wants to work with the blocks I'm getting because they need to be squared up and then there are not enough to make anything with them. I have another set of Card Tricks and will have to think about what to do with them. I just need to get these done so I can work on my own stuff. I want to get back to my beading and cross stitching. At this rate, I have too much going on with the QOV stuff. I have labels to put on the quilts, bindings to be stitched done, and now I have 3 quilt tops to get done. I hate knowing I have quilts to finish - I have enough of my own at that stage. Getting to be stressful now. I will calm down and just take my time as I go. Maybe tomorrow night I'll work on my cross stitching.
At this rate, I have a long list of stuff to work on, and I need to calm down. I'm stressing over "stupid" stuff. I'll calm down and try to get as much done as I can.
For those of you that want "free" patriotic pattern (till 3/31/22) go to Quilt Jubilee - keep in mind, some of her patterns are "off" and need to be fixed. She has been known to print the wrong information - like 2" instead of 3" or cut 12 when you should cut 15. Those kind of mistakes. Just read it and double check the pattern design.
Now I'm calling it a day. I've been wound up all day. I need to get this stress or whatever released. Hope to sleep good tonight to help me out. I did get a call today about getting a heart monitor that I need to wear for 2 weeks. Going to be interesting.
It was still a good day for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!