Thursday, March 31, 2022

Trying To Finish Things

 This morning I was up early. I was in a little bit of pain from the chest. It's seeping, so that was a little painful. I'm putting some cream on that is working. So, hopefully in a couple days I can put my bra back on. lol 

I then went downstairs. I wanted to organize the QOV stuff. 

I took stuff out of the cabinet and I moved a few of my stuff around. 

I made piles of blue, red, and white. I had some yellow as well. I realized we could use more red. lol I had a pile of stuff that needed to be put together. I found fabric I forgot we had. So, I was able to see what all we have. 

Plenty of fabric to work with. I'm thrilled we have this much. I have a ton of blocks, but once that's done, I can get back to panels or quilts that match better. It made me feel better when I got the fabric in the cabinet instead of in boxes. 

I then came up and finished this first of 2 panels of the 3rd panel. I have one more of these to do. Then I can finish the ornament. I will try and get it done soon. 

I then sat down and worked on my binding. 

I am really close to getting this done. I have about 2 feet to go. May finish this before calling it a night. 

Of course Sophie had to get in on it. This seems to be her quilt that way she acts. It's funny how she seem to be everywhere the quilt is. She was inside the quilt when I had it downstairs. 

At least my day was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Slowed Down Today

 We were up at 6 am to head to Olympia. Both of us had blood tests to do. Patrick got his results already and I'm still waiting on one of mine. We stopped at Judy's on the way back for breakfast. Patrick dropped me off at home while he headed out to have coffee with some of his fellow co-workers. They are now all retired, so they take a day and have coffee and "gossip." 

When he was done there, he stopped at moms and fixed her shower. 

While he was gone, I got a phone call regarding my heart monitor. I was told to take it off and wait for the new tape strips. When I removed the monitor, my chest is blistered and very red! It looks and feels like I burned myself badly. I was told if I need a few more days after the monitor tape cames in, I can take it before starting up again. They have an extension on my monitor. I felt like crap after. It may be because I get a little light headed with blood or bad injuries. So, I'm bra-less, and will be that way for a little while. 

I did get one side of my quilt bound though. I was able to get 1 1/2 sides done, before I gave up. 

This is the photo from yesterday, but you get the idea of which one I am binding. 

Patrick and I went downstairs to work on that quilt I'm trying to figure out. I should try and figure out another one tomorrow. We came up with another idea, I just need my gold fabric to work on getting it done. It's going to be interesting. No matter what I do, it's a busy quilt! 

That's all I did today. Slowed down on what I wanted to do. My chest is in pain, so I'm having a problem moving around. Oh, well, I'll get there again!

That's Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Finishing Up Some Things

This morning I slept in - because of the Benadryl. I had to take it when I headed to bed last night. I'm having an allergic reaction to my heart monitor tape. I contacted the doctors and they gave me the number to call. Called and was told they would forward the information to the Olympia office. I could take it off, but asked if I could wait till I hear from the nurse. I said that was fine. No return call today. I do hope they call tomorrow. 

Then I cleaned up a few things upstairs. Got 2 loads of laundry in the wash. Headed downstairs because I knew Val was coming over for fabric. 

I put the blocks up and couldn't figure out what to do. I put the strips in there, but the color doesn't work. So, I let Patrick know. Don't like it. We were working on something that will work. I may end up doing a block, a white block, then another block. I can do 5 across and 7 down. I may end up doing that. It needs something. Val was over and picked a few fabrics to work on her quilt top. We talked about what she could do for the panel she has. I told her just do borders and that will work. 

Before she got here, I worked on my binding. As in my quilt. 

I was actually in the mood to do this. 

Of course, Sophie thinks this quilt is hers. She's followed me around with it since I got it from Kathleen. 

And she wasn't going to listen to me tell her she's in my way. 

I pulled out my embroidery "stuff" to put away because I needed to clean up the floss and put it where it belonged. I finished the bird yesterday and had a lot of floss that needed to be put away. 

I was putting the threads away for this one and found I had what i needed for the dividers. So, I finished this one up as well. Not bad - 2 done in 2 days. 

Now I just need to finish the binding on the quilt and that will be 3 things done in less then a week. Not bad!! That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, March 28, 2022

Embroidery & Beading

 This morning was our meeting day. I picked up Sandy and we headed to McD's. She was hungry, so we got breakfast while we were there. Sandy gave me a box of jeans that she was going to do something with. We had a good time! 

I have a FINISH! I added the worm and more grass. Once all that was done, I called it done. Gave it back to Sandy, because this was her class project that she didn't want to do. I was thrilled to do it. I'm just glad I was able to finish a project!

I worked more on this - even though this is my photo from the other day. I was able to get more done. I did find I had more of this floss color. 

Came home. Having a hard time with this heart monitor. I changed the tape today - wasting one of the monitor tape. I just hope the 2 I ordered will be coming soon. This is killing me. I'm allergic to the tape and have a very bad rash! It's so bad I want to constantly itch. I did send a message to my doctor to see what I can do to get the itching down. I took a Benadryl and had to nap for about 30 mins. I will take it again tonight and may have to do it again tomorrow. I really need to get this down. When I finally got my exercises done, I took off my shirt and bra - walking around with my sweatshirt on. Letting it all hang out - as they say. 

I worked on my beading to finish up the bottom part of my bead work. I was able to get about 10 rows in. I'm close to finishing the first one of the last set. Then I can finally finish that too. 

I want to work on it tomorrow. But I also need to get another top close to finishing so we can use it for a demo at our meeting. My group has been looking for battings and fabric that is cheaper for us. I'm happy with what we have. So, I'm getting some samples of Warm & Natural. I really don't want to change, but I am willing to look into it. If we change, I want to know what the shipping costs are. We have been treated very well with MDG and I don't want to drop them. This is driving me nuts to find my group members trying to change things on me. 

It was fun to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Enjoying The Quiet Today

 This morning Patrick and I started out with cleaning. We seem to do that every Sunday. He works on the bathrooms and I work on the laundry. This time we went through the bathroom cabinet and cleaned it all up. Got it organized and threw out a lot of stuff. Old expired stuff. 

Then I decided to listen to my book and bead. 

I was close to finishing this one. I had to stop to join my virtual meeting. 

3 out of 4 is done. I have one more of these to go. 

Then I went to work on this again. I have 1 1/2 left to do I think. Or this is the last one of 4. I will figure it out tomorrow when we get together. I can't wait to get to the flowers. I am out of this color, and need to check my box to see if I have another skein of this light color. I'm hoping - really hoping - I do. I don't want to find out I don't and have to order again because the dye lots will be different. 

Then it was off to bowling. I bowled crappy again. We lost all 4 games because our partners weren't there again this week. They should be back next week. Think the cruise was only 7 days. I bowled a 148, 146, 186. Not my best. I did better the third game. It took that long to figure out what was going wrong! I hate it when it takes that long!

I really enjoyed the quiet day and was so glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Back To My Ornament

 Today I was up early. Enjoying my book. Patrick slept in, then went outside to work on the garden area. He's been cutting the branches off the tree that leans into the neighbors yard. They have a cut swing set set up and the branches were leaning over it. So, he wanted to clean the tree up so it wouldn't be a problem. Poor guy took a while to get the branches done. I think his meds are making it a little harder for him to breath and work like he used to. 

While he was outside doing that, I was working on my beading. 

I got to work on the 3rd set. I didn't have a flash - so the photo is dark - sorry. I am working on this piece. Looking at the photo it looks off, so I may have to double check it tomorrow when I get back to work on it. 

Then it was time to go to the movies. We saw "Lost City" and I really did like it! It's a good comedy movie. It wasn't slap stick, but a good comedy. 

We got back home and I decided to play games and relax. Not that I needed to relax since I've been do a lot of that lately. Debbie did stop by and I gave her some fabric along with her batting and backing. She's been kicking butt with getting quilts done. I need to do another set of blocks again. I'll work on it this week. 

It felt good to get back to beading and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Meeting At Mom's - Small Group

 Today I was out the door with some scraps and quilts. I had 2 quilts that needed the label on them. One was mine. 

Got to moms and was thrilled there was only 6 of us. The regular group. I really enjoy a smaller group. Hildi told me the "other Nancy" wants to join our QOV group. That would be awesome. At this rate there will be 20 of us for QOV. The more we have the more help we can get from others. 

Mom appliqued the Marine emblem in the corner. It looks awesome! This is for Debbie. She's going to use this for her son-in-law. 

I worked on the 2 quilts I took. Then found mom had another quilt done, so I added the label to that quilts as well. 

I was showing Patrick the quilt I did. Of course Sophie had to check things out. Once I moved her, I was able to get a better photo. 

It turned out awesome. I do like this one. 

Came home and worked on some QOV stuff we talked about yesterday. Sent the information to Ricardo. Debbie called and we chatted for a while. She was already home and said she would come get the panel later. Then later tonight I got a message that she needed backing and batting. So will cut that tomorrow and have it with the panel when she comes. 

The rest of the night I listened to my book and played games. Then I sat and watched the show that finds ships in the ocean. The show a computer generated ocean bottom with the ship minus the water. I love seeing that. It's interesting how they do that. 

Now I hope that I will be back to working on my projects again. I want to finish my ornament as well as my cross stitching. Hopefully I will work on one or the other this weekend. 

In the meantime, I'm back to Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Not Feeling Like Working Today

 This morning I was up and getting things ready for our meeting today at my house. Once all that was done, I relaxed and played a game before heading out to my dental appointment. I met up with Patrick (my DIL's Uncle) and we chatted for a little bit. Then I had to go in for my appointment. I was thankful that the gal I had didn't take forever. It was a shorter visit then usual. We didn't do x-rays todays. 

Came home and got the coffee started. I also got a few more things ready and waited for everyone to show up. Debbie, Nancy, Faye, and I chatted with Ricardo regarding what we wanted to do with our documentary. We started the outline and have things to do. It was a good 2 hours of chatting and getting ready for our work. He has a lot of good ideas. We worked it out as to who was going to do what. I also got 2 more members. So, I'm happy. 

Then since Patrick was going bowling - I decided to just chill all night long. It was nice. I have quilting at moms tomorrow. So, no Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Olympia & Cross Stitching

 This morning Patrick had the cinnamon buns in the oven before I was up. Then when we were done, we headed up to Costco. We picked up a few things that we needed. They didn't have the snack area finished and neither of us wanted to get a hotdog this time. So we came home for lunch. I was hoping for a cheese pizza lol. 

I played on my games - nothing different there. It's weird but today seems likes Saturday. I keep reminding myself it's Wednesday. I have a dental appointment tomorrow and then have people coming over for a meeting. 

As for this afternoon and evening - between playing games, I was able to get a lot done on my cross stitching. 

It's lining up and working out great. I need to add the rest of the red in that one spot, then the black goes on the edge of the wolf. He's really looking good now. I do like the way it's coming out. I hope to get this part done to get moving on the other half of the bottom. It's looking really good so far. I don't have any missing areas so far. It is fun to do this! 

It turned out to be a pretty good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My Day - My Way

 This morning Patrick headed off to golfing. Our backing material arrived along with my heart monitor. I wanted till Patrick got home to put it on. 

After playing games in the morning - and just finishing up with laundry, I decided to work on my cross stitching. FIRST I needed to do the kitty litter. 

I guess she couldn't wait! She was in the area where the litter box is, but when I went to put trash out, she was in her box! Lucky me. I had to wait till she was done before I could put the litter box in it's place and then finish sweeping the floor......

Once all that was done, I decided to get to work. 

I fixed the mistake I did yesterday and was Thankful that it came out right. I didn't have to take anything out. EXCEPT for the brown that was where the dark grey should have been. Once that was corrected I was thrilled to death! I'm back on track. This is fun. I'm just glad this is back on track and is almost done with the wolf. I love working on this, so when the wolf is done, that will thrill me even more - since this part has been a pain in my backside. 

I do enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 21, 2022

It's Monday - Meeting Day

 This morning I was off to get Sandy. She was ready and we were off to McD's for some coffee and tea. Then we were off to the Grange. It was awesome to see Sandy V (2) coming to the meeting. She lives in Ocean Shores, so she has to travel a ways. 

We chatting and had a great meeting day. 

I finished up the yellow on this side. I'm now done with the flowers. I need to work on the dividers on this piece. I found I didn't have the floss to finish it, so Sandy (1) is ordering it for me. She's ordering a lot of stuff for me. lol We all decided to do the cat piece. I ordered all the colors that go with it, then asked her to order another pattern with the floss. We talked about needing the holders for the floss, so she's ordering all that for me as well. lol 

Headed back home. I played a few games and listened to the book I'm on. It's really good! I also got the backing material ironed for Debbie to pick up tomorrow. 

Then after supper I decided I wanted to work on my cross stitching. 

I ended up taking the dark grey out that I put in. It didn't line up right. This wolf is going to be the death of me!!

Once I took it out, I decided to go back to the dark green and work my way down to see where I'm off. I may have to "tweak" it to get back on track. I really don't want to take a lot out! I think I'm a line off. We will see when I get there. I may call it good or try and see if the line is on the other side. I believe my gold on the left is off and that may be where I messed up. I'm going to see how it goes when I keep going. 

Now I'm tired and ready to call it a day. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Finishing Up The Quilt Top

 This morning started out to be a cleaning day. We got the laundry going, cleaned the new wood floors, and worked on getting the rest of the house vacuumed. We did the full stuff. 

Once that was done, I headed downstairs. I needed to get the last border on the quilt I've been trying to get done all week.

It's bright and looks good. I then had to get the backing and batting ready. I ended up cutting backing for 3 quilts (one is Christie's). Each one has a different color. Didn't want to mess Connie up on which goes with what. It will look better after it's quilted. Won't mark it done till it comes back to me. 

This is the process of getting the backing and batting cut. I have to roll it out on the floor and then cut it to the size I need. I don't think the church realizes how much work that is for me to cut it 4" bigger all the way around. I have a hard enough time cutting it this way. Connie doesn't mind my doing this, so not sure why the church would. I think it's because of the other batting we used that was a different size. Ours is 108" wide. That helps a lot. Connie is going to match up the batting and make pieces out of it. 

I was going to put the binding on my quilt, but after I got this far and needed to get supper started, I called it day. I was out of breath when I came upstairs. Having to cut 3 backings and battings does take a lot out of my breathing. Something I have to learn to adjust to. There isn't anything right now we can do about it - and I don't want to take meds just to take them. So, I usually do well with getting up and down, but today wasn't my day. I'm okay with that, I got it done anyway. 

It's bowling night. Not that it was a good night. JoAnn and Nick were gone on a cruise, so we were the team. We did win one game, but couldn't bowl worth spit. I bowled a 158, 190, 148. Not my night. In the last game Patrick told me to move a board. I did and split the 2 times I did that. Went back to were I was and bowled better. What a pain in the butt!! At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Another Presentation Day

 Today we had a good meeting and a great presentation at the museum. We also got a couple more new members to help us out. This is getting to be an awesome group! We will get more tops done yet!! 

We gave out quilts to Terry Mauer - Army, Phillip Skore - Navy, Darrel Riffe - Army, Clyde Sprague - Marine Corps, and Jim Moon - Navy. 

Jim Moon is my neighbor, so it was awesome to do this for him! I need to walk down and give him his certificate, since I put him down as Army. lol 

We had a really nice crowd and they stayed awhile. We then set up the table the way they wanted them for a service tomorrow. I got another quilt top to get quilted. We also had our quilter give a demo on what she wanted with the borders of quilts. Gave out the free pattern information (in yesterdays post) to all our members. 

Came home and pretty much relaxed. I didn't feel like doing much, so sat and watched TV with Patrick. We talked awhile as well. I told him I had a meeting next Thursday at the house, and have a lunch date with my cousin. So, my Thursdays are starting to get busy. Next Thursday is our meeting and I have a dental appointment in the morning. Should be interesting!

Not really a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 18, 2022

A Break Day

 Today was our meeting at moms. I took some quilts with me to put the labels on. I got one label on, when Debbie arrived. I gave her the quilt because it's her neighbors quilt for her brother. I thought I would get another label on, but I didn't. I was just too tired of all this QOV stuff going on. I did enjoy my day with friends. I almost let because there were too many quilters there. A few left early so it wasn't so bad. I'm having a hard time staying when there are 3 different conversations going on. 

Came home and got my QOV certificates done. Then we headed over to DQ for supper. We were disappointed they didn't have the gravy. Food was okay, I should have had a burger instead of chicken strips. No worries, it was good enough. 

Came back home and I decided to just relax and play some games on my tablet. I could have gone down and cut a backing and batting for the quilt top. I could have finished the last one. BUT I didn't. I need to take a photo of the quilt that was finished that was mine. I really need to get the finished photos and not keep taking the tops. 

I was still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Closer To Having Another Quilt Top Done

Today I was pretty much on my own all day. Patrick did come back from golfing and stayed about 2 hours before he was off again. 

So, while he was gone, I worked on my quilt top. 

It started out where I left off yesterday. I added the blue to the sashing's. At this point, I took a break. I hate doing the sashes! Surprisingly enough, I didn't have too much trouble with it. 

I decide I needed to bake that pie I wanted to make. I bought a magazine that has a lot of really good recipes in it. I decided to make the Lemon Meringue. I did over cook the top a little, but it's really not as dark as it shows.  

Then Patrick was off to his meeting and then bowling. So, I went down to finish up on the quilt top. Sort of..... 

I added the small blue border. I decided it can wait for me to add the red border last. The blue is as small as the sashes - 1/2". I will put a 2" border of red to see if that works. I'm hoping. 

My day was doing nothing but work on this quilt! AND I still have a border to add. UGH! At least I felt Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spending Time On Quilt Tops

 This morning things went wild! Had 5 texts from 3 people. I let Patrick sleep in to find the Fed Ex man at the door to collect the bolt of fabric. So, I'm in my robe dealing with the bolt going out in the mail. Once that was done and Patrick was showered, I finally got my shower. Patrick said he was heading to the store and had to go to DOL to state he sold the van and get the paperwork done. 

So, I decided the heck with this and went downstairs to get to work on the quilt on the wall. I had to measure it and go from there. 

Once all the blocks were done and put together, I had to decide on the border. It wasn't going to be a big border as the blocks were big enough. 

I measured the sides. Once I had the right size, I need to put them on. The first one was a trial as I started from the center and worked out. I found on the other 3 sides it was easier to start at the top and sew down. Normally I did it from the half way point and went back to finish the other side. That didn't work. I found a lot of material on the blocks made it hard to work it in. Once I took out half of the border and re-stitched it, I realized it went better when I did the hole border at one time. 

Debbie stopped by to collect her backing and batting. I also gave her the bolt of fabric of red and some blue to take to Connie tomorrow. 

Then it was time to try and get a few more blocks done. I have to get these blocks out of my box. I have enough to do 3 more quilts. So, it's going to be awhile. I'm not too crazy about putting sashing in all the quilts, but that's what it looks like I'm going to have to do. I'm getting there. I just don't want to do that much sewing. I guess it's a good thing I'm in the mood to work on these. 

I am putting the red around the blocks that are too small. Because this is going to be too small for what we want in a quilt, I'm going to have to do another set of sashing's of blue around. I like the way this looks now, but it's just not big enough. The blue will be bright. This is taking a lot of work. I would rather work on the panels, but since no one wants to work with the blocks I'm getting because they need to be squared up and then there are not enough to make anything with them. I have another set of Card Tricks and will have to think about what to do with them. I just need to get these done so I can work on my own stuff. I want to get back to my beading and cross stitching. At this rate, I have too much going on with the QOV stuff. I have labels to put on the quilts, bindings to be stitched done, and now I have 3 quilt tops to get done. I hate knowing I have quilts to finish - I have enough of my own at that stage. Getting to be stressful now. I will calm down and just take my time as I go. Maybe tomorrow night I'll work on my cross stitching. 

At this rate, I have a long list of stuff to work on, and I need to calm down. I'm stressing over "stupid" stuff. I'll calm down and try to get as much done as I can. 

For those of you that want "free" patriotic pattern (till 3/31/22) go to Quilt Jubilee - keep in mind, some of her patterns are "off" and need to be fixed. She has been known to print the wrong information - like 2" instead of 3" or cut 12 when you should cut 15. Those kind of mistakes. Just read it and double check the pattern design. 

Now I'm calling it a day. I've been wound up all day. I need to get this stress or whatever released. Hope to sleep good tonight to help me out. I did get a call today about getting a heart monitor that I need to wear for 2 weeks. Going to be interesting. 

It was still a good day for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

From One Thing To Another

 This morning Sharon called and chatted. She is having trouble with the second set of the Santa's I have been working on - beading. I told her I didn't have any trouble with the 2 I did. She keeps hinting I wrote the pattern down wrong. I haven't had that problems, so wonder if her stroke part is affecting that for her. She has the first and third set done. 

Then Lisa from MDG's (Marshal's Dry Goods) called and we worked out a deal with returning some of the backing and getting another one. They have the best customer service I've seen in a long time!

When all that was done, I went downstairs to work on the quilt I have on the wall. 

I started here. I had to make another block to finish the blue. As I was trimming the blocks and sewing them up I realized I didn't put the set (first blue on the top) together. So, I had to do that as well. 

I have the first 3 rows ready. Then I have 2 pieces to the 4th row. I will then trim and put the bottom row together. Once all that is done, I can sew each row and finish this up. 

I also put another block like this together. I have 8 more to go. 3 are done. I really am getting frustrated with having to do this. But I'm going to get it done! I know I am! That is the next quilt when the one on top is done. I'm really tired of having all these blocks to work with. No one else seems to want to work with them. I found in both of them, I have to square things up. Not my favorite thing to do. 

I called it a day - half way in the mood to work on it, so got tired of it after about 2 hours. Came up and got to work on finishing the binding of the quilt Christie made for her brother. I have to have it done by Saturday, so the good news is the binding is done, the label is about 3/4's done. 

Even though I haven't been able to work on my own stuff I seem to still be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

The Older We Get The More Goes On

 Yesterday started out with heading to my BE meeting. First was a bank trip (for bowling) and then to Sandy's. We always stop at McD's for tea and coffee. Then it was on to the meeting at the grange. Cindy beat us there. 

We had a good meeting and I was able to do some work between laughing and trying to help Sandy figure out some colors for her next project. She's doing a zoom class this morning actually. 

I did get most of the leaves done on this corner. I'm getting there. I am getting a little tired of working on the leaves, but I know once it's done I can do the flowers. 

Then I had to drop Sandy off, head to the bowling alley and home. Got to the bowling alley and one of the lanes return wasn't working. So, I had to wait. I called the other owner over and told her I had to get moving to my doctors office. She helped me out and then I was able to leave. Just as I turned into our street, Patrick called asking me where I was. 

Once I pulled in, I had 5 mins to get something to eat. We headed out the door to my doctors appointment. I ended up waiting 5 mins to get in, then 45 mins to see my doctor. I didn't take my projects in with me, so I didn't work on anything while I waited. Had to get a chest x-ray and more blood tests. then we headed home. 

Got home to find my packages arrived. 

The 3 panels I ordered arrived.  This one is different but I do like it. 

This is also different but it does have the eagle so I'm sure they will like it. 

We had this one before, and I like the bright colors. So, this is going to be fun. Can't wait to see what we come up with. 

Yes, I have a lot going on. Yes I'm getting older. Yes I'm stressing at times. And Yes, I'm still interested in being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Change In Time

 This morning I was up at 7:30 am to find out it was 8:30 am. Patrick slept in later, so it was 10 am before I showered. UGH Not liking this time change. 

I had a message from Debbie that she needed backing and batting. So, I went down to cut the batting and backing for her. I had the quilt to be bound for her to work on as well. Sent the message back that I had them done. She arrived in a short time after that. She has 2 quilts ready to go to Connie. 

I took down the eagle panels and decided I needed to get some of these blocks done and out of my stash of QOV stuff. No one seems to want blocks, so I end up working on them. It's fine, but I have to be in the mood. I started out with doing the bigger blocks of the variation 9 patches that I had. 

This is after I was taking it down. I didn't have enough blocks to finish this one. I have the blocks to do as this is the size I have in the box. I will put them together and then put a red sash between them. Otherwise it's way too busy. 

Then I pulled out all the smaller blocks that are about 7 1/2". I started sewing them in the star shape - which is to the right of this photo. 

I used all the blocks up that I had. This is what it will look like when done. I have 1 block to make, and then sew it to the 15" blocks. That belongs in the lower area. Second from the left. I'm happy to say, this will be done soon. I'm not sure if I want to add a border, but think it will need one just for the binding anyway. I am happy to have this much done! It felt good to work on this and get some of the blocks out of my box. I have a lot more to go, but this is quilt 1 out of 3 that I have set to work on.  Before I knew it, it was 3 pm. I thought I had that extra block and sewed it up - to find that it was the bigger size block. So, I may have to cut some pieces to get that last block done yet. 

Then before I knew it, it was time to go bowling. I didn't do so well. Just wasn't with it as they say. I bowled a 140, 158, 140. Started and finished as bad as I felt bowling. I will probably loose a pin in my average. UGH. We did win 3 games. Nick bowled a 701 and Dan bowled a 698. They were both on it! (Dan is my adopted son so to speak). 

Even though the time change has been hard at times because times goes faster, I was still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Movie Day

 Today is the day we were able to go out without having to wear a mask. It felt good. But there will still be days that I will wear a mask. We still have to wear them when we go to the doctors. 

My beading tubes arrived today, so before we headed to the movies, I got busy on organizing my beads. The tubes are a little different because they are smaller at the bottom then they are on the top. That's okay, they will still fit in my trays. I just hope they don't tilt too much. I was only half way done, when Patrick came in to let me know we were leaving in 10 mins. 

We headed to the movies. This time we saw "Uncharted" and I loved it. It was keeping me on my seat the whole time. I did have to leave and come back, but I loved it. Had me excited wondering what was coming up. Really a good movie! 

Then we came home and I got back to work on my beads. 

I took all my bags of beads and put them in the tubes. Most of the beads were the ones I bought from High Street Beading Company. Some where from Aura Crystals - but most of theirs is already in tubes. 

I ended up with more tubes than the boxes could take, so I had to move the tubes around and relabel the boxes so they could hold all the bead tubes. I was shocked at how many bags of beads I had. I used about 60 of the 100 tubes I bought. Relabeling didn't take that much time, but putting the beads in the tubes took a good 4 hours total. 

After all that, we decided to watch "Red" on Disney. I loved that too! It's so cute! It turned out to be a good day after all. I just didn't get the chance to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...