Sunday, March 27, 2022

Enjoying The Quiet Today

 This morning Patrick and I started out with cleaning. We seem to do that every Sunday. He works on the bathrooms and I work on the laundry. This time we went through the bathroom cabinet and cleaned it all up. Got it organized and threw out a lot of stuff. Old expired stuff. 

Then I decided to listen to my book and bead. 

I was close to finishing this one. I had to stop to join my virtual meeting. 

3 out of 4 is done. I have one more of these to go. 

Then I went to work on this again. I have 1 1/2 left to do I think. Or this is the last one of 4. I will figure it out tomorrow when we get together. I can't wait to get to the flowers. I am out of this color, and need to check my box to see if I have another skein of this light color. I'm hoping - really hoping - I do. I don't want to find out I don't and have to order again because the dye lots will be different. 

Then it was off to bowling. I bowled crappy again. We lost all 4 games because our partners weren't there again this week. They should be back next week. Think the cruise was only 7 days. I bowled a 148, 146, 186. Not my best. I did better the third game. It took that long to figure out what was going wrong! I hate it when it takes that long!

I really enjoyed the quiet day and was so glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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