Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Genealogy Day

 This morning Patrick was out the door early for golfing. I was surprised as it's been raining for 3 days now. Guess they had a break in the weather. 

When I got up, I decided I needed to clean the cat litter box. Since the litter is in the garage I wanted to figure out supper too. The freezer is in the garage as well. So, when I walked by my boxes of genealogy that needed to be organized, I couldn't help myself. First I decided on supper, and decided to wait to take it out of the freezer. Then I got the litter and cleaned the cat box. Once all that was done, I went out and pulled out 2 boxes of letters and photos. I took them both downstairs to add to the boxes we had down there. One of the boxes was folders of family stuff. That needed to go in the 2 file boxes I have up here. So, I pulled all that out and put them in the 2 boxes up here. Went back down and opened the 2 boxes. I found the old negatives that I was looking for that belonged to grandmother Taylor. Then I checked out the pictures that were in there. Old ones. I was glad to see some names on the back and disappointed to how many were not. 

This is one of my favorite! Grandma worked for Safeway in Seattle as an egg turner. I loved seeing this photo and others. She worked there for awhile. Then when she "retired" she received $10 check every month. She was so proud of that. 

I also found a few of the family members in other photos as well. 

Fred True's wedding picture. 

Orville Matheson's "buddies." I pray they came home from the war. It was fun finding some old photos. Once all that was done, I worked on some of the Wiltzius family. I had some names I needed to find. I did find a few and I'm happy with what I got done. I have a ton of papers now that I need to add to the family tree. My tree is growing and I'm coming up with more family members. 

It wasn't a day to work on something, but I did enjoy doing genealogy and not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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