Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Movie Day

 Today is the day we were able to go out without having to wear a mask. It felt good. But there will still be days that I will wear a mask. We still have to wear them when we go to the doctors. 

My beading tubes arrived today, so before we headed to the movies, I got busy on organizing my beads. The tubes are a little different because they are smaller at the bottom then they are on the top. That's okay, they will still fit in my trays. I just hope they don't tilt too much. I was only half way done, when Patrick came in to let me know we were leaving in 10 mins. 

We headed to the movies. This time we saw "Uncharted" and I loved it. It was keeping me on my seat the whole time. I did have to leave and come back, but I loved it. Had me excited wondering what was coming up. Really a good movie! 

Then we came home and I got back to work on my beads. 

I took all my bags of beads and put them in the tubes. Most of the beads were the ones I bought from High Street Beading Company. Some where from Aura Crystals - but most of theirs is already in tubes. 

I ended up with more tubes than the boxes could take, so I had to move the tubes around and relabel the boxes so they could hold all the bead tubes. I was shocked at how many bags of beads I had. I used about 60 of the 100 tubes I bought. Relabeling didn't take that much time, but putting the beads in the tubes took a good 4 hours total. 

After all that, we decided to watch "Red" on Disney. I loved that too! It's so cute! It turned out to be a good day after all. I just didn't get the chance to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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