Thursday, March 10, 2022

A Great Day For A Presentation

 This morning Patrick went off to play golf. Trying to kill time, so I pulled out my beading and finished the second panel. 

Once that was done - I had some work to do before going to the museum. I got some vacuuming done and then I cleaned the cat litter box (ugh, yep). 

Once that was done, I was off to the museum. Taking along 8 quilts, backing for Debbie, box of squares for Val. I took about 3 loads of stuff out to my car and then to the museum. Everyone showed up on time, at least most did. We went through the usual part of how to present quilts. Had all the new people and the volunteers learn what we do. We had a great presentation. We only had one person say he didn't want photos. Funny though, after the presentation, he acted like he wanted photos. Since he didn't sign the form, we didn't take his photo. 

This is the quilt he got. 

I ended up with stuff from the members. I got another bag of scraps. Then I got more quilts to finish up. I want to try and get one done for Connie since it looks like I may have to drop stuff off to her on Monday. Our next presentation is next Saturday. 

Came home and decided to finish up the my audio book.I found my 2 packages of my beads I ordered. I got them from both High Street Beading Company and Aura Crystals. I had to order some tubes since High Street sends beads in bags. Once I get that I can put all my beads in tubes and get rid of the bags. 

 I also decided to get a few things done before Patrick went bowling. I decided to work on the binding while he was bowling. That gives me something to finish up on. 

I now have 2 quilts to bind and label. I also have another quilt to label. I'm going to be busy for awhile getting these done. I really do want to finish the ornament so I can finish the parrot as well. I need to keep on track. Maybe I can keep staying Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching. 

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