Monday, July 31, 2023

Weather Was Cooler

 Today I felt good. Slept great. Had breakfast with everyone and then we decided on what today would bring. Dennis, Sue, Patrick,  and Molly were going golfing. Chris and I were on our own. Dad went home to get his package that was coming in today. Patrick and I took a walk before they left.

Chris and I went into town so I could visit the bead store - Noc Bay Trading Company. I was in heaven!! 

I bought a few things and picked up a catalog. 

I bought a kit to make earrings. This has beads, earring clips, porcupine needles, thread, bees wax, thread and a book of patterns. All that was $24, and well worth it.

After that shop we headed to a deli for lunch. It was really good. After that it was the grocery store and back to the cabin. Dad was back when we got here. 

We played left, right, center before they decided to watch a movie.  I decided to listen to my book instead. Trouble with that is the TV is LOUD! 

Now I have my wire and can get back to beading. I am ready to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Playing In The Water

 Realized I was so tired last night, that I forgot my posting. We were out in the water most of the day. Pontoon boat gets a lot of use! 

Chris and I headed out and paddle boarded on the lake. She lost her shoe in the water so we had to circle around to get it. That paddle board is hard! It squeaks.  Needed WD40. 😊

Then we grab a big volleyball ball. Then went over to the area of shallow water. Then we talked 4 people that were there to join us. They funny part is that none of use were very good.  But we all had fun! 

After coming back, I was beat! I was so tired and took a 3 hour nap. 

When everyone went down to the fire pit, I stay up at the cabin.  I have 5 bites I can't seem to get rid of. Itching is no fun. I listened to my book on tape. 

It wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

A Day Of Fun

 Ok, I tried to sleep in. Easier said then done. Dad seems to wake the dead when he talks in the morning! Of course my sister in law Chris, seems to always do a big breakfast. So it was sausage, bacon, pancakes, yogurt and fruit. With 3 kinds of fruit and juices.

I went out on the boat to sit and chat with Patrick and Sue. Then the rest started coming on board.  Next thing I know we are off for another sight seeing trip. This may turn into a daily thing. The pontoon boat goes slow. Dennis and Molly went fishing.  Nothing like what we get. 

I tried to nap after working on my beading.  I realized I didn't bring my new wire, I brought the tail end of the spool. So the last of the spool at least got me to finish one more angel.

This makes 3 done. I am hoping to hit the bead shop to get more wire to finish a couple more.

After dad woke me up from my nap, Chris and I took a walk. She showed me the veteran monument they have around here.

Someone removed the emblems of the different branches of the service. Shame.

I took a picture so I could read it later.

We then come back to supper being cooked.  I went back to my embroidery. 

I'm getting a lot done on it. Who knows I may have it finished by the time we leave.

After supper we play Jinga (I think that's the name). 

Patrick always checked with his feet first. 😳 He did good. It dropped on Dennis, then on me before we came 8n to watch a movie, "Shotgun Bride." It was really good. 

A busy day was had by all and I enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 28, 2023

At The Cabin

 This morning we were up by 8. I headed out with Chris (sister in law) to go shopping.  We got food for the cabin. Then stopped and picked up doughnuts at the doughnut shop. Grap some tea at Starbucks. Then headed out if town for an hour to reach the cabin. There seems to be more people out and about the lake. Guess some of the owners around here put their cabins on Air B and B. A few actually live year around out here. 

We unloaded and put stuff away. Sue made a crap load of sweets to eat. I had way too much sugar today! Need to go back to protein! 

We enjoyed being on the lake!

Patrick looks a lot like his dad! We headed out on the lake. I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

On The Way To Escanaba

 This morning we were up at 3:15 am to head to the Portland Airport.  First we went to the parking area. When we arrived at the pick up area, there were at least 10 people waiting.  More came as we were there. The first bus hollered that his bus was full and 3 more busses were behind him. When a bus did show up, it was empty.  We all filled the bus and took off for the airport.  

We signed in. Then went through TSA precheck. Patrick's bag was missing when I went to collect mine. He had to take his belt off and go back through.  When he asked for his luggage,  the security guy had questions of what was in it. He checked the 6 rolls of quarters that Patrick packed for our game we play. Once that was over, we headed to the terminal. Plane was on time. So we headed to Salt Lake City. Patrick got me a chocolate croissant.  It was soo good!! Fresh and hot. The line for Starbucks took forever! I just wanted a cold drink. I will do the Mobil app next time!!

From Salt Lake we headed to Minneapolis/St. Paul. That was a smooth flight. We ate pretzels from Auntie Ann's. I needed protein so got chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A.  It has been 20 years since I had that. It was still good.

I worked on my embroidery while waiting to get to Escanaba.  

I was able to sleep a little on the last 2 flight. Dennis picked us up at the airport and I walked right past him! Even the lady sitting close by laughed. 

At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

On The Road We Go

 This morning Patrick went golfing ⛳️.  I got my exercises in and headed out to walk. Got in one loop when I ran into Ron Moss, my 94 plus neighbor.  Decided to join him and we walked and talked. He does 7 loops that is shorter than mine. He doesn't go down the hill to the beginning of our street. His 7 loops equal 2 miles. 

Not sure why this is underlined in areas, so please forgive the typos (underlines). Since this is on my tablet, not sure what it's thinking!

Patrick got home and we cleaned the house by vacuuming and mopping the floor. 

When 2 pm came, we left for Portland.  We did stop on the way at the Iloni casino. We left around 5:30pm with $600 more than we started with. 😊 Then headed to The Spaghetti Factory for supper. We then stopped at the hotel and sign in. Now we are resting before we have to get up at 3:15am to park the car and get yo the Airport.  I am trying to decide if I wantvto work on something or not. 

Three days in a row and still not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Cleaning Day

 I realized as I was falling asleep, I forgot to do my blog last night. 

Not much to report. Yesterday I was at our Brazilian Embroidery meeting. We just sat and chatted. Cindy brought some magazines that were from 1990's. They are Australian I believe. The magazines have a lot of history in them about the different crafts - embroidery, quilting, knitting, crocheting and tatting. I brought home about 6 of them. I wanted to learn more about some of the history. Plus they had some really pretty patterns in beading and cross stitching. 

Came home after stopping at Debbie's to give her our stuff for QOV. She's going to handle the next presentation. I had a lot of stuff to drop off. 

When I got home I was playing a few games. 

Today was time to make sure I have everything I need to go on our trip. Then I cleaned up. I started laundry and it's still going. I want to have it all done by tomorrow. Patrick of course, had to add more to the pile. He went golfing today. I've been getting dishes washed, changing the table cloth and the other stuff that needs to be done. We always like coming home to a clean house, so I try to make it worth coming home to. 

I walked first and then I picked more blueberries. I then made some blueberry syrup for our waffles tonight. It was really good. 

I sent out emails to everyone to let them know I was heading off. I plan to write my blog as I'm gone. I will post when I am near wifi to post. 

I will have more to post soon. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Judging At Cowlitz County

 Today we were up early and off to pick mom up. We stopped at Starbucks on the way. 

Arrived around 9 am and met the women we were to work with. There was Karen, Karen, Karen and others. lol Karen was the gal that called asking us to judge, Karen 2 helped mom with her quilts and Karen 3 was recording the information as we were going. 

They had some awesome quilts. I had more blues then red or white. I gave 1 white ribbon to someone. I gave about 6 reds. A lot of quilters didn't have the quilts squared up. So, the quilt waved or bulged out. There were more quilt that could have been Blue Plus if they had the quilts squared. 

I think we taught some of the gals what we were looking for. I had one that was half square triangles, and there was no rhyme or reason to the quilt. I tried to see if I could find one, but I couldn't. I judged it on workmanship and not because of the rhyme or reason part. I gave her a blue. After it was judge, I found out it was Karen 2's quilt. She laughed at me about judging this one. She was watching me try to find a rhyme or reason. She said it was a block the guild gave out. She did a good job on the piecing but can't remember if that one had the quilt squared up. I had a couple quilts that would have been in the top running, but the machine quilting was bad on the back. A lot of threads showing. 

This was the quilts after we judged them. There were 100 quilts. We started at 9 am and finished at 2 pm. We had lunch in between. 

Then Patrick came back and picked us up. We stopped at Red Lobster for supper and mom paid because she told Patrick she owed him for his Birthday (January). LOL 

Came home and got backing and batting cut for Val's quilt. Printed labels for Val. Pulled out certificate paper for Debbie. Have a folder for Val and Debbie. Brought up the BE boxes for Sandy to take home. Will stop at Debbie's tomorrow. Taking stuff to Sandy as well. 

I'm still not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

QOV Presentation Day!

 Today Patrick put the quilts out in the car. Then I added the rest of the stuff I needed to take to the museum. Poor Kaylee she was on her own in the morning. The volunteers called in and said they couldn't work today. Poor museum needs more volunteers. 

Debbie was there before me. She had called and asked where I was. I told her I was turning into the area. Actually I was turning at the light which was about 3 mins away. When I arrived we found out there was another program tonight. We were told to put the room back to where it was when we got there. I got moving on the QOV banner. Then I had to get everything out for Carol since she was helping me. I was looking for a lot of stuff. We couldn't give out the fair tickets since the ones who are signed up weren't there today. Hildi wasn't there and mom took her place. I do hop her husband is better, but thinking his time is near. 

We had a good presentation. A couple of my quilts even were given out. 

This is the group we did today. It was an honor to honor the following veterans - (in no special order) Craig Hurley, Army, James McKillop, Navy, Jason Lee Earl, Army, Darrel Allen Lowery, Air Force, Carol Pisuno, Army, John F. Clark, Army, Charles E Wood, Air Force, and Larry Sprague, Army. Larry was the one that missed the last presentation by accident. Then he left his pillow case behind. It was good to get him in. 

After cleaning up, I came home. The I-5 was bumper to bumper going north bound. I was just glad I was going south bound. I have a quilt top I need to get ready for Debbie. I'm having to drop off a few things to her on Monday. 

I pretty much played games. I was falling asleep around 5:30 this evening. We are having to get up early to head down to Longview to judge quilts. First we pick mom up. It should be fun tomorrow. 

It was another day where I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Quilting At Moms - As Usual

This morning I had a couple stops before I head to moms. When I arrived I was the first one there. I took over the 4 quilts that I needed the bindings stitched down on. They are the ones Debbie did. Mom had 7 that needed the bindings stitched down. I took one, Penny took one, and Michele took one to work on. Georgie showed up with another quilt done and some blocks. Then she picked up 2 more quilts to stitch the binding on. I was able to get one side done at moms. Penny forgot her quilt she was working on, so mom was working on that later today. Michele took hers with her.  We had a good chat as well as a good salad for lunch. I can't do salad any more, so picked out the mushrooms and a few other veggies. I just can't have lettuce. 

Wanted to get gas on the way home. I clicked on the 11 cents off at Loves. I headed over there and almost forgot to click that I paid. I ended up going through town because I-5 was stop and go. Even in town! It was slow and steady in town. I thought maybe there was a car accident on I-5 but don't know. Hate it when the traffic is that bad. Takes longer to get home. 

My scrap quilt is now done. It's on the way to the museum tomorrow. I added the label on it at moms. 

This is Connie's and the one that Georgie brought back. I added the label to it tonight. Now I must have about 14 quilts to take to the museum. At least they are done and ready. This quilt will be kept out for the fair. Debbie is going to turn in 3 quilts for our group. 

My day turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Not A Day Of Quilting OR Beading UGH

 This morning I was up after Patrick. He had a dental appointment today. I called and cancelled my appointment for the end of Aug. Wasn't in the mood to deal with them replacing my cap. 

While he was gone, I walked. AND it was HOT! Came back home sweating! Patrick comes home and says it's not that bad - YEAH RIGHT! We reached 90 degrees today. Right now it's 76 degrees. 

I had some QOV stuff going on. We are trying to get a quilt to a veteran that is bed ridden and still waiting on the quilt from his good friend. They are supposed to have it done by tomorrow and then get it in the mail. It is going to be one of those things were we pray it arrives on Saturday. If it doesn't come till after Monday, then I won't be able to help out on this one. I'm told he doesn't have long to live and he lives in Longview. So, we are going to have to travel down there to get it to him. We weren't getting a lot of information from my state coordinator. UGH

I was on the phone more than anything. Then I decided to get my stuff ready for the trip to MI. I found I have a word document on my tablet. I will need to download it and copy paste it. But that way I can do a day to day report. 

I ended up putting my beading away, getting my beading that I will take with me. The weekend is going to be way to busy for me! I have presentation on Saturday and judging on Sunday. If quilt arrives then I have to go to Longview on Monday and we leave on Wednesday. UGH

This is the last of the "label" quilts. I have 4 that need the binding stitched down. I may or may not take them to mom to have them passed out. 

All in all - not my day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hello Hump Day!

 Wednesday - Hump Day. I have been busy today with laundry, QOV, and beading. 

I started out with my exercises and walking. When I came back in the house, I was sweating! Then I received 2 tops from Sara Bower. I had to go downstairs and cut the backing and batting. Debbie needed some backing and batting for her quilt as well. I was able to wash the red backings, but not the blue one before Debbie showed up. 

We must have sat and chatted for a good 2 hours. Patrick went to help mom with her car battery. Apparently the gal that washed the car, left the doors open and the battery died. So, he had to run over to take care of it. Debbie and I laughed at his mowning (sp). We counted 38 panels that we have. She loved the backing material we got in. 

After she left, I went back to beading. 

I added another 4 rows. I worked on it after supper as well. I'm happy with the way it looks. The more I do the better the bricks will come out. One can see the material between the bricks in this so far. I still need to get that color from Dawn so I can finish the order. I really need my one bead. I may just go ahead and place my order and wait till she gives me her number. 

I need to get my beads ready to take with me to MI. That will be coming soon. I may have trouble posting while I'm at the lake. They don't have internet and I don't have it on my phone because Patrick doesn't want to pay for it. So, there may be a week of no posts till after I get back to my in-laws place. We are going for a week and a half. We have great neighbors who will keep an eye on Sophie. 

Oh! Patrick got a ding on our doorbell camera. He looked and it was a deer in the front yard. Just wondering around. So cool!!

I'm going to work on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Keeping Cool And Beading

 This morning Patrick headed off to play golf. He left early and I enjoyed sleeping in. After my exercises and some game playing I headed out to walk. As I was leaving the FedEx showed up and I helped her get my package out of the van. They wedged it in the middle and she had to lift it over the other stuff. Then she put the backing on a trolley and had it on the porch. It was heavy even for me. Then I headed out for my walking. Poor gal, today was her 3rd day on the job and she was lost. I had to direct her where to go after I had gone around the neighborhood twice. I told her where she needed to go. On my third trip she waved and thanked me for my help. 

Came back in the house and got some laundry going. Then I sat down to work on my beading. Turned the fans on. The cool breeze was nice! It was another hot day. When Patrick came home I shut the door. 

I was able to get 4 rows done. I believe I have about 5 more rows to go and then Sophie's ear will start showing up. It's will be fun to see! I was having fun. Now I need to order some more beads and then I should be good. I found a couple of my beads getting low. I thought I had the right amount but now I wonder. I had to replace 3 beads that broke today. It's that "satin" bead DB1818 and it's all falling apart with that number. Contacted Dawn at High Street Beading Company to see what I can replace it with. I told her I don't care at this point but I want to replace it. 

This is Connie Carters. I added the label on it this evening. I have one more to add a label on and then stitch the bindings of 3 others. It's getting there. Ten quilts are ready to go to the museum so far. 

My quilt is finally finished. It's now ready for the museum and to be given out. 

I didn't do much but beading and stitching labels down. I did embroider the holes I have in one of my jeans. Favorite ones too! So, hopefully that will make them last just a little longer. I can hope! That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 17, 2023

Embroidery & Quilting!

 Today was Brazilian Embroidery day. I worked on my Ruth's Farwell. I'm now finished with it. I just need to decide what to do with it after it's washed. 

I need to block it when I wash it. I love the colors but have no idea what to do with it now. lol 

I then worked on my cross stitch pieces that Cindy gave me. Mom came as well, so there was 4 of us. Cindy invited her to join us when I get back, to go out for lunch. Should be interesting. Berry Fields was her choice. 

Stopped off at Staples to pick up a few things for QOV. I also picked up a binder for my beading. It's expensive to get notebooks now. I got 2 and then got another one that had a heavy duty cover. I needed more notebooks for my notes that I do when I do genealogy and other stuff. 

I then came home. Once home, believe it or not - I put labels on 3 quilts. I have 8 ready to go to the museum, 4 needing labels and 3 needing the binding on it. 

This is one of Sara Bowers pieces. It's ready to go to the museum. 

This is one of Connie's quilts. 

This one is another one by Sara Bowers. I got an email from her last week that a couple more tops is on the way. I'm looking forward to getting them. So far we are making out pretty good for this. 

My day ended up being a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Another HOT Day! - But A Beading Day!

 Today I did my walking and then noticed the blueberries needed to be picked. I couldn't believe how many blueberries I was able to pick today. I had to take an hour out of my day to pick. Patrick was a sweetheart and took care of the kitty litter. I was going to work on laundry today, but that didn't get far at all. I had to cut a backing and get it washed. 

Then I sat down to work on my beading. I should have known better! I completely forgot I had laundry going. I was listening to my book on audiobooks. 

Because this piece is so long, I seem to only get 3 rows done in an afternoon. I'm getting there. I'm on row 27 now. This is brick work and it's starting to look like the bricks on my fireplace downstairs. This is going to take forever at this rate. lol But I'm in the mood to get more beading done. 

Connie sent me a text to tell me I have holes in my scrap quilt border. She found 2 of them and will put a pin there for me to fix. She said to take a 5 x 5" square and put it in. I'm not liking that idea. I may have to work on some stars or something else to applique over it. I think that will look a lot better. I will pick up the top and work on it. Then give it back to her on Saturday when we have our presentation. Which means I need to do some labels as well. I have 6 or 7 to do. 

I wanted to sit with Patrick, so I stopped beading. Then I pulled out me smaller case that has the beaded angels. I did another change on colors for the next angel. If I did it right this time, I will change the dress of the angel and have it ready to go. I just need to do one first. Then I will get the original pattern and change the dresses on those. I like the first set I did better so far. 

I was able to get this far. So far so good. I will keep working on this one. 

The heat is killing me! I had the fans going every place I've been today. We don't have A/C so it can get very hot upstairs. It's a lot cooler downstairs but I just wasn't in the mood to go downstairs and work. I'm just thrilled I was beading and it keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

A HOT Day And A Busy Day As Well

 This morning after doing my exercises for my back, I took a walk. I only went around the street 2 1/2 times because the heat was getting to me. Even though I put a water bottle out by the mail box. I can't take heat and Patrick told me before starting to just going around twice because of the heat. I wanted to try and do 3 loops but no such luck. 

My backing and batting didn't come in today. So, we will be getting it on Monday I'm betting. I checked the tracker and it's in UT. 

I decided to work on QOV paperwork. They (group) wanted me to do job descriptions for some of the jobs they are assigned to do. I sat down and did 3 of the job descriptions. I know I have more to do. I will also need to do more. I cleaned up my mess in the computer room and decided I wanted to bead. I was looking at my Sophie beading and decided it was time I took it out and worked on it. 

I was able to get 3 more rows done. The brick is starting to show through as brick. I'm excited to see Sophie's ear but not sure how many more rows I have to do to get there. It's going to be fun. I will work on it tomorrow. Since I started so late, I wasn't able to get more than 3 rows done. I changed the thread to Fire Line because I was getting tired of the thread breaking. This way it's wire and won't break as easily. I've been thinking about Sharon and need to give her a call. I haven't heard from her since she left for Spokane back in April. 

I will need to get some beading ready for our trip to MI. I'm thinking of taking this case and not the smaller one. I can get more in it. It will go in my travel bag. We are going to have carry on. 

Now I'm enjoying some shows and ready to call it a day. It's been so HOT today that I'm hoping I can sleep. When it gets in the 90's (which it did) then I need to be cool. I had the house shut down so it would cool off. The fan was going on me when I was beading. AND I am not that big a person that I would be sweating, I'm just that person that can't take the heat. 

I enjoyed getting back to my Sophie's Fireplace beading. It made my day very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Meeting Day And Not A Stitching Day

Today started out with waiting on Debbie to arrive. Then we were off to moms. First we dropped off a quilt at Grace Church. Then we headed to Dutch Brothers for "our fix" which is her coffee and my tea. Then we headed to Fuller's to get her peppermint "shot" for her coffee. Once that was done, we were off to moms. We arrived before Connie and one other. 

Our meeting was to discuss the fair. We need to see if everyone is in agreement to give Mossyrock QOV a day or two at the fair. We ended up talking about that and other stuff. Mostly about getting workers to help with getting quilts made. With 19 members about 1/4 of that is the "worker bees." The meeting took a good 3 hours!! Mom got off on other subjects or got off topic several times. She'd hear one word and then went off on that. By the time we were done, it was decided that we would give Mossyrock a day or two at the fair. I let my state coordinator know. She told me I had to contact them. So, when I got home after going out to eat, I sent an email. Now we wait. Debbie and I stopped at DB again. We ordered a cold drink in large. To our surprise we got it free. Both drinks! I was really surprised. 

When I got home I had to walk. I have to walk around the block (actually 2) 3 x's. Once that is done, then I have what I'm supposed to do. Then we went to Outback Steakhouse. I bought my hamburger that I've been dying for over a week! lol - This one was really good!

I have got a long list of stuff to do for QOV. All because I wanted to have a meeting about the fair. Then it went off on other things. We will see how that goes! I'm not too thrilled. 

My day wasn't stitching but just a meeting! As much as I wanted to be, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Finished The Quilt Top

This morning turned out so much different than I was planning. Patrick worked outside while I walked the neighborhood 3 x's. Then I went to pick blueberries. Patrick was getting ready to go to the dump with the branches. While I was picking berries, I figured out that I needed to go with him so I would have to do my other stops tomorrow. 

We headed out on our trip. First stop was at the dump, dropping off glass first then going back around to be weighed for the branches. Patrick unloaded and then we were off again. Next stop was to the car wash. His truck really needed it. Back on track we stopped at the vets to get meds, then to the Farm Store to pick up chlorine for the well. Once that was done the next stop was rite aid and then my sons. Gave Phil a big hug while Patrick dropped a few things off. We finally came back home. I worked on laundry after lunch and then went downstairs. 

Of course, I saw this first. At least it's not as full as I usually get it. 

I got busy working on my quilt top. The white in the left corner at the bottom is my "tag" that will be removed. We keep track of who made the quilts and what the size is. I finished the border on it. Then I got to work and made a pillow case for it. Since this is going to Grace Church to be quilted, I'm keeping the binding fabric and the pillow case till I get it back. I will drop it off tomorrow. 

Came upstairs and worked on supper. Once supper was over I put my "monthly" beads away. I needed to get them put away since I have done that in awhile. I will probably go back into my beads and put them in tubes, but decided to just list what I have and call it good. I did add the bead that I have to the ones I got (only a few). Then called it good. I need to work on the next 2 angel set to take with me to Michigan when we go. That way I will have something to work on. I will need to decide what Brazilian embroidery piece I will work on as well. 

I gave up after awhile. I've been going all day. Tomorrow is our meeting at moms. I need to get ready for that as well. I guess that's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Busy But Not With My Quilt

 This morning I was up around the time Patrick was. He was going golfing and I was going to Physical therapy. When I arrived I told him I had done my exercises and asked about what to do while on vacation. He got after me that I need to walk EVERY DAY to get my muscles to loosen up. I told him I would try harder. I used to walk all the time but lately I don't have anyone to walk with and just don't do it. So he made me walk. We walked over to moms and we showed him his quilt. Then we walked around Stillwaters running into others we both know. I had to go back to moms because she had a quilt ready for me to take home. 

I went back to moms and picked up the quilt. She had somethings she wanted me to do. Then she went through her scrap drawer looking for whites and off whites to cut blocks that she will stitch stars on. I ended up being there for an hour. Mom told me about the neighbor across the way. They tended to stay to themselves till just recently. They gave me a nomination form for their son. I brought it home to work on.

Finally got home. I had to get some work done that I kept putting off. I vacuumed the house. Patrick helped me move furniture.  We got behind the couch and that's where the cat tree is. I even vacuumed the tree! We ended up emptying the cleaner 3X's!! That dang cat has a lot of hair! 

After all that work, I decided to pull out the quilts from the other room. I wanted to finish the binding on the one quilt - which I did. 

Debbie's challenge quilt is done. This was the third one. I put the label on it and then put it in the bag to go to the museum. 

Label #2 is done. I believe I have 8 quilts that need labels and one needs the binding stitched done. So, I have a full plate of adding labels. 

Label #3 is done. Connie did both of them, with Georgie helping on the top one of the 2. More of Georgie's blocks are getting done and on quilts. 

Now I'm done! I have the blanket and cat's bed washed and need to put them back. We cleaned up a little. I was in the mood to clean and pick up stuff. 

My beads of the month arrived and I will show them tomorrow. Right now I'm just happy today was another day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

County Commissioner's Meeting and Quilting!

 This morning I was up and ready to go to the Lewis County Commissioner's meeting. Debbie picked me up and then we headed to the court house for the meeting. We arrived early and chatted. It was at 10 am and I believe we were done by 11 am. One of the commissioners was helping us get in contact with the Veterans gal. I believe it's the Veterans Association. Not sure. Anyway, we chatted with here after the meeting and she had a lot of ideas to help us raise money. It was amazing of the things she was coming up with! They have a lot of businesses that might be able to help us as well. I'm excited! 

After the meeting we headed to Dutch Brothers and sat outside to drink. We sat with a retired police officer from WA State. Candy was a blast! I enjoyed our chatting and it was funny how we sat and drank for about 2 hours. I think we surprised the coffee shop we were there so long. lol 

Came home and went downstairs to work on my quilt. I'm determined to get this quilt done. 

 I spent the afternoon getting this done. I had to recut another set of strips because I cut one too short. I have the border (same as the border inside) for the outside. 

Kirsti came over and got some of the square scraps and will do another quilt with those. She stayed a while and we chatted about the fair. I know where she is coming from and it's not bad.

After supper I went back down and sewed the labels onto a white backing. Those are now ready to be put on the back of the quilts. I also ordered 5 bolts of fabric and 2 batting. That should be in on Saturday. 

Then I came back up and worked on some paperwork. After all that, I pulled out my embroidery and finished the beads on the piece. I just need to fix the one flower and then it's done. I will have to wash it and figure out what I'm going to do with it. I will try and get my name put on it. Haven't decided how I'm going to do it yet. I may just stitch my name and date. It will show, but I don't care. Just need to finish the flower first. That's what's fun about being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Day

This morning I had a few things to do before going to the grange. When I remembered last night we were going to celebrate Cindy's Birthday, I stopped at Safeway to get her a Starbucks card. Then I changed my mind and bought her a mug. Next was toI stop at Connie's and gave her 2 more quilt tops to work on. She gave me 2 more to sew the binding on. Then I headed McD's for our drinks. 

When I arrived at the grange no one was there. I was surprised because Cindy wasn't even there. I waited a few minutes - I was early about 10 mins - and then Sandy showed up. We went into the grange and chatted while we worked on our projects. I took my Ruth's Farwell. Cindy didn't show up till about 11 am. She isn't usually late, but she was telling us what was going on. I'm a little worried about her since she picked up a hitchhiker. He's staying in her barn. So, it's going to be interesting how that works out. 

I was adding the beads on this. 

I took out the flower at the top left of this loop. It was too big and driving me crazy. Came home and worked on this tonight as well. I have 52 beads that go on this piece. 

I have 3 1/2 of the loops done with beads. I will try and finish it tomorrow and add that flower to cut out. I'm happy with the way it's coming along. I will block it after I was it so that the bullions lay right. 

Had to go to moms after the grange. We left around noon and I went straight to moms. There I was helping mom with her credit card. She was upset and couldn't reach the credit card (Citibank) to help her out. I ended up being on the phone for over 3 hours between Citibank and the credit union where mom banks. Hopefully things will be fixed by tomorrow. Mom was in tears when I got there. We ended up canceling her credit card because she's had nothing but trouble since they made her change it to her name. It was fine before - but then it was in dad's name. Mom had sent payments to the credit card but they were send to the wrong account. So, the back was going to track the payments and have them redirected to the correct account. 

By the time I got home I was tired. I got supper going and then after supper I worked on the embroidery. I was starting to fall asleep but made myself stay awake so I could get to sleep tonight. It's frustrating to have to fix moms problems - that she did & blame the company instead of herself - but what more frustrating is when she says, "I know I'm so stupid." I hate it when she does that. I keep telling her she's not and not to worry about it. I'm just worried that she's not paying attention when she makes payments online. But then again, that's not my problem, it's going to be my brothers when he gets back to WA. I hope it's soon!

My day was busy and yet I could still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Spending The Day Quilting Again

This morning I was up and ready to go. I knew Debbie was coming over and I wanted to get my exercises done. I finished after she came. lol

Debbie came over with a really pretty panel. We talked about what she could do for the panel. Patrick put his ideas in on it as well. I have him helping me with mine as well. She stayed a little bit. Sent her home with ideas and some fabric to go with the panel. 

After she left, I came up and cleaned up a little bit. I needed to get the kitty litter changed. I also worked on the backing and batting for the 3 quilts. 

I finished the scrap one. It turned out better than I thought. 

Then I started on the next quilt. I added the border to the panel. Patrick is helping with the designing. I will add strips. We will figure out how to do them later. It won't be tomorrow since I have a long list of things to do. 

We then left at 3 pm to head over to moms for crab supper. We got there and worked on getting the corn and crab cooked. The crab was already cooked but I like my crab warm. I heated up half the crab. Then we sat and ate. After awhile we came home. 

I played on my tablets and listened to my book. Patrick watched "Big Bang" which I'm so sick of it's not funny. I've seen every episode at least 20 times working it's way to 100 times. 

I was thrilled this morning worked out and I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Spending The Day Quilting

This morning I slept till 10 am!! I couldn't believe it. I woke at 6 am and put my blinders on and went back to sleep. lol 

When I finally got moving, I had to go outside and pick blueberries. I must have been out there 2 hours picking!

 Got more blueberries than I expected. I filled the top bowl and had to come back and get the bowl on the right side. (This is how I clean them). 

I put the berries on the counter and went downstairs to work on my quilt. I spend the afternoon sewing the rows together. Once that was done, I needed to add a border. 

I stopped at this point and came up to work on supper. Then I cleaned up the berries and put them in 3 Ziplock Quarts bags. I filled them pretty full. I will give Phil some later. I have at least that much more on the tree that will be ready in a couple days. 

After a little break, I headed back downstairs. I took the top border out and measured the material to find I was an inch short. So, I had to cut another piece for the top. I have it pinned on, but not sewn down. I figured since I was having trouble with the border, I would just call it done. After pinning the border on I cut some labels and pinned them to a white backing fabric. 

So, now I'm ready to sew them as well. I will go back down tomorrow and finish what I started. I need a lot of labels so I will have to make sure I get them done tomorrow. 

We will be going to moms tomorrow for crab supper. She called to say she has 5 crabs and wanted to know if we wanted to come over. I love crab and said yes. Patrick was looking at me like I was crazy! I told him "It's crab! Can't pass that up!" He just chuckled at me. We don't have to go till 3 pm, so I should have time to finish up the quilt and then cut backing and batting to get ready to take to Connie on Monday. I will need to wash the backing and need to put that in consideration as well. 

I felt great being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 7, 2023

Took The Day Off!

 Today Patrick was up and out the door by 7:30 am. I enjoyed sleeping in - till 8:00 am. I played a few games and just enjoyed doing NOTHING! I thought about going downstairs but didn't. I got a call from Judy saying she has a box of fabric for me - QOV. She wanted to know if I was going to moms. Told her not today, I wanted to take the day off. She was trying to figure out how to get the box to me. I told her I'm home most days and she can drop it off. Called mom later today and she didn't go over, so I'm thinking she will drop it off one of these days. 

Patrick got home and I couldn't continue to listen to my book. I will later tonight. He was surprised I didn't go downstairs or work on the beads for the embroidery. I told him I'm just not in the mood. I don't know if it's because this week was so full or if I'm worried about Patrick. It's hard to say what my problem is. I also realized I need to get more labels ready to put on the quilts. I have 6 quilts that need labels and 2 quilts that need binding stitched done. 

I finally decided to work on sewing the binding down. Of course, Sophie had to help. She was put on the arm of the chair, but kept trying to sit on my lap. Then she "snuck" on the quilt and waiting to see what I was going to do about it. I wasn't paying attention, so she fell asleep on me. I got a little way done. Then gave up. 

As you can tell, even 2 pictures didn't wake her up. I had to boot her off the quilt so I could do my blog.  😂

As much as I wanted to do something today, I didn't. That's what taking the day off does! Which also means I wasn't very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Trying To Finish My Embroidery

 This morning we were up at 6:30 am and out the door by 7:15 am. Patrick's MRI and CAT scan was early. I took my "Ruth's Farwell" piece with me to work on. 

I started to do the flowers that I was having trouble with. I did 3 of them and wasn't happy with them. 

They are the ones in the bottom center. When we got back home I showed Patrick and said I wasn't happy with them. He reminded me that flowers are different and not all are the same. Plus they looked fine. I took that for being okay and didn't need to take them all out. 

I had to work on the last 3 flowers. I was able to get these done. Then I added the beads to the flowers. Once all of them were done........

I started to add the bigger beads. I asked Patrick if they were too big and he said no. I was thinking of doing smaller ones, but I will finish this piece with the rest of the beads. I was only able to get 3 of them done before I realized the time and wanted to get this posted. 

We went to Safeway on the way home. It was comical because we only went for 1 thing and came out with about 20. We just thought of a few things while we were in there. 

Sophie has been ignoring us all day. She hides under the dinning room table. I think it's because it's cooler under there. We reached 83 degrees which is a lot better than the 98 degrees we hit yesterday. I didn't feel so hot today. Wear shorts and that usually helps with the weather - when I wear shorts it's a cold day. When I put jeans on, it's a very hot day. Can't win!

I'm thrilled that today was a good day - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

It's Another Day!

Today I was up after Patrick went golfing. I played games for a little bit before getting moving. I had a call from Diane (from Spokane) that is QOV related. I haven't chatted with her in over 2 years now. We chatted a good 45 mins! She's a blast. We talked about what is going on and she was asking if we still needed quilts. I told her we are doing pretty good right now. I told her we have 59 requests and about 30 quilts ready to present. We are still working on it. 

Patrick arrived while I was chatting. Told him about what we were talking about. Then I went to my email and had to send out a message to all our members. I also had a few things to work on. I couldn't believe my day was running out so fast! It was 2 pm before I could get downstairs! The heat is killing me! We reached 93 degrees and I'm melting! lol 

I headed back downstairs to see if I could get the last 4 rows figured out. 

The last row was on the floor till I could get it sewn together. I did finish sewing the last 3 rows together. Then I took the bottom 2 and sewed them together. I'm working my way up. It's a little dark from the photo, but at least I could use most of the squares I had that needed a home. I ended up with 2 quilts with this set of blocks. I'm happy to see them being put together and done. Hopefully by this weekend I can get it done and off to Connie on Monday. 

I also signed up for 2 Brazilian Embroidery classes. They are Loretta Holzberger patterns. I want to learn a few things with her. Normally I take a class with Debbie Goff but have already done that class, so I'm heading to Loretta's. Only 2 classes this time. One in Sept and one in November. I can handle that. 

Came up and had supper. Then afterwards I couldn't keep my eyes open, so took a nap on the couch. I rarely do that, but for some reason my eyes would not stay open. I was hoping to work on cross stitch this evening - guess sleep was needed more. lol 

Off to Olympia early tomorrow morning. Patrick's test will be done. Should be home before noon. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching

Happy 4th of July! I love all the patriotic stuff! 

But our day was pretty much to ourselves. We headed over to moms around 3 pm and played games with Nancy and mom. Patrick worked outside today before we headed over there. 

My day was spent working on QOV stuff. Both Val and Debbie came over to drop off and pick up QOV stuff. Debbie brought me 2 quilts that need the binding stitched on. I will stitch those down. I know mom and Nancy will be awhile before they stitch the 5 quilts they have that needs binding. Connie has more, so I'm thinking I will have to do a few myself. Don't want to, but will if I need to. Nancy has a quilt she's working on for her grandson, so I can't fault her for that. 

I wanted to work on the quilt I started, but figured out I needed to get paperwork and stuff done for QOV. We got another donation, which helps! I need to order more batting and backing. I also ordered some ink for the printer and both QOV and the water system are going to pay for that. I need to work on another flier for the Panda Express fundraiser. Always have things to do! 

Since I wasn't able to go downstairs or work on any bindings, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...