Saturday, July 22, 2023

QOV Presentation Day!

 Today Patrick put the quilts out in the car. Then I added the rest of the stuff I needed to take to the museum. Poor Kaylee she was on her own in the morning. The volunteers called in and said they couldn't work today. Poor museum needs more volunteers. 

Debbie was there before me. She had called and asked where I was. I told her I was turning into the area. Actually I was turning at the light which was about 3 mins away. When I arrived we found out there was another program tonight. We were told to put the room back to where it was when we got there. I got moving on the QOV banner. Then I had to get everything out for Carol since she was helping me. I was looking for a lot of stuff. We couldn't give out the fair tickets since the ones who are signed up weren't there today. Hildi wasn't there and mom took her place. I do hop her husband is better, but thinking his time is near. 

We had a good presentation. A couple of my quilts even were given out. 

This is the group we did today. It was an honor to honor the following veterans - (in no special order) Craig Hurley, Army, James McKillop, Navy, Jason Lee Earl, Army, Darrel Allen Lowery, Air Force, Carol Pisuno, Army, John F. Clark, Army, Charles E Wood, Air Force, and Larry Sprague, Army. Larry was the one that missed the last presentation by accident. Then he left his pillow case behind. It was good to get him in. 

After cleaning up, I came home. The I-5 was bumper to bumper going north bound. I was just glad I was going south bound. I have a quilt top I need to get ready for Debbie. I'm having to drop off a few things to her on Monday. 

I pretty much played games. I was falling asleep around 5:30 this evening. We are having to get up early to head down to Longview to judge quilts. First we pick mom up. It should be fun tomorrow. 

It was another day where I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Casino Day!

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