Thursday, July 13, 2023

Finished The Quilt Top

This morning turned out so much different than I was planning. Patrick worked outside while I walked the neighborhood 3 x's. Then I went to pick blueberries. Patrick was getting ready to go to the dump with the branches. While I was picking berries, I figured out that I needed to go with him so I would have to do my other stops tomorrow. 

We headed out on our trip. First stop was at the dump, dropping off glass first then going back around to be weighed for the branches. Patrick unloaded and then we were off again. Next stop was to the car wash. His truck really needed it. Back on track we stopped at the vets to get meds, then to the Farm Store to pick up chlorine for the well. Once that was done the next stop was rite aid and then my sons. Gave Phil a big hug while Patrick dropped a few things off. We finally came back home. I worked on laundry after lunch and then went downstairs. 

Of course, I saw this first. At least it's not as full as I usually get it. 

I got busy working on my quilt top. The white in the left corner at the bottom is my "tag" that will be removed. We keep track of who made the quilts and what the size is. I finished the border on it. Then I got to work and made a pillow case for it. Since this is going to Grace Church to be quilted, I'm keeping the binding fabric and the pillow case till I get it back. I will drop it off tomorrow. 

Came upstairs and worked on supper. Once supper was over I put my "monthly" beads away. I needed to get them put away since I have done that in awhile. I will probably go back into my beads and put them in tubes, but decided to just list what I have and call it good. I did add the bead that I have to the ones I got (only a few). Then called it good. I need to work on the next 2 angel set to take with me to Michigan when we go. That way I will have something to work on. I will need to decide what Brazilian embroidery piece I will work on as well. 

I gave up after awhile. I've been going all day. Tomorrow is our meeting at moms. I need to get ready for that as well. I guess that's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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