Monday, July 31, 2023

Weather Was Cooler

 Today I felt good. Slept great. Had breakfast with everyone and then we decided on what today would bring. Dennis, Sue, Patrick,  and Molly were going golfing. Chris and I were on our own. Dad went home to get his package that was coming in today. Patrick and I took a walk before they left.

Chris and I went into town so I could visit the bead store - Noc Bay Trading Company. I was in heaven!! 

I bought a few things and picked up a catalog. 

I bought a kit to make earrings. This has beads, earring clips, porcupine needles, thread, bees wax, thread and a book of patterns. All that was $24, and well worth it.

After that shop we headed to a deli for lunch. It was really good. After that it was the grocery store and back to the cabin. Dad was back when we got here. 

We played left, right, center before they decided to watch a movie.  I decided to listen to my book instead. Trouble with that is the TV is LOUD! 

Now I have my wire and can get back to beading. I am ready to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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