Sunday, September 1, 2019

My Week Is Starting......

Today we were up and out the door for grocery shopping. We really did need to get some stuff for the month. We also picked up some goodies for tomorrow when our friends come over. And of course, even though it was morning, it was busy in the store. We did get out of there before the mad rush though - at least I want to believe that.

When we brought the groceries home, I cleaned out the refrigerator and the freezer. Then we loaded everything back in both. It looks 100% better.

The afternoon was finishing the labels on the 2 quilts that will be presented on Wednesday. I even got laundry started. Put the sheets out on the line. Then after the quilts were labeled I needed to wash them, and I did. My dryer didn't get the first one dry yet, so it's running again now. I really want to get the second on in the dryer tonight.

After getting the labels done, I got started on the "facing" binding - hate that term, think I will keep calling it a dutch binding or even a french binding.

This is about as far as I got. It's coming along nicely. I had to stop and get dinner. Again, I can't show the quilt, because this isn't my quilt. Once can get the idea of the quilting though. She's an awesome quilter!

I then ended up cleaning off the table, and getting the oven cleaned. That really warmed up the kitchen! I even did some picking up and getting stuff put away. I had to put all my beading away, as that was on the table. I really hate to think of putting that back though. I would really like some kind of table I could work from my lap. lol

Even though it was more a cleaning day then a sewing day.....I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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