This morning I had to be at moms by 7:30 am. We the left for her appointment with the Laser Clinic. Once that was done we then went to the eye doctors for them to remove one lens in her glasses. After that it was to the bank for her. We then headed back to her place where I was learning how to use the Brother cutting tool that Bev brought to mom to take to the quilt show for sale. I think mom is going to make a donation for it because we were figuring out how to use it. It works great for the freezer paper cut outs. I also cut some fabric with it yesterday. I'm still reading on how to use it. It's going to work fine for her.
We then heading up to Tumwater were we met up with Phillip and Dan. We had a really good lunch with them. I ordered a Veggie Burger and was surprised at how good it tasted. It reminded me of a chick and fish sandwich. It really wasn't bad, and I eat most of it. It really filled me up! I would order that again.
After we got back, I left. I wanted to get some stuff done at home. Truth be told, I didn't get much done. I actually sat and enjoyed Sophie for a little bit. Then I sat down to bead.
Patrick got home early - he's looking forward to retiring and decided he would come home early as the new guy needs to figure things out on his own.
My bird is almost done. I've finished 141/446 rows. It's getting there. I'm almost to a fourth of the way. I was listening to a book while I beaded. Don't like to watch TV any more. There just isn't much I would care to see. I get tired of hearing the Democrats and the Republicans arguing and bickering. They aren't doing their jobs, they are just pointing figures. So, I sit and bead with a good book. I started a another book that's a series. This is the first book.
I finished my "Dreams" books - 3 in all. I order the last one from BnN because the library didn't have it on CD's. I only paid about $10 for it, but I was ticked!! I got to the 9th CD and on the last track, it repeated itself. So, I went to the next CD and figured out I missed out on the most important part! I had no idea what happened and had to guess at it. I'll throw the CD's away! I was going to donate it to the library but can't now because there is a "hiccup" in the 9th CD. Oh, well. I may go on Libby and get it from there to hear that part I missed!
Patrick had bowling tonight. So, that gave me plenty of time to enjoy my beading. I'm getting ready to start the tail of the next bird. I can't wait to see it, but looking at the photo, it almost looks like I might have started it already. It's in the tree area. We'll see soon enough. I'm working on getting this done. I really do want to work on another one.
My day was enjoyable. I was able to see my son, my other son, and mom. We all had a good chat about how things were going. Phillip hadn't seen Dan in awhile and I thought it was a good idea to get them together as well. It's funny, but I probably won't be seeing Dan as often now because he's not bowling. I will keep in touch though. He's family. Mom really enjoyed today and was laughing with the boys about how well she's seeing out of that eye that got done. Next week is another appointment and then the following week we do this all over again.
It's always fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
This is a blog that shows my quilting, Brazilian embroidery, cross stitch, beading and more. It's a daily blog that shows how busy I can be with too many projects and how lazy I can get at times. Even boring at times. It was originally for my children who where miles away. Now, it's just a blog.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Busy Day....That Went All Day...
This morning I was up and vacuuming. I wanted to get some things done before heading to moms. I was able to get some laundry done as well.
While laundry was going, I beaded for a row and a half. Then I had to go to moms. I arrived early. Bev gave mom a cutter machine because she couldn't figure out how to work it. I told mom it wasn't that hard. So, we worked on trying it out. Then before I realized it, it was time to take her to the Lazer Clinic. We arrived around 12 pm. She got in about the time she was supposed to at 12:20 pm. I waited for about 2 hours. While I waited I was working on one of my brother's eagles.
I was able to get the bottom part of the second wing attached. I'll applique the top part later. I was chatting with another gal that had been there since 10 am this morning. She wasn't too happy.
After her surgery, she wanted to go get some cookies for the funeral on Saturday. So, we went to Safeway and mom did her shopping. After she got all the stuff she wanted she asked me what we came for. Told her we came for the cookies. Which we picked up. Took her back to her place and unloaded. She still had the tape over her eye. She was starting to blink, so she was close to opening her eyes.
I didn't make it back home till 4 pm, when I had to get supper going. After supper we headed to bowling. I didn't do that well, but I did stay above 150! My first game was 171, 150, 159. Started out good, then ended up with more splits than I care to have. Second game had 4 splits. UGH
I'm glad I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Another Trip To Tumwater.......
This morning I was out the door again to head to Tumwater. I stopped at Starbucks to get a good drink for the trip.
I went to my last appointment at 11 am. I was a little early. Not enough to work on some applique or embroidery. I actually took them both to work on. Instead I worked on my phone and played games.
Then it was off to Sharon's. I got there just at lunch time. She made me a sandwich and I wanted on Bill to finish the quilting on one of the quilts I dropped off yesterday. It turned out really nice. I really like the quilt! I'll get the binding on it and get that ready for our 20th presentation. If the other one gets done, then we will be ready for 3 quilts to give out. I still haven't heard from the other 2 I sent an email for.
While I was there at Sharon's, I checked out her beading. We chatted about the bead work. She let me borrow 3 of her patterns that I wanted. It will keep me busy beading! I'm really liking beading and have been thinking about what I will do next.
Headed home but had to stop off at the museum first. They were having the tickets for the WWII veterans dinner. I bought a ticket. They are giving us 2 tickets for giving out quilts. The rest need to be paid for. I will give those 2 to mom and Ethel or even Hildi. I will let them know about the dinner to see if more want to go. Picked up the quilt and came home.
I wanted to work on my beading, so I did.
Got about 3 or 4 more rows done. It's starting to show the tail. I'm really liking this!! There is a branch that the bird is on. It's slowly starting to show up. It's going a lot faster than it was when I started.
Today was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I went to my last appointment at 11 am. I was a little early. Not enough to work on some applique or embroidery. I actually took them both to work on. Instead I worked on my phone and played games.
Then it was off to Sharon's. I got there just at lunch time. She made me a sandwich and I wanted on Bill to finish the quilting on one of the quilts I dropped off yesterday. It turned out really nice. I really like the quilt! I'll get the binding on it and get that ready for our 20th presentation. If the other one gets done, then we will be ready for 3 quilts to give out. I still haven't heard from the other 2 I sent an email for.
While I was there at Sharon's, I checked out her beading. We chatted about the bead work. She let me borrow 3 of her patterns that I wanted. It will keep me busy beading! I'm really liking beading and have been thinking about what I will do next.
Headed home but had to stop off at the museum first. They were having the tickets for the WWII veterans dinner. I bought a ticket. They are giving us 2 tickets for giving out quilts. The rest need to be paid for. I will give those 2 to mom and Ethel or even Hildi. I will let them know about the dinner to see if more want to go. Picked up the quilt and came home.
I wanted to work on my beading, so I did.
Got about 3 or 4 more rows done. It's starting to show the tail. I'm really liking this!! There is a branch that the bird is on. It's slowly starting to show up. It's going a lot faster than it was when I started.
Today was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Monday, October 28, 2019
After 6 Weeks, I'm Almost Back To Normal.....So I Though
Today I was up and out the door. I had to get the quilt tops to take to Bill. I wanted to take some snacks to eat on the way back.....that didn't was still on the counter when I got home. UGH
I picked Dan up on time. Then we headed back to Centralia to go to his doctors appointment. The good news is that he can drive and in 2 weeks he can go back to work. While I waited on him, I worked on my brother's eagle wings.
I finished this wing. Then I started on the next wing.
I picked Dan up on time. Then we headed back to Centralia to go to his doctors appointment. The good news is that he can drive and in 2 weeks he can go back to work. While I waited on him, I worked on my brother's eagle wings.
I finished this wing. Then I started on the next wing.
Didn't get far when a WWII veteran sat down next to me and we chatted. I really loved chatting with him. He's 93 years old and married to a gal 91 years old. Told me he's been married to her for 36 years. I really did enjoy sitting with him. When Dan came out, I told him to take care. Dan went up and shock his hand and told him to take care as well. I was so proud of Dan for doing that!
Then it was off to Dan's house again to drop him off. We got to his place and I waited till he started his car - easy right?! It started. So, I left. I was supposed to go North and I went South!! I had to go to Maytown exit to turn around. On the way I head some clicks and wondered what the heck that was. Then the phone rang.....but it wasn't my phone!! I noticed Dan's phone sitting on the passenger side of the car. I couldn't reach it and it wouldn't shut up!! Next thing I know as I'm coming to Dan's exit AGAIN, Phil called. I was talking to him and the next think I know is Patrick saying he doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about. Hung up and called Phil back. He told me Dan said the phone was in the van. I told him - I knew that and was turning off to drop it off. Asked how he knew and come to find out Dan emailed Phillip to call me. When I got to Dan's he told me he got on the computer and had it call his phone. I told him I couldn't get to it. We laughed about all the stuff going on with the phone and how I made the wrong turn and was headed back anyway.
I then took the right exit to the North to drop off the quilts. I got to Sharon and Bill's. Bill only had one quilt on the frame. So he was happy to have 2 more quilts to work on. I stayed and chatted with Sharon on beading. She's about 74 rows from being done with the Snowman piece. I didn't stay long. It felt good to be back home by 2:30 pm.
When I got home, I got the laundry going. Then went to listening to my book and beading. I really like how well that's coming along.
TILL I found a really loose bead. I had to take out a row and put it back in. Not as easy as it sounds, because I finished the thread and started another thread in the middle of that row. I ended up going back farther than I wanted to. On top of that,
a bead broke and I had to fix that as well. I thought I did a good job till I tried to add 2 more beads to the row, then I had to fix that area as well. Once I had it all fixed - thank goodness it was on the row under the row I was working on. It made it easy enough to fix. I'm happy to say I finished 131.
Tomorrow is another day. Then on Wednesday I start all over with taking mom all over the place for the next month. I just finished with Dan, and now I will be caring for mom and her eyes. We'll see how all this goes. I feel like I'm going none stop any more. I only have Fridays (shhhhh don't tell!!) where I don't have any plans or appointments.
She's looking good! Waiting to see the next bird!
At least I have been able to find time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Good Day!
This morning I was up and putting my cinnamon buns in the oven. I was happy they raised like they should have. I had one fresh out of the oven, but I really think the cream was a bit much. Patrick liked it. I had it soaking in heavy cream and brown sugar.
I got working on washing the backing fabric for tomorrow. I have to drop the 2 quilt tops off at Bill's tomorrow. After I drop Dan off from his doctors appointment.
Patrick worked outside. He got a lot done.
He's started on the leaves. He got 17 bags done and said it will be 60 more bags to go. This is his pile so far.
While he was doing that, I was beading.
I'm at 126/446 rows. Have 320 rows to go. I do like that the tail is starting to be worked. Once the tail is done, then another bird will start to show. I really do like the way this is coming. Told Patrick if I get it done before Christmas I could give it as a gift to one of the kids - maybe Phillip. He looked at me funny and said, "I don't think so, we'll keep it. You spent way too much time on it to give it away."
It never fails though. I was working on it and a bead below the row I was working on broke. I fixed that, then I was 4 more rows later, and another bead broke. So, I had to use my magnifying glass to work on it. I couldn't get it to lay right when I tried the first time. Took out all the strands and tried again. I finally got it and asked Patrick to see if he could see where I added the bead. He couldn't and I couldn't, so I did a pretty good job of putting it together. Woo Hoo! Then I added another row. I was able to get 5 rows done today.
It was bowling night. We bowled a team that had beginners and 2 of their teammates were gone. So, we got done early and won all 4 games. Tonight was the last of the quarter. If we did our math right, we may have won the quarter by 1/2 point. It's hard to say till next week. I bowled better tonight. I wasn't flipping my wrist at all tonight which in itself is awesome! I bowled a 171, 189, 182. I beat Patrick in series by 2 pins. It was a good night all in all. I was laughing more tonight.
I'm so glad to be able to work on my beading! I'm so happy when I work on this piece. It's a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I got working on washing the backing fabric for tomorrow. I have to drop the 2 quilt tops off at Bill's tomorrow. After I drop Dan off from his doctors appointment.
Patrick worked outside. He got a lot done.
He's started on the leaves. He got 17 bags done and said it will be 60 more bags to go. This is his pile so far.
While he was doing that, I was beading.
I'm at 126/446 rows. Have 320 rows to go. I do like that the tail is starting to be worked. Once the tail is done, then another bird will start to show. I really do like the way this is coming. Told Patrick if I get it done before Christmas I could give it as a gift to one of the kids - maybe Phillip. He looked at me funny and said, "I don't think so, we'll keep it. You spent way too much time on it to give it away."
It never fails though. I was working on it and a bead below the row I was working on broke. I fixed that, then I was 4 more rows later, and another bead broke. So, I had to use my magnifying glass to work on it. I couldn't get it to lay right when I tried the first time. Took out all the strands and tried again. I finally got it and asked Patrick to see if he could see where I added the bead. He couldn't and I couldn't, so I did a pretty good job of putting it together. Woo Hoo! Then I added another row. I was able to get 5 rows done today.
It was bowling night. We bowled a team that had beginners and 2 of their teammates were gone. So, we got done early and won all 4 games. Tonight was the last of the quarter. If we did our math right, we may have won the quarter by 1/2 point. It's hard to say till next week. I bowled better tonight. I wasn't flipping my wrist at all tonight which in itself is awesome! I bowled a 171, 189, 182. I beat Patrick in series by 2 pins. It was a good night all in all. I was laughing more tonight.
I'm so glad to be able to work on my beading! I'm so happy when I work on this piece. It's a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Date Night
This morning we were both up before 8 am. Patrick was actually up about 45 mins before me. He was getting his new John Deer tractor today. They delivered at 8:30 am. I was really surprised they delivered that early in the morning. Patrick was thrilled to get his new tractor.
So, while Patrick was enjoying his new tractor and cleaning up the yard. I was trying to get QOV stuff done. We had to cancel today for a presentation. Got a hold of most of them. After getting all that done, I went downstairs and tried to get started on the batting and backing for the 2 quilts I have. But that wasn't going to happen right away because I had a couple phone calls. One gal called to say she finished the quilt for her brother and wanted to drop it off. We will do the presentation on the 20th for her. I also sent off a couple emails to get a couple more people there at the 20th presentation. So, I was having to text, email and call a few people. Once all that was done, I could get back to cutting the batting and backing. I was able to get both of those done.....then Patrick told me I had an hour to get ready.
Since the time was short, I went back up and worked on my beading. I figured I could get more done that way.
My bird is getting to the bottom. It's looking pretty good at this point! I love this. I'm now about 123rd row. At least I was able to get 2 rows in.
Then it was off to the movies. We watched "Magnificent" (sp?) and I really liked it. It was so well done and wasn't anything that I thought it would be. Well worth seeing!
Came home and got some cinnamon rolls going. Now they will sit overnight and it will go into the oven when I get up.
At least I was able to get a few things done in the way of beading and QOV. We dropped off a quilt at Ethel's so she could do the binding. I also gave her a couple kits for her to work on. I'm just happy I was able to bead today. Which means it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
So, while Patrick was enjoying his new tractor and cleaning up the yard. I was trying to get QOV stuff done. We had to cancel today for a presentation. Got a hold of most of them. After getting all that done, I went downstairs and tried to get started on the batting and backing for the 2 quilts I have. But that wasn't going to happen right away because I had a couple phone calls. One gal called to say she finished the quilt for her brother and wanted to drop it off. We will do the presentation on the 20th for her. I also sent off a couple emails to get a couple more people there at the 20th presentation. So, I was having to text, email and call a few people. Once all that was done, I could get back to cutting the batting and backing. I was able to get both of those done.....then Patrick told me I had an hour to get ready.
Since the time was short, I went back up and worked on my beading. I figured I could get more done that way.
My bird is getting to the bottom. It's looking pretty good at this point! I love this. I'm now about 123rd row. At least I was able to get 2 rows in.
Then it was off to the movies. We watched "Magnificent" (sp?) and I really liked it. It was so well done and wasn't anything that I thought it would be. Well worth seeing!
Came home and got some cinnamon rolls going. Now they will sit overnight and it will go into the oven when I get up.
At least I was able to get a few things done in the way of beading and QOV. We dropped off a quilt at Ethel's so she could do the binding. I also gave her a couple kits for her to work on. I'm just happy I was able to bead today. Which means it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Friday, October 25, 2019
It Wasn't A Planned Day - Woo Hoo
For some reason, I couldn't get up till 9 am this morning. Even then I didn't want to get up, but I did. I guess this week wore me out, so I must have been tired more then I thought.
I got laundry going. Then I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed. I kept busy cleaning up.
Sharon called and said she was bring my beads to me. I was thrilled to hear that! I went and finished copying the last pattern of hers. Then I gave her back the book I borrowed with her patterns.
Bill and Sharon came and he was doing good. He had to walk up the stairs but he did do good.
She brought me a bag full of beads - woo hoo!! I was thrilled to see them. I still have one bead to get from her that she bought 25 grams of. I'll get those next week. Told Bill I may be bringing him 2 quilts on Monday.
After they left, I decided to listen to my next book on tape. While that was going I worked on my beading.
I'm now at row 122! I'm moving along. I really want to get moving on this!! I was thrilled when Sharon brought the beads I needed. I'll have to pay her for the beads on Monday. I roll it to work on it. That's what the photo shows.
Patrick came home and I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the night. I did get our water bookkeeping balanced. I'm back on track now.
I need to get the certificate for tomorrow done. Will do that here soon. Just enjoying watching the Great British Baking Contest. It's so much fun! I now get to see the first session.
I didn't plan the day! I keep thinking about planning, but I didn't do it!! I'm so glad I didn't! Things are going good. I'm getting to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
I got laundry going. Then I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed. I kept busy cleaning up.
Sharon called and said she was bring my beads to me. I was thrilled to hear that! I went and finished copying the last pattern of hers. Then I gave her back the book I borrowed with her patterns.
Bill and Sharon came and he was doing good. He had to walk up the stairs but he did do good.
She brought me a bag full of beads - woo hoo!! I was thrilled to see them. I still have one bead to get from her that she bought 25 grams of. I'll get those next week. Told Bill I may be bringing him 2 quilts on Monday.
After they left, I decided to listen to my next book on tape. While that was going I worked on my beading.
I'm now at row 122! I'm moving along. I really want to get moving on this!! I was thrilled when Sharon brought the beads I needed. I'll have to pay her for the beads on Monday. I roll it to work on it. That's what the photo shows.
Patrick came home and I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the night. I did get our water bookkeeping balanced. I'm back on track now.
I need to get the certificate for tomorrow done. Will do that here soon. Just enjoying watching the Great British Baking Contest. It's so much fun! I now get to see the first session.
I didn't plan the day! I keep thinking about planning, but I didn't do it!! I'm so glad I didn't! Things are going good. I'm getting to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tomorrow Is FRIDAY!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow!! It's to the end of the week.
This morning I was up and out the door to pick Dan up. I took him to PT and sat and worked on my embroidery and read a book. I was between things to do.
Last night I finished the leaves that were left to do. Then today I worked on the branches. I don't have a lot more to do. I'm close to getting there to the roses. I may have this finished yet.
Dan and I went shopping at Fred Meyer. So I picked up a few things there. Dropped Dan off and came home. I got my laundry started - as it's been awhile since I've had the time to do it.
Patrick had bowling tonight, so I decided to listen to the book and work on the wild birds. In getting started I realized I didn't have enough beads for #749. I called Sharon to see if she had any because I really didn't want to order any more! She has some and will bring them to me. I had to stop at row 121.
I really wanted to work on this!! I think I gave Sharon what I had when she was low on that color. So, chances are I'm buying my beads back.
That made me get back to my snowman beading. I cleaned up the kitchen and then went back to beading. I started the first snowman pattern tonight but didn't get far before Patrick made it home.
I found it interesting how small these are. I was able to get it started. In a small way I'm hoping Sharon and Bill take a drive and come drop the beads off.
At least I've been able to enjoy today. Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I'm hoping - yep, HOPING - it will be my day! I will work on laundry and I will try to get the binding on the QOV quilt. I'm afraid to plan my day.....we all know how that comes out! So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what happens. I'm hoping to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
This morning I was up and out the door to pick Dan up. I took him to PT and sat and worked on my embroidery and read a book. I was between things to do.
Last night I finished the leaves that were left to do. Then today I worked on the branches. I don't have a lot more to do. I'm close to getting there to the roses. I may have this finished yet.
Dan and I went shopping at Fred Meyer. So I picked up a few things there. Dropped Dan off and came home. I got my laundry started - as it's been awhile since I've had the time to do it.
Patrick had bowling tonight, so I decided to listen to the book and work on the wild birds. In getting started I realized I didn't have enough beads for #749. I called Sharon to see if she had any because I really didn't want to order any more! She has some and will bring them to me. I had to stop at row 121.
I really wanted to work on this!! I think I gave Sharon what I had when she was low on that color. So, chances are I'm buying my beads back.
That made me get back to my snowman beading. I cleaned up the kitchen and then went back to beading. I started the first snowman pattern tonight but didn't get far before Patrick made it home.
I found it interesting how small these are. I was able to get it started. In a small way I'm hoping Sharon and Bill take a drive and come drop the beads off.
At least I've been able to enjoy today. Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I'm hoping - yep, HOPING - it will be my day! I will work on laundry and I will try to get the binding on the QOV quilt. I'm afraid to plan my day.....we all know how that comes out! So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what happens. I'm hoping to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Early Morning - Late Night
This morning I was up before Patrick, showered and out the door to moms. She need to have Daisy at the Picky Puppy at 8 am and then needed to be at the Laser Clinic by 8:15 am. I was there at 7:35 am and we were out the door. Dropped Daisy off and then went to her appointment.
They checked her eye sight and she was even worse then she was a week ago. They checked everything out and she is getting cardiac surgery next week. She is so close to loosing her drivers license. I told her she should stop driving till the surgeries are over. We were there about an hour and a half. They told us it would be 2 hours and I was glad it wasn't the full 2 hours. They were quick and told her what to expect. They can't give her the shot they usually give when they do the eyes. They will have to do something else because she's allergic to the shot they normally give. It's going to be interesting. We go next week, then we go the following day and a week later. Once that is done, they will do the other eye, and we start all over with an appointments a week later. On top of that, I had to get her changed to another eye doctor and she has 2 more appointments for that. So, the next 4 weeks will be taking mom to her appointments. If it's not Dan, then it's mom. I can't wait to get back to my own schedules.
I was able to finish up Dian's quilt. I now have them done and will take them back to her after she gets back to me. They turned out pretty good. I worked on it while at moms waiting to go get Daisy. They we went out to lunch after we picked her up. Came back to her place and watched "Agatha Raisin" on the TV. I really like that show. It's on Acorn TV which mom gets.
I worked on my embroidery after I finished the bind on the quilt. I only have one more set of leaves to do.
Came home and finished the second snowman for the ornament. Have 4 more to go. I was happy to finally get this one done.
Then it was off to bowling. We were bowling for first place......ugh. We didn't make it. We were tied with the team we bowled against. And it was roll off day.....which wasn't our day. We lost the first game, won the second game and lost the third game. We lost total by 8 pins. All three of us missed the mark on the 10th frame. I bowled a 167,175 and a 149 - missed the 10 pin in the 10th frame!! I couldn't believe it!! I hit all of them all night and missed the most important one. I wasn't meant to be.
At least it was a day that I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
They checked her eye sight and she was even worse then she was a week ago. They checked everything out and she is getting cardiac surgery next week. She is so close to loosing her drivers license. I told her she should stop driving till the surgeries are over. We were there about an hour and a half. They told us it would be 2 hours and I was glad it wasn't the full 2 hours. They were quick and told her what to expect. They can't give her the shot they usually give when they do the eyes. They will have to do something else because she's allergic to the shot they normally give. It's going to be interesting. We go next week, then we go the following day and a week later. Once that is done, they will do the other eye, and we start all over with an appointments a week later. On top of that, I had to get her changed to another eye doctor and she has 2 more appointments for that. So, the next 4 weeks will be taking mom to her appointments. If it's not Dan, then it's mom. I can't wait to get back to my own schedules.
I was able to finish up Dian's quilt. I now have them done and will take them back to her after she gets back to me. They turned out pretty good. I worked on it while at moms waiting to go get Daisy. They we went out to lunch after we picked her up. Came back to her place and watched "Agatha Raisin" on the TV. I really like that show. It's on Acorn TV which mom gets.
I worked on my embroidery after I finished the bind on the quilt. I only have one more set of leaves to do.
Came home and finished the second snowman for the ornament. Have 4 more to go. I was happy to finally get this one done.
Then it was off to bowling. We were bowling for first place......ugh. We didn't make it. We were tied with the team we bowled against. And it was roll off day.....which wasn't our day. We lost the first game, won the second game and lost the third game. We lost total by 8 pins. All three of us missed the mark on the 10th frame. I bowled a 167,175 and a 149 - missed the 10 pin in the 10th frame!! I couldn't believe it!! I hit all of them all night and missed the most important one. I wasn't meant to be.
At least it was a day that I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Didn't Get Much Done
Today was my day with Dan. I really do enjoy spending the morning with him.
I picked Dan up and went to PT. While I was waiting on him I called to order our threads for the church. I talked with the gal at Superior Threads and she was a big help. Then I went back into the waiting room and played games on my phone. I forgot to take stuff to work on!! I need to be better prepared tomorrow.
We had to stop off at Sharon's to pick up the quilt. I also dropped off some beads. We went over some of the beads. I told her I would call her with an order, since she was going to order some more beads. She's about 140 rows away from being done with the Snowman. She's been trying to find a few more patterns. I was showing her where to go look for some patterns. She couldn't figure out where to look on the computer. Reminds me a lot about mom too. Once we were done, and I brought home some patterns of hers, I was dropping Dan off.
Before coming home, went to get my hair cut. Sometimes I think they don't know what to do with my hair. It's just a straight cut. Then headed home.
Got home and wasn't in the mood to do much. It wasn't a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
I picked Dan up and went to PT. While I was waiting on him I called to order our threads for the church. I talked with the gal at Superior Threads and she was a big help. Then I went back into the waiting room and played games on my phone. I forgot to take stuff to work on!! I need to be better prepared tomorrow.
We had to stop off at Sharon's to pick up the quilt. I also dropped off some beads. We went over some of the beads. I told her I would call her with an order, since she was going to order some more beads. She's about 140 rows away from being done with the Snowman. She's been trying to find a few more patterns. I was showing her where to go look for some patterns. She couldn't figure out where to look on the computer. Reminds me a lot about mom too. Once we were done, and I brought home some patterns of hers, I was dropping Dan off.
Before coming home, went to get my hair cut. Sometimes I think they don't know what to do with my hair. It's just a straight cut. Then headed home.
Got home and wasn't in the mood to do much. It wasn't a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Day Of Dyeing
Yep, it was a day of dyeing.
This morning I was out the door early to get to the Grange so that we could get set up for class. I was there early enough, and then Sandy 2 showed up about 5 mins after me. We were getting ready when our teacher Loretta showed up about 10 mins after Sandy.
It was a full day of dyeing fabrics. Loretta taught us how to dye silk fabrics for our embroidery work. The first thing we did was dye a scarf.
This is what it looked like wet. I added salt to get a different affect. Plus when it dried, it dried lighter. It was fun to do.
This is all the scarfs lined up. Mine is the second from the bottom and one can see how much different it looked after the salt. I need to heat set it.
Then we did a piece of silk for our embroidery. We also did another piece (trigger fabric) for embroidery as well. I don't care for trigger fabric but she had half trigger and half pure silk fabric. I didn't get up there in time and ended up with trigger. I could have had the silk but asked Sandy 1 to pick which she wanted. I really didn't care. I didn't get a photo of what I did and will do that tomorrow. I need to iron them to set them.
After class was over and Loretta left, we all worked on the pieces for the Seminar. There were 18 strips of fabric and I only got to do 1. Everyone else did them. Funny part was that everyone liked mine the best. I really didn't care for some of the other pieces. So, how much you want to bet, next year at Seminar I will wind up with one of the ones I don't want. That's usually how it goes. Oh, well, that's life. Dina and Phyllis took them all home to finish them up. We put them in bags I had for my dyes. We didn't use my dyes because they were the dyes you use soda ash for. I really don't know what I'm going to do with those dyes, I don't use them any more. I may sell them or give them away.
Came home and got another call from Sharon. She's out of beads. She wants to get beads from me now. I'm going to have to order more because she's taking my beads. I thought she got enough beads to work on the snowman but apparently she didn't. She only got 5 grams of the beads and needed twice that, so I'm now picking up the slack. She wants to order more beads, and I told her I wanted to get a few more beads ordered as well. So, she'll give me her list and I'll order them. I'm getting tired of giving away my beads and patterns though. It's all good though.
So, it was a good day and I can't say I was quilting or stitching, but the pieces were for stitching on. Which lets me say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting
This morning I was out the door early to get to the Grange so that we could get set up for class. I was there early enough, and then Sandy 2 showed up about 5 mins after me. We were getting ready when our teacher Loretta showed up about 10 mins after Sandy.
It was a full day of dyeing fabrics. Loretta taught us how to dye silk fabrics for our embroidery work. The first thing we did was dye a scarf.
This is what it looked like wet. I added salt to get a different affect. Plus when it dried, it dried lighter. It was fun to do.
This is all the scarfs lined up. Mine is the second from the bottom and one can see how much different it looked after the salt. I need to heat set it.
Then we did a piece of silk for our embroidery. We also did another piece (trigger fabric) for embroidery as well. I don't care for trigger fabric but she had half trigger and half pure silk fabric. I didn't get up there in time and ended up with trigger. I could have had the silk but asked Sandy 1 to pick which she wanted. I really didn't care. I didn't get a photo of what I did and will do that tomorrow. I need to iron them to set them.
After class was over and Loretta left, we all worked on the pieces for the Seminar. There were 18 strips of fabric and I only got to do 1. Everyone else did them. Funny part was that everyone liked mine the best. I really didn't care for some of the other pieces. So, how much you want to bet, next year at Seminar I will wind up with one of the ones I don't want. That's usually how it goes. Oh, well, that's life. Dina and Phyllis took them all home to finish them up. We put them in bags I had for my dyes. We didn't use my dyes because they were the dyes you use soda ash for. I really don't know what I'm going to do with those dyes, I don't use them any more. I may sell them or give them away.
Came home and got another call from Sharon. She's out of beads. She wants to get beads from me now. I'm going to have to order more because she's taking my beads. I thought she got enough beads to work on the snowman but apparently she didn't. She only got 5 grams of the beads and needed twice that, so I'm now picking up the slack. She wants to order more beads, and I told her I wanted to get a few more beads ordered as well. So, she'll give me her list and I'll order them. I'm getting tired of giving away my beads and patterns though. It's all good though.
So, it was a good day and I can't say I was quilting or stitching, but the pieces were for stitching on. Which lets me say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Quiet Sunday
We enjoyed sleeping in today. Then I got up before Patrick - as usual.
I enjoyed a good hour of peace and quiet. Then it was time to get moving. Got the laundry going again and also had to get a few other things cleaned up.
Once all that was done, I played a few games and THEN I got back to working on the binding.
As I was going around the corner, I found this!! I had to take it all out and resew it down. Once that was corrected, I got back into the binding. I now have it about 1/2 way done. Or a little more. I'm hoping to get this done this week.
I got tired of the binding and went to my beading. I ended up taking out several rows. They didn't look right and I wanted to fix that. Once I got that done, I added on about 5 rows before I started getting tired. - Took a nap.
Patrick woke me up and then we had supper. He cooked it for us.
It was bowling tonight. I started out good, then bombed. At least my average isn't going down, but I seriously need to get this figured out!! I bowled a 173, 160, and then went even farther down! 148! We ended up taking 2 games. It was hard to get moving on the last game. I just wasn't with it.
Overall I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
I enjoyed a good hour of peace and quiet. Then it was time to get moving. Got the laundry going again and also had to get a few other things cleaned up.
Once all that was done, I played a few games and THEN I got back to working on the binding.
As I was going around the corner, I found this!! I had to take it all out and resew it down. Once that was corrected, I got back into the binding. I now have it about 1/2 way done. Or a little more. I'm hoping to get this done this week.
I got tired of the binding and went to my beading. I ended up taking out several rows. They didn't look right and I wanted to fix that. Once I got that done, I added on about 5 rows before I started getting tired. - Took a nap.
Patrick woke me up and then we had supper. He cooked it for us.
It was bowling tonight. I started out good, then bombed. At least my average isn't going down, but I seriously need to get this figured out!! I bowled a 173, 160, and then went even farther down! 148! We ended up taking 2 games. It was hard to get moving on the last game. I just wasn't with it.
Overall I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Off To The Museum Today
Today Patrick had to go into work at 5 am. He was back around 7 am. I had a text after he left. So, I was up for awhile. Then went back to sleep.
We spent the morning working on a few things. Like dishwasher, laundry, etc. I was just getting ready to sit and bead when Patrick came back in. We watched some TV and then it was time for me to leave.
I arrived at the museum early to make sure we had everything we needed. I got the quilt and put it upstairs. They were have the Korean War Veteran's memorial day. We presented Larry Campbell with a quilt. It was nice to finally get him honored. We were happy to honor him. Mom, Ethel and Sue K were there. Sue was going to a wedding but was late, so she hung around for the ceremony. She said that was better than going to the wedding. lol
Came back home and got supper. Then we were off to the play at the Evergreen Playhouse. It was actually called "The Play" and was about a play they were preforming. It was really good! I really enjoyed this! We took mom and her neighbor Irene with us.
Now that we are home, I really can't say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
We spent the morning working on a few things. Like dishwasher, laundry, etc. I was just getting ready to sit and bead when Patrick came back in. We watched some TV and then it was time for me to leave.
I arrived at the museum early to make sure we had everything we needed. I got the quilt and put it upstairs. They were have the Korean War Veteran's memorial day. We presented Larry Campbell with a quilt. It was nice to finally get him honored. We were happy to honor him. Mom, Ethel and Sue K were there. Sue was going to a wedding but was late, so she hung around for the ceremony. She said that was better than going to the wedding. lol
Came back home and got supper. Then we were off to the play at the Evergreen Playhouse. It was actually called "The Play" and was about a play they were preforming. It was really good! I really enjoyed this! We took mom and her neighbor Irene with us.
Now that we are home, I really can't say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Friday, October 18, 2019
One Thing Leads To Another
Life is pretty much one thing to another but today it seemed to go that way.
This morning Faye and I went to Grace Church in Chehalis to ask for help in quilting quilts for us. It was interesting and Faye was really good about explaining everything. I love having her around because she keeps me on track. We agreed to provide everything including the threads. It's a trial basis for us to see if things work out. I'm hoping they do. Afterwards I needed to mail labels to Barbara who lives in Rochester.
Came back home and decided I better get the quilt binding done on the quilt I have. I also realized I need to see if we can get the gal who had to cancel in Aug. So, I'm going to have to get moving and see if they can come to the presentation next Saturday.
I went downstairs and started trimming the quilt when I realized I had to call Sharon back. Which I did. She got me on beading again. She was looking for my Lighthouse pattern. She's wanting to do that one next. Before I know it, she will have done all my designs way before I get them done! Oh, well.
Got back to doing the bindings and trimmed them for mitered corners. The quilt I have for QOV was going to get the back binding as well. (Face binding - hate that name!) I will take that to mom to see if she can get it done and then I can go back and pick it up, wash it and have it ready to give away.
Once I was done sewing the binding on, I went upstairs and listened to my book. I was able to finish this one. I was getting ready to start the other one, when Patrick came home.
We went out to eat. All the way to Kelso. It was raining quiet a bit. We saw 3 separate accidents - one where the car was in a ditch flipped over, one where the car slide off the road into the grassy medium and the other one were two cars did damage to both cars. Not sure how it happened but think one car didn't stop behind the other car. OH! there were 4 because there was a semi truck off the road as well. It makes for an interesting drive. The hard part is, when one sees all this going on, why the heck do they still have to go 80 mph! In rain! Kept thinking we'd see them off the road later.
Came home and I pulled out the other quilt for Dian.
I was able to get one side done. I'm pretty happy about what all I was able to get done. Putting the binding on the QOV quilt helped me move on to stitching the bindings. Dian should get her quilts back soon.
Before we left for dinner, an email came that said Ron Smith had passed away. He fought a long and hard battle. I will miss his laugh and kindness toward the family. He was always there when dad was in the hospital. May he rest in peace.
All in all, it was a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
This morning Faye and I went to Grace Church in Chehalis to ask for help in quilting quilts for us. It was interesting and Faye was really good about explaining everything. I love having her around because she keeps me on track. We agreed to provide everything including the threads. It's a trial basis for us to see if things work out. I'm hoping they do. Afterwards I needed to mail labels to Barbara who lives in Rochester.
Came back home and decided I better get the quilt binding done on the quilt I have. I also realized I need to see if we can get the gal who had to cancel in Aug. So, I'm going to have to get moving and see if they can come to the presentation next Saturday.
I went downstairs and started trimming the quilt when I realized I had to call Sharon back. Which I did. She got me on beading again. She was looking for my Lighthouse pattern. She's wanting to do that one next. Before I know it, she will have done all my designs way before I get them done! Oh, well.
Got back to doing the bindings and trimmed them for mitered corners. The quilt I have for QOV was going to get the back binding as well. (Face binding - hate that name!) I will take that to mom to see if she can get it done and then I can go back and pick it up, wash it and have it ready to give away.
Once I was done sewing the binding on, I went upstairs and listened to my book. I was able to finish this one. I was getting ready to start the other one, when Patrick came home.
We went out to eat. All the way to Kelso. It was raining quiet a bit. We saw 3 separate accidents - one where the car was in a ditch flipped over, one where the car slide off the road into the grassy medium and the other one were two cars did damage to both cars. Not sure how it happened but think one car didn't stop behind the other car. OH! there were 4 because there was a semi truck off the road as well. It makes for an interesting drive. The hard part is, when one sees all this going on, why the heck do they still have to go 80 mph! In rain! Kept thinking we'd see them off the road later.
Came home and I pulled out the other quilt for Dian.
I was able to get one side done. I'm pretty happy about what all I was able to get done. Putting the binding on the QOV quilt helped me move on to stitching the bindings. Dian should get her quilts back soon.
Before we left for dinner, an email came that said Ron Smith had passed away. He fought a long and hard battle. I will miss his laugh and kindness toward the family. He was always there when dad was in the hospital. May he rest in peace.
All in all, it was a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Thursday, October 17, 2019
It Wasn't A Planned Day
Maybe that's a good thing I didn't plan today. I knew I had to go get Dan and was looking forward to being back home.
I went up to get Dan and take him to the PT. While he was there, I went to JoAnns again. I picked up some beads to help me finish the ornaments. I needed a few more beads. I also picked up a few things for Sandy as well. I had a coupon for 60% off regular price item and the beads were on sell for 70%. So, I made a good deal.
I was able to get one more leaf done before Dan came out. One step at a time.
Went back to get Dan, and waited a few mins. The rain was coming down again. Took Dan back home and I headed back home. Stopped at DQ for some chicken (and ice cream - yum!). I was home about 30 mins and Patrick walked in the door. Oh, crap. He decided he wanted to nap and asked me to turn the audio book down so he could sleep. I did. I worked on my binding for Dian.
I got 1 1/2 sides done so far. I'm hoping to get it done and work on the next one. I need to get the binding on the quilt that Kathy did for us. I actually took a nap as well. I was falling asleep and listening to the audio. The phone woke me up! lol Never fails, the one time I would like to sleep, I get woken up by the phone. Seems to be what happens every time I try to nap. - Why do I bother! 👧
Patrick's bowling, so I'm enjoying the evening getting the binding done. I need to get back to my beading - I'm itching to get back to them. Thank goodness Patrick didn't keep me from being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.
I went up to get Dan and take him to the PT. While he was there, I went to JoAnns again. I picked up some beads to help me finish the ornaments. I needed a few more beads. I also picked up a few things for Sandy as well. I had a coupon for 60% off regular price item and the beads were on sell for 70%. So, I made a good deal.
I was able to get one more leaf done before Dan came out. One step at a time.
Went back to get Dan, and waited a few mins. The rain was coming down again. Took Dan back home and I headed back home. Stopped at DQ for some chicken (and ice cream - yum!). I was home about 30 mins and Patrick walked in the door. Oh, crap. He decided he wanted to nap and asked me to turn the audio book down so he could sleep. I did. I worked on my binding for Dian.
I got 1 1/2 sides done so far. I'm hoping to get it done and work on the next one. I need to get the binding on the quilt that Kathy did for us. I actually took a nap as well. I was falling asleep and listening to the audio. The phone woke me up! lol Never fails, the one time I would like to sleep, I get woken up by the phone. Seems to be what happens every time I try to nap. - Why do I bother! 👧
Patrick's bowling, so I'm enjoying the evening getting the binding done. I need to get back to my beading - I'm itching to get back to them. Thank goodness Patrick didn't keep me from being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A Planned Day That Didn't Happen
Here I go again! I planned a day.....still haven't learned....and here I am again with a day that wasn't gonna happen.
I was up early but that didn't mean anything. Cherry called to tell me about her trip to the emergency room yesterday - a 9 hour wait! It was interesting what she had to go through. She fell and couldn't reach her son. She called the house, but I wasn't home. I told her she needs to call my cell phone next time. After a long wait she got her son. That call was about 45 mins. Alice called as I was finishing that call. She's got the key to the Grange and told me she would be at the Grange till 2 pm today. I had to run over and get the key and pay for the use of the hall. As I'm getting ready to leave, mom called and needed some help on the Quicken books program. (Long story to that). Called Patrick to see if I could take him lunch or anything else. He said no, he was getting Pizza today for Bosses day. Or something like that.
I was out the door by 10:30 am. Got to the Grange, paid and got the key. Then chatted with Alice and Joyce, whom I haven't seen in awhile. I used to be part of the Grange. It was good chatting with them. Went to moms and was there by 11:30 am. We had lunch and then I was helping her with her computer. We got the program going. I hate Quicken!! I couldn't find where I could print the reconciliation - which I forgot to do. I finally left her place at 1:30 pm. Had to stop at the bank to get online banking for the water business. I can't do checks on there, but I can get to the statements. That took some time.
Finally made it home by 2:30 pm and needed to get supper in the oven. While I was trying to do that I talked to Sharon on the phone. Then after she called, my cousin called. After that I having trouble answering Sue's calls. That was a pain!!
I had all of 15 mins to get downstairs to get my mitered corners on Dian's quilts. I only got one done and decided to try and get a few stitches in on it.
I was able to get around one corner.
So, I did get a little bit done. From the right side to the left side. That's as far as I was able to get before it was time for supper. Then it was off to bowling!
Our team is in 1st place. We needed to win all 4 games to keep up in the top. We were in 1st by 1 game. Not sure how the other team did. We were able to win 3 games. Fred wasn't having a good day. I bowled a 183, 178 and 191. I was happy with that. I'm finally getting back up there. Patrick did really good. He bowled a 201, 201, and 197 - 599 series! Never fails, we miss the high point by 1 pin. We did win the last 3 games and that's good.
It was one of those days I should know better - DON'T PLAN A DAY! At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
I was up early but that didn't mean anything. Cherry called to tell me about her trip to the emergency room yesterday - a 9 hour wait! It was interesting what she had to go through. She fell and couldn't reach her son. She called the house, but I wasn't home. I told her she needs to call my cell phone next time. After a long wait she got her son. That call was about 45 mins. Alice called as I was finishing that call. She's got the key to the Grange and told me she would be at the Grange till 2 pm today. I had to run over and get the key and pay for the use of the hall. As I'm getting ready to leave, mom called and needed some help on the Quicken books program. (Long story to that). Called Patrick to see if I could take him lunch or anything else. He said no, he was getting Pizza today for Bosses day. Or something like that.
I was out the door by 10:30 am. Got to the Grange, paid and got the key. Then chatted with Alice and Joyce, whom I haven't seen in awhile. I used to be part of the Grange. It was good chatting with them. Went to moms and was there by 11:30 am. We had lunch and then I was helping her with her computer. We got the program going. I hate Quicken!! I couldn't find where I could print the reconciliation - which I forgot to do. I finally left her place at 1:30 pm. Had to stop at the bank to get online banking for the water business. I can't do checks on there, but I can get to the statements. That took some time.
Finally made it home by 2:30 pm and needed to get supper in the oven. While I was trying to do that I talked to Sharon on the phone. Then after she called, my cousin called. After that I having trouble answering Sue's calls. That was a pain!!
I had all of 15 mins to get downstairs to get my mitered corners on Dian's quilts. I only got one done and decided to try and get a few stitches in on it.
I was able to get around one corner.
So, I did get a little bit done. From the right side to the left side. That's as far as I was able to get before it was time for supper. Then it was off to bowling!
Our team is in 1st place. We needed to win all 4 games to keep up in the top. We were in 1st by 1 game. Not sure how the other team did. We were able to win 3 games. Fred wasn't having a good day. I bowled a 183, 178 and 191. I was happy with that. I'm finally getting back up there. Patrick did really good. He bowled a 201, 201, and 197 - 599 series! Never fails, we miss the high point by 1 pin. We did win the last 3 games and that's good.
It was one of those days I should know better - DON'T PLAN A DAY! At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Organizing My Day Away From Home
It seems like lately I'm away from home more often then not. Not like I want to be, but it just happens that way I guess. Life is what we make of it. So, it really didn't bother me.
It all started with getting up and getting out the door. I left a few minutes early so I could stop at McD's and get a sausage bisquet (sp). I was hunger for one and I had a good feeling I wouldn't be getting lunch today. Well.....that didn't work out the way I wanted. I went to the McD's here in Chehalis, and it had a long line of cars. Oh, crap. So, instead of waiting in line, I went on to pick Dan up in Tumwater. I arrived a little earlier than normal, and his door was locked. He didn't answer the door. So, I called his phone 3 times, NO answer. I went to the bedroom window and banged on the window......nothing....oh, wait, feet heading to the door. He came to the door and said, "Sorry, I was in the shower." I said it was a good thing he answered because he was starting to freak me out! I was getting worried. So, after he got ready, we headed out. I stopped at McD's there by his house and got my sausage bisquet (sp) with hot chocolate. We were now on our way.
Got to the physical therapy with time to spare. Dan checked in and I went to Joann Fabrics to see if I could get an ornament stand for my 2 ornaments. I walked into the place and was shocked! It was dirty and reminded me of a second hand store. I walked around and fabric bolts where on the floor with some dirt around them. I was looking in the doll isle and it was "trashed" like no one cared where the stuff went. I was shocked! The Joann Fabrics I knew as not this! I did look around in the bead area. I bought some beads - just 2. They were 50% off and I wasn't really sure what I wanted, so I got what I thought I could use on my ornaments. I am still shocked it was so trashy. I'm almost wondering if they are going to close down or something.
Went back to get Dan. Sat in the car and played games. He was about 20 mins over his time. That was okay with me. We then went to Sharon and Bill's to drop off the quilt. Bill's doing some quilts again. He wasn't doing so good. I almost think he doesn't like what's going on with his leg and feeling sorry for himself. I'm not sure though. He's just not as positive as he used to be. I saw the work Sharon is doing on the snowman beading. OH! Man! I can't wait to finish the birds and start on that one. It's so PRETTY! I love it!! I still need to order more beads though.
Then it was time to go to Walmart for Dan to get some food. We picked up some stuff and then because they didn't have the chicken nuggets he was looking for, we went to Fred Meyers. Got his nuggets and then took him home. We unloaded the groceries and I headed to moms after going to see Sandy.
Sandy had some pillow cases for me for QOV. I was thrilled. She also gave me the registration for our dye class on Monday. She was short one registration fee and figured it was hers. I really am not worried about it. I had stopped at her work to pick them all up and then it was off to moms.
Mom needed help reading the instructions for Daisy's flea medicine. So, I read it and told her what to do. She had company and I wondered why she didn't have company read the instructions for her. Wasn't going thing. I didn't stay long as it was 2:30 pm and I had 2 more stops to get to.
Off to the museum where I met the family of the WWII veteran that we are going to present a quilt to in Dec. Then as we were talking one of the guys there said his grandfather will be 100 in a few months. So, I told him to register his grandfather and we will present him a quilt at the WWII dinner as well. Chip is going to make sure the grandson brings him to the dinner. That will get us 2 WWII veterans. I'm so excited about honoring them both that day! I dropped off the pillow cases. I enjoyed chatting with Chip and the others but had to get moving.
I was then off to the library to drop off my CD audio book and pick up a real book. Yea, I know, when am I going to find time to read?! I'm going to try for this book. I may have to buy it in order to take my time reading it. I has 2 holds on it for when I'm done. UGH!
Finally made it home by 3:45 pm. It was a long day and I got a lot done. Patrick came home early and I got TV dinners in (which is rare for us). Then I enjoyed watching a comedy. We were going to watch the debates, but we couldn't find it on the TV channels. Oh, well.
I finally had time to finish the earring. It didn't come out as well as the first.
I think the 2 rows I did on the first one made it a little bigger than the second one. Bet you can tell which is which! Right is the first one and left is the second one. The second is even on the sides but had trouble with putting it together. I need to work on that. Actually the photo shows where they were sewn together. I'm not sure I like that. I need to work on it. Not going to do another one for awhile. I think I will get back to the ornaments and get them done. Those I can do really well.
Even though today was organizing my day in a way that I could get stuff done and be back home to have tomorrow to myself, it was a long one. I've had worse days and better days, but all in all everyone is happy. I'm just happy I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
It all started with getting up and getting out the door. I left a few minutes early so I could stop at McD's and get a sausage bisquet (sp). I was hunger for one and I had a good feeling I wouldn't be getting lunch today. Well.....that didn't work out the way I wanted. I went to the McD's here in Chehalis, and it had a long line of cars. Oh, crap. So, instead of waiting in line, I went on to pick Dan up in Tumwater. I arrived a little earlier than normal, and his door was locked. He didn't answer the door. So, I called his phone 3 times, NO answer. I went to the bedroom window and banged on the window......nothing....oh, wait, feet heading to the door. He came to the door and said, "Sorry, I was in the shower." I said it was a good thing he answered because he was starting to freak me out! I was getting worried. So, after he got ready, we headed out. I stopped at McD's there by his house and got my sausage bisquet (sp) with hot chocolate. We were now on our way.
Got to the physical therapy with time to spare. Dan checked in and I went to Joann Fabrics to see if I could get an ornament stand for my 2 ornaments. I walked into the place and was shocked! It was dirty and reminded me of a second hand store. I walked around and fabric bolts where on the floor with some dirt around them. I was looking in the doll isle and it was "trashed" like no one cared where the stuff went. I was shocked! The Joann Fabrics I knew as not this! I did look around in the bead area. I bought some beads - just 2. They were 50% off and I wasn't really sure what I wanted, so I got what I thought I could use on my ornaments. I am still shocked it was so trashy. I'm almost wondering if they are going to close down or something.
Went back to get Dan. Sat in the car and played games. He was about 20 mins over his time. That was okay with me. We then went to Sharon and Bill's to drop off the quilt. Bill's doing some quilts again. He wasn't doing so good. I almost think he doesn't like what's going on with his leg and feeling sorry for himself. I'm not sure though. He's just not as positive as he used to be. I saw the work Sharon is doing on the snowman beading. OH! Man! I can't wait to finish the birds and start on that one. It's so PRETTY! I love it!! I still need to order more beads though.
Then it was time to go to Walmart for Dan to get some food. We picked up some stuff and then because they didn't have the chicken nuggets he was looking for, we went to Fred Meyers. Got his nuggets and then took him home. We unloaded the groceries and I headed to moms after going to see Sandy.
Sandy had some pillow cases for me for QOV. I was thrilled. She also gave me the registration for our dye class on Monday. She was short one registration fee and figured it was hers. I really am not worried about it. I had stopped at her work to pick them all up and then it was off to moms.
Mom needed help reading the instructions for Daisy's flea medicine. So, I read it and told her what to do. She had company and I wondered why she didn't have company read the instructions for her. Wasn't going thing. I didn't stay long as it was 2:30 pm and I had 2 more stops to get to.
Off to the museum where I met the family of the WWII veteran that we are going to present a quilt to in Dec. Then as we were talking one of the guys there said his grandfather will be 100 in a few months. So, I told him to register his grandfather and we will present him a quilt at the WWII dinner as well. Chip is going to make sure the grandson brings him to the dinner. That will get us 2 WWII veterans. I'm so excited about honoring them both that day! I dropped off the pillow cases. I enjoyed chatting with Chip and the others but had to get moving.
I was then off to the library to drop off my CD audio book and pick up a real book. Yea, I know, when am I going to find time to read?! I'm going to try for this book. I may have to buy it in order to take my time reading it. I has 2 holds on it for when I'm done. UGH!
Finally made it home by 3:45 pm. It was a long day and I got a lot done. Patrick came home early and I got TV dinners in (which is rare for us). Then I enjoyed watching a comedy. We were going to watch the debates, but we couldn't find it on the TV channels. Oh, well.
I finally had time to finish the earring. It didn't come out as well as the first.
I think the 2 rows I did on the first one made it a little bigger than the second one. Bet you can tell which is which! Right is the first one and left is the second one. The second is even on the sides but had trouble with putting it together. I need to work on that. Actually the photo shows where they were sewn together. I'm not sure I like that. I need to work on it. Not going to do another one for awhile. I think I will get back to the ornaments and get them done. Those I can do really well.
Even though today was organizing my day in a way that I could get stuff done and be back home to have tomorrow to myself, it was a long one. I've had worse days and better days, but all in all everyone is happy. I'm just happy I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Monday, October 14, 2019
Hello Monday - A Holiday To Some
Today I enjoyed being able to sleep in.
Then I wanted to get some laundry going. I did but then I forgot what I was planning to do because I got sidetracked with beading.
I took the piece I showed yesterday and cut the thread to get the beads. It is no longer a piece. I started over! I decided to watch the video on YouTube on how to do this. I watched crafty.desk bead her piece together. I figured out what I needed, how much I needed to do, and went from there.
I finished one earring. I did 2 rows too many on the one side. It's a little off, but I'm not going to worry about it now. I started the next earring.
So, this is as far as I got today. I'll have it done tomorrow. Then I'll have Patrick put the earring clips on them. I'm not sure which way I want to put them, but I will see. The white is a shiny white and the black is a dull black. If I do good with the second earring, I'll do the pattern I did yesterday and took apart. I don't know if anyone would want them, but I was thinking they would be giving away at Christmas time. I'm not sure. I may just wear them myself and see who likes them.
I tried to call the bank.....OOPS - Holiday. Patrick worked today because they gave this Holiday up to have the day after Thanksgiving. So, I will have to call them tomorrow. I can't get on my account for the water. I'll get this figured out.
Tomorrow is another day and I'll be running around again. Not sure when I'll have time to bead, but I will. Then I really, really need to get back and fix the mitered corners on the binding. I will finish the earrings and then I'll do the binding. You wouldn't think it would take me this long to do it!!! UGH
I enjoyed having the day to myself. I kept busy and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Then I wanted to get some laundry going. I did but then I forgot what I was planning to do because I got sidetracked with beading.
I took the piece I showed yesterday and cut the thread to get the beads. It is no longer a piece. I started over! I decided to watch the video on YouTube on how to do this. I watched crafty.desk bead her piece together. I figured out what I needed, how much I needed to do, and went from there.
I finished one earring. I did 2 rows too many on the one side. It's a little off, but I'm not going to worry about it now. I started the next earring.
So, this is as far as I got today. I'll have it done tomorrow. Then I'll have Patrick put the earring clips on them. I'm not sure which way I want to put them, but I will see. The white is a shiny white and the black is a dull black. If I do good with the second earring, I'll do the pattern I did yesterday and took apart. I don't know if anyone would want them, but I was thinking they would be giving away at Christmas time. I'm not sure. I may just wear them myself and see who likes them.
I tried to call the bank.....OOPS - Holiday. Patrick worked today because they gave this Holiday up to have the day after Thanksgiving. So, I will have to call them tomorrow. I can't get on my account for the water. I'll get this figured out.
Tomorrow is another day and I'll be running around again. Not sure when I'll have time to bead, but I will. Then I really, really need to get back and fix the mitered corners on the binding. I will finish the earrings and then I'll do the binding. You wouldn't think it would take me this long to do it!!! UGH
I enjoyed having the day to myself. I kept busy and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
I've Had Better Days
Today I was up early. I enjoyed an hour or so by myself - with Sophie. I played a few games and enjoyed the morning....
Then Patrick got up and started working out in the yard. I went and got the bucket of apples. I started cutting the apples for apples sauces and then made a crisp. My fingers were getting sore. I wasn't looking forward to bowling with the way my left hand was feeling.
While I was cooking the apple sauce, I thought I would try to make a beaded twisted earrings. It was an idea for Christmas gifts.
I got to the part of coming back - like a "V" and found that I couldn't figure it out. I was trying to use the YouTube video on it, but there isn't any sound. So, I really didn't get very far. I will take it out later, I need to find the pattern so it will help me out more.
Then I went back to my snowman.
This is the second one. I'm close to being done with it. I'll have this set done and will work on the 1st and 3rd snowman next. It's coming along, and I think I can have these done in good time.
It was time to go bowling. So, I didn't get to finish this one, but we got to the bowling alley and our partners were on a cruise. We had Fred and Denise (from Wednesday) fill in, but Denise couldn't bowl because of her leg. The worst part was that the team we were supposed to bowl wasn't there. So, it was just 3 of us bowling. I didn't do so good. I bowled 172, 147, 155 - not the best.
As I said, I've had better days - I've had better luck starting something and knowing what I'm doing. I've had better starts when it comes to new things. I've had better days bowling. I've just had better days all around. I'm okay with today. I would have loved to have been able to do the earrings without any trouble, but that wasn't in the cards.
I'll just hope tomorrow will be better. It's a good week this week. Just Tuesday and Thursday will be busy. I can't say the same for next week. It's a good thing. I'm tired of being so busy.
Oh, and I forgot, I need to get the mitered corners on the quilts so I can finish the bindings. I'm actually looking forward to doing that. I just seem to find other things to keep me busy as well.....ouch. At least I'm Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Then Patrick got up and started working out in the yard. I went and got the bucket of apples. I started cutting the apples for apples sauces and then made a crisp. My fingers were getting sore. I wasn't looking forward to bowling with the way my left hand was feeling.
While I was cooking the apple sauce, I thought I would try to make a beaded twisted earrings. It was an idea for Christmas gifts.
I got to the part of coming back - like a "V" and found that I couldn't figure it out. I was trying to use the YouTube video on it, but there isn't any sound. So, I really didn't get very far. I will take it out later, I need to find the pattern so it will help me out more.
Then I went back to my snowman.
This is the second one. I'm close to being done with it. I'll have this set done and will work on the 1st and 3rd snowman next. It's coming along, and I think I can have these done in good time.
It was time to go bowling. So, I didn't get to finish this one, but we got to the bowling alley and our partners were on a cruise. We had Fred and Denise (from Wednesday) fill in, but Denise couldn't bowl because of her leg. The worst part was that the team we were supposed to bowl wasn't there. So, it was just 3 of us bowling. I didn't do so good. I bowled 172, 147, 155 - not the best.
As I said, I've had better days - I've had better luck starting something and knowing what I'm doing. I've had better starts when it comes to new things. I've had better days bowling. I've just had better days all around. I'm okay with today. I would have loved to have been able to do the earrings without any trouble, but that wasn't in the cards.
I'll just hope tomorrow will be better. It's a good week this week. Just Tuesday and Thursday will be busy. I can't say the same for next week. It's a good thing. I'm tired of being so busy.
Oh, and I forgot, I need to get the mitered corners on the quilts so I can finish the bindings. I'm actually looking forward to doing that. I just seem to find other things to keep me busy as well.....ouch. At least I'm Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Another Saturday Gone By
Today was another Saturday. But this Saturday was a little different. It was quiet.
We both slept in and then we enjoyed just sitting and relaxing. i didn't get moving till around lunch time. I was have too much fun with my games.
Then I headed downstairs. I needed to get moving on Dian's quilts. I wanted to get the binding on. I got one done and 3/4's the way around the 2nd when I realized I put the binding on wrong!! Yep, I put it on wrong. So, I ripped out the binding I put on, and started all over again. The first quilt I had the corners done as well.
It was time to take it all out!! UGH! Once I had the binding ripped out, I started over. I have the sides done, just need to miter the corners and get them sewn down. Then I can get moving on stitching the binding down. Called it quits after that. I'll miter them tomorrow.
Must be nice to be a cat! She was sleeping the whole time by the sliding doors. She loves coming down to see what I'm up to.
I came back upstairs to work on my beading.
I didn't get much done because Patrick wanted to go to Home Depot to get a few things. We got there and his day wasn't going good. They didn't have what he was looking for. He wasn't doing very good all day. The lawn mower stopped on him. He didn't have the trimmer he wanted. Didn't matter what he wanted to do, nothing was going right. He called it a day of getting NOTHING done.
At least a was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
We both slept in and then we enjoyed just sitting and relaxing. i didn't get moving till around lunch time. I was have too much fun with my games.
Then I headed downstairs. I needed to get moving on Dian's quilts. I wanted to get the binding on. I got one done and 3/4's the way around the 2nd when I realized I put the binding on wrong!! Yep, I put it on wrong. So, I ripped out the binding I put on, and started all over again. The first quilt I had the corners done as well.
It was time to take it all out!! UGH! Once I had the binding ripped out, I started over. I have the sides done, just need to miter the corners and get them sewn down. Then I can get moving on stitching the binding down. Called it quits after that. I'll miter them tomorrow.
Must be nice to be a cat! She was sleeping the whole time by the sliding doors. She loves coming down to see what I'm up to.
I came back upstairs to work on my beading.
I didn't get much done because Patrick wanted to go to Home Depot to get a few things. We got there and his day wasn't going good. They didn't have what he was looking for. He wasn't doing very good all day. The lawn mower stopped on him. He didn't have the trimmer he wanted. Didn't matter what he wanted to do, nothing was going right. He called it a day of getting NOTHING done.
At least a was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!
Friday, October 11, 2019
It's Friday - Again!
Okay it's I said, Again. We run around in circles, and the circle is Friday.
I was enjoying a good sleep in. I didn't even go to moms for quilting. I really needed to spend the day to myself today. Patrick was working...which gave me that free day. He did come home early but not enough to mess up my day.
I decided I wanted to get laundry done. It's a week worth of laundry. It feels good to get all but one load done. It was a good day for cleaning the house too.
I then decided to sit and work on my Christmas Ornaments. I got to watch a few shows I had on DVR and bead.....heaven!
I finished the first snowman, looks good. Then I got started on doing another one when Patrick got home. I was able to work on it after supper as well.
I have the hat done on the second one. So, if you counted what I had done already and what I did today, the good news is that I actually did a full one.
So, life is good. I had a good day. Even my son called me. Didn't have much to say, but we talked. That's good.
This weekend I would love to just stay home and work on my crafts, that I haven't been able to do all week. If I can get another set of snowman done, then that's a good thing. I will try to put the 2 together and I'll need to get some more hangers for them. I will think about going to get a couple hangers on Tuesday while Dan is in PT. I'll think about that.
It was a good day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting
I was enjoying a good sleep in. I didn't even go to moms for quilting. I really needed to spend the day to myself today. Patrick was working...which gave me that free day. He did come home early but not enough to mess up my day.
I decided I wanted to get laundry done. It's a week worth of laundry. It feels good to get all but one load done. It was a good day for cleaning the house too.
I then decided to sit and work on my Christmas Ornaments. I got to watch a few shows I had on DVR and bead.....heaven!
I finished the first snowman, looks good. Then I got started on doing another one when Patrick got home. I was able to work on it after supper as well.
I have the hat done on the second one. So, if you counted what I had done already and what I did today, the good news is that I actually did a full one.
So, life is good. I had a good day. Even my son called me. Didn't have much to say, but we talked. That's good.
This weekend I would love to just stay home and work on my crafts, that I haven't been able to do all week. If I can get another set of snowman done, then that's a good thing. I will try to put the 2 together and I'll need to get some more hangers for them. I will think about going to get a couple hangers on Tuesday while Dan is in PT. I'll think about that.
It was a good day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Waiting A Lot Yesterday - Running Around Today
I realized this morning I didn't get my blog done. So, I'll just fill you in on 2 days at once.
Yesterday started out early. I was up in Olympia by 8:45 am for my mammogram. If you haven't had one, I recommend you get one. I went through the "older" machine at Kaiser where it was pinching every chance it could get. Move a boob over and pinch down again. It wasn't comfortable but I got through it. Then I had the ultra sound on the left boob. When all that was done, the radiologist came and talked to me. Everything looked good. No signs of anything wrong. Yeah!
Off to moms afterwards. I arrived there around 11:00 am. Then we went out to eat. I did take a few things to work on while I was there.
Yesterday started out early. I was up in Olympia by 8:45 am for my mammogram. If you haven't had one, I recommend you get one. I went through the "older" machine at Kaiser where it was pinching every chance it could get. Move a boob over and pinch down again. It wasn't comfortable but I got through it. Then I had the ultra sound on the left boob. When all that was done, the radiologist came and talked to me. Everything looked good. No signs of anything wrong. Yeah!
Off to moms afterwards. I arrived there around 11:00 am. Then we went out to eat. I did take a few things to work on while I was there.
I worked on the wing of the eagle. I took my box to work on. I had the embroidery as well. I decided to try and get more done. I gave mom back one of her panels that I was putting leaves on. She's wanting to do the roses. So, there's plenty of rooms for her to put the roses on. I was trying to work on the wings so I can get a little farther along.
Then around 1:30 pm we headed over to the Laser clinic. Mom has a droopy eye and wanted to see what was going on. While we were there, they said they will fix that, and at the same time they found mom has cart-arcs (sp) in the other eye. So, now we are going to have her go through surgery to remove them. We set up another day for that.
When I finally got home, it was dinner and off to bowling. It was one of those days, no break, just waiting. My nephew was supposed to come visit, but he ended up getting to moms after I left her place.
We didn't do so good bowling. We lost 3 games. Poor Denise, her leg was bothering her. She had a really good game going but then on the 10th frame, she guttered and then only got 3 pins. Then she pulled out of bowling the last 2 games. I bowled a 170, 305, and then not so good 134. I was doing good till that last game. The funny part was that we lost the 2nd game by 5 pins, and we won the 3rd game. Go figure!
Today was a day of going to pick mom up to head to Dan's place. We left early and arrived early. We were 45 mins early at Dan's. He and mom were talking about getting breakfast. So, I stopped at McD's and got them breakfast, and I got a hot chocolate. Then took Dan to his PT and took mom to Costco. We shopped there for a while and then headed back to pick Dan up. He was still in the PT room. I scheduled his next 2 weeks appointments. He said he will need to go shopping next Tuesday. I dropped him off and headed back home.
Mom and I stopped at Whalen Quilt Works, and my group was there. I do miss them! Haven't seen them in a long time. Mom was able to tell one of the gals who's quilt she bought. Mom knew the quilt, so that helped a lot. She bought it at an estate sale. I picked up the quilt that Kathy did for us. I now have another quilt that I will keep for now. It's the QOV quilt I dropped off last week. I need to get her a gift card for doing it for us.
After that, I took mom over to the pharmacy across the street. Then we headed back to her home. I unloaded the car and got her stuff in the house.
It felt good to get that done, then I left. It was 1:30 pm already. So, I stopped at McD's and got myself some chicken tenders and an ice tea. I didn't want anything else.
Got home and started cleaning and doing laundry. I am so far behind it's not funny! I got a couple loads done. Then I got supper and Patrick headed out to bowling. I got a call from Cherry and talked to her a good hour. Then I decided I would work on my beading.
I am now ready to start row 120. So, I'm 119/446. Funny how a photo makes it look so much better. lol I got 2 rows done tonight and decided to call it a night. I'm tired.
Mom reminded me of the quilters coming tomorrow. I told her I wouldn't be there and she asked why. Told her I have been running all week and I want a day to myself. Plus I need to get my laundry caught up. I'm actually tired and want to sleep in tomorrow! I'm getting tired of getting up when Patrick gets up.
At least I was able to work on a few things. I didn't get far, but it was nice to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Yesterday - What A Day!
Patrick and I were up early - and out the door by 7:45 am. We headed up to was one of those travel days. First he missed the City Center exit, and we ended up taking the water front exit. That was good, till the exit we needed was closed because they were cleaning the overpass. We ended up taking a drive along the waterfront. Then turned around and headed back, which took us up the hill to the hospital area. We still arrived at Kaiser about 30 mins early. The turn in to Kaiser also blocked, so we ended up going around the block.
The appointment went good. I had a chatty gal for the breathing test. I only had one test that was low, but apparently it wasn't enough to explain what's going on. After the breathing test, I got right in. Then he went over everything we did. He's baffled. So am I. We know I can't expand like I should, but I can breath at 100%, so that's the a major problem. We decided to give it a year and start the test over to see if there is any changes.
We then headed over to The Spaghetti Factor for lunch. That was comical as well. We missed the street and had to go around the block again (ahead of the block we wanted). Then we got in the parking lot and went round and round looking for a parking place. We headed back on the way out and finally came to a parking place. The first one we saw, there was NO way we could have gotten the van in there. The second one was easier and we got in without a problem.
Then it was on the way home. I fell asleep. We made it back home by 3:30 pm, and we both crashed. Patrick slept on the deck with a quilt and beanie! lol - It was cold yesterday. We both took a nap actually. It was 5 pm before we were up and moving.
We headed over to mom's. As I was picking her up, she told me Theresa Williams passed away today.(yesterday) She had gone to Disney World a couple weeks ago with her family. She's the one we honored with a QOV quilt in May.
The appointment went good. I had a chatty gal for the breathing test. I only had one test that was low, but apparently it wasn't enough to explain what's going on. After the breathing test, I got right in. Then he went over everything we did. He's baffled. So am I. We know I can't expand like I should, but I can breath at 100%, so that's the a major problem. We decided to give it a year and start the test over to see if there is any changes.
We then headed over to The Spaghetti Factor for lunch. That was comical as well. We missed the street and had to go around the block again (ahead of the block we wanted). Then we got in the parking lot and went round and round looking for a parking place. We headed back on the way out and finally came to a parking place. The first one we saw, there was NO way we could have gotten the van in there. The second one was easier and we got in without a problem.
Then it was on the way home. I fell asleep. We made it back home by 3:30 pm, and we both crashed. Patrick slept on the deck with a quilt and beanie! lol - It was cold yesterday. We both took a nap actually. It was 5 pm before we were up and moving.
We headed over to mom's. As I was picking her up, she told me Theresa Williams passed away today.(yesterday) She had gone to Disney World a couple weeks ago with her family. She's the one we honored with a QOV quilt in May.
A young gal in her 50's. Sorry to hear of her passing. Her service is this Saturday at 1 pm.
Then we were off to Sandy's Birthday party. Sandy turned 60! Maybe that's why we get along so well! lol
We all surprised her! She was really surprised to see us. She called mom "mom" which made mom happy. We stayed about an hour and a half. Patrick and a gal from his work chatted for quiet a while. I was happy Patrick had someone to talked to. We had a good time.
Then after dropping mom off, we came home. About an hour later we called it a night. I was playing on my phone, so I forgot to get my blog done.
This week isn't over....more going on today as well. I was able to get some BE done yesterday but only 2 leaves. I will probably get more done today while at moms. It's a wait and see game. Guess life is that way as well.
So, I was able to work on my embroidery, but not enough to really be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Monday, October 7, 2019
This Week Out Does Last Week
This morning I was out the door by 9:30 am. I ended up turning around and coming back because is was garbage and recycling day. I missed the garbage pick up but did get the recycling out there. Patrick got his weeks mixed up and didn't think it was this week. Then I was back on the road to pick up Dan.
We made it just in time for his appointment, then I was off to my appointment. I was done in a good amount of time. We talked a lot about my family. I'm learning to accept things as they come. Afterward I headed back to pick up Dan. Then we stopped so I could get gas at Costco. We have been having a good "mom and son" chat. We talk about all kinds of things. I love having that connection with him.
Came home and was finally home by 1:30 pm. I didn't think it would be that long, but the day just went fast.
I got Sandy's Birthday gift put together, worked on laundry (oops, think I need to put some in the dryer!). I picked up a little and listened to my audio book to finish the 5th CD. I have 3 more to go. This is really a good book!!
I baked my sour dough bread. It turned out great - it's garlic bread. I love the way it came out. Patrick thought it was good too. I just wish I could have toasted the garlic better.
It was like I told my counselor, I have been trying to get 30 mins a day of some form of crafting. So, I decided I needed to get back to beading - NOT what you think....
I have been beading on my lap top computer. I use a pad that works for keeping the beads from running all over the place. I copied my word chart for Sandy, because the one I wrote for her wasn't done right. I am over half way done. I need to work on getting this and another one done. It's going to be awhile to try and get a total of at least 3 ornaments done. That means my beading on the tapestry will be hit and miss. If Patrick keeps watching his shows, I'll get to work on the tapesty. When it's shows I want to see, I will work on my lap and get more done. That's the only way I can get moving on both of my beading projects. I need to get my first set of snowman put together. I'll work on that later, I'm hoping to do 2 at a time. Keeping my fingers crossed.
So, what did I mean when I said this week out does last week - well, today I was gone, tomorrow is my breathing test again up in Tacoma. Then later on it's a Birthday party I have to make appearances in. Wednesday is another test in Olympia, then taking mom to her eye appointment, and then bowling. Oh, and did I mention my nephew is in town? Well, in between the appointments on Wednesday, I will be visiting him and his family. Now, Thursday is another day up in Olympia with Dan, but taking mom along so I can take her to Costco. My car is going to need gas AGAIN by Wednesday or Thursday and I just filled it up today. Friday - SO FAR - will be MY DAY. I'm already tired of this week. But life is life and I need to get my health back in order. Not that it is bad, my health is good, but there are a few things that have popped up that need to be checked out. My breathing is normal but my lungs only expand to 66%, so we are trying to figure out why. That explains why I get out of breath at time. I'm healthy compared to a lot of my friends.
Even though it's busy, I am trying to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
We made it just in time for his appointment, then I was off to my appointment. I was done in a good amount of time. We talked a lot about my family. I'm learning to accept things as they come. Afterward I headed back to pick up Dan. Then we stopped so I could get gas at Costco. We have been having a good "mom and son" chat. We talk about all kinds of things. I love having that connection with him.
Came home and was finally home by 1:30 pm. I didn't think it would be that long, but the day just went fast.
I got Sandy's Birthday gift put together, worked on laundry (oops, think I need to put some in the dryer!). I picked up a little and listened to my audio book to finish the 5th CD. I have 3 more to go. This is really a good book!!
I baked my sour dough bread. It turned out great - it's garlic bread. I love the way it came out. Patrick thought it was good too. I just wish I could have toasted the garlic better.
It was like I told my counselor, I have been trying to get 30 mins a day of some form of crafting. So, I decided I needed to get back to beading - NOT what you think....
I have been beading on my lap top computer. I use a pad that works for keeping the beads from running all over the place. I copied my word chart for Sandy, because the one I wrote for her wasn't done right. I am over half way done. I need to work on getting this and another one done. It's going to be awhile to try and get a total of at least 3 ornaments done. That means my beading on the tapestry will be hit and miss. If Patrick keeps watching his shows, I'll get to work on the tapesty. When it's shows I want to see, I will work on my lap and get more done. That's the only way I can get moving on both of my beading projects. I need to get my first set of snowman put together. I'll work on that later, I'm hoping to do 2 at a time. Keeping my fingers crossed.
So, what did I mean when I said this week out does last week - well, today I was gone, tomorrow is my breathing test again up in Tacoma. Then later on it's a Birthday party I have to make appearances in. Wednesday is another test in Olympia, then taking mom to her eye appointment, and then bowling. Oh, and did I mention my nephew is in town? Well, in between the appointments on Wednesday, I will be visiting him and his family. Now, Thursday is another day up in Olympia with Dan, but taking mom along so I can take her to Costco. My car is going to need gas AGAIN by Wednesday or Thursday and I just filled it up today. Friday - SO FAR - will be MY DAY. I'm already tired of this week. But life is life and I need to get my health back in order. Not that it is bad, my health is good, but there are a few things that have popped up that need to be checked out. My breathing is normal but my lungs only expand to 66%, so we are trying to figure out why. That explains why I get out of breath at time. I'm healthy compared to a lot of my friends.
Even though it's busy, I am trying to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Sometimes I Wonder What The Heck I'm Doing
This morning I was up early again....weekend - go figure. So I played a few games. I'm finding myself getting tired of playing games. Maybe that's a good think.
I got started on working a sour dough bread going. I was busy with getting that going. I have it raising now, and realized it may take all day to get that done. Not sure we will have bread tonight but will work on having it tomorrow, I guess.
I called Cherry and asked if I could go over and pick some apples. She has Golden Delicious apples. Patrick went with me. She can't pick apples so we picked them for her and brought back a bucket. We left a bucket or more still on her tree. I was shocked at how much we picked and how much is still on the tree. Came home with a bucket of apples.
Then I wanted to pick up my mess in the computer room....which lead me to doing the checkbook balancing. I spent awhile doing that since I was 2 months behind. Plus I wanted to do the water balancing but I couldn't get on the website. I'm 4 months behind on that one. I'll work on that today.
Since I had the computer up, I decided to work on some family genealogy. I was working on the TRUE family tree today. I really want to work on my Taylor family, but not sure where to get some of the information. Oh, well.
Then it was time to go bowling. I didn't do bad but I didn't do good either. I bowled a 182 first, and beat everyone on the team. Then I went down! I bowled a 146, almost as bad as Wednesday night, but was thankful I didn't bowl another 119. My last game was a 165, which was coming back to normal. Can't complain tonight, just had one bad game. Oh, well.
It's days like today, when I can't work on my crafts that I wonder what the heck I'm doing. I love to be able to bead, cross stitch, or even quilt at least 30 mins a day. Lately I seem to be slipping because I'm not doing my crafts when I want to. I'm not sure how this is going to work with Patrick retiring. I'm really going to be going nuts if I can't get some craft time in! So, now I have to say I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting.
I got started on working a sour dough bread going. I was busy with getting that going. I have it raising now, and realized it may take all day to get that done. Not sure we will have bread tonight but will work on having it tomorrow, I guess.
I called Cherry and asked if I could go over and pick some apples. She has Golden Delicious apples. Patrick went with me. She can't pick apples so we picked them for her and brought back a bucket. We left a bucket or more still on her tree. I was shocked at how much we picked and how much is still on the tree. Came home with a bucket of apples.
Then I wanted to pick up my mess in the computer room....which lead me to doing the checkbook balancing. I spent awhile doing that since I was 2 months behind. Plus I wanted to do the water balancing but I couldn't get on the website. I'm 4 months behind on that one. I'll work on that today.
Since I had the computer up, I decided to work on some family genealogy. I was working on the TRUE family tree today. I really want to work on my Taylor family, but not sure where to get some of the information. Oh, well.
Then it was time to go bowling. I didn't do bad but I didn't do good either. I bowled a 182 first, and beat everyone on the team. Then I went down! I bowled a 146, almost as bad as Wednesday night, but was thankful I didn't bowl another 119. My last game was a 165, which was coming back to normal. Can't complain tonight, just had one bad game. Oh, well.
It's days like today, when I can't work on my crafts that I wonder what the heck I'm doing. I love to be able to bead, cross stitch, or even quilt at least 30 mins a day. Lately I seem to be slipping because I'm not doing my crafts when I want to. I'm not sure how this is going to work with Patrick retiring. I'm really going to be going nuts if I can't get some craft time in! So, now I have to say I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
It's A Roller Coaster
As I sit here trying to think of what to write, I realized life is like a roller coaster. We go around in a circle - Monday to Sunday and all over again. And I'm on the top of the wheel going to the bottom of the wheel....
I was up early today, but I felt like I should have stayed in bed. Go figure.
We went to Safeway this morning and to my surprise we really didn't need a lot. We were in and out in a short time.
Got home and I worked on my beads. I was able to get another 2 rows in. Then Patrick wanted to watch some TV shows.
So, I worked off my laptop and beaded on this. I need another snowman ornament. I need to get this done so I have 2. Then I can give them away. I know of 2 so far I want to give them to.
It's hard to bead on the tapestry piece in front of the TV. So, I figured out how work on them while sitting in front of the TV.
Then when I started to make a few mistakes, I pulled out some letters from my grandfather, and started writing them down. I got 2 letters done.
So, even with the Roller Coaster - or hamster wheel - I'm still running in circles. lol - At the same time I have been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!=
I was up early today, but I felt like I should have stayed in bed. Go figure.
We went to Safeway this morning and to my surprise we really didn't need a lot. We were in and out in a short time.
Got home and I worked on my beads. I was able to get another 2 rows in. Then Patrick wanted to watch some TV shows.
So, I worked off my laptop and beaded on this. I need another snowman ornament. I need to get this done so I have 2. Then I can give them away. I know of 2 so far I want to give them to.
It's hard to bead on the tapestry piece in front of the TV. So, I figured out how work on them while sitting in front of the TV.
Then when I started to make a few mistakes, I pulled out some letters from my grandfather, and started writing them down. I got 2 letters done.
So, even with the Roller Coaster - or hamster wheel - I'm still running in circles. lol - At the same time I have been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!=
Friday, October 4, 2019
A Day Of My Choosing
Today is one of those days that I don't have a schedule and I don't need to do anything for anyone but myself. So, it's a day of my choosing. Whether I choose right or wrong, it's all up to me.....ouch.
So I started the day off with playing game - nothing new there. Then I got up and mopped the floor. While I waited for it to dry, I took a little time beading. Felt good. I was able to get another row in before I put everything back in place and started to vacuum.
Have you had one of those days when things are looking good and then - BANG! Well that was my luck. The big BANG was when the trash can - that I was going to empty - decided to break at the bottom of the, as I pulled it out to take out - it went on the floor!! The floor I just mopped!! UGH!! So, it was clean up time and finishing my vacuuming. I worked on laundry and the dishes that didn't get done yesterday - which rarely happens!!
Got a call for addresses, so had to take a break and get the address she needed. Then I was back to beading.
The fun part about beading is that I've been listening to this book and it's as bad as the books I read....I can't put it done!! or shut if off - which every way you put it!! It's so good. I want to know what's next. And it's a trilogy which I was lucking enough to get the 2 books on tape together. Now I'm excited to see this through and will probably get a lot of beading done in the process!!
I was at this point yesterday.
I added 5 more rows and this is were I finished. It's really coming along pretty good. I can't wait to get to the bottom of the bird. I will try to get a few more stitches done on it tomorrow.
We went out to eat down in Kelso tonight. Decided to try out Red Lobster. They have changed their menu and it was hard to find what I wanted.
Came home and I played a few more games while we watched a couple shows that had recorded.
It's been a good day, I got a lot done and I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
So I started the day off with playing game - nothing new there. Then I got up and mopped the floor. While I waited for it to dry, I took a little time beading. Felt good. I was able to get another row in before I put everything back in place and started to vacuum.
Have you had one of those days when things are looking good and then - BANG! Well that was my luck. The big BANG was when the trash can - that I was going to empty - decided to break at the bottom of the, as I pulled it out to take out - it went on the floor!! The floor I just mopped!! UGH!! So, it was clean up time and finishing my vacuuming. I worked on laundry and the dishes that didn't get done yesterday - which rarely happens!!
Got a call for addresses, so had to take a break and get the address she needed. Then I was back to beading.
The fun part about beading is that I've been listening to this book and it's as bad as the books I read....I can't put it done!! or shut if off - which every way you put it!! It's so good. I want to know what's next. And it's a trilogy which I was lucking enough to get the 2 books on tape together. Now I'm excited to see this through and will probably get a lot of beading done in the process!!
I was at this point yesterday.
I added 5 more rows and this is were I finished. It's really coming along pretty good. I can't wait to get to the bottom of the bird. I will try to get a few more stitches done on it tomorrow.
We went out to eat down in Kelso tonight. Decided to try out Red Lobster. They have changed their menu and it was hard to find what I wanted.
Came home and I played a few more games while we watched a couple shows that had recorded.
It's been a good day, I got a lot done and I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!
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Presentation Day & Genealogy
This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet. Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...

We were up at 6 am and out the door by 6:45 am. My first appointment was at 8 am. We were early and actually got in early for my next 2 app...
Yesterday - Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he w...