Thursday, October 10, 2019

Waiting A Lot Yesterday - Running Around Today

I realized this morning I didn't get my blog done. So, I'll just fill you in on 2 days at once.

Yesterday started out early. I was up in Olympia by 8:45 am for my mammogram. If you haven't had one, I recommend you get one. I went through the "older" machine at Kaiser where it was pinching every chance it could get. Move a boob over and pinch down again. It wasn't comfortable but I got through it. Then I had the ultra sound on the left boob. When all that was done, the radiologist came and talked to me. Everything looked good. No signs of anything wrong. Yeah!

Off to moms afterwards. I arrived there around 11:00 am. Then we went out to eat. I did take a few things to work on while I was there.

I worked on the wing of the eagle. I took my box to work on. I had the embroidery as well. I decided to try and get more done. I gave mom back one of her panels that I was putting leaves on. She's wanting to do the roses. So, there's plenty of rooms for her to put the roses on. I was trying to work on the wings so I can get a little farther along. 

Then around 1:30 pm we headed over to the Laser clinic. Mom has a droopy eye and wanted to see what was going on. While we were there, they said they will fix that, and at the same time they found mom has cart-arcs (sp) in the other eye. So, now we are going to have her go through surgery to remove them. We set up another day for that. 

When I finally got home, it was dinner and off to bowling. It was one of those days, no break, just waiting. My nephew was supposed to come visit, but he ended up getting to moms after I left her place. 

We didn't do so good bowling. We lost 3 games. Poor Denise, her leg was bothering her. She had a really good game going but then on the 10th frame, she guttered and then only got 3 pins. Then she pulled out of bowling the last 2 games. I bowled a 170, 305, and then not so good 134. I was doing good till that last game. The funny part was that we lost the 2nd game by 5 pins, and we won the 3rd game. Go figure!

Today was a day of going to pick mom up to head to Dan's place. We left early and arrived early. We were 45 mins early at Dan's. He and mom were talking about getting breakfast. So, I stopped at McD's and got them breakfast, and I got a hot chocolate. Then took Dan to his PT and took mom to Costco. We shopped there for a while and then headed back to pick Dan up. He was still in the PT room. I scheduled his next 2 weeks appointments. He said he will need to go shopping next Tuesday. I dropped him off and headed back home. 

Mom and I stopped at Whalen Quilt Works, and my group was there. I do miss them! Haven't seen them in a long time. Mom was able to tell one of the gals who's quilt she bought. Mom knew the quilt, so that helped a lot. She bought it at an estate sale. I picked up the quilt that Kathy did for us. I now have another quilt that I will keep for now. It's the QOV quilt I dropped off last week. I need to get her a gift card for doing it for us. 

After that, I took mom over to the pharmacy across the street. Then we headed back to her home. I unloaded the car and got her stuff in the house. 

It felt good to get that done, then I left. It was 1:30 pm already. So, I stopped at McD's and got myself some chicken tenders and an ice tea. I didn't want anything else. 

Got home and started cleaning and doing laundry. I am so far behind it's not funny! I got a couple loads done. Then I got supper and Patrick headed out to bowling. I got a call from Cherry and talked to her a good hour. Then I decided I would work on my beading. 

I am now ready to start row 120. So, I'm 119/446. Funny how a photo makes it look so much better. lol  I got 2 rows done tonight and decided to call it a night. I'm tired. 

Mom reminded me of the quilters coming tomorrow. I told her I wouldn't be there and she asked why. Told her I have been running all week and I want a day to myself. Plus I need to get my laundry caught up. I'm actually tired and want to sleep in tomorrow! I'm getting tired of getting up when Patrick gets up.   

At least I was able to work on a few things. I didn't get far, but it was nice to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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