Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Yesterday - What A Day!

Patrick and I were up early - and out the door by 7:45 am. We headed up to was one of those travel days. First he missed the City Center exit, and we ended up taking the water front exit. That was good, till the exit we needed was closed because they were cleaning the overpass. We ended up taking a drive along the waterfront. Then turned around and headed back, which took us up the hill to the hospital area. We still arrived at Kaiser about 30 mins early. The turn in to Kaiser also blocked, so we ended up going around the block.

The appointment went good. I had a chatty gal for the breathing test. I only had one test that was low, but apparently it wasn't enough to explain what's going on. After the breathing test, I got right in. Then he went over everything we did. He's baffled. So am I. We know I can't expand like I should, but I can breath at 100%, so that's the a major problem. We decided to give it a year and start the test over to see if there is any changes.

We then headed over to The Spaghetti Factor for lunch. That was comical as well. We missed the street and had to go around the block again (ahead of the block we wanted). Then we got in the parking lot and went round and round looking for a parking place. We headed back on the way out and finally came to a parking place. The first one we saw, there was NO way we could have gotten the van in there. The second one was easier and we got in without a problem.

Then it was on the way home. I fell asleep. We made it back home by 3:30 pm, and we both crashed. Patrick slept on the deck with a quilt and beanie! lol - It was cold yesterday. We both took a nap actually. It was 5 pm before we were up and moving.

We headed over to mom's. As I was picking her up, she told me Theresa Williams passed away today.(yesterday) She had gone to Disney World a couple weeks ago with her family. She's the one we honored with a QOV quilt in May.

A young gal in her 50's. Sorry to hear of her passing. Her service is this Saturday at 1 pm. 

Then we were off to Sandy's Birthday party. Sandy turned 60! Maybe that's why we get along so well! lol 

We all surprised her! She was really surprised to see us. She called mom "mom" which made mom happy. We stayed about an hour and a half. Patrick and a gal from his work chatted for quiet a while. I was happy Patrick had someone to talked to. We had a good time. 

Then after dropping mom off, we came home. About an hour later we called it a night. I was playing on my phone, so I forgot to get my blog done. 

This week isn't over....more going on today as well. I was able to get some BE done yesterday but only 2 leaves. I will probably get more done today while at moms. It's a wait and see game. Guess life is that way as well. 

So, I was able to work on my embroidery, but not enough to really be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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