Saturday, October 5, 2019

It's A Roller Coaster

As I sit here trying to think of what to write, I realized life is like a roller coaster. We go around in a circle - Monday to Sunday and all over again. And I'm on the top of the wheel going to the bottom of the wheel....

I was up early today, but I felt like I should have stayed in bed. Go figure.

We went to Safeway this morning and to my surprise we really didn't need a lot. We were in and out in a short time.

Got home and I worked on my beads. I was able to get another 2 rows in. Then Patrick wanted to watch some TV shows.

So, I worked off my laptop and beaded on this. I need another snowman ornament. I need to get this done so I have 2. Then I can give them away. I know of 2 so far I want to give them to.

It's hard to bead on the tapestry piece in front of the TV. So, I figured out how work on them while sitting in front of the TV.

Then when I started to make a few mistakes, I pulled out some letters from my grandfather, and started writing them down. I got 2 letters done.

So, even with the Roller Coaster - or hamster wheel - I'm still running in circles. lol - At the same time I have been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!=

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All Day At Garage Sale

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