Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tomorrow Is FRIDAY!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow!! It's to the end of the week.

This morning I was up and out the door to pick Dan up. I took him to PT and sat and worked on my embroidery and read a book. I was between things to do.

Last night I finished the leaves that were left to do. Then today I worked on the branches. I don't have a lot more to do. I'm close to getting there to the roses. I may have this finished yet.

Dan and I went shopping at Fred Meyer. So I picked up a few things there. Dropped Dan off and came home. I got my laundry started - as it's been awhile since I've had the time to do it.

Patrick had bowling tonight, so I decided to listen to the book and work on the wild birds. In getting started I realized I didn't have enough beads for #749. I called Sharon to see if she had any because I really didn't want to order any more! She has some and will bring them to me. I had to stop at row 121.

I really wanted to work on this!! I think I gave Sharon what I had when she was low on that color. So, chances are I'm buying my beads back.

That made me get back to my snowman beading. I cleaned up the kitchen and then went back to beading. I started the first snowman pattern tonight but didn't get far before Patrick made it home.

I found it interesting how small these are. I was able to get it started. In a small way I'm hoping Sharon and Bill take a drive and come drop the beads off.

At least I've been able to enjoy today. Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I'm hoping - yep, HOPING - it will be my day! I will work on laundry and I will try to get the binding on the QOV quilt. I'm afraid to plan my day.....we all know how that comes out! So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what happens. I'm hoping to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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