Friday, December 6, 2019

More Beads

This morning I was up and out the door by 8:30 am. I went up to Olympia to pick Sharon up. Then it was off to the doctors.

Good news from the doctor. My breasts are fine. lol - Good news. She thinks the pains I may have have to do with mussels or heart. Will keep tracks for that and see what comes next.

Then it was off to Shipwrecked Beads. Sharon and I bought some beads for the ornaments. I've got enough to do a couple more ornaments. I'm looking forward to get another one or two done.

Dropped Sharon off and then visited with her and Bill. The tapestries she finished were there for me to see. They were from the patterns I have. I do get frustrated when people take my patterns or buy the same pattern to get it done way before I do. UGH.

Came home and then I worked on my Birds. I didn't get a row done, but I was able to get some done. I really haven't had the chance to work on it as much as I wanted to.

Patrick wanted to get some gifts done, so we did that. I ordered more beads - not cheap!! Then I worked with Patrick to get some gifts done.

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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