Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Ho-hum Day

 I had a hard time sleeping last night. Too much on my mind. 

When I got up, I started working on laundry. Then we left for Safeway to pick up a few things for tomorrow when Nick and Joanne will be here. 

I decided it was time to sit and work on my beading. Listening to a book kept my mind off things that are going on around here. Patrick has been quiet and it's understandable. 

I was able to get another 3 rows done. I'm really having fun with this. My Snowman is coming in clear now. The next bird is also showing up. It's funny how I can't tell on my piece but I can tell when I post a photo. This is so much fun!

Then we decided to watch "The Repair Shop" on Netflix and I really love that show! I wish at times I could be that good at what they do. I would love to be able to fix things like that! So, instead, I just dream and love the work they do. 

While I was doing that, I decided to mark a few more sheets with the numbers on the side again. I was able to get 8 sheets of the wordcharts for the Snowman done. It makes life easier to see how many beads are on that line. I picked up my beading and put it away for a little bit. Since we are having company tomorrow, I won't be able to work on my beading. 

Next I pulled the cross stitch out and worked on it. I'm getting the itch to quilt, so I want to get the cross stitch done before I start quilting on the white on white pattern. 

I worked on the shadowing on the spools. Then I got moving on the green fabric that is being cut. I will work on this tomorrow while Patrick is golfing. I'm getting closer. Not very fast, but I am getting closer. Mom was wondering where I find time to do all the things I do. I guess it's because I have to keep busy and that's the only way I can keep busy. I actually enjoy it. AND it keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Waiting Day

 This morning Patrick helped me pick colors for my next Brazilian embroidery piece. I wanted something I could work on while at doctor visits and other waiting games. So, we had it all picked and I was able to take it with me when we went to his appointment. 

It turned out to be enough to get a lot done. So, I was able to get all the green stems done on this piece. I will work on the leaves next. I actually felt good working on it, and it kept me relaxed. 

By the time we got home, I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything else, so I played games. It was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 28, 2020

It Turned Out To Be A Good Day

 Today I was up early - again. I did sleep better last night, so I'm happy. I started out playing games. Then I got moving on the laundry. 

I went downstairs to cut some batting and backing for Debbie's quilt. While I was at that, I called and ordered some ore backing and batting for our group. That was about 5 different phone calls back and forth to get what we needed. I washed the backing for both Debbie and my quilt top. We will take them to Bill tomorrow. Once they were washed, I ironed them.

So, while laundry was going, I was beading. 

I was able to get a lot done. I'm now at 212/580 rows done. There is another bird coming up on the left. Snowman's face is starting to show. He's coming along nicely. I enjoyed working on this as well as listening to another book. I was able to finish one book and start another. 

We received a nice gift from Patrick's sister. It's a big "board" of the Wiltzius family - meaning photos of all of us. Patrick took down my dad's photo and put it there. Dad got moved to the middle of the family photos in the hall. I'll find another place to put him later. 

I started going through my kitchen appliances and put a few away, got rid of a couple, and then put the new ones in the cabinet we cleaned out for them. I'm starting to get better appliances to replace the old stuff. OR even the stuff I haven't been using. 

We've been talking about down sizing and we may even think about moving. Patrick was showing me Sun City, AZ. I'm not crazy about that, but the older I get, I may decide to move. Now would be the time to do that. The houses down there look awesome. Cheaper as well. There are a lot of places we could go. More things to do then they have here. I said we need to go check it out. Who knows, we may make a trip to AZ to check them out. 

Today was a good day actually. I got a lot done. I'm thrilled to be able to keep busy. The more I get on the Snowman, the happier I get. I need to finish a couple more quilts, which I'm starting to get the "squirrel" itch again. We'll see. At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Another Top Finished

I couldn't sleep last night - again. So, at 7 am I finally got up. I had an idea of taking a quilt up to Bill. That quilt would be our quilt and we'd pay him for it. He wanted more quilts to quilt. So, I pulled out 3 quilt tops out and showed Patrick. One was 104" big. I didn't have backing or batting that would fit it. So, that was passed up. I did pull out the Christmas quilt that I had basted for hand quilting. I will see if he can do that one. Then I won't have to worry about hand quilting it. I have a white-on-white quilt that is basted and ready to quilt. I may pull that out and work on it later. Right now I will try and work on my beading - and try to finish the cross stitching. So, you can see - another squirrel ran across my path! 

I went downstairs to finish up the quilt for QOV. Bill is wanting quilts, so I will have this ready for him then. I washed the backing, and will iron it tomorrow. 

I thought I was done with this part, but it wasn't long enough. So, I added more. 

I added the red on the top and bottom. It helped on the length and I like the way it turned. Patrick helped me to decide what to do. I was limited to the blocks there. Georgie isn't making enough blocks the same so I do with what I can with what I have. 

Then I came up stairs to try out my new "toy" that I can put my negatives into a picture on the computer. So, I went looking for my old negatives. I found a few, but they aren't really the old ones I was looking for. I did find a couple pictures that I forgot I had. They aren't in the best of shape, but they are a reminder of what I did a good 30 years ago. 

This was part of a round robin. I made the last border - the small hearts and the flowers. This was when round robins were a big thing. We wrote letters, send packages, and worked on each others quilts. This round robin was more from Canada then the US. I wrote to Ms. Peacock in Canada and I joined her group. 

This was also part of that round robin. I did the last border. I can't remember the music I put on there, but then again, I can't read music. I hope I put them in the right places. I wanted to see the rest of this one, but can't remember if I ever did or not. 

This is a bad photo. Again, this is another one. I'm not sure who's these are, as I didn't keep their names. Mine is the one that is shown on here off and on. It's the one that needs to be finished - hand quilting. I will probably try to finish it so I can get moving on the next quilt - white on white. 

I didn't get any beading done. But I'm okay with that. I can manage, when I get other things done. At least I can say I finished another quilt top. That's what I call Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day After....

 Today was another good day. We went to Staples - I needed to get some paper and stamps for the water system billing. Plus Patrick had to deliver the return on his shoes. He told Phil the right size, but they didn't fit, so when they are returned he will order the right size. Staples didn't have stamps, so when we went to Safeway, I bought them there. I wanted to get a Chai tea and Patrick some coffee, but the line was long and it would take forever to get it. So, I asked Patrick to take me to Starbucks across the highway. He did. I ordered it in my app, and when we got there, there were 10 cars waiting in line. So, I went into the store and asked for my order. At least that didn't take long. 

We got back home and I worked all afternoon on our bank statement as well as the water bank statement. Everything balanced, but it took all afternoon. I also worked on the billing, getting statements out in the mail for 2021. Envelopes have the bills and stamps - ready to go in the mail. 

When I finally found time to work on my beading, Patrick turned on the "Antiques Road Show" (I think that's the name) and I wanted to see what things they had and how much they were. I love watching the different antiques. That took an hour. I had half a row lined up to bead, so was able to get back to it. 

Another 3 rows later, and it's looking good! I'm starting to work on the face of the snowman. This is fun! I'm now at 206/580 rows done. The bird on the hat is done. More to come with the antlers. Soon the deer will start showing as well. This is a cross stitch pattern, that I saw on my Pinterest. I'm not sure right now if that's another bird tail coming up. I'll look tomorrow to see what it is. 

It's now late, and my day was going from one thing to another. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas Everyone!

 Today is a good day. I love Christmas. Not sure if it's because of family or if it's because it's a relaxing day. I have always loved Christmas. 

We opened our gifts last night. I was thrilled with all my gifts. I have a few that will replace a few things. Patrick got me a food processor, so I'm going to get rid of the stuff that I was using that is about the same. I have a small one, but this one is a lot better. I also got some lovely socks that my DIL made for me. I love them! They remind me of the ones mom used to make when I was growing up. Katt gave me a bread book by Paul Hollywood. I'm loving this year. I was able to give handmade gifts as well. I have always loved giving gifts that I made more than I have by buying gifts. I'm hoping to continue the "tradition" by giving more handmade gifts. It just takes time to figure out. I have a couple ideas and my start after my Snowman is done. 

I did get a row in on the Snowman today. I had an hour before a movie started, so I worked on it. 

We watched "SOL" from Disney. I loved the movie, but I don't think Patrick was as crazy about it as I was. I enjoyed it. A lot of fun to watch. 

We had Prime Rib for supper and it was awesome! I had a ton of garlic (got from Costco) and could hardly taste the garlic. We are going to cook the bone and make a soup or stew out of it. Should be good. I can't do soup, so it will really be interesting if it does turn out. 

We fixed our Bananas Foster Cheesecake. It turned out different then I thought. 

It turned out awesome. I was surprised I actually made a good Cheesecake. I love to bake, but was often told Cheesecakes are hard to make. Apparently not. Woohoo!

It was a relaxing day, enjoying movies, music, and each other. I was also Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Christmas Eve!

 Today started out like always. Patrick was going golfing but had to wait till about 10:30 before he left. Mom was due to come over, and around 10:30 I was beginning to wonder if she was coming. She called to say she was running behind. Asked me about the stuff she had and what she was bringing. We did the check list and then she would be leaving soon. 

I went downstairs to get things off the counter and then start working on some of the scrap fabrics that I have for QOV. 

Mom arrived around 11:45 and we made lunch first. She seemed to want to play games instead of doing much. She's a slow eater, so it took awhile before we went downstairs. 

When we finally made it downstairs, I pulled out all the blocks that Georgie made. Then I worked on the board to see if they would work with the panel I had. We talked about what we thought would work and what wouldn't. So, when we came up with an idea, we got started. 

I cut the boarder for the panel. Then mom sewed it up. She sewed the three blocks together - both top and bottom. Then we sewed them on the panel. By this time I knew mom wasn't in the mood so decided I would call it quits.

We came upstairs and watched a Disney movie. It was "GodmotherD" which is funny and a good movie. Mom enjoyed it. About the end of the movie, Patrick came home. We got the bacon going and then had BLT's with Root Beer Floats. After supper we pulled out the gifts.

Mom loved her gift. She was in tears when she opened it. Not sure why, but I was touched by it. Mom gave me some baking stuff. I was thrilled! Then mom fell asleep on the couch. Once she woke up she decided to go home. I worked on getting my cinnamon buns ready for tomorrow. 

After mom left, we opened our gifts. I was thrilled with all my gifts. It was a lot more then I've gotten in a long time. Patrick even bought me the tool that I can run slides, film, and negatives through. That was what I've wanted for a long time. I have tons of negatives from my grandparents. I will go through them one of these days. 

Now, it's time to call it good. I'm glad it turned out so well. I was thrilled to be able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Tomorrow Is Christmas Eve

 Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It's a good day to be Happy! It's also the day mom is coming over to spend it with us. 

Today I decided to work on my beading first, then cook supper and work on the Cheesecake that we will have tomorrow and Christmas Day. Or we may just have it for Christmas day, depending on how things work out. 

I enjoyed listening to my audio book and beading this after noon. Since I have been marking my patterns with the number that is in each row, it's been going a lot faster. I'm not counting several times to make sure I have the right number of beads. 

I was able to get a good 4 rows in, in half the time I did before. It's coming along nicely. The bird on the hat is coming along and almost done. I like the way it's coming along. 

The Cheesecake is baked and almost ready to serve. I need to add the topping part tomorrow when we serve it, and then it's done. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. 

I started working on a "30 day" flat stomach routine. I did 2 days so far. Should be interesting. I just want to get rid of the "roll" around my stomach that just won't go away. I know it won't take 30 days, but maybe it will help get me where I want to be. We'll see. I'm usually not into exercises but I figured at my age - and with the family history I have - I should try something. I'll be laughing in 30 days, when it didn't work. 

Now I'm ready to call it a day. Looking forward to tomorrow. Just realized I need to clean up my station downstairs before mom gets here. We will probably work on a QOV quilt. I would like to get another one or two done. Bill has finished all the ones that he had, so will pick up the 2 they finished on Tuesday. Would be nice if I can take one up. That would be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Counting Down....Not Sure Why....

Three more days to Christmas. I love Christmas, even when it doesn't turn out the way I would love it to. lol  So, I guess I love counting down to it as well. We used to have an advent calendar growing up. I would love to talk Patrick into making me one! Then I can stuff it with a piece of chocolate every day! lol 

Today we headed up to Patrick's appointment in Olympia. That was all of 15 mins. I don't think any of my appointments went as fast as his did. Then we stopped at Costco to pick up Prime Rib for Christmas dinner. Mom is going to Portland for Christmas, so we will just enjoy it for ourselves. 

Came home, and I played games. I wasn't ready to bead then. Patrick seems to know when I want to go bead, because he suggested we watch Hallmark Christmas movies. So, I played more. After a while I decided I needed to get something done today - other than laundry. 

So, I pulled my mice out to work on. I was able to add some outlining and work on some shadowing. I wanted to get a few things done, so I was able to get a little closer. I don't know why I'm stalling on this piece. I will try and get this done soon. I have the scissors and the fabrics by the scissors to do. It's really not a lot, but for some reason, I'm stalling. 

At least I was working on something today. That makes it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 21, 2020

4 More Day To Christmas

 Even though it's 4 more days to Christmas, that doesn't mean I will be busy all the way to Christmas. I think I did a lot last week. I will be doing a Cheesecake for Christmas. Since mom will be here on Christmas Eve, I will do it on Wednesday. That way we can have it for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Should be good. 

Today was one of those days. I wanted to watch some Christmas movies. I also wanted to work on my beading. So, I decided to bead for awhile, then start watching movies. 

I did get a few of the beads put away, still have the sting of 4 rows together. Not ready to take that apart just yet. I added another 3 rows today. That makes me happy. I am now at 199/580 done. It's looking better too. I don't even know who I jumped from 200 rows to 207 rows when I made that mistake. It just wasn't coming out right. Now I'm back on track. I do enjoy working on this. It's fun to see the photos I take, because I can really see where I am and how it's starting to show. The tail of the bird on the upper left, is where the bead is missing. I will put that in when I get closer to being done. Glass beads do break, and if I don't pay attention to the bead when I sew it in, then it can break at any time. It's been know to do it as I work it. This one didn't show up till after. 

We watched 2 Hallmark movies. One I haven't seen and one I have. Patrick hasn't seen either so it was fun to watch them. I usually tape them, but decided not to. 

It was a quiet day, and a rainy day. Turned out great actually. That's what makes it Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Best Laid Plans......

 This morning I woke not feeling 100%. I ate too much yesterday and I paid for it all night. Then I woke to a "full" stomach and decided a piece of toast was good enough for me. 

Once that was done, and I played a few games. Once I finally felt like doing something, I went to work on my beading. I had a headache, so went to take a nap after talking to my son on the phone. I was up about an hour later. I added 2 rows.........then realized I was off!! 

I ended up taking out 4 rows! Then I had to figure out where I was. Counting the bead rows - about 10 times!! I need to put the extra beads I took out back in the containers to use again. On top of all that, I found a hole in the piece. I will have to fix that by putting a bead back in place - around row 50. 

So, now I'm back to row 197. I'm only at 196/580 rows done. I couldn't believe it. When I got my thread and needle where it needs to be, I decided to call it quits. I was hoping to be around 207 by now, but that wasn't to be. I had the right idea, but didn't get there. 

It really didn't turn out to be a good day for me. I really can't say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Enjoying The Day With Friends

 This morning I took some cookies to our neighbors, Raymond and his mom Cherry. Cherry lives across the street from Raymond. I told him it was a "peace offering." Then I went to Cherry and gave her the embroidery gift I did for her. Plus a couple cookies. We chatted for a little bit then I came back home to be told we would be living in 45 mins. 

First stop was at moms to drop off the box of fabric that we couldn't use. Terry had send me a couple boxes of fabric in the red and blue colors. I was able to take some fabric, but most went to mom. She was going to give it out to those who can use them. Most of the fabric that is given to mom is rarely thrown away. 

After moms, we headed to Papa Murphy's and picked up 2 pizza's to take to Nick and Joanne's. We spend the day with them, playing games and eating. It was an awesome day to be around friends. I do miss not being able to spend time with friends. Joanne works from home and Nick isn't around many people while he delivers packages. So, we felt safe enough that we didn't have to wear a mask. If it was anyone else, we wouldn't have gone. We played "Sorry" and she had bought a new game. That "new" Sorry game is so much different from what we play with our old game. Different rules. We also played Mexican Train, and Rumicube (sp). The day went by fast, and it didn't turn out to be a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Candy Baking And Beading

 This morning I headed over to pick mom up at LeDuc's station. Mom was getting her car to speak. I arrived and they were chatting about the car. Mom's tires were making noise, so they took her for a drive in the car - not one sound came out of it. Patrick said that happens when the car hasn't been driven in awhile or doesn't go out much. I followed her home with her car. When we got there Nancy was there. I told mom about what Patrick said and she thought I was crazy. Nancy even said the sound was bad. I asked if she drove in a puddle and she did. So, I'm thinking the dust got cleaned out by the water. 

Carman showed up shortly after we arrived. Mom's getting back to normal when it comes to letting people come over. I guess she even invited Hildi to come. I told her that if she keeps inviting others to come, then the "mother, daughter" day won't be happening. She said she was sorry but they were needing to visit with others. I figure if she starts asking too many more, then I'll just stay home. I really don't want to get Covid, and it's still not safe around here. We had 82 cases yesterday with 2 deaths. I'm not wanting to get it. Amazing how people around here don't seem to care one way or the other. Mom said she's being careful, but at this rate, I'm thinking she's letting up a little. 

We got going on making 2 batches of fudge and 2 batches of peanut brittle. I kinda burnt the first batch of brittle. I put way to many peanuts in the batch. I was trying to get help, and when I was cooking that batch it was hard to stir and keep the thermometer in it. All three were chatting, so that didn't help. But at least I didn't completely burn it. Mom and Carman did help me with the fudge. They had everything I needed ready, and they helped with the brittle when it came time to pour it in the pan. I was thinking of doing another batch, but Patrick said we have enough. Plus I really shouldn't be eating this stuff. The sugar is what I need to stay away from. My stomach gets "full" when I do. 

Came home and played a few games before going to bead. 

Two more rows done. My next row is 200. I have 580 rows in this piece, so I'm not even half way yet. But it's coming along. I'm watching the bird come to life. I noticed with this photo that the white snowman is starting to show his face. It's going to be fun to see how that turns out. 

Tomorrow I will bake my sourdough bread. I had it rise over night, but forgot to shape it for tonight. So, I shaped it and it's going to raise overnight again. That will probably bring out the sourdough in the bread more too. I can cut this one up and freeze it for my sandwiches. Since I can't have white bread. Sourdough I can have. 

Then it's off to our bowling partners place. They asked us over to play games and have pizza. She works from home, so not worried about that. He's a delivery guy and he said he wears the mask and doesn't have any contact with the people very often. So, I hope he's safe too. If need be, I will wear mine. 

Oh, mom asked if we could do Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. She wants to go down to Portland to be with my brother, his wife, my niece, her husband, and my sister-in-law's sister for Christmas Day. My brother told her to bring a bag to stay awhile. We were not invited. lol  Anyway, I think when mom gets back, I'm going to make sure she quarantines herself.  My niece and her husband share a house with another couple. It's a 5 bedroom place. Not sure if the friends will be there for Christmas, but that's too many at a time. Should be interesting. Betting my SIL's sister will tell mom she wants to leave Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. Should be interesting to see. We will do BLT's on Christmas Eve since Patrick is going golfing. Not going to do the Christmas Dinner with him being gone all day. So, again, we will be alone for Christmas Day. Getting used to it. 

At least with all the stuff I did today, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

More Baking....More Beading

 This morning I didn't feel like getting up - I just couldn't get up. Patrick left for golfing and before he left he told me Debbie dropped off the panels I bought. 

When I finally got up, I was thinking about what needed to be done. I got laundry going. Then I played a few games. Not much. Once I got my "head cleared," I decided to enjoy some of my time beading. I was able to get 2 1/2 rows done by the time Patrick got home. 

I was happy to be able to get a few more rows done. I'm now at 198/580 done. Not a lot, but they are coming along. 

When Patrick got home, I had him help me with the Gingerbread cookies. I rolled and cut them, while he put the M&M's on the trees. 

They turned out really good. I hadn't done any gingerbread before, so I wasn't sure how they will taste, let alone turn out. I think they were good. I like that they aren't as sugary as could be. 

My day was busy once I got started. Tomorrow will be another day. I have to go pick mom up at the shop, then take her home so we can do peanut brittle and fudge. Then I'm going to be done with cookies and desserts. I will drop some off to Cherry tomorrow or Saturday and then call it done. 

I do like days like this but wish at times my kids where here to enjoy it with me as well. Oh, well, at least it was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting - Happy Baking!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Time For Holiday Baking

 Today started out pretty good. I wanted to get my cookie baking done today - or at least started. So, I pulled out the dough from refrigerator. I split it in half and started baking. We used the big cutters to make them. I couldn't get more than 12 cookies out of it. I decided to make a double batch - again -  and see where we go from there. I took the recipe from mom's old Betty Crocker book. It's older than mine and some of the old recipes are better than the new ones. That batch went into the frig. Patrick left for his dental appointment. 

While he was gone I worked on cleaning up and getting ready for baking again. I watched "Perry Mason" and when he got home, I got the dough out of the frig and got started. This time I got a ton of cookies out of it. I used the "medium" cutters - ones from what mom gave me. 

When I was done baking, I started another recipe for Gingerbread cookies. Put that in the frig and then I cooked supper. Once all that was done, I started in on the frosting of the sugar cookies. 

Patrick and I disagreed on the thickness of the frosting. He wanted it runny, so I made it runny. I think it needed to be thicker. He ended up doing 90% of the frosting on the cookies. I didn't get to do much. AND I think the frosting is the most fun to do!! It's like when the kids lived here, they got to do the fun part, and I did all the work. Never fails. He didn't want me to show him how to pipe, so it got interesting to say the least. 

Once all that was done, I was done. I sat down to relax for a bit and Sophie decided it was a perfect time to join me. 

She was out fast! I did make her move when I decided to do my back exercises. She wasn't too thrilled with me. 

As much as I wanted to bead, I didn't get the chance. I will tomorrow while Patrick is golfing. Then when he gets back, we'll cook the gingerbread cookies. I hope they turn out. I don't know what to expect, because I have never made them before. Not even a house. 

My day was fun. BUT it's wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Relaxing From All The Finishes This Month

 It was a good day. I didn't want to work on much today. Instead, I cleaned up and put away all the supplies I needed for the beading ornaments. I wanted to put stuff away that I didn't need for awhile. The table is clean up, except for the Snowman. 

I then got to work on laundry. Then I worked on some Sugar Cookies - that are in the refrigerator. I really didn't do much today. I did wrap the gift for Cherry.

I finished the last of the ornaments. This one is done - and I did finish it after I blogged last night. The top is different but I do like it. 

When I did decide to do something today in the way of stitching, I appliqued down the dress. I now need to work on the arm, and then I can finish this up. The lace worked out and wasn't really that hard to put on. 

Even though I wasn't really ready to do much, I was able to do something in the way of stitching. I enjoyed the day, even though my "squirrel" was going through my head. I played games to calm it down. 

It was a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 14, 2020

One Finish, One Still To Go

 We woke up to texts on my Niece's open heart surgery. She was having major surgery because of her heart defect from birth. She wasn't in the operating room as long as they thought she would be. The surgery went quick considering. She's now in ICU and in a lot of pain. The next few days will be tough for her, but we are all praying she comes out of it with good results. 

This morning started out pretty good. I got laundry going. Patrick went up to Olympia for more blood tests. While he was gone, I vacuumed, did laundry, and cleaned up the kitchen by putting dishes away. 

Once all that was done, I sat down to work on the beading. I was determined to get the ornaments done! I ran into some trouble working on the top of the second ornament. I found something different that I like better. Must of done the top of the ornament 3 times before I liked what I did. 

This looks better. I do have 2 tassels on and want to finish it tonight before going to bed. It doesn't take long to add the tassels. 

This is the first one, and it's done. I do like the way it came out. Not sure right now which one will be mine. 

This is the finished embroidery I said I would post a photo of. 

I baked a sourdough bread tonight. It was AWESOME! I put flaxseed in it. Added flaxseed, sesame seed, and poppy seed to the top. I need to figure out how to keep the seeds on the top after they are baked. I did loose a few. I will research that and then try again. But the bread was wonderful. I can have sourdough bread, so was going to put slices in the freezer for me, but Patrick gave half of it to the neighbors. I will just have to make another bread in a day or two. 

I'm working on getting the ornament done, and hope to finish it after I get done with this blog. I'm glad I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Keep Hoping "Today Is The Day"..........

 This morning I was up and ready to get moving. I was hoping to get a lot done today, but it just didn't happen.

While we were watching Christmas movies, I was beading. I wanted to get the tassels done. I started on the second set before I realized it. So, I have one set done and 4 of the other set done. 

They turned out really good. I'm happy with them. So the second set is exactly a like. I was getting confused in the end, so called it done for awhile. I'll finish them up tomorrow. 

I need to do another "topper" for the second one. I will try to figure that out tomorrow. This one came out a little "stiff" on the top. I want it to "hug" the ball. I'm thinking I won't do the bugle beads on the next one. 

I did get the embroidery ironed and framed. I will show that tomorrow. I need to clean the glass before I wrap it. I'll show the finished design. It turned out really nice. I chatted with Cherry (she doesn't know) and she's not doing so good. We chatted for a good hour. She's worried about her heart. Her doctor is one of the worst in this area, but I can't seem to talk her into getting another doctor. 

At least I was able to get closer to finishing the last 2 ornaments. That's where I keep hoping "Today's the Day" that I am finally done with the ornaments. I'm getting there! At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Working On Finishing Stuff

 This morning I was running behind. I did fix breakfast but then I went into slow moving mood. Once I did get going, Patrick and I went to Michael's because I had a voucher for $25 that had to be used by Monday. At first I had no clue what I was going to get. Patrick suggested we check out the shadow boxes, since most of my work is embroidery or cross stitching that needs frames. We found a "Buy one get 2 free" sale on. I couldn't believe it. So, we got one big shadow box - normal price $32, and 2 smaller ones, that were around $22. With the voucher, and the sale, we paid $9 total. I was okay with that. We did have to wait in line for the cash register but the line went pretty fast. 

Came home and I played a few games. I wasn't in the mood to do much. I did get the embroidery in the wash pot. (Hand washing). It looks like it won't bleed. I added some stuff to stop the bleeding, so it should be fine. I will iron it tomorrow and then frame it. 

I decided I needed to look for more panels for QOV. I have a panel downstairs that I wanted to keep for myself, as I bought it a long time ago. I found a sale on eBay for 8 of them. 

This is the panel and I think it will be great for QOV. I want to do one for Art, now that I have ordered more. 

I worked on one of the ornaments tonight. I was able to get the top done, but I think I will do something different for the top next time. Funny how the ornaments each have a different design. I can't seem to stick with one design. 

Even my tassels are different. 

I like these but wondering if they will work with the darker blue in the piece. I have darker blue beads and wonder why I didn't use them. I do like the way this came out. I will probably do something different on the next one as well. Guess I'm having too much fun coming up with ideas for the tassels. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will get my butt moving and get these done. I need to box them up and have them ready for gifts. Which will make me very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 11, 2020

A Day Of KrumKaka's

This morning I was up early. Then I was off to moms. First I had to pick up heavy cream and some marshmallow cream.  Then headed over to Sandy's work to give her the pattern I ordered for her and to give her her Christmas gift. She knew right off what it was because the hanger stuck out of the bag. She was thrilled. Made my day! 

Next stop, mom's. We worked on the krumkake's for a good 3 hours. We (Nancy, mom and I) stood and cooked them on the krumkake irons that they had. We got 4 done at a time, 2 from each iron. Mom was in the middle and rolled as they came out. It really didn't take long. 

Three patches later, we had over 100 krumkake's done. I brought home some for us. I brought some home to stuff with whipping cream! I added some blackberry jam to the cream to give it flavor. 

Came home around 2:30 pm. Decided to wait before I went to Arby's to get us some food. 

I then sat down and worked on embroidery. 

I finished it!! It's ready to be washed and framed. Then it will be taken over for her to get as a gift. I'm proud to give it to her. 

After I did that, I decided to try and get the block started. 

I appliqued the shoes. Then I put did the back pasting on the dress. I can now do the appliqueing on the dress and get more done. I do like the way the lace is on this, so I must of put it down right. 

As busy as today was, I was enjoying the fact that I could be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Almost Finished With Ornaments

 This morning I was up early, but slow in moving around. I just enjoyed playing games rather than getting moving. 

When I finally did, I had a load of laundry in the washer. Then I decided to try and finish up on the ornaments. I was able to get the 2 panels done that I wanted to. 

Somehow I got off on the bottom part. I couldn't believe I messed up so much. Must have been my dyslexia playing with me! I decided to leave it because they both look like trees either way. No clue what happened, but chances are, it was that I had been doing them all day, that I got tired and messed up. I will put them together this weekend. It will look great!

After getting these done, I worked on my excel program to make a sheet for my beading projects. 

Now I can keep track to see if I have all the beads I need. This way I can keep a list of what I have to order and what I have. It will work out great. 

Now, I'm beat. So, I'm going to call it a day, and be thankful I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

What A Day!

 Patrick left for golfing - and it poured shortly after he left. Guess that didn't stop them. 

I hung around the house till about 11:30 am. I needed to pick Dan up for his surgery. I decided to sit for a little bit but Sophie wanted her TLC which took a good 10 mins if not more! I don't know what her problem was. When she finally settled down, I went to the table an worked on my 4th panel of beading. 

I was able to get a few rows in before I had to head out. I was happy to get this far. Then I went to Starbucks for some iced chai tea. Once that was collected, I headed to Dan's. Arriving early. Got there about 12:05 pm. We headed to Centralia, and I took him to say hi to mom. They talked a good 10 feet apart, with him in the car, and her at the driveway. Then I took him to the hospital. Dropped him off at the Emergency entrance because that's the only way to get in the hospital. 

Went back to moms. She wanted to know how long it would be, so told her about 2 hours. She then asked if I would go with her to take some of her stuff to Goodwill. Told her we could go, and we did. Dropped off a load at Goodwill. Then we went out to Bill and Bea's for lunch. Waited in line at the drive thru. Brought it back to her place and had lunch. Then we watched a movie. While we watched the movie, I split my time with working on gift wrapping and working on Cherry's embroidery. 

I was able to get the colonial knots done on the two areas on the bottom left. It's "strays" I think, but not sure what it's really called. I was able to get closer to finishing it. I have 3 more areas to finish up, then I can wash and frame it. I'm actually getting excited about finishing it. 

About that time Dan texted to say he was still waiting to get in, and there was one more person in front of him. Poor guy got stuck for 2 1/2 hours of waiting to go in for foot surgery. 

Nancy came and we had supper. We laughed about all kinds of things. We talked about what we would be doing on Friday. We are going to make KrumKaka's. It's Norwegian and a tradition in our family. Dad loved making them. I will try not to think about him not there. 

It was 6:00 pm when Dan texted to say he was out and they would be calling me. They didn't call till about 6:50 pm. I went over at 7:00 pm to wait for him outside. Then I took him home. Finally getting home about 8:10 pm. I brought in the Christmas gifts I wrapped for Patrick. Then I chatted with Patrick to see how his golfing went and got him caught up on the day. At least I was able to let him know I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Computer Is Back! Yah!

This morning I woke at 6 am remembering I didn't do my blog last night. So, when I did get up - about an hour later - I did my blog. 

Once that was done, I got laundry going. I was able to get a lot of laundry done today. We got a list of stuff that Patrick could pick up when he went to mail packages. I messed up- it would have been cheaper to go to UPS instead of flat rate priority. I will know that in the future. 

Patrick left for his rounds of taking stuff to the post office, then Walmart, and then Safeway. While he was gone, I worked on my beading. I wanted to get my ornaments done. 

 The good news is that I was able to get the last of the 4 panels done. I need to brush the last one, its got some hair from the threads showing through and makes it look lighter. I took a couple rows out a couple times, but was finally able to finish it up. 

Patrick came back home to pick up the UPS boxes and take them to the UPS store to get them off. Now we have all our Christmas gifts out. 

I decided I need to finish Cherri's embroidery done. I want to give that to her for Christmas. I did chat a good 2 hours with her on the phone. At least it was on speaker so I could work on the panel. I pulled out her embroidery and got to work on it. 

I took out the piece I had on the lower fuchsia flowers. Looking at it in the photo, I needed to make them longer. Dang! I will leave them though. Then I worked on the French knots.  I have a lot more to go, but once I do get it done, I can wash it and then frame it. It should get done by the weekend. 

It turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Oops - December 7th

 Guess I forgot to do my blogging last night. Not really but when I thought about blogging, I got side tracked and then forgot. 

We all know I'm like a dog that sees a squirrel  or a cat thzt sees a bird. If I see something I need or want to do, I'm off running and to heck with what I was working on. In this case, I decided to number my wordchart.

So before going to bed,  I  pulled 8 sheets out and started counting.  That way when I work on my bead work, I'm not counting twice.  It should cut some time for me. We will see. I did work on my beading yesterday even as busy as it was.

I was able to get 2 3/4 rows done. The bird on the hat is almost finished.  Soon the face will start.

So, yesterday started out with Patrick headed to the dentist.  I stayed home and started working on laundry.  Then I pulled my lightbox out and marked the back of my block with the pattern of Sunbonnet Sue. A Jeannie Austin pattern.  

The lace is for the underside that shows. Shoes are felt. I got everything ready when Patrick got home. I was beading when he said, " We leave in 15 mins." So, I had this to work on. We got to our appointments,  his first, then mine. I pulled out the applique to work on..........NO NEEDLE. Everything else was there! So ended up playing games.  

Faye showed up about 15 mins before Patrick with my bead order from Sharon.  Now I can finish up my ornaments.  I  plan to work on them today. 

Even though life throws me a wrench,  I can still find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Missing My Laptop

 This morning I was up early. Pulled my tablet out and started checking genealogy.  I was working on a couple family members.  I was going between my ancestry account  and the wikitree account. I found a couple more family members.  I did find a name or two that were added on others accounts but I couldn't prove the information so didn't add them.

I started laundry.  I had to call Sharon and mom called. By the time my calls were over it was closer to 2 pm. Sharon needed some more beads. I had the one she wanted. Decided to mail it since I wouldn't be seeing them for awhile. 

Now time to bead.

I took 5 rows out. Then added the messed up rows. 

Now fixed, I started on the last one of this panel. Got done with the deers, and found I ran out of the blue beads. Called Sharon to make sure I ordered tbat bead. I did.  So, have to wait a day or two. 

Then I pulled out my snowman.

I got 2 rows done. Now at 192/400 something.  Guess I need to look at the rows again. 

I really do miss my laptop. I can't type as fast on this tablet like I can on my laptop. Takes too long to type on here. Lucky me. At least I am Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...