Sunday, December 6, 2020

Missing My Laptop

 This morning I was up early. Pulled my tablet out and started checking genealogy.  I was working on a couple family members.  I was going between my ancestry account  and the wikitree account. I found a couple more family members.  I did find a name or two that were added on others accounts but I couldn't prove the information so didn't add them.

I started laundry.  I had to call Sharon and mom called. By the time my calls were over it was closer to 2 pm. Sharon needed some more beads. I had the one she wanted. Decided to mail it since I wouldn't be seeing them for awhile. 

Now time to bead.

I took 5 rows out. Then added the messed up rows. 

Now fixed, I started on the last one of this panel. Got done with the deers, and found I ran out of the blue beads. Called Sharon to make sure I ordered tbat bead. I did.  So, have to wait a day or two. 

Then I pulled out my snowman.

I got 2 rows done. Now at 192/400 something.  Guess I need to look at the rows again. 

I really do miss my laptop. I can't type as fast on this tablet like I can on my laptop. Takes too long to type on here. Lucky me. At least I am Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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