Thursday, January 9, 2020

An Interesting Day

This morning I got moving on washing the quilts that we will be giving out on Saturday. I called the Veterans Museum to let them know what changes we are doing and I told her one of the veterans may show up early because I had to send a letter to him and didn't know if it would get to him soon enough.

Then I got started on baking a Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake. Patrick was wanting a rolled cake and I figured I better get a good recipe. I did some searching and finally found a recipe that sounded good. Then I sent Patrick to the store so he could get some of the stuff I needed to make it. I took the recipe for the cake and filling, then got another recipe for the frosting.

I love the way it turned out.

We didn't do a thick filling because Patrick didn't want to have an equal amount of filling. I had him do the filling and roll it. We had to put in the frig for awhile. Then when I started on the frosting, I had to cook part of it, let it cool, then whip it with butter. It turned out really good actually. Trouble was I had way too much frosting. As much as I hated to, it went in the trash. We didn't need that much frosting.

Then I started working on my cross stitch today.

I started on the cat tail. I also got to work on the rabbit as well. It's coming to life. I need to add a few more stitches and then I can outline it and the flower. It's coming along fast.

Tomorrow is supposed to snow. And I'm supposed to go up to Olympia to see Sharon and Bill. It's going to be a wait and see. Then on Saturday I will have to go to the museum early to make sure the veteran that may come early will wait till 1:30 pm. It's going to be an interesting 2 days.

So, yes, today was interesting.......I was actually getting help baking. Remember this is RETIREMENT and he was watching TV all day as well as helping me. Good thing he goes bowling on Thursdays!! I'm still not used to this "retirement" thing. I was listening to the TV and one couple was talking about each other. He retired 2 years ago and she said, "Now I have another person in my house with me." How true is that?! I loved having the day to myself and now I have it with Patrick and Sophie. Sophie I'm used to, Patrick, not so much. How interesting is that?!

At least I' still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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