Thursday, May 21, 2020

Amazing How Time Flies

Today I was up and ready to get moving. I got on the computer to look for some things for beading. I wanted a mat that would work for my beading. Trouble was, it's $100 for the bead board I wanted. NOPE, not paying that. I will work it out. I need to really think about what I want, and then figure out how I can do it without paying an arm and a leg for it.

Then after a couple hours flew by, I started working on my family history. I was able to add more to my MERRILL family tree, then headed off to branches off that. NOT my branches. So, then I got off on TUTTLE family, and then moved over to Patrick's family. I was on the BANTA and NILSSON families. His side of the family didn't get much done. My side got about 200 names added to the tree. I'm getting a lot of relatives. Like Patrick said, we are supposed to all be related back to Adam and Eve. I haven't gotten back that far. I have gotten back to the 1500's though. I'm finding out that Patrick and my family are related to King Edward I or II. Need more to do on that though.

So, by the time I was calling it quits, it was 8:30 pm. A long day of genealogy. It felt good to get some stuff done!

Maybe tomorrow I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

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