Sunday, May 24, 2020

No Electronics Day...Sort Of

Today is Sunday, which means no computers or electronic devices. Except I can do my blog!

So, this morning I decided to work on my beading.

I've gotten to 59/170. I really like some of it. I'm enjoying doing the beading, but it's not coming out the way I would like. I'm hoping it gets better. lol

In between working on this, I made Date Bars.

They turned out really good. Showed Phil. Asked if he's made them and he said it would be to sweet for him. I thought about that, and agreed. We have a "sweet" family. Patrick has to have his dessert at night, and he has to have his sweets. That doesn't help me. I have more sugar around this house then I need. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't have so much sweets. I worked on that in between doing the beading. 

Then it was time to sit and watch TV.  I pulled out my cross stitching. I'm really enjoying this piece!

It's pretty close to half way. I believe I'm at 1/3 done now. It's fun. I'm working on the house right now. I then worked on the boarder parts. I'm going to try and finish the tree as well before moving on. 

It's awesome to be able to say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

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