Friday, July 31, 2020

Quilting At Moms

Today I was up and out the door to moms. I stopped and some something to drink. Then headed to moms. As I was leaving Starbucks I noticed I had  points that were expiring tomorrow. So, I sent Patrick a message and asked him what he wanted from Starbucks. 

We had a good day with the quilters. We chatted and got caught up on what everyone else was doing. I hadn't seen a few of them in awhile. It was fun to be with them. 

I worked on this part of the quilt. I had the foot done and now I'm working on the body. It's coming along. At least I was with the group to stitch on this again. 

Then I came home and tried to get a few beads in on the beading project. 

This is now at 84/580 rows done. The birds eye is done. The hat is coming along and the antlers are looking good. I'm really having fun with this one. 

Then Patrick went out on the deck and I decided to join him. He was listening to his Tic Tac. I decided to listen to my book and work on my cross stitching. 

With all this brown and pink, it shows a weird color background when it's actually white. Hopefully when I get more done, it will start showing up as white. It's slowly coming along. 

I found a kit on Instagram that I wanted to do. So, I ordered the pattern and I ordered the kit. It's a bracelet kit. Should be fun! I will do it and if I like it, I may get another kit for Sandy's Birthday in Aug. Should be fun. We'll see when it gets here. 

Today was a good day of a little bit of this and that. That makes its a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Running Around Town Today

This morning I was busy working on getting the deposit done for our water group. Then I was working on paying a couple bills. After that I wanted to leave and go around and do with I needed to get done today. Patrick wanted to go along and didn't want to leave right away. So, I gave him an hour. While he was working on the siding, I was beading. 

Then he came in and decided it was time to go. I got moving. Our first stop was the bank, then Phil's to get some package to mail at the post office, and then off to Staples. They have moved everything around so much it was hard to find what I needed. We did find the paperclips though. Then it was back to Phil's to drop off the receipts and then to Safeway. We bought a few things that we needed. I got some cream cheese for the zucchini cake I was going to make. 

Came home and I beaded another row. Then I decided to get moving on getting the cake made. 

It's a really moist cake. It turned out great. Even Patrick liked it but said he liked the chocolate chip zucchini cake better. Nice to know. I put some zucchini (grated in the freezer). Then I wondered what the heck I was doing! It's so dang hot today that I usually refuse to turn the oven on - let alone let it heat the house for an hour! Guess I was brain dead today because it really heated the house up and I'm still sweating from all this heat. We were in the 90's again today. Guess I can't complain much because Katt was around 108 degrees where she lives in Lewiston, ID. UGH - Still, HATE this weather. Reason number one why I living in WA State. That and the mountains - yes real mountains - and trees. 

After supper I made the frosting of the cake. Then I went back to beading but got caught up in the TV. So, I sat for a little bit without doing much but games and watching TV. 

I finally got my butt up and went to work on some more beading. I got a couple more rows in.

The birds eye should be done now. I did get off on a couple beads, but not enough to make a big difference, so left it. That was were I cut the thread and started another thread. When I do that, there is NO turning back. I can't fix the problems before that unless I cut it out and start off. I figured I was close in the colors and it didn't need to be worth ripping out a row to fix 2 beads that were not the right color. Who is going to know that?! Specially at this rate. I do love the way this is coming and the birds belly is getting close to being done as well. What fun! 

I didn't get to be able to work on my cross stitch. When we were running all over town I was thinking I wanted to be home. I wanted to be able to work on my beading so I could cross stitch at night. NOPE. 

I talked with mom and Sharon today.  Sharon is on row 108 with her's. I'm not racing her! I'm about 20 rows behind her and it's probably going to stay that way. Mom told me our friend Nancy had her storage place locked with another lock. She got it open and they found someone had stole her 2 TV's and something else. They put a pad lock on her storage. So the police were looking into how many storage rooms where burgled. She's really upset and I would be too. That is so frustrating!

At least with all the running around I did, I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Time To Myself Today

It's not very often, but I was able to enjoy the morning to myself. Patrick went golfing with some friends of his. 

I was having fun having the day to myself! It was hard to think of all the things I wanted to do. So, I mopped the kitchen floor, vacuumed, and cleaned the cat litter. I was doing all that in between beading. I listened to my audio book, finishing one and starting another one. I seem to take up to 3 days on one audio book. 

I was able to get 6 more rows done. I'm now at 77/580 rows done. The eye of the bird is starting to show up. I'm really enjoying this. It's getting to the point where I need to roll this. It's not there yet, but will need to roll it while I work on it. I do love the way it's coming along. 

I was lucky enough to be able to leave the sliding doors open till about 2 pm. Then I had to shut everything down. It was 95 degrees today.....UGH.....I'm not good when it comes to heat. We don't have air conditioning, so it makes it even hotter because we live upstairs. Downstairs is always cool, which I love. Can't get Patrick downstairs any more. 

After supper, I wanted to work on my cross stitching. I have no clue what I want to do with it when it's finished, but it's cute. I may send it to my great nieces to enjoy. We'll see. 

I worked on the mirrored mouse. I have half the face done and finished the hand. I did get a few stitches in on the ear. I may do the outlining when that mouse is done so I can get some details going on this. It's fun to work on, but tonight I needed to use the magnifying glass. It sucks getting old. 😋

When Patrick got home, he was listening to his Tic Tac and I was able to get another row on the beading done. It was nice to have the TV off for awhile and just sit and enjoy our time doing what we do. I really did enjoy having the time to myself. I know I can go downstairs but I would rather stay upstairs. So, when he leaves for golfing, that gives me a good 4 hours without him. I do miss him being gone to work, but once in awhile it's just nice to have the house to myself. 

It makes it a very good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bang Bang Bang

Today Patrick worked outside and I worked on my beading. I'm getting a lot done and going through books on tape really fast. 

While I was working on my beading, all we could hear was BANG, BANG, BANG. Then Patrick came into the house - when it was quiet - and asked me why I hadn't come out to see what all the noise was about. I told him, I figured he was working on something and he'd tell me what it was eventually. lol

He removed the siding (under the new siding) that was rotting. It was a big mess. Then he had to leave and pick up a few things to finish this. This is how he left it. Now it's fixed and the only way you know it was fixed is by the seams. 

I went back and worked on my beading. 

I was able to get another 5 rows in. Now it's 72/580 rows done. The bird is getting done pretty quick. I really do like the way this is coming along. 

Then I figured it was time for a break. I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

Then I went to work on my cross stitching. I was able to work on a few more things. It's getting along just great. I was happy to get moving on this. I do like the way it's coming along. 

It was a BANG, BANG, BANG day. He took a good 5 hours working on that. UGH. Anyway, I was still able to get a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Kept Going All Day Long

This morning I was up at 7 am. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Patrick was having some trouble sleeping too. Maybe because it was so hot last night. I wanted to take a shower at 6:30 am but Patrick didn't like that idea, so went back to bed to see if I could try and sleep again.

After I showered, I went out and picked blueberries. Will probably give them to Phil. It also was a good day to put sheets out on the line. I was able to get a couple laundry loads done. Funny how I've gotten so much better at keeping up with the laundry. Love my washer/dryer!

Then came in and beaded for a little while.

I was able to get 3 1/2 rows done. I'm almost at 69/580 done. It's going to go a little quicker because I'm doing 10 of one color at times.

Then I took a break. I played a couple games and then went downstairs. It reached close to 100 degrees today, and I can't do the heat. I go hide! So, while I was downstairs, I was able to get some work done on my mouse.

I worked on the body of the mirror mouse. I had to take some of my stitches out because I was off by one stitch. What else is new?! I will work more on this tomorrow. I do like the way it's coming along. I didn't get as much done as I could have, because Sophie needed her TLC. So, I gave her TLC and watched a couple of my shows before coming back upstairs to work on the beading again. I didn't finish the row, but I was happy to get another 3/4's of a rows done.

It was a really good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Days Are Getting Hotter

This morning was the one day a week we can't use the computer, tablet or web. The only thing I can used the computer for is blogging or important email.

So, my day started out with working on my beading and getting some laundry going.

I was able to get another 5 rows in. I'm now at 64/580 done. I love the way the bird is starting to show. The hat is coming through. What fun!!

In between beading, we went to moms and dropped off some strawberries and cake. After dropping those off, we went to Dairy Queen for supper. I had strawberries and raspberries in the refrigerator for dessert, so we didn't get any ice cream. We were able to sit down outside the restaurant as all the places in the restaurant were closed. We didn't want to eat in the car.

Before we left, Patrick was putting some paper towels away. Sophie LOVES plastic. So, she had to check it out and sleep on it. I was laughing at how fast she went to check out what he was doing.

Came home and I put another row on the beading. Then had dessert.

I decided to come join Patrick in front of the TV, not that there was anything on that I wanted to see.

So, I got to work on my cross stitching! I was able to get the ears done on the mouse and then working on the mirror image of him. I was able to get all but one stitch done on the mice that needed to be done. I will do the eyes last. All the mice have the same eyes. It's coming along pretty good.

I've had to have the fan run all day! It's getting hotter now. I guess this is going to keep going for the next few days.

It will be interesting with the riots that are going on in Seattle. I have a hard time with that. I can't believe people think they are getting across about their "point" by burning, braking, and destroying someone else's property. They are hurting other people just because they want to make a point. When is enough enough?! Police are getting hurt, and they are there to protect us. If the all quit, that would show everyone exactly why we need them. This is really hurting the point.

Okay, off my soap box. The best part about day was not the heat - because I run from the heat! The best part was being able to work on 2 things! That's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Day Started Out Good

This morning I was up and playing games. Then Patrick asked if I wanted to go out for a bike ride. I told him I would rather walk then bike ride or just go for a ride. So, we headed up to Olympia to walk around the Capitol Lake area.

Got this photo half way around the walking area. We walked around the lake and it was 1.5 miles. It took up about 45 mins. We didn't walk very fast.

There were a lot of ducks and geese in the lake.

Came back at home by 1:30 pm. It was a nice ride and walk. I did enjoy the view. Then when we got home, I decided to get a couple more rows in on the beading. I figured out I might have said I was on 58 yesterday, but actually it was 56. I'm now done with 58/580.

It's staring to get more details to the antlers and hat. I'm excited about this. The bird's tail is the first one I had going. The body of the bird is coming through. I'm really excited about this one. I decided to call it good and take the rest of the day off. At least I had 3 rows done today.

Since I wanted to watch TV with Patrick, I decided to do cross stitching. Unfortunately, Patrick wanted to watch his British TV shows for the umpteenth time. So, with my earphones on, I worked on the cross stitching. I was able to get more work on this piece. It felt good to get more stitches in as well.

It made it a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Can't Seem To Keep The Day's Right

This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. I really didn't want to get up, but I made myself get moving. Patrick stayed in bed another hour. 

I got moving on playing a few games. It helps me get moving sometimes. Then I got started getting the laundry going and then unloaded the dishwasher. I always hate it when Patrick opens the dishwasher and doesn't tell me about it. At least this time I figured it out before dirty dishes went in with the clean ones. 

It was time to enjoy beading again. 

I'm getting more stuff coming up on the beads. I'm loving it! The hat is showing up on the right side, and the antlers are starting to grow. The bird (center one) is getting closer to the body starting to show up. I'm excited about seeing more of the bird. Plus the hat! That means the snowman is coming up pretty soon. I've completed 56/580 rows. I finished an audio book and started another one. 

It was time to call it done. 

I wanted to get a few stitches in on the cross stitching. I worked on the head and then started on the mirror's frame. At least I was able to get back to this. 

While I was working on these, I was trying to figure out what day it was. I remembered I had the day on my watch, so that helps. I was actually thinking it was Saturday already. I really am loosing what day it is! 

We did get a call from the guys that gave Patrick a "quote" for the windows. He talked to them and they are going to get back with him on more information. Then he called to get the van in because of a "recall." They couldn't get us in in August, so now we have to take the van up to Olympia in Sept. We can't stay while they work on it because of the virus. 

We are getting more and more people infected with the virus. The mayor of Seattle told everyone they need to keep the group down - and then goes and says those who are going to protest this weekend need to be calm and not destroy property. Can you believe that?! She doesn't seem to care they are destroying the town of Seattle. It's my childhood hometown and they are really trying to get everyone in Seattle to leave, just to be safe. The police have their hands tied. 

Okay, I won't get started on that. I'm going to shut my mouth and be thankful I leave in a safer place. 
Now I can actually say, I was really Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Getting Old! LOL

This morning I had to be up at 7:15 am. All because I have to take 2 pills with 30 mins between them and 30 minutes after before I can eat. Not my favorite way to start the day.

I was on my way to the dentist by 8:35 am. They cleaned my teeth and took photos. Not my favorite thing to do first thing in the morning but I like getting it over with. We no longer have insurance which means we pay cash and get a 15% discount. They cleaned my teeth so well, that I could feel it all day long. She was telling me I could come in every 3-4 months instead of every 6 months. NOPE! I will work on my teeth.....but not ready to spend the money on a "magic toothbrush." UGH

Came home and worked on my beading. I was able to get 2 rows in.

It's now 49/580 rows done. I wanted to get to row 55 because I believe that's when I start with the hat on the snowman. That would be great! I can't wait to get there.

These are the beads I got yesterday in the mail. I also got more beads today from Faye. She brought them back from Sharon's. We seem to buy beads for each other and it works out, just wish she was closer to me.

My age and my day got to me. I took a nap on the couch till Katt called. Patrick had turned the TV to a screen. Then all three of us napped this afternoon. I figure it's age, weather, and a little depression that does the tired stuff. Either that or my thyroid needs to be upgraded with the pills. I do need to get my blood drawn for tests. UGH

After Katt called, we got supper going. Then I decided I wanted to make something with Phil's zucchini that he gave me. I found a couple recipes that sounded really good. This time I decided on Zucchini Chocolate Cake. I hope it's as good as it looks.

I didn't do enough frosting. It worked out, but will be a little thin on frosting - then again, don't need a lot of frosting! I hope the cake is good enough that it doesn't need the frosting to make it better. I was in the mood to make a cake. I will do a blueberry zucchini bread next I think.

So, today was one of those days that I wasn't in the mood to do much. Yet I think I did a lot considering. I do look forward to tomorrow and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sending The Day With Family

Today was a day with family. My brother came over around 9 am. Both Patrick's went golfing. I worked on my family history - or Patrick's family. I was able to get a few more names on his tree.

Then around 1 pm both Patrick's arrived and right behind them was mom and Chris. We then played games and had BBQ. It was fun, till mom got tired. We really enjoyed each other's company.

Chris and I went to Napavine to take the beads for Sharon. Faye is going to take them to her, and bring back my beads. I received my beads that I ordered and logged them all before family arrived. Now I can start on my gift piece. I have enough blue now to do 2 more ornaments, and I'll work on those as well. I have 3 things I want to work on.

Now that family is gone, I'm calling it a night. It's always good to see family and have a good time together.

Yet another day that I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I Didn't Plan My Day

This morning I was ready to bead. Then I decided I needed to print out my genealogy and get them in a book. Well, that got me off on another project and not crafts.

First I needed to post the last of my floss for Brazilian embroidery. I was almost done when Debbie came to pick up her blocks. We talked for awhile.

Then it was back to getting my eBay done. Once all that was done, I cleaned up my email, which then got me off on another trail - genealogy. I pulled out the information, read a few books that had the family history in them. I started adding more information to my genealogy. Then I printed out both Patrick and my genealogy tree. I need to do the ancestor tree next. That would include all the names I have hooked to the trees.

While I was working on that, the door bell rang.

The kit I ordered on eBay from Russia finally arrived. It only took 4 months. I had to sign for it. Then I sent an email to the person I got it from and asked her to bill me, since they refunded my money in May. I ordered it in March. It was awesome to finally get it. Now I just need to send the money back to the seller.

Once all that was going on, I had to get my beads picked up and vacuum the house. My brother and his wife as well as mom, will be coming over tomorrow.

So, since I didn't plan my day (good thing), I didn't really get anything done that would be called crafts. I wasn't having a day that would be called Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Picking Berries and Beading

This morning I wasn't feeling all that great - still not. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. It did stop me from eating - not a bad thing there!

I was going to sit and bead, but realized I had a few things to do first. Laundry was needed to be done, so in went the laundry. Then I headed outside to pick blueberries. Patrick left for the dentist and I was outside picking berries. I was still picking them when he got back - over an hour later.

I was able to get 2 gallon bags filled. It was funny because Phil sent me a message that he was running out of blueberries. I told him I'll bring him some tomorrow. Then I cleaned them up.

Once all that was done, I put some towels out on the line.

Now it was time to go and bead. I was listening to my audio book as well. I was able to get 3 1/2 rows done. Now I'm at 47/580.

It's getting there. I've got the tail of the bird and the one antler part done. The body of the bird will be starting here pretty soon. Then the other part of the antler will be showing up as well. I really like this piece.

Sophie seems pretty happy under the table. I couldn't believe how she gets so relaxed on her back!

I then pulled out the Forest Galorest quilt that mom and I are working on. Sophie had to check it out as well.

This is the squirrel I'm working on. I was able to get it on, and I need to work on the eyes. That can wait till I get the other squirrel on under this one.

I finished appliqueing this down. It really does need to have the eyes one it.

I really wasn't in the mood to work on the next one. So, I called it quits. My day has been busy and fun. I'm thrilled about how many blueberries I was able get. There is a ton more coming too. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Enjoyed Time With Family

This morning I was up and started beading. I couldn't play on the computer or tablet because it's Sunday and that's the agreement we had for one day a week off line.

I listened to my audio book and beaded. It was awesome.

I got another 3 1/2 rows done. I'm on 44/580. I'm in the middle of the row because we had to leave to go to moms. My brother and his wife are visiting till Thursday. We played games and I won one of the games. My sister-in-law Christine won the other one.

Then we headed back home around 7 pm.

Found these roses! They are so big and beautiful! I love them. He has 2 roses that are growing like wild and the 3rd one isn't blooming much. I would have taken a photo of the other one, but they are pretty much done. The new ones will be blooming soon. I'll get them then.

Mom gave me some needle tubes, so I decided to put my smaller amounts of beads in them. They work great for my 2-4 grams. I did try a 5 gram in them but had extra that had to stay in the bag. I'll wait on those till I use up my beads to have extra tubes. I didn't get all my bags emptied but it did help to put a few in the tubes.

The best part was that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

A Day Of Beading

This morning I was ready for Faye to pick up the batting and backing. I also cut her some labels. I need to cut more for Ethel. She arrived around 10 am. We chatted for awhile. Patrick was washing the car as we chatted. It was good to see her again.

Sharon had called when I was cutting the labels, so I told her I'd call her back in 10 mins. Then I called her back just as Faye was driving up, so told her I would call back after she leaves. Once all that was done, I called Sharon back and said "three's a charm." We talked about beading. She said she was on row 36 already. I was ahead of her, but not now. I was on row 32. She gave me an order for some beads. I then went to sit and bead, deciding to order later.

I made it to row 39/580. It's starting to come to shape. I enjoyed working on it. Tomorrow might not be so lucky. My brother and his wife are in town. We are supposed to go for dinner and games. Not sure when we will leave, but I'm going to try and get another 2 rows before we leave.

Patrick watched his English comedy and I worked on my beading. I get tired of seeing all the same shows 100 times over. There is one that I haven't seen all the shows, so I called it quits with the beading.

I did place an order on the beads. I had to order from both High Street Bead Company and Aura Crystals. Aura didn't have all that I needed, so had to order from High Street as well. I like both companies and they aren't bothered with Washington State taxes. Our state taxes everything now. They can't seem to get enough, because every time I turn around they want more taxes on gas or sugar items.

Anyway, all's good today. I was thrilled to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Went To The Grange

It's been a long time since I've been to the Grange. I needed to go to Oakview Grange in Centralia for our Brazilian embroidery group. They were having a garage sale and I picked up suite case that she opened up. It's on rollers and fits in the upper compartment. I really liked it. It wasn't the color that I would have liked but for a brand new case at $5, it was worth it. 

I had to stop at moms before going to the Grange. Then on the way back, I had to stop at moms. I took some doughnuts for everyone. There were only about 6 of us (including me). I wasn't there very long before heading to the Grange. When I got back the doughnuts were still there. I had to pass them all out. We chatted. I didn't take anything because I knew I had to go to the Grange. We had lunch (salad) and then I picked up the Forest Galorest quilt mom and I are working on. She got the branch on plus some leaves. I need to do the squirrels, eyes, and leaves. I will work on it at night in place of cross stitching for awhile. 

Came home and wanted to get some time in on beading. I got working on the row, then realized as I was close to finishing the row, that I did a line twice! So, I took it all out and put it all back in, without adding that extra line. 

As much as I wanted to get 2 rows in today, I was having trouble staying on track. So, I gave up. I only added 1 rows. Now I'm at 31/580. I really wish I could have gotten more done on this! 

After I gave it up, I went to watch TV and work on appliqueing. 

I was able to add the tail and now I'm putting the rest of the squirrel on. It's working out okay, I had to take the tail off the piece. I had the tail too close to the body. Plus it didn't work right on the pattern. This is the first squirrel and then I have another one I have to put on below it. It won't take too long I don't think. 

I went and cut some batting and backing for Faye. She's got another QOV quilt done. Ethel gave me the one I finished and she put the binding on. I need to add the label. I also need to get some labels to her. Tomorrow Faye will stop by and pick up the batting and backing. 

Today was a busy day. Almost as if we were back to normal. I know we aren't. The count for Lewis County is now at 125. 10 more cases were positive of the virus today. We are getting worse instead of better. We had 35 total from Feb to June. Then this. In all that time, I've been lucky to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Okay, Another Day Gone

This morning I was up and doing laundry. I cleaned the bathroom where the cat litter is, first.

It was one of those days that one wonders where the day went. We didn't go out, be we did keep busy. We had a company come to see about putting windows in the living room. It's the last set of windows that have been replaced. We had an estimate done today. There is another company that is supposed to come out as well to see how much it will cost. They were talking about having the window panels all one piece instead of the bar that goes across in the upper area. It would look different, but I think it would be nice. We can still put curtains across it. It was nice to see Patrick had someone come out and check it out. It will be nice to have the windows done.

While they were here, I was beading. After they left, I was taking it all out. I don't know what I did, but I got off. So, out came the beads. I did do 2 rows and realized I said I was 30/580 yesterday when it should have been 29/580. Today it's 31/580.

Only because I decided to make doughnuts.

They turned out really good. I'm going to frost some tomorrow and take them to mom's for the group. Even though we are under the order of only 5-10 people in a group. I'm betting there will be a few tomorrow at moms. She really needs that though. She's having a heard time with this virus crap. Nancy is now over at Stillwaters, so she now has a dear friend close by. We keep hoping Ethel can get over there soon too.

Then I called my father-in-law's "adopted sister" whom he hasn't seen since Patrick and I were married. We talked a good hour or more. I really enjoyed talking to her. She's only 6 years old then we are, so that made it a lot of fun to chat! She's a kick! Told her I would keep in contact.

As much as I wanted to be, I didn't get to enjoy my stitching today. I will be doing some applique tomorrow, I'm sure. Not the best day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Getting Into A Routine

This morning I was up and ready to go to moms. I loaded up the car with a few things. I took my applique box just in case.

I stopped and picked up some tea for both mom and I. Then I arrived at moms. She wanted me to order a few things for her, so I did. She wanted a photo box - like the box I used for beading - that was listed on line for $25. I told her she could get it cheaper at Micheal's. So we planned on going to Micheal's and then to lunch. First we got started on the forest quilt we were working on before dad went into the hospital. That was 2 years ago. We figured out we were close to finishing it. We need to put the tree branch and squirrels on the top right side. We also need to add the eyes on the animals.

We got an idea of were the branch goes. We have to do the branches off the "tree." So, we were working on that. I have the branches ready to cut and applique on. Mom wanted to work on it, so I left it at her house. I'll do the embroidery on the bears eyes and the other eyes that need the white in them.

Then we went to Micheal's. Mom got her box and I got some cake decorating stuff. Mom bought some flowers (plastic) to put in her pots on the side of her garage. We stopped and got lunch, then ate at her place. Once we were done, we got back to work on this piece. We have most of the pieces cut and ready to put on. We just need to do the leaves and then we're set to finish it.

Mom's almost done with this baby quilt for my niece's kid. It's turned out really cute.

I finally left at 3 pm today to come back home. Once I got home, I was able to sit and get another 3 rows in on the beading. My Snowman is starting to get there. I am really excited about getting it moving. I am making a habit of doing at least 2 rows a day. I'm now at 30/580.

Once I had the rows in, I went to watch TV with Patrick and work on my cross stitching.

I finished up the head and started working on the ear area. I got the hand done as well. He is fun to work on. I'll get moving on the mirror that he's looking into as well. So far so good.

I'm really trying hard to get a routine of doing 2 or more rows in on the beading. I'm not quiet there for the cross stitching - that comes and goes with the way the day ends up. At least, if I can keep my routine going, I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Took Sophie To The Vet

This morning I had to be up early to get Sophie to the Vet's. She didn't know it was coming. Got her in the car and passed the exit to moms. She didn't like that. She was meowing the rest of the way to the Vet's. We got there in time. Waited....then got into the room. Waited....waited....till he finally came in. He apologized for the wait. I told him that was okay. Poor Sophie, she didn't want out of the cage. She went to the farthest spot in the cage. I had to take the top off to get her out. Then she wanted to take off, so I put it back on for a little bit. She scratched and got under her blanket. I lifted it and she wanted to go farther in. When the vet showed up, she wanted to hide. She didn't care for him. I think she remembered when she had surgery last year for the thread around her tongue. Her temp was up, but he said that was probably because she was stressing herself out. I did agree with that. He thought she was really pretty.

Came home and got going on the beading.

Sophie was happy to be home. She loves getting close to the screen door. I love watching her there.

I was able to get a few more rows in. I'm starting to get the antlers going - that's the spot on the left. The other part is the tail of a bird. It's going to be on an antler part, but not yet. I do like the way it's coming. I love the colors too.  I've had to put more beads down (in the little boxes). It's coming along great. I do love how it's going. I really do want to work on it every day.

Tomorrow I'm heading off to moms. She wants to work on the forest one we started a couple years ago. Think we were working on it when dad was around. Will be interesting.

Sophie is happy now that she's back from the vets.

I'll be back to quilting or appliqueing tomorrow. Guess we can say I'll be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Enjoying A Day With A Good Friend

This morning I was up and getting ready for Sandy to come over. We had planned to do out beading again. She arrived and I gave her a lot of stuff I had for her, plus some chocolates from Escanaba. 

We had a good chat and laughed a lot. It was so good to have her here.

We are making the Folded Twisted Diamond earring. Thank that is what it's called. We are doing the one that comes together at the top. This one goes in a shape of a "V" instead of a "Z" which I think will work better. We stopped at this point and will continue when she gets back. 

After she left, I went back to working on my Snowman. 

I was able to add another 2 rows. I figured out that the "antler" that I thought was an antler, is actually the birds tail. So, I will have to do a few more rows to get to the antlers. I would have loved to get more rows in, but I had too much fun with Sandy. 

I took a break after Sandy left and did another FlossTube video. 

While the neighbors were mowing the yard, I went out to check out the flowers that Patrick was talking about. 

This is a start of a Holly Hawk. I took the photo from the deck. 

I really liked these. Wish I was better at knowing what the name of flowers were. I did pick some of the dead stuff off. I need to do more. 

Tomorrow morning is taking Sophie to the vets. It's going to be interesting! 

Bet she'll give me some attitude tomorrow. lol I noticed most of my photos of her has attitude. We have had her 2 years now. It's awesome. She's getting more used to us as the time goes. She's getting closer to Patrick as well. Should be interesting what the next year will bring. 

Today was an awesome day to enjoy with a very dear friend. I've enjoyed our times together. We will start up with our Brazilian embroidery meeting in Aug. Should be fun! Can't wait to see everyone!

At least today I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...