Saturday, July 11, 2020

It Seems To Be A Broken Record

Actually, "this" seems to be a broken record. Life is so boring with the Corona-virus. We can't go anywhere or if we do, we have to wear a mask. We don't talk about going anywhere because there isn't anywhere to go. Bowling isn't going to start up again at this rate. It's really getting to be hard to want to do anything because of the way life is now.

So, today wasn't much different. I did make a pie. Then I st and beaded.

I ended up taking out row 15 - after I continued with it. It didn't come out right, so I took the whole row out and started over.

It's coming long nicely now. I was able to finish row 18 before Patrick wanted to watch a movie. At least I got 3 rows done. I would have had 4 but had to take the one out. Never fails. I knew if I didn't take it out it would mess up the antlers that I'm starting. It took a while to remove the beads, but I did. Some say I'm too picky about being perfect. I guess I am at times. At least it looks good and not kiddie-wompass.  I do love working with these beads They are smooth and not eating up my threads like the birds did.

Then when it was time to watch a movie, I went back to my cross stitching.

At least it's coming along better today then it did yesterday. I didn't have to rip out "much." I did get off on a row and have to go back and take it out. But I was able to get a lot more done. The pants are almost done. I have the straps to do, then I can get working on the face. It's coming along. I was thinking I would get the Mayflower ready for when I'm done with this one.

Mom called and was asking about the doll block. She's working on it today. I'm going to go over on Wednesday. She has something she wants me to help her with. She took out one of her tops and needs help with figuring the pattern for the triangles.

The day is like the rest, but at least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltilng!

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