Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mom Came Over

This morning I was up and waiting on mom to show up. She stopped at Starbucks to get each of us a drink.

She arrived around 10:30 am. Daisy was with her. Poor dog! She's waiting to get eye surgery. Poor think can't see out of her eyes very well. So, they have her getting surgery up in Olympia in Aug. There was a couple times when she wanted to go into the sliding glass doors on the side that didn't slide.

Mom and I went downstairs. I did get Patrick to put the bacon in the oven so we could make BLT's for lunch.

We added the borders to each row. This isn't all together, because we need to add the triangles. Mom is going to do the last doll. Once that's done, we can get it all put together. We got all the parts ready. It's a lot closer to being done then it was last week. We were also talking about getting the quilt that we were working on together, done. We don't have much to do. The tree and the animals in the tree. It took some time, but we were able to get this far. I can't wait now to get it done. We will work on it after she gets her box done.

After she left, I got my eBay stuff done, and set up 4 more auctions. I've sold all the floss I've posted so far. It's nice to have them selling.

Now I'm going to play. It's close to bed time and I'm not in the mood to start something I can't finish. At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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