Saturday, July 18, 2020

A Day Of Beading

This morning I was ready for Faye to pick up the batting and backing. I also cut her some labels. I need to cut more for Ethel. She arrived around 10 am. We chatted for awhile. Patrick was washing the car as we chatted. It was good to see her again.

Sharon had called when I was cutting the labels, so I told her I'd call her back in 10 mins. Then I called her back just as Faye was driving up, so told her I would call back after she leaves. Once all that was done, I called Sharon back and said "three's a charm." We talked about beading. She said she was on row 36 already. I was ahead of her, but not now. I was on row 32. She gave me an order for some beads. I then went to sit and bead, deciding to order later.

I made it to row 39/580. It's starting to come to shape. I enjoyed working on it. Tomorrow might not be so lucky. My brother and his wife are in town. We are supposed to go for dinner and games. Not sure when we will leave, but I'm going to try and get another 2 rows before we leave.

Patrick watched his English comedy and I worked on my beading. I get tired of seeing all the same shows 100 times over. There is one that I haven't seen all the shows, so I called it quits with the beading.

I did place an order on the beads. I had to order from both High Street Bead Company and Aura Crystals. Aura didn't have all that I needed, so had to order from High Street as well. I like both companies and they aren't bothered with Washington State taxes. Our state taxes everything now. They can't seem to get enough, because every time I turn around they want more taxes on gas or sugar items.

Anyway, all's good today. I was thrilled to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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