Sunday, July 12, 2020

Having A Good Day Beading

This morning I started the day with laundry. I don't know what it is about the new washer and dryer, but I find that I really like doing laundry now....go figure! I used to hate doing laundry, but now it's almost as much fun as playing on the computer! I know, I'm going crazy!

Once all that was done, and it is Sunday - which means NO playing on the tablet or computer. That's not fun. Think Patrick did that on purpose to keep me off the tablet. Anyway, I pulled out my tablet and turned on my audio book. Once I had all that, I was ready to bead.

The antler is starting to form. I should be starting another part of the antler soon. I'm really excited about getting that started. I got 7 rows done today. That's pretty good! I'm not 25/580 rows completed. What fun!

I took a break between and worked on my cross stitching.

I was able to get more of the body going. I'm working on the hand and face now. I was going in the area of the ears as well. I need my pattern enlarged, so I'm going to have Patrick do it for me tomorrow.

Sandy is coming tomorrow, so I can give her the candy we brought back for her. I also have a few other things for her. We will be beading tomorrow! I can't wait to spend time with her!!

So, even though I wasn't able to play my games, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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