Monday, July 6, 2020

Three Times The Fun

This morning I was up and ready to figure out what I wanted to work on.

First I needed  to double check my cross stitch that I finished last night. I was thrilled to get it done!

Now I need to wash it and have it ready to be framed. I was surprised at how well it turned out. Again, it's not my "norm." Oh, well, on to the next thing.

I went through my beads, trying to see if I had everything I needed for my gift bead project. I was missing 2 beads. So, I pulled all the beads out for the Snowman that I've been wanting to do.

It took some doing! I had to pull the beads out of my inventory of the beads. Then I had to remove them from my excel program, so that I have a record of what I can use. I was able to get 5 rows done. This is an "even" project, so I'm going to have to work on the ends to get them to work. I can do this.

Next was time to sit and enjoy cross stitching -

except someone else had ideas of using my chair! Got a meow when I put the cross stitch on the armchair. So, I thought I would give her some time before kicking her off the chair.

It was now time to work on my cross stitching.

I was able to add a few more green stitches in on this. It's coming along. It's another project that got in the way of what I had in mind to work on. I'll try and work on the Mayflower one next. It's a "one at a time" challenge.

So, I feel good for today. Finished the Salem piece, started my beading, and got back to cross stitching the vacation piece. I'm happy! It's a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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