Monday, August 31, 2020

Working On Family History....

 This morning I enjoyed the morning and early afternoon to myself. Patrick went golfing and I played games, vacuumed, and cleaned up a little. 

Then it was time to work on some genealogy. I decided to get to work on Patrick's family. 

I started out with his HOSMER family. It was so interesting! Then I got off on some of the other names in Patrick's family. There were the WARD's, SMITH's, HUBBARD's, and more. In working on the family history, one of his great grandfather's is know for "Father of Wisconsin." In my research on his family, his grandfathers (more than one) are know for being the first settlers in Wisconsin and Michigan. He is part of the SMITH family that founded Green Bay. There are a lot of grandfathers that married into the Native American Indian families - like the Menominee Indians and the Chickasaw. 

I found this on Find A Grave. Patrick's great grandfather is Paul - second line of the tree. This is the GRIGNON family. 

I was thrilled to find this! I will have to go check this place out the next time we go up there!

This one is the de LANGLADE family that married into the GRIGNON family. Pierre is the father of Paul GRIGNON - that I mentioned above. 

I always try to get as much "documentation" as I can. When I found things like this, that is proof of what I'm looking for! So, that's how I do my trees. I found others on ancestry that had the family all "screwed up" and I worked with what I know, not what someone says. That's the one bad thing about ancestry - if you don't go with documents and only get what others say, then you mess up your tree. 

I wasn't in the mood for crafts - I was in the mood for family history. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Today Was A Better Day!

 This morning I was up and working on my beading. Even when it's a "no electronic" day, I was still sneaking on the table. lol I'm getting sick of the "no electronic" day. I notice that Patrick checks his phone for news and other stuff. So, at this point, I don't care any more. 

So, I worked on beading. 

I was able to get another 4 rows in. I'm not at 166/480. It's coming along pretty good. The bird on the left is showing up more, and the bird on the hat is coming along as well. I'm happy with this peace. I was doing something a little different and I think that is cutting my time on doing each row. 

I took a break - for a couple hours - to work on my cross stitching - 

It's coming along. 

I worked more on the pincushion. I did have to rip some out, but it wasn't a lot. I am getting there. I did the dark and light purple. It's coming along pretty good. I need to get over the purple problem and just stitch more purple. Once this is done, I won't have to work with this color again. Don't get me wrong, I love purple, but there are times that it gets old when your stitching. 

It's coming along great, and I'm happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Day Of Not Being In The Mood

 Do you every have a day where you don't really want to do much? Don't want to do anything?! 

Well that was my day. I didn't feel like doing anything but play games. I didn't want to work, and I didn't want to get around for anything!

So, I cut the apples. I had a bucket of apples to cook. I filled the other bucket half full of the peeling and seeding. It took awhile. Patrick took the cuttings and put them in a pot. We cooked them to sauce. 

We got quiet a bit out of that pot! I was surprised at how much we did get. This is all going in the freezer except the one in front. That will be in the fridge for us to have for supper. Or any other time. 

When I finished working on that, I decided to try and get something done. 

I worked on the purple for the pincushion. I got a lot done considering I wasn't in the mood for much. Once I got started, it worked out great. 

The I got a coupon for ancestry and signed up. So, I'm going to be busy with family history here pretty soon. 

Even when I don't feel like doing anything, I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Quilting And Date Night

 This morning I got a few things together to go to moms. I dropped off fabric and tomatoes for Georgie. I actually called her but she was already gone for the day. Told her to go to moms for the fabric and tomatoes. 

As I was leaving the house, I saw the flowers looking awesome!

I love the color! This plant is really growing. Patrick is doing an awesome job on the yard!

Arrived before everyone else. I put my stuff done in the chair where dad used to sit. Then Ann showed up and I was scooted out of it. I worked on the Forest Galorest quilt again today. 

The squirrel or chipmunk is done. I added the branch under the tail. Then I was working on the leaves. This is getting close to being done. Then I need to go through and put the eyes on the animals. 

Came home and worked on one row of the beading. 

Then it was off to go out to eat at the restaurant in Chehalis. It's a really nice restaurant that costs more then we like to pay, but today we just wanted to get a good meal. I love the food there! Expensive but really good!

Came home and I've been playing games. I was going to get some cross stitching done, but that didn't happen. I'm going to make applesauce tomorrow, so thinking that day is going to be cooking more an anything!

At least I enjoyed my day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

From One Project To Another

 This morning started out pretty good. We did some picking up. Patrick went outside and worked in the garden and yard. He's really got the house looking good. He picks up about 3 buckets of apples every day that will be given to the guy at Patrick's work for his cows, pigs, and whatever. 

I sat down and beaded. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. I'm now at 159/480. It's coming along pretty good. 

Then I fixed supper and played a few games. After all that got back to cross stitcking. 

I worked on the pincushion. I started on the feet of the mouse. I wanted to get another color going other than purple. lol It's coming along pretty good. I may do the mouse before I finish the pincushion. Will wait and see what the next few days bring. It's coming along and I do like the colors of this one. I still need to finish up the mirror and pincushion in the reflection. 

Now I will need to get my stuff ready to go to moms for quilting tomorrow. I look forward to going sometimes. I will wait and see if I stay or come home early. Depends on a couple of the gals that go. If they get to be too chatty, then I'll probably come home. 

Patrick looked up the bowling alley in Longview to see if they are starting with leagues. We will go to the bowling alley next Friday to see if we can join the Friday league. Not sure what it will end up being, but we will try. Should be interesting. Means we will have to drive 45 mins every Friday night - to and from there. It will be fun to bowl again, but not sure I like the travel. That was part of the reason I quit the travel league. Oh, wow, bet that is over too. 

I enjoyed the day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bread Baking Day...Yum!

 This morning mom arrived at 9 am. We had breakfast together and then headed down to Longview/Kelso for moms appointment. We were about 20 minutes early. 

She was recorded regarding her refund that took a good 9 months to get last year. It's a radio ad for Jamie Herrara Butler, our Representative. Mom did pretty good. He didn't have to ask her too much. Mom chatted. She had to change for "she" or "Rebecca." Rebecca helped her and was the one that kept in contact. Jamie called her when they finally had the refund check in Jan. a year ago. Jamie's up for re-election and mom wanted to help if she could. They were actually interviewing 10 people over 2 days. Mom was the 3rd one today. 

After that, we went to the quilt shop in Longview and I bought 2 fabrics for my Japanese Dolls quilt. Mom and I will work on it next week. I need to figure out the border, so I'll have Patrick look it over before next Wednesday to see what he things will work. I bought fabric that looked a little oriental and would work. 

Then it was off to eat lunch. We couldn't go in the restaurant. We had to go through the drive-thru. There were 6 cars in front of us and 6 cars behind us. So, it took awhile to get our food. Then we went to the mall area and parked to eat. We chatted and had a good time. 

It home time to head back home. Arriving at about 2 pm. It was a quick trip and it worked out pretty good. 

I played a few games. After awhile I decided to sit and work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the pincushion. I was getting quiet a bit done. I have been having fun, but the purple is getting a little old. lol - I love purple but when it's a big pincushion, it's not as much fun to work on. I may have to work on something else before finishing this part. 

In between working on the cross stitching, I worked on my sourdough bread. I split it in half before we left this morning and had it ready to cook later today. I wasn't hungry tonight because I was still full from having the hamburger at lunch time. So, I fixed Patrick supper and baked my bread. 

After the bread was done, I had some! I had to have some warm bread!! It was awesome. Patrick text Scott to let him know the bread was coming out "in 30 mins." So, Teri stopped by to pick it up. I thought the bread was wonderful. Tasted sour too. I would have eaten all of it, if I was hunger! But I 

All in all, it was a busy day, but I did get a lot done. I'm now ready to finish the quilt top that is downstairs. It was nice to still be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My One Day To Do What I Want

 This morning we were up when Patrick got a phone call - scam phone call. 

I played a few games. I wasn't in the mood to do much. When I finally got moving, I got laundry going. Once that was going, I was thinking of what today would be. I wanted to work on my beading and finally started to work on the Snowman around 3 pm. 

Even though I started later then usual, I was able to get 3 rows down. I'm now at 155/480 done. It's moving along. I really love watching it grow. 

Then after supper I put another row in (part of the 3). I called it quits after 3 rows. 

Time to sit and watch TV with Patrick. We watched a show about the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. It's amazing what man does to hurt nature. We just can't let nature do it's thing. 

I wanted to get a few stitches in on the cross stitching. I really didn't get much done, but I'm starting to work on the pincushion that reflects in the mirror. That way I don't have to roll the fabric and I can keep working from here. I will do more outlining but right now I wanted to get some purple done. 

It turned out to be a good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Doctor's Appointment - So Not Much Going On Today

 We went to the bowling alley this morning to pick up our bowling balls. Steve said they may have a buyer but right now is not the time to sell because of the bowling alley's going out of business because of the covid issues. Patrick is talking about probably not going back to bowling if we have to travel to Olympia or Longview. 

It was off to Olympia for my doctors appointment. Things look good and I have to schedule a phone interview for after my appointment in Tacoma. My health looks good. I wasn't in there very long, which was nice. Had to draw blood. We then went to Panara Breads to get some bread....nope! They only had 2 kinds of bread and it wasn't what we were looking for. Then it was time to head home. We stopped at Safeway for the bread and a few other things. Once shopping was done, we headed home. 

I played a few games. I didn't get to play much yesterday (not at all), so got into games again. 

Once I was happy with the games I was playing, I decided to watch some TV and get some stitching going. 

I worked on some more shading and I finished the left side of the spool. Once I got that much done, I wanted to work on the left side of the mouse looking in the mirror. In order to figure the RIGHT amount of counting - I had to do some outlining to figure out where to move over to the left. I started to mark the line that goes from the mouse to the pincushion. I had enough black that I decided to outline the mouse and work on the the pincushion later. I did get more done. It's looking good. 

At least today I can say I was almost Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bowling Alley Is Closing.....Now What?

 This morning I was up early. Didn't feel like sleeping in. I try to get up around 8 anymore because Patrick doesn't like me taking a shower before then. Lucky me. I'd rather be up and moving then wait. 

The day started out pretty good. I picked blueberries and will have a few for breakfast. I have enough out there for a small batch and then it will be done. 

I then went to work on my beading. I wanted to get as much in today as I could. 

I'm now at 153/580 done. I like the way it's coming out. I did have to fix a couple mistakes I made. At least I was able to do that on the row I was working on, since it was the last row I worked on. I had to do a lot of weaving to make sure the beads didn't fall out as I fixed it. I do like the way this is coming out. After doing this all day, my eye were getting tired of the tiny beads. I was able to get 7 rows done today, and that makes me happy. 

After supper, I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the outlining a little more. I got 2 strands done and then decided to do some stitching. This way I can go back and forth with the outlining. It's looking pretty good. I then worked on the thread. This was all done late tonight. I wanted to work on it some, so I stayed up for awhile to do it. 

I called Steve Turner to see when we could pick up our bowling balls and stuff from the bowling alley. We got word 2 days ago that they were closing for good. Tim and Steve own it, and Tim isn't well. Steve called me and we chatted. I've know him for 15 years now. He used to come to the office I used to work at. Anyway, because of family issues and grandchildren, he figured it was time to quit. He didn't want to have the bowling alley all to himself since his brother can no longer work. I feel for the family. Now we don't know what we will do. Do we go to Olympia or Longview? Or do we just call it done? Hard to say what we will do. So, we will pick up our stuff tomorrow and I'll wish Steve all the best. 

My day was one where I needed to get lost in my work. As it turned out, I was very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

It's Saturday And I Couldn't Keep Busy

 Today I slept in LATE. The day was half way gone....Hate it when I do that, but I really didn't want to get up this morning. 

When I did finally get up, I played games. I just couldn't quit playing games. When I finally did, I was working on my genealogy and correcting a few mistakes. I didn't go back to where I was yesterday, but I was checking Find A Grave out for other things. 

By the time supper came and went, I finally decided I wanted to work on my cross stitching. 

I decided to do some outlining. The outlining of the mirror is a pain! It's not really easy to figure out, there are so many long stretches between lines. 

Now, Patrick is watching his English shows - that I have seen 100 x's! - and I'm going to go and bead. Let's see what I get done today.....Maybe I can call today a good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Finished Basting

 This morning we were up early because we were expecting company. The window people came to measure the windows for us. Since they were to be here from 9-11 am, I wanted to be sure I was ready for them. Not that it mattered - Patrick took care of it all. 

I went downstairs by 9:30 am. I was playing and basting at the same time. The Hawaiian quilt is now done! I can now get to work on appliqueing it. 

I worked on this for about 3 hours. It's now finished and I'm happy to finally get it done. Since the fabric is from my father, this is going to be my quilt. Told my son, once I'm gone, he can have it. lol - At this rate it will take a couple years to finish anyway, so it may be a while before it's finished. I am planning on doing it though. Who knows, when the weather gets colder, I will probably quilt on the white on white quilt that is ready now. Then I can work on appliqueing on this. Once the Forest quilt gets done, I can take this to quilting and applique on it there. Who knows, I may get working on it sooner then later. 

I then came upstairs and decided to get working on the Dutch Apple Pie that Patrick was asking about. 

It turned out really good. I really liked it. We didn't use the Granny Smith apples, but the transparent ones from the yard. We didn't get many good apples, but I have a bucket that I could pull them from. Patrick helped me out. 

Then I decided I needed to get some beading in. 

I'm now at 143/580 done. I was able to put 2 rows in today. I did get 1 row the last 2 days. I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow. 

The trouble with me is that my brain was running on full load. That being said, I started to work on my genealogy! I was working on the WILTZIUS family this time. I added a few, but not a lot. That was another 3 hours on the computer. 

All in all, I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Not Quite Done

 This morning I really don't know what I was doing. All I do remember is going downstairs around 11 am to work on my Hawaiian quilt. 

I decided it would be a lot easier if I used the table downstairs to do the basting. 

While I was basting the quilt, we received notice that the bowling alley in Centralia is closing for good. We need to let them know when we will go pick up our stuff out of the lockers. It sucks, but now we will figure out what we are going to do from now on. Got to Olympia or Longview, or just call it done. 

I quit when I got about half of what I needed to do done. I'm now to the point of getting this last border done. 

This part is done. I'm having fun working on it, but my fingers are getting sore again. I forgot what it was like to have needles poking in my thumb and middle finger. lol 

Called it quits and then went upstairs to work on dinner. 


I made some potato wedges. They turned out good, but Patrick didn't like them. I did. They needed more spice though. I didn't have parsley flakes so couldn't add them. It was more like having a baked potato in wedges. I thought they were crisp and good. 

I tried to get another row in on my beading. I did get one row done. I'm going to try and get one more since I didn't get a chance to work on them yesterday. At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Back To Working On My Hawaiian Quilt

 This morning I went to moms while Patrick went golfing. 

When I arrived mom wanted to know what I wanted to work on. I told it I didn't really care. She told me she pulled out the Hawaiian quilt that we started when dad was in the hospital before he passed. The fabric was fabric that cost over $100 and he bought it for me. We had it already cut out, just not on the backing. 

So we went to the Gathering Place. We put 3 table together so we could lay out the quilt and start pinning it down. 

Then it was pinning time. We had to make sure it was lining up right. The seams were easy to see, so it made it easy to do. We ironed the fabric on the back so that it would lay better. Then it was lunch time. 

Folded the quilt and took it to moms so we could eat and baste it at the table. Moms table was perfect for working on the basting. 


Just noticed I took a photo of my phone handle. lol - Anyway, we started basting all the way around. I called Patrick and told him it would be another 2 hours before we would be done. Yeah,  right. That was at 3:30 pm, and at 7:30 pm we finished pinning the areas that wasn't pinned or basted. We folded it up so I could take it home. We have 2/3's of the quilt basted.. I need to baste the last 1/3. 

It's really pretty! I'm loving this quilt! I just need to get it to the point of appliqueing on it. I have a ton of stuff I want to work on, but when this is ready, chances are I will be pulling it out to work on. With all this, it turned out to be a very good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Quieter Day Today

 This morning I wasn't in the mood to do anything. So, I played. 

Once I got moving, I decided to do laundry and vacuuming. It actually got me in the mood and I was ready to bead. 

I was able to get another 6 rows in. I'm now at 139/580 done. I'm really enjoying this. I did have one row where I didn't put enough black beads on and had to take it out. 

I listened to the book "We Were the Lucky Ones" by Georgia Hunter. It's a 15 hours audio book, but it's so interesting. What this family went through in WWII is heart breaking. It's also amazing they would go years under the Germans or Russian rules. At times they had to hide and other times they had to try to escape. It's heart breaking when they talk of how some of them were murdered. It was also interesting to find one of the family members is almost murdered off the train. They had to dig their own graves. She was with her daughter and the daughter at the age of 3, sees the excursion. Her and her daughter was so close to being murdered but she bribed a guard to save her life. The daughter was told to go to the other woman who was saved and say she was her daughter. She would do anything to save her daughters life. This poor child saw murder from the age of 2 on. It's amazing how the Germans had no feelings for murdering anyone, man, woman or child. Yet, I see history repeating itself in the past and in the future. We don't seem to learn from the past. Such a shame. I'm only 66% done on this. I'll probably listen it to on the way to moms and back tomorrow. It makes me wonder who out of that family is going to make it. 

After supper I got working on some genealogy. I'm working on the Wineland families. I was able to add a few more. This is fun to work on. I just need to spend more time doing it. Trouble is I want to keep working on my beading and that makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Hello Monday!

 This morning I got up and fixed a sandwich to take with me to our BE meeting. I was really on the move. I stopped at Phil's to give him some more blueberries. Then I went and got an ice tea from McD's. Next stop was at the grange to meet up with the group. I was about 10 mins earlier than everyone else. I listened to "We Were The Lucky Ones" on audio book. I really enjoyed working on my embroidery today. 

I worked on the tail and the body. Then I got to work on the wing. It's slowly coming along. 

Came home and got to work on my beading. 

I was able to get a couple rows done before supper. 

While I was making some fried rice, I pulled some mushrooms out of the freezer. I didn't want all of them, just a few. It was hard to get them separated, so I go a knife and went between the mushrooms and "popped" them out. One one pop, I heard "pop" then "thud." It flew 6 feet in the air and landed at the glass doors to the deck. I came around the counter, (laughing) and looked at Patrick to see that look of "what the hell you doing?" I kept laughing and that look never got answered, other than "just throwing food around." 

After supper I went back to beading. I got another 5 rows done. I'm now at 133/580 rows done. Sharon had called earlier and she said she was at 167. I'm way behind her. I was 40 rows behind, now I'm getting a little closer. She's a heck of a lot faster than I am. I'm having fun, and not worried about be so far behind her. 

I'm happy to say it's another day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

One Heck Of A HOT Day

The morning started out okay, but by 10 am I had to shut the house down. It was already 78 degrees. 

It was time to make breakfast. I made some apple fritters (and a couple blueberry). I wanted to try a recipe that was for the Air Fryer. It turned out pretty good. I'm impressed. 

After doing all that, I went and picked blueberries and then came in the house.  Got the dishwasher going, so that I could have the Air Fryer clean when I used it again for zucchini chips. We had those for supper. 

Patrick wanted to watch a couple movies, so I sat and cross stitched while watching the movies. One was "Money Pit" and the other was a cartoon series.  Both were really good. I laughed so hard on the "Money Pit" movie. 


While watching the movies, I was working on the outlining, and getting the 4th mouse going. I like the outlining. I have more to go. It's really getting there. The outlining has helped it a lot. I'm really happy with this. 

After supper, I went downstairs to watch some "Cat from Hell" shows. It reached 102 degrees today and I couldn't handle that. So, I went downstairs where it's a LOT cooler. Don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. It's only down to 80 degrees as I type this.

I was able to get a little more done. The 4th mouse is coming along great. So far so good. The needle stitches worked out right, so I was on track. I didn't have to rip out many stitches. I realized I was off on the body of the mouse, and only had to take out about 10 stitches, which is really good for me. 

After an hour and a half down there, I came up and decided to put at least 1 row in on my beading. It ended up being just that, 1 row. I'm okay with that. If I just get 1 row in, I'm still beading. 

It's been a pretty good week of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Visited With Uncle Bob

 This morning I was up and ready to get moving. I helped Patrick with getting a few apples. We came back with a bucket of apples. We put them downstairs for now, because the weather is getting hotter for the next couple days. I'm not looking forward to it. 

After we picked the apples, I was ready to work on my beading. I wanted to get moving on them. Just as I started, Sharon called and we chatted for about an hour. While I was chatting with Sharon, mom called. So, I had to chat with her too. She couldn't get on pogo, so she needed my help. 

Once I got all that done, I went back to beading. 

I was able to get 4 rows done before we had to leave to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Dale. 

We left for "Sweet Inspirations" in Chehalis. Not much is open around here and they are pretty good. Patrick and I are tired of going to fast foods to eat. And even then we have to bring it home. It was really good to see my Uncle. He sold his property in Yelm and was checking on it before coming down. He's staying at their place by the water. My cousin, Sandy, lives up north of Seattle, so they come every year to visit with them. They live in AZ. They won't be coming back. So, today was the only time I would be able to see them. My Aunt is the one that used to bring me her Christmas discards every time they came. This time it was just to sit and have a good meal and chat. 

We came back home and I put another 2 rows on the beading. I was thrilled to get 6 rows done. I'm now at 132/580 rows done. It's looking good. 2 more birds are showing up. 

I wasn't able or willing to do any cross stitching today, but I'm more interested in the beading. We have BE on Monday, so I'll be working on my hand work as well. It's fun. I can do and I do - do what I want to when I feel like it. Keeps things looking fresh and new. Which means, I'm staying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Quilting At Moms

 This morning I was out the door and on my way to moms. She called just before I got there to tell me to park in her garage. When I got there, the garage didn't have room for me. She has too much stuff on the left side of her garage for me to even get in there. The neighbor was having his RV in the road and wanted to let us all know he would be in the roadway. So, we needed to be aware of that. 

I worked on the squirrel on the Forest Galorest quilt. 


I put the body down, and then had to sew done the branch. I wanted to put the tail on, so I could finish with the leg, but I need to add the branch at the bottom of the tail. So, that will probably be next time. I was thrilled at how much I did get done. I was really surprised. 

Then I went to the museum while the rest were having lunch. I didn't feel like staying. I dropped off 2 quilts and picked up some panels that someone brought for us. They also dropped off a Quilts of Valor book for us. I'm thrilled. 

Came home after that. Listened to my audiobook on the way back. I took the long way home. Then I decided I wanted to get some beading done. 

I was able to get 4 rows done. It felt good to get more rows done. The hat is coming along great. I'm starting to add the tail of the 3rd bird on the left. It's fun working on this. I got off when I started the next row, took it out, and then almost put the row I finished back in again. I had to count my rows. That was fun! 

Everything is coming along. I did pull out the book for Ethel to look for quilt blocks for her friendship quilt. I guess I can say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Getting Back To Work....Sort Of

 This morning Patrick took off golfing. I was pretty happy about that. Trouble was, wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I did play a few games. I then worked on laundry - which didn't get very far. 

Once I got things going, I sat and watched "Perry Mason" while working on my cross stitching. So far it's coming along great. 

The mirror has come along great. I am now to the point that I can add the back stitching. I may work on that later tomorrow. Hard to say, since it's quilting at moms tomorrow. 

I sent an email to Secretary of State about only getting 19 people on our ballet. We were supposed to have 36 names for Governor. I counted my ballet, and there were only 19, but we should have had 36. Since I didn't have "proof" that wouldn't get me very far. I received a phone call from Lewis County and he informed me he has 36 names on the ballet. I told him it was only one column. He said, yes, and it was the whole column. I counted 19, but I can't prove it, and I thanked him for looking for me. 

Then I worked more on the cross stitching. When it was time for Big Brother, I went and put another row in on my beading. 

I'm getting there. I'm now at 121/580 rows. 

So, as much as I feel like not doing anything, I can at least say that I'm starting to get back to work on my beading. I am still getting 1 row done a day, but will pick it up and get more soon. 

With mom having quilting tomorrow, and really not wanting to go, I will. It's going to be interesting tomorrow. Don't know what I will work on. Really not interested in quilting lately. Don't want to have anything to do with quilting. So, I guess I will figure it out at the last minute. If only I can get back in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Another Slow Day

 This morning I was up and ready to get least I was thinking I was. Instead, I played games and then went to work on my bookkeeping of our bank account. That took a little while, but not long. 

Then I decided I wanted to watch some more "Perry Mason" shows. So, while Patrick went to hit some golf balls at the golf course, I was pulling out some beading. 

I went to my pattern for the project I quit working on and took apart. I checked to see if I had the colors I needed. NOPE. I thought I would because I bought some of the other pattern I was going to do. So, I decided to just check off the ones I had. Not many, so will have to order more beads - go figure! And that took a good hour if not a little more. 

I then pulled some colors out from my boxes. I wanted to try the project that is going on on Facebook. I watched the first video and did the samples as she said. This is 20 colors. I picked 5 of the colors to do the project. I now have a sample of the colors. This is handy in more ways then one. I'm liking this. Of course, I was able to watch 3 "Perry Mason" shows as I worked on the beads. 

Then I played games again. When Patrick decided to watch "Big Brother," I decided to bead. I was able to get another row in on my Snowman. I'm now at 121/580 rows done. I did 1 row yesterday as well. I did want to work on it today, but didn't do what I wanted to. Tomorrow is another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Not In The Mood Day.....

 This morning I slept in late! I don't know what is going on with me. I just want to stay in bed and sleep lately. I finally got my butt out of bed at 9:30 am. I hate that because the day is half gone by then. 

I found I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I didn't want to work on my beading or much of anything else. I finally got moving and got some laundry in the washer and dryer. I really needed to do something. I did go and pick a small amount of blueberries. 

Once I went out and got some air, I came back in the house and decided to enjoy watching TV by myself. So, I put the old Perry Mason shows on and sat to work on my cross stitching. 

I got started and was surprised at how I started to enjoy working on this. I worked on the mouse ears and face on the bottom right. I also went to work on the mouse in the upper right. I need to get moving on the mirror and then I will start with the outlining. I think the outlines will make it look better and I can show some of the work I have been doing. I started with the pincushion pins. They are all different colors - but 2 of each. I did what I could when I had the floss color. It went really well. 

Then I decided I wanted to play games. So, I didn't do much after supper - other than the mirror by the head of the mouse on the top right. I will do the rest of it tomorrow. I do like how it's coming. 

I'm hoping I get in the mood to do stuff tomorrow. Hard to believe I just didn't want to do much! I'm a person that loves to keep busy with something.....but not today. That doesn't help when I want to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Early Morning!

 After finally getting to bed around midnight - 1 am this morning, I found myself waking up through the night. Both mom and Daisy were moving around. We then got up at 6 am to be out the door by 6:50 am. I stopped at McD's and then Starbucks to get us breakfast. Once that was done, then we were on the road to Olympia for Daisy's eye appointment. 

We arrived about 10 mins early for the 8 am appointment. We pulled in lot #6 to find a sign there telling us to call "this number" and wait. We called it. They went over Daisy's information on the phone. Then we had to get a form to fill out that was in a box outside the office. We filled it out, then put it back on top of the box. After awhile the gal came out and picked it up. She couldn't reach moms cell phone, so I had her call my number. Mom had the volume off I think. Then we were told to go to the STOP sign at the door and bring Daisy. We did, they took Daisy in, and we went back in the car. After the visit, the doctor called to tell us about Daisy's eyes. They gave mom 3 different eye treatments for her. She has a disease that is degenerated (?). Not sure I have that right. Once that was done, mom paid over the phone and we went to the stop sign to pick Daisy up. Daisy was a lot happier when she came out. She even walked around like she could see better. She wasn't scratching her eyes either. That's a good thing. Took mom and Daisy back home. 

I was going to stop at Sandy's but she called it off. So, I came home and beaded for a little bit. Then took a quick nap. Went back to work on the beading. 

I got another 4 rows done. The tail of another bird is on the hat. Plus the bow is coming along. It's going pretty good. I'm loving this one!

After supper I decided I would watch TV - or listen to my audio book and work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the mirror and the 3rd mouse. The yellow is the outfit of the 3rd mouse. I was enjoying working on this. I may start doing the outlining here pretty soon. I want to see more results with this piece. 

It's been a long day but at least it's a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Staying At Moms Tonight

 My day started at running. I made a cake for Patrick.  It was his mother's receipe of Chocolate Chip Date Cake. One of the family's favorites. 

I got laundry going. Then went downstairs to iron 2 more background fabrics. Once I was on a roll, I decided to bead again.

The good news is that I got 5 rows in. 116/580 rows completed. 

Then it was time to drop 4 quilts off at Faye's for Bill to pick up Tuesday. Then headed here to moms.  

Tomorrow we will be heading to Tumwater to the vets for Daisy's eye appointment. Then i will go to Sandy's for beading.

It will be a great day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Back To Working On QOV Quilt Tops

 This morning I decided I needed to go downstairs and work on some QOV stuff. I had to iron the background fabric to get ready to take to Faye. Debbie needed to stop by and pick up some batting and backing as well. 

First I wanted to change my blog theme. So, I worked on it for awhile. Not crazy about it, so I'm going to change it again. We'll see which one I stay with. 

So, first things first. Got the batting and backing cut for Debbie and texted her it was ready. I also needed to wait on my phone appointment with my doctor. She was about 10 mins late, but that was okay by me. We chatted and I will be going to see her in Sept. My thyroid is were we want it. So, things are looking good. I still need to work on making an appointment to see my new pulmonary doctor. She thinks it's a good idea. 

After all that, I got to work on my quilt top. I want to have it done and take it with the other 3 tops to get quilted. We are getting low on backing and batting, so I'm hoping things will work out with the request on Facebook. 

 Of course, we all know not everything works good for me. I cut the panel and found I cut it too short with the sides. Then I had to figure out what to do to make up for the loss. I added a small border to the panel, then was happy it worked out. I ended up cutting more off on the bottom, but that was okay. I sewed the border on and then realized I didn't cut enough on the length. So, I fixed that. Then was able to keep going. It was a little short when I finished and realized it needed a small border around the outside. The border fabric is also a background fabric, but decided the background needed to be blue since the rest of the quilt is red. It's coming along. Patrick liked it after I was done. I need him to figure out a couple more panels for me. Right now I'm happy with the way it's going. He doesn't need to keep going after doing one. I have plenty of blocks to work with. Mom's star's are in all 4 of the quilts. 

Came upstairs and cooked dinner. Now I'm just going to enjoy the evening. I'm not planning on working on anything - that may change later. I'm just happy to have worked on something for QOV today. It's an awesome way to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Starting Out Busy

This morning I made some blueberry muffins. They turned out really good. We used the fresh blueberries from our backyard. They are the bigger ones that are just now starting to ripen. Boy! Are they good. I was going to give them to Phil but Patrick didn't want to give away the big blueberries. lol I had Patrick help me - once he was dressed and wanted to help. I was pretty close to being done by that time. 

Then I went downstairs and cut the batting and backing for the quilts that Sue K brought to me on Wednesday. 

 I have to do it on the floor. I was working on getting all three done. I used 2 different reds and a blue. I ended up having to wash the backings. Now I need to iron them and get them ready for Bill. 

I brought up the blocks and panels for Patrick to play with them. I needed to get another quilt top ready to go as well. This is what he came up with, and I will try to get it done this weekend. That way I can drop them off at Faye's Sunday or Monday. 

Then I went and got moving on my beading. 

I'm getting there. I'm now at 110/580 rows done. I got 5 rows done today. 

We went out to eat, but where we wanted to go, they were closed (10 mins after we arrived). So, we ended up going to Denny's. It was okay. Patrick got breakfast, I got Chicken Fried Steak. 

Came home and Patrick watched TV, which gave me a chance to get a couple more rows in. It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...