Monday, August 31, 2020

Working On Family History....

 This morning I enjoyed the morning and early afternoon to myself. Patrick went golfing and I played games, vacuumed, and cleaned up a little. 

Then it was time to work on some genealogy. I decided to get to work on Patrick's family. 

I started out with his HOSMER family. It was so interesting! Then I got off on some of the other names in Patrick's family. There were the WARD's, SMITH's, HUBBARD's, and more. In working on the family history, one of his great grandfather's is know for "Father of Wisconsin." In my research on his family, his grandfathers (more than one) are know for being the first settlers in Wisconsin and Michigan. He is part of the SMITH family that founded Green Bay. There are a lot of grandfathers that married into the Native American Indian families - like the Menominee Indians and the Chickasaw. 

I found this on Find A Grave. Patrick's great grandfather is Paul - second line of the tree. This is the GRIGNON family. 

I was thrilled to find this! I will have to go check this place out the next time we go up there!

This one is the de LANGLADE family that married into the GRIGNON family. Pierre is the father of Paul GRIGNON - that I mentioned above. 

I always try to get as much "documentation" as I can. When I found things like this, that is proof of what I'm looking for! So, that's how I do my trees. I found others on ancestry that had the family all "screwed up" and I worked with what I know, not what someone says. That's the one bad thing about ancestry - if you don't go with documents and only get what others say, then you mess up your tree. 

I wasn't in the mood for crafts - I was in the mood for family history. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...