Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Catching Up

 This morning I was up early. Couldn't sleep much. Funny how one day I can't get up and the next I can't sleep. 

Played a few games. Patrick went outside. I decided to sit and watch some shows I have on Demand that I have recorded but haven't seen. 

While I watched "Cat From Hell," I worked on my cross stitching. I really wanted to get the last of the mice started. Now they all show up. I enjoyed serval shows of "Cat From Hell," and one of "Perry Mason." It felt good to get caught up a little. 

It's coming along pretty good. It's funny how much stitching I can get done while watching TV. I'm now about half way done. I will probably add some more outlining stitches tomorrow. It need more to bring it out more. So far I really don't need to roll the piece. It's coming along really well. Knock on wood, but I'm not making too many mistakes so far. 

I told Patrick I wanted to go out to eat tonight. I'm so sick of staying home. So, we went to the BBQ place in Centralia. I think it's call T's BBQ. But not sure. They used to have awesome hamburgers when my folks lived up Zenkner Valley Road. It's amazing how things change over the years. The food was AWESOME! We just wanted to try it out because I'm so sick of "Arbie's," "McDonald's," "Carl Jr's," and "Dairy Queen." I will go back to KFC and almost decided on going there. I like the BBQ better tonight. Wanted something different. Really worth it. 

Came back home and put a few more stitches into the cross stitching. At least I was able to get some shows caught up and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Day To Myself -

 This morning Patrick headed out to golf. I slept and slept and slept! I didn't get up till about 15 to 10 am this morning. I just couldn't get myself to get out of bed, I was so tired! And I slept really good. 

When I did get up, I decided to enjoy some TV shows that Patrick doesn't like. So, I watched all the "Who Do You Think You Are?" that I missed. I was watching 4 or 5 shows. Weird part was that it was sad for me. I usually can watch all that. I almost wonder if I was having sorrow over Dad's death. I thought of him every time they talked about their fathers. Plus I got teary eyed over the ancestors graves. Go figure!

Patrick got home and we put all our freezer stuff in the freezer. We took all the stuff I put in the house, into the freezer in the garage. It's now organized and we can add more to it. Before we were not so luck. 

While Patrick was gone, I worked on my cross stitching. 

I worked more on the mouse on the bottom. I was able to get a little more shadowing done as well. I'm almost to the point of starting another mouse that is coming in. 

I like the way it's coming along. I did make a mistake of the left leg. I need to fix it. I was able to fix part of it. 

Took a break and watched the Presidential debate. What a JOKE! I couldn't believe it! I'm one that is undecided. This put me to "neither one is worth sh**t!" Not sure where our country is going from here. When I was listening to the book, "Mayflower," it was like that back in those days too. I did understand that there is only 10% of Americans that are from the Mayflower. I can count myself as one of those 10%.  Now I will see what the VP's will say. It will be up to them to help me decide who I want in office. I WISH we had better choices. 

Even though the debates were a joke, the good side is that I can always be Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Baking And Crafts - The Best!

 My love is to bake bread and goodies. So, today was a good day of doing what I love. 

I got moving with getting laundry started - and not forgetting to finish what I started. Then I went outside to the freezer, and tried to decide on supper. I found what I wanted, but was tired of the freezer and all that ice! So, I took everything out to defrost it. Patrick thought I was nuts because he didn't think we could put all the food in the freezers. I grabbed all the coolers we had, filled them. Then I took what was left and put them in the top freezer downstairs and the bottom freezer up here. To my surprise, he took over. He put the hot light in the freezer to get the ice to melt. He would go and check on it off and on all day. When I thought he was mowing, he was actually taking a break from mowing and checking on the freezer. Once that was done (before supper), we both cleaned it and put some of the freezer food in the freezer. He wants to make sure it's still working after we did all that. He's been out there twice so far and says it's working. Tomorrow will be putting all the freezer food back in the freezer. 

I was working on my beading. I was listening to the end of the "Mayflower" audio book. It's amazing how we are repeating that time. It's also amazing to find out over 1000 Native American's where shipped to England as slaves. Funny how no one remembers that. I was able to get another 7 rows done on my beading. It's looking good. 

I was waiting for the bread I was making to raise while I was beading. 

I "tried" a new recipe. There was so much in it that confused me. The one in the middle was the one I tried to do the "folding" like it said. I really don't understand how that worked. So, more dough is on the 2 ends and not in the middle. So, I just rolled the other 2 and put them in my pan. The next time, IF I do it again, I will have to read the instructions till I understand what they are talking about. It did turn out really good though. Patrick cut them into sandwich size pieces. That way we can use them for sandwiches and they will be fresh from the freezer. If they stayed on the counter they would go dry really fast. 

My next thing, and cleaning up my messes and getting laundry folded and put away, was to cross stitch. I still play games, but I was doing that while I was stitching...and listening to my audio books. Started another one. 

I worked more on the bottom mouse. Was able to get a few more outline stitches in. I put the games away and watched DWTS. Just because it's Disney night. I worked on the mouse's feet, tail and then outlining the feet of the upper mouse. I need to add a yellow stitch in the sleeve, so didn't outline that sleeve yet. I was able to get the tail and feet outlined on the upper mouse. It's getting to the point where I can roll it. I did add some shadowing as well. I still have more shadowing to do. It's getting there. I'm happy with it so far. They are cute. Still no idea who's getting this piece. 

Keeping busy today was fun. I needed that to pick up my spirits. It felt good to have a nice day today. The weather, the temperature, and the day in general was awesome. It makes it so much easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting - OH YAH, Happy Cooking!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

It Was A Good Day Today

 Today started out pretty good. I started out with doing laundry - then forgot about it till just now. Guess I need to put some sheets in the dryer before I go to bed. 

I did play games - pretty much most of the day. I also got started on making fudge. 

Checked out who has eaten some already - nope not me! Patrick doesn't waste time when it comes to desserts. I can't seem to keep desserts in the house with him. I'm not complaining since he's started to gain his weight back. I was worried when he dropped 10 lbs. He looked awful. Now that he's finally getting back to eating more, he's getting his weight back. When he was working, he was snacking all day long. When he retired, he didn't eat because he thought I would have to eat too. I told him, to eat and not worry about me. 

I worked on some tomato sauce. Patrick really got into it after I put the tomatoes in the pot. He did the seasonings. It turned out pretty good. It's a small pot. We got enough for us, that would give up 3 meals. We don't eat a lot of sauce but we do like to make our own. This is from the garden, so it's even better. 

I worked on the bottom mouse. It's looking good. I was able to get a lot done today. Funny how I play on the tablet and stitch at the same time. Almost like mom when I was growing up. She could knit and crochet while reading a book. I never got to that point, but was fascinated at how she could do that. Now she just quilts and appliques. Part of the reason why I still quilt. When I go to her place, I can work on my quilting stuff. Otherwise, I don't think I would. 

I have been listening to the book, "Mayflower" and I am fascinated by it. It's amazing how people are repeating history. I found it interesting is so many ways. I also think I found some of Patrick's ancestors in there as well. I will have to review the names in the tree but believe his family is connected to the names in the book. 

It makes life interesting, and fun. I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

One Of Those Saturdays

 This morning I was up early. I couldn't go back to sleep. 

So, I started out playing a few games. Then I decided to get back to my beading. I really should have done the bindings but not there yet. I did have a few friends say they would bind a quilt for me. So, I may just wait and give them to the gals to do. It will be a month before I can do that, since mom is going to Las Vegas on the 6th and won't be back till the end of Oct. 

I got to work on the beading. 

It's still a little off from what I expected. I will just get this done before I can decide if I like it. I did get another 7 rows done before we headed to Kelso to go out to eat. We picked mom up and had a good ride down to dinner. 

Came back home and I really wasn't in the mood to do much. Starting to get a headache. But I did get some time in on my cross stitching as well. 

I worked on the belly area. It's the tape measure. I was able to fill the mouse in a little more. 

At least I can say, today was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday Meeting Day

 This morning I had to stop and get mom some milk before heading to her place. Arrived around 9:30 am and there were already 3 people there. They were chatting and snacking when I arrived. 

I went to work on checking our family tree, because I was listening to the book "Mayflower" on my way over to moms. I thought we were of the Bradford family but I have Bradbury. I also don't go back far enough on the White family to see if we are part of the Bradford family. I check on my Benjamin White and found some errors. I had him married twice - and 2 different dates of birth. Yet I really don't know when he was born. So, I asked my daughter in law, Emily to help me out. She's so good at fixing my mistakes. My dyslexia got me confused on who I was looking for and there were 2 completely different Benjamin White's that I was going one way, and then the other. She's going to get me straightened out! I really need it! Plus I think this is were I accepted other peoples family tree to mine. So, once it's cleared up, I can work of the right way to go. 

Then I finally sat down to get to work. Everyone started coming in. We ended up with 7 of us. I got to work on Ethel's block. 

I finished the last leaf and then got to work on the "skinny stems" but they really are not that skinny. It works though. I need to cut the flowers and add them. I decided to do the back basting on the stems. If I would have been thinking, I would have done the leaves that way as well. I'm going to go ahead and do the back basting on the flowers. It will look a lot smoother. 

Came home around 3 pm. Got to work on a few of my games. lol 

We got supper and left for Kelso. It was bowling night. We bowled pretty good. won 3 games. I bowled a 157, 172, 158. It really wasn't my night. Plus the lanes are a little different. I'm working on it. It's a learning process to figure out how the lanes are different for my ball. It's not curving when I need it to. So, I'll work on it. I have always been taught how to figure it out. Hopefully in a couple weeks, I will have it figured out. 

Today was a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Enjoying My Time

 Today I got moving on the laundry. It needed to be done. 

Patrick worked outside for about 30 mins before the rain came down again. It's been raining for the past 2 days. We are supposed to go through the weekend with this rain. It's coming down a lot harder then usual. 

Patrick left to see an attorney and run some errands. While he was gone, I sat and cross stitched. That and watching TV - "Perry Mason."

I worked on the mouse at the top. I was able to get some outlining done. I will do more. I just needed to get the top of the head to roll it. 

I then started on the lower mouse. I added the pink that is part of the measuring tape. After I got this far, I rolled the piece and added a few more stitching on the body of the mouse. I will try to get more outlining done on the pincushion. Still waiting till the end to do the rest of the pins in the cushion.

It was a quiet day and I really enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Qulting!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Finally! A Rainy Day!

 This morning I messed around. I didn't want to do much. So I did the usual game playing. 

Then I sat down to work on my beading after getting laundry started. 

I started working on the Christmas gift. It's better colors than the last one I did and took apart. It's still not in the direction I want it to be, but the photo was a bad one. The colors are so much alike in the photo, which makes it hard to bead. I will work on getting a better photo later. But right now, it's looking okay. I'm not going to take this one out, I'll deal with it later. I was able to get to 17/200. 

After supper I made some banana cookies with white chocolate. It turned out better than I thought. Scott came over to sign some checks for me, and I gave him a few. Teri texted, "Wow! the cookies are the Bomb!" Guess she loved them. lol 

Then I decided to work on Ethel's block to get a little closer to finishing. I was able to get 3 of the leaves done. But then I had some help at times. 

She wanted me to move the board. Sniffing things is her thing! lol 

Down to one more leaf and then I can put the circle together. 

This is what the pattern looks like. It's only a 5" block. I have the colors already picked out, just need to get past this part and then I can do the flowers. Those will go faster. 

Guess who didn't want to get up! She didn't like the idea of me telling her I needed to get up to get the computer. Attitude! Love this cat! 

It turned out to be a good day. Patrick cooked the grapes and made 2 gals of grape juice. It will go fast. I was able to do laundry and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Day Of Errands

 This morning we were up and out the door. We needed to do a few things. So, our first stop was at the church to pick up a quilt for QOV that they did. Next stop was at Phil's to drop off some stuff. He left us some cake too. We headed over to Michael's to get the Spring Cat framed. We were lucky because we took the frame we had from the Summer Cat and they had it on "clearance" so we got 70% off. I couldn't believe it would cost $450 if we didn't have a coupon or get the 70% off on clearance. They must mark up stuff! 

We then headed up to Bill's to collect 4 more quilts. One belonged to Faye. We stayed and chatted with Sharon. There was another gal that showed up right behind us, so she got her quilt first. Then Sharon talked to her awhile before she left. Patrick and I ended up waiting till both Bill and Sharon were done. Then we tried to chat with Bill but he didn't seem to be in the mood for company. Sharon and I talked about her beading. She couldn't find one of the numbers (beads) and when I called we were away from the house. So, she's been looking for that bead most of the morning. Told her I've been there. I know I brought up that bead to her. No clue where she has it. She was down to about 10 beads, and she needed more. She was on row 342/480. So she's pretty close to being done. Not me. 

Headed home. Got home and Patrick went outside to work in the yard. Then I went out on the deck to cross stitch. I wanted to enjoy the sun!! We haven't had the sun out in a long time! It felt good. Then I helped Patrick pick his grapes in the back yard. We got a good bucket full! He left a few on the line to get later, but he will need to get them in the next couple days or the raccoons will get them. The whole time we were outside Sophie was meowing at us. She just wouldn't stop! Almost like when we got her at the animal shelter! I couldn't believe it. Came in, and she wouldn't leave me alone. Either meowing or rubbing up against me. It was so comical!

After supper it was working on genealogy. I got a question from a gal that is a 2nd cousin. She asked about the Wineland family. Come to find out, her grandfather is my grandfather's half brother. She didn't know anything about him. I told her what I knew and talked with mom. She didn't know him, but she did know grandmother wrote letters to them. I told her who our great grandfather was, and as I was looking him over, I realized he married his 3rd wife before he divorced his 2nd wife. It had to be that way. He left his 2nd wife and children because he thought he killed someone. He changed his name and with in a few months married wife #3. I need to find the divorce records. I'm betting he was married to 2 wives at the same time! 

Now it was time to cross stitch. 

I started working on the mouse at the bottom left. 

I put back what I took out yesterday. It's coming along pretty good. I do like the way it's coming out. I think I will be doing the pincushion pins last. I'm not paying attention to what colors they are. There must be 6 different colors for it. I'll just wait and do them at the end. I may do some outlining to get started on that part. Then I'll work on the mouse that has the measuring tape. 

Even when it's a busy day, I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Embroidery Meeting Day

 This morning I was up and getting my stuff organized for our meeting at the Grange. I needed to stop at the bank on the way. I was going to stop at Phil's but didn't think I had the time. So, I headed on to McD's for a large ice tea before heading to the Grange for our meeting. 

Arrived early, so was able to listen to my book while I waited. I took some fabric and egg cartons to Sandy. She's going to do some pillow cases for me. I gave her a lot of the blue and red that came from the backing fabric. I think it was the end of the bolt fabric. I will try and get some fabric with patriotic designs next time. 

I worked on the piece for Cheryl. I was surprised at how much I was able to to get done. 

I got quiet a bit done. I'm happy with it. I did the center flowers today. It was great. Mom showed up and we were all of 5 showing up. It was good to be with our group again. 

Came home around 3 after stopping at Safeway to pick up some almond milk and chai tea! 

I then got started on getting all my beads together for the gift. I received the beads I needed in the mail. So, I was able to get this started. 

It's a little short of 7" wide. It's smaller than I was trying to go with. I like the colors better this time around. I did make changes to the beads. So, I'm having to keep track of it the best I can. I have my list of colors with the number next to it telling me what I replaced them with. I know there is a way to do that in the program, but I'm just learning the program. I won't be able to post a lot of this, but will do as much as I can before it starts to show. 

They day of embroidery and beading is making me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Cross Stitching Not Beading Day

 This morning I was surprised that both of us were up by 7 am. It was one of those morning where I was about to work on my stuff....and then Sophie took over my chair. I let her, and played some games. 

Then I pulled out my cross stitching. It was hard getting clue why. Almost as if I wanted to do something but didn't have a clue what. So, I sat, got up, sat again, got up...and that went on for a good couple hours. 

When I finally got my rear in gear and sat down to cross stitching, I kept the interest and I watched a couple movies with Patrick. 

I was on a roll! I got the mouse on the pincushion pretty close to being done. I started the second mouse....and then it hit me!! I messed up! The light brown above, I had to take out. I couldn't believe I did that! I thought I counted right, but oh, no, no I didn't. Maybe because I was watching the Seahawks game at that point - the last 2 mins of it. At least we won, but I still messed up. 

I started to put the darker brown in, and right now I have 2 skeins going at the same time. I need to work on the outlining to be able to see the top mouse better. I'll get there. 

I didn't work on my beading, because I put it up. I have another piece I need to work on for Christmas and will show part of it when I start working on it. I can't show it when it's done, till I give it away. 

At least I finally settled down and and felt like being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Hello, Crafters! Stay Busy!

 This morning started out with going shopping. We needed shoes, so we headed over to the Sketchers in Centralia. We got there about 10:30 am and it was closed. The door said it was open from 9-8 pm Mon - Sat. Sunday 10-6 pm. I went on line to see what was up. The information on the website stated they were open from 11-6 pm. So, we headed over to Home Depot. I needed a rod for my Wild Birds. Patrick found one he thought would work. So, we bought a brass rod. Next stop was Micheals. They had the photo boxes on sale - 70% off. So, I bought another box. I wanted to be able to put all my beads in those boxes. Off to Walmart to pick up a few things that we needed. Not that I LIKE going to Walmart! We needed a new shower curtain, and around her that's the best place to look. We headed back to Sketchers and bought 2 pairs of shoes. The second one was 50% off, which worked out. My pair was half price, as Patrick's shoes were a little more than mine. 

Home we went. I then sat down and finished with the hangers for the Wild Birds. 

Patrick cut the rods and hung it up in the dinning room. It looks great against the wall. 

The best part is that it didn't take near as long as it did last night to sew those hangers. I didn't have the trouble I had last night. In the amount of time I worked on it last night, I should have waited! It took not time at all this afternoon. 

Then I decided to work on getting my beads organized. Yep, I actually wanted to get organized. At this point, I'm wondering what is wrong with me?! I usually am not organized. It's getting interested to be this organized. I'm beginning to like having everything organized. May start making a habit of it! 

I decided to mark the boxes so I know where to find the numbers I want. It's easier to find. I now have 2 of these boxes. I'm going to mark the next set as well, but I ran out of the tape that helps mark these. 

I then went and put my Snowman beads away for now. I am expecting my beads that I order to be in on Monday. Then I can start on my Christmas gift. The one I designed and didn't like the way it came out. This time I'm ready to get started again, with different colors. 

Once all that was done, I went and worked on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the mouse on top of the pincushion. I also finished the tail and hands. Next will be the face. I do like the way it's coming. I showed mom the photo I had on my cell phone. She asked what I was going to do with it. Told her I wasn't sure yet. She said she would take it. I could always give it to her. I told her I haven't decided yet. Who knows, if it gets done by Christmas, I may just do that. 

So, fellow crafters, it's fun to keep busy. If we all stay positive we can all get a lot done. I'm surprised at what all I can do, even when half the day is shopping. I'm not one of those that likes to shop, but I do when I need to. lol 

Staying busy, we can all be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Spending The Day With Mom And Nancy

Today I was up and out the door before mom was up. Stopped and got us some Chai tea at Starbucks. 

Arrived around 9:45 am. Shortly after I arrived Nancy showed up too. We all worked on the block for Ethel. It's a 5" block that is appliqued. 

 I started with my block that has 8 leaves. I did the 4 leaves in the center of the peice. The other leaves goes on the outside of the "circle."

When we stopped to have lunch we saw a deer at the neighbors house. It thought it was so funny how she just sat there with the ears twitching!

Mom is designing her own applique blocks for this quilt. We were trying to figure out how many more she needs to finish a big quilt. 

She has enough of the 9 patches to make 3 quilts! She's been having fun making the blocks. With making 2-3 a day, she's been getting them done really fast. It's really pretty! Love what she's been working on. 

I stayed till about 3 pm and headed home. Got home and played a game before getting ready for bowling. Then about 10 mins before we headed out the door, they called to say the bowling alley had some flooding and we wouldn't be bowling tonight. There was a thunder storm that came through, but we barely got it. Patrick was saying we would run into it on the way down to Kelso. Guess we didn't have to worry about it, because we weren't going. Patrick called our partners to let them know and they were already down there. They said they were in the middle of the down pour. Usually they are late getting to the bowling alley. Funny how they beat us, but then wasn't at the bowling alley. Probably went out to eat before we had to bowl. Not sure how long it will be closed. Hope we can bowl next week. 

So, I got to work on doing the hangers on the Wild Birds. 

We all know how it goes when one wants to finish something really badly! Well, that's pretty much what happened. I put the center together and it went together great. I put the left one on.....oops, it's backwards. Tried to take it out......yeah that's when it all changed....I cut the thread and found out I cut the thread that belonged to the border, not the hanger. I ended up taking out 5" of the row. ONE BIG HOLE. So, I had to fix what I took out! I had to replace some beads that "fell off." 

Almost 2 hours later. I had the piece back together and started to sew down the hanger again. I started it...then missed the stitch.....that was the time I decided to stop working on it and finish it tomorrow. I will try to do a better job tomorrow. I just don't want to get another mistake at this point. 

Which puts me at "done for the day." At least most of my day was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Day To Myself - Partially! Woo Hoo

 This morning Patrick was out the door to golfing. I was getting laundry and vacuuming done. Then I hooked up my stuff and did my FlossTube on YouTube. It had been awhile, so I decided to get caught up on that. 

Once all that was done, I went through my beads to work on my next project that will be a gift. I need to get started on it, because Christmas is coming up. So, I changed a few colors to what I have. I didn't want to buy more beads that I didn't think would work. I will have my list with me, and make the changes while working on it. Instead of putting 1516 in the container, I will put the color that I changed it to. But I will keep that number on the container, so I know what goes where. Too many numbers have been changed so I need to do it that way instead of putting the color number I picked. The word chart would be one big mess if I did that. 

I then played a few games before getting back to working on the hangers for the Wild Birds piece. 

I had to take out 5 rows off the right side. Now it's the same size as the left. I took it apart, so that I could measure to make sure it was the right size. Then I started on the middle piece. It has 1 more stitch then the other 2. It was the only way I could get it to be even. I'm close to finishing it, so by Saturday I should have it done. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow as tomorrow is my day with mom. 

Mom and I will be working on Ethel's block. Those friendship blocks that we talked about. She gave them out last Friday. It's a 5 1/2" block. Should be fun! I'm actually looking forward to it. I need to work getting some bright colors to take with me to moms. 

So, I can now say today was a good day for me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Finally! QOV Presentation.....And Beading.....

 This morning I was keeping busy before heading to the museum to give a QOV presentation. We awarded a quilt to a 90+ year old man. He served in the Air Force around the time my dad served. I was surprised there were 12 people there for his award. No masks. Don't understand that part. He ware the mask, but others didn't. 

Came back home and worked on a couple games. Then I wanted to get moving on getting the hangers done on the Wild Birds piece. 

Sharon showed me how to attach this to the back. I finished what she started. 

I got going on the beads. 

Then got carried away! It's too long. I started to put it together and realized it about 4 rows too many. Guess I was having fun adding beads! 

So, my plan now is to take out the first one that I finished today, and that way I can make sure they are all the same length. At least it's easy to take out a couple rows. I can handle that. If it would have been too wide, then I would have to take the whole thing out, so I can be thankful I didn't get it to wide. It was fun. 

The good news is, I was able to get the museum director to honor another quilt tomorrow. He has hospice at his home. We needed to do it asap, and we couldn't go. So, I asked the director to do the honors for us. We will also be honoring another 90+ year old by the end of the month. They will have to go to his house as he is no longer going anywhere. Mom, Faye and Jim will handle that one. It's nice to be able to honor our veterans, but it's a shame it's under these conditions. 

Today turned out to be a really good day. I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Do You Ever Feel Like This?

 This morning I was up and waiting for my doctor's call. It was a good call. Things are looking good. 

Then it was off to Costco. First we stopped at Sharon's to get my beads and give her her beads. We didn't stay long. She showed me how to attach the hanger. After that, Patrick and I went to Costco. We shopped for mom, Phil and us. Once all that was done, we dropped off the groceries to mom and Phil. 

Came home and I didn't feel like doing anything! Do you ever get to that point? The weather (if you call it that), is smokey and depressing. I hate this cloud of smoke. I put all my beads away and marked them on the tubes. Then I thought about doing the hangers on the Wild Birds......and that's as for as I got....thinking......and thinking. I got the stuff for QOV (tomorrow) done. I got the batting and backing cut for Faye. I thought about doing the hangers.....and thought about it more. Nope. Not in the mood. Not in the mood for anything today. 

Even when we were shopping, I wasn't into it. Patrick suggested stuff and I didn't care. I had the lists for mom and Patrick. That's it. 

Am I the only one that feels like that? 

So, today was not a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Still Smokey, Still Beading

 This morning we were hoping there would be some rain to go with the smoke. No such luck. It's still getting a little old. We are on day 4 of smoke. 

I decided to try and get more beading done while doing a little of this and that at the same time 

I was able to get another 5 rows done. Now it's 189/480. Getting there. I was able to get most of the birds eye done. At least the little bird on the left is now done. I may get the bird on the hat done yet! It's coming along nicely. Talked to Sharon today and she got the beads in that she ordered from Fire Mountain. So, tomorrow when we go to Costco, we will stop by and pick them up. I'll deliver her beads. 

I wanted to work on the hangers for the Winter Birds that I finished earlier in the year. I have it at the length I want. Now when I go see Sharon, I'll have her show me how to put this together. Then I will work on the other hangers on this piece. I have 2 more to make. It took me most of the evening to get it done. It will be an all day thing to get the other 2 done. I think!

It's been one of those days.....nothing but beading and putt sing around. At least it was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Still Have Smoke Outside - So Stayed Inside!

 This morning it looked like we had more smoke then we had yesterday. By the middle of the day it was a little less, but not much. It's really smoky and I'm having to stay in the house because of my allergies. It's not health here in Chehalis to be out and about. 

Patrick was changing the bed today. He put his mom's quilt on the bed. 

This is the quilt that his mother started, I finished the blocks, and mom and I quilted. We were quilting this on the trip to my brothers retirement in Las Vegas. Patrick and dad drove the car, while mom and I quilted in the back seat. 

I got laundry going and worked a little on cleaning up. Then I went to the table to bead. 

I was able to get another 5 rows in today. I'm now at 184/480. I'm getting closer to the 200 mile stone. It's coming along pretty good. I'm happy with the way it's going. Then I went and got some of my black beads from my "stash" and started using them. 2 of them broke as I worked on it. So, I put them back in the tube I got them from and added beads from another tube. I'm hoping that will fix the problem. I did find a lot of the black beads were broke in the tube. Hard to say what happened. They are glass beads. I'm using more black now, so I need to make sure they don't brake. 

I then decided to sit and play. Once I got a little of that done, I started to work on cross stitching. 

I was able to work on the shirt of the next mouse. I'm getting there. I've got a lot to do, but at least I was able to get about 100 stitches in so far. 

I'm not enjoying this stay at home stuff. I'm not liking the smoke outside either. It's like I'm a prisoner in my own house. It does get old. I did watch the start of the Seahawk game. That ticked me off! I saw my team kneeling during the National Anthem.  I didn't mind them kneeling at the kick off, but I was ticked over doing it with the National Anthem. My family didn't risk their lives for this country so others can thumb their noises at this country. Disrespect is what that is. So, I didn't watch the game. Patrick did, but I didn't. I don't know if I will any more. I don't believe sport games should get political. They should play the game. If they want to be political, then do it on their own time. Show others what is right, not protest during a game! 

I did find out that my Instagram account was restricted because I had my blog listed on my page. Once I took it off, I was able to post and comment again. Guess FB and Instagram have all the control. 

Okay, enough of that. At least, even with the weather, it was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

From Cleaning To Baking To Cross Stitch

 This morning started out on a run and kept going all day. 

The first thing was getting my new beads in the mail. I had to get started on the cookies first though. We cooked the butter to brown, then we cooked the pecans in butter. It was all for the Pecan Bourbon Chocolate Chip Cookies. We had to let the butter cool down. So Patrick went to the store to get the Bourbon we didn't have. 

While he was gone, I worked on putting the beads in bags into tubes. 

This was what I got in the mail. So, I took and put the white beads in tubes to make it easier to work with. I also put a few other beads in bags into tubes. It keeps me on track. Called Sharon and she said she hadn't gotten her beads from Fire Mountain in yet. My beads from Aura Crystals. I like going through them, not postage and no tax. Fire Mountain is Oregon and Washington complained to Oregon that they needed to collect tax from WA residents. Pain in the butt when you consider how much tax WA has for stuff!

After doing that, I had to get my pork chops started for supper. It's beaded pork chops and that takes time to prepare. After supper we then worked on the cookies. I got them mixed and ready. Patrick rolled the cookies to be baked. 

With Patrick's help, they came out really good. I really like trying new things. It seems that cookies today are a lot bigger then they used to be. Love these cookies! It was a new recipe. 

Sophie finally got on the tree and seems to be playing on it. I wanted to get her playing but she noticed I was watching, so she quit. It was really fun watching her enjoy the tree. We were a little worried she wouldn't have anything to do with it. I understand that cats take a while to play on them. Something to do with the smell. 

After all that was one - from top to bottom - I decided to sit and relax. Relaxing for me is cross stitching or doing hand work. So, I worked on the cross stitching. 

I did more outlining on the mirror. I will work on that again later. I worked more on the pincushion. 

I got a lot of the pincushion done. I have a few more purple stitches to do, and then I'm done with the purple. I did get started on the clothing on top of the pincushion where another mouse is. The bottom of the pincushion has another mouse as well. I'm getting there. 

I was able to get a lot of stitches in on this one. It makes it a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 11, 2020

Started Bowling Again

 This morning was a quiet one. I watched "Perry Mason" and worked on my family history to get some information on "Sarah Ring." I could not figure out where I got her last name. When a distant cousin contacted me, I had to double check my records. The only thing I found was that her husband had a Will with a Ring who witnessed the Will. 

Once all that was done, I went to bead. I was able to get 1 row done, before I realized I needed to get supper going. I decided since I couldn't get another row done in about 45 mins, I would go and work on cross stitching in that time. 

I'm getting closer. The ears on the mouse at the bottom of the pincushion is showing up. I'm getting closer to being done with the purple....I can hope. 

Then it was time to go bowling in Kelso WA. We took off and the smoke from the fires about 200 miles south of us, was really low. 

Not pretty! We arrived early for bowling. I bowled a 215, 154, 155. Not the best, but I was thrilled to get a 200 in those lanes. I did good the first game, then old habits arrived. I did enjoy it. Even with bowling tonight, I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...