Sunday, September 20, 2020

Cross Stitching Not Beading Day

 This morning I was surprised that both of us were up by 7 am. It was one of those morning where I was about to work on my stuff....and then Sophie took over my chair. I let her, and played some games. 

Then I pulled out my cross stitching. It was hard getting clue why. Almost as if I wanted to do something but didn't have a clue what. So, I sat, got up, sat again, got up...and that went on for a good couple hours. 

When I finally got my rear in gear and sat down to cross stitching, I kept the interest and I watched a couple movies with Patrick. 

I was on a roll! I got the mouse on the pincushion pretty close to being done. I started the second mouse....and then it hit me!! I messed up! The light brown above, I had to take out. I couldn't believe I did that! I thought I counted right, but oh, no, no I didn't. Maybe because I was watching the Seahawks game at that point - the last 2 mins of it. At least we won, but I still messed up. 

I started to put the darker brown in, and right now I have 2 skeins going at the same time. I need to work on the outlining to be able to see the top mouse better. I'll get there. 

I didn't work on my beading, because I put it up. I have another piece I need to work on for Christmas and will show part of it when I start working on it. I can't show it when it's done, till I give it away. 

At least I finally settled down and and felt like being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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