Saturday, October 31, 2020

Time Change Tomorrow

 This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. The sun was out - and I moved the curtain to keep it out of my eyes. lol - Patrick doesn't like dark rooms, and I love dark rooms! Think that's why I can't sleep well some times. 

We went grocery shopping today. I was surprised to find the grocery store packed. We were able to get around, but there were lines all the way down the isles of people waiting to get checked out. I found a line that didn't have much in their carts compared to others. So, the line went fast. 

Got home and put everything away. Was able to get some money back on the rebate apps I have. I was happy with that. Then I decided to sit and enjoy my audio book and play a few games. Once that got out of my system, I worked on my beading and listened to the audio book. Finishing it. 

I was able to get the (3rd one) panel done. I found a mistake in the pattern and decided to fix it to make me happy. One of the legs on the deer was a long one. So, I fixed it. Now they all are the same. I need to do one more #3 and then the moon panel for the end. Then I will have 2 sets ready to put into the ornament display. I would like to try and get one more. I also need to finish the gift piece as well. 

Then I realized I still hadn't gotten my bead needles. I had left a complaint on Amazon about 3 weeks ago. I looked at my email and found the request asking if it was completed. When I hit "no" it stated I had already answered it. I then decided to go into the comments area and I left a message. I wanted to let them know, I only received 10 needles when I paid for 25. That ticked me off! I also stated they had said they would send me the difference that day but that was 2 weeks ago. Still no needles. Guess I will call this one a loss. Don't know if I will order needles from them again. 

I need to cut some batting and backing for one of our group members. I will do that tomorrow. The good news is that tomorrow the time changes, and that give me an extra hour to remember! lol - not really but sounds good. 

It was a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Applique And Bowling

 Today was the day I was heading over to Nancy's. She and I have been meeting on Fridays since mom let. Mom's back but is in quarantine since she got back last week. 

I arrived around 9:15 this morning.  She had a couple guys there putting her microwave in. After they left, one of the guys that did the cabinets came to put in another shelf and worked on the mess that was left over. Carmen came and we took a walk. It was a good walk, as I really needed to get out there. We stopped by moms and I gave her the cookies that Patrick had. Also dropped off some cans for her as well. When we got back we worked on the applique. Nancy finished her piece. I worked on Ethel's piece. We took a break after the cabinet guy left, and went to Subway for lunch. We brought the food back and eat. Then I worked on my piece some more and she worked on getting her next block set to work on. 

I finished the piece. Not real happy with the end result. I may redo a couple flowers but I'll wait and see. Turned out better than I thought it would. It's such a small piece. 

Came home and fixed the beaded panel that was off last night. It was actually easier than I thought it would be. I didn't have to cut the middle and add a row or take a row out. I really looked it over and found that the top area had one row of blue too many. 

The center piece here - is the one I fixed. If one looks closely, one will see I did one blue row to many at the top. So, I took out the top 4 rows and put back 3 rows. It was easier than the other way I was thinking. But in the long run, I had to fix the top anyway. If I would have made the mistake I thought I had - which is in the middle - I would have had to cut the center, fix it, and then try to figure out why the starting point wasn't on the left side. This way, I was able to remove a row and fix the top at the same time. 

Then it was time to go bowling. I'm still working on getting better and picking my "a**" off the floor!!I bowled a 139, 173, 157. Not the best, and not a 500 series. Getting ticked I haven't had a 500 series in a while. I lost 1 pin on my average. Now it's 161. UGH, UGH! I'm getting there. At least I don't throw a fit when I don't bowl good. Nick was just throwing the ball down the lanes, and one time he threw the bowl before the cage went back up. I was worried he was going to hit the return. He didn't. It was a little embarrassing have a team mate throwing a fit. Oh, well. At least my day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

He Golfed And I Didn't

 This morning both of us were up early. Patrick was headed out to go golfing and I was going to enjoy the day to myself. AND I DID!

I got laundry going, then sat down to work on my beading. This time I worked on a tray in front of the TV to work on my ornament beading. While I was watching "Perry Mason," "Vera," "The Con," and "Finding Your Roots," I was able to get a lot done. That included cleaning up the kitchen (emptying the dishwasher), cleaning the cat litter, and a few other things around the house. 

Sophie kept me entertained by checking out the windows. She's getting scared over the work Patrick is doing on the windows. Every time he pulls something out (nails, measuring tape, etc.) she runs under the bed. Go figure!

So, I enjoyed TV and Sophie. Then I was able to get more beading done. 

I was able to get the 2 look-a-likes done I noticed one is off. It's started on the wrong side. I think I know the mistake and will probably add a row of blue. I need to check them both out and see. Looking at it from the phone I think I know what the mistake is. I will fix it later. 

Patrick golf all day. They did another 9 holes when he was due home. Called and asked me if I minded. Told him "NOPE." I was loving having the day to myself. It made it that much nicer to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

QOV Presentation Day

 What an honor it is to honor our veterans. I just love being a part of Quilts of Valor. 

This morning I was able to get everything ready to go. I left early to pick up cookies at Safeway. While I was there I got some ice tea to take with me. 

I arrived at the museum to find Smiley there. I gave him a notebook full of our veterans who are listed to receive a quilt. Then I headed to the back room to get help with setting the chairs out. We were presenting quilts downstairs in the museums main area. Once the chairs were out, Faye showed up. We then went into the back room to pull out 5 quilts for our presentation. It was well worth it. We had a couple quilts that we wanted for a couple veterans. 

Top veterans are Mike Taylor, Bud Keller, bottom veterans are Michael Ackley, (family of 3) Jessica Gean, Curtis Huntley and John Dailey. All were wonderful and enjoyed receiving their quilt. Bud Keller's son was in Alaska and wasn't able to make it. I sent him a lot of photos, and he told me his father called and cried when he told him how happy he was to get it. Bud was a Vietnam Veteran. My heart bust with pride when I help award these quilts. So well worth it!!

Came home and was able to get a few stitches in on my cross stitching. 

Not much but a few stitches. Even if I hadn't be stitching, it was a Happy Day! I enjoyed spending time giving out quilts. We did 3 ceremonies because of covid. Weird part was, most didn't bother to wear a mask. That does worry me a little. 

Today was a great day and it was nice to be also be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Calm Day, Before A Busy Day

 This morning I started out with laundry. I have been a little behind, so it was nice to get caught up on the laundry. 

Then I got to work on the certificates for the QOV recipients. Then I got the stuff ready I need to take with me tomorrow for our presentations. I was getting everything together so I didn't have to do it first thing in the morning. It will be nice to be able to give out 5 quilts tomorrow. 

Then I played a few games before sitting down to watch a movie with Patrick. It was a "comedy" with Adam Sandler and others. It was also Halloween. I didn't care for the movie - I just don't like the "stupid" (hate using that word) part of the movie. It has a good story - at the end. Not my kind of movie!

While I was watching the movie - 

I was working on my mice. Sophie decided she wanted to see what I was working on. She was going after the threads before she decided to check it out. No claws, just touch. 

Think she was trying to tell me something! She's a cutie at times. Not sure what she was thinking. 

I worked on the measuring tape. I also added more of the shadowing. I was able to get a lot of shadowing done. I then went to work on the spools on the lower left. I'm going to work on some outlining next to get it to show more. The shadowing did help, and I'm trying to get comfortable with the half stitch again. I forgot how hard that is for me to remember to do the last stitch of the cross stitch. I always want to do the first stitch, which goes the wrong way. It's coming along. I'm getting close to getting this done and I really do want to finish it. I want to see what I want to do next. I'm not quiet there yet for the other cat samplers. I want to do one more thing before doing the cat sampler. 

It turned out to be a good calm day. Relaxing and being calm today was awesome. Not liking the news, not happy seeing people destroy this country, but I need to let it go. I want to stay positive and not let all this sad stuff get me down. I really don't want to see the issues that are going to happen. I'm afraid of a Civil War coming. Praying that doesn't happen. At least I was calm and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Burned My Finger

 This morning I was up and getting to work on the Babka bread. I had it ready and put it in the refrigerator. 

Then I decided to watch some "Perry Mason" while Patrick was working on the windows. He's filling in the wood pieces that were missing in the poles. While he was doing that, I was working on my cross stitching. 

I was working on the shadows and the measuring tape. I did get a few stitches in the spool that's laying down. It's getting there. I often wonder how some people get their cross stitching done so fast. I just need to pick it up. 

Then it was time for working the bread. I had Patrick help me with the filling. He was an awesome help. We worked on the filling and then worked on the twisting. I did the first one, he did the second one. Once that was done, I went to work on supper. It's one of those meals that takes time. Once that was going, I went to do some beading on the gift. I'm now at 95/200 rows. It's getting there. 

When I pulled the lid off the sides of the pan, the steam came out on my fingers. I got a really bad steam burn. 3 hours later and I'm still putting ice on my figures. Guess one good thing is it's my right figures not my left. I can always find a good thing from something bad. lol

 After supper, it was time to put the bread in the oven. 

It turned out really good! I'm not a dark, dark chocolate lover, but this turned out really good. Patrick really liked it too. A lot of fun making.

Because of the pain, I'm not able to work on my projects. The good thing is that I was able to do some crafts today. Mark it down as Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Good Book And Stitching

 This morning I got up around 7:30 am. Sat and played a game, then started to fall asleep. Went to lay down on the couch and when I woke up, Patrick was in his chair and it was 9:30 am. Guess I went back to sleep for an hour or more. 

Sent Patrick to the store to get a few things for baking. I also had him buy a few things for our BBQ sauce. It's new for us to make BBQ sauce. It actually turned out pretty good! Patrick helped with the spices. I had made a ketchup that was a little sharp. We cooked the tomatoes that were on the counter. Patrick picked them when they were green. Once they were ready, I started cooking them. We only got a bottle worth, but that's still a good amount. I added the ketchup that I made this last week. Putting them both together, then added spices and to my surprised it turned out really good. I'll have to remember this for next year when we get more tomatoes. 

Once all that was done, I sat down to stitch.

I was able to work on the measuring tape. Then I wanted to work on the outlining as well. It's coming along. I do like the way it's coming out. I still have the pin tops to do but waiting till the last part do to those. I don't like the outlining on this piece. It's really hard to follow where the designer draws the threads to and from. I have been pretty close. I've even changed some of the outlining because I didn't like the way it looked. 

Been watching the Seahawk game and still am. I'm thinking we will loose this one. They aren't holding them in over time. It's going to be up to the kicker on the other team. They seriously need hair cuts! I remember a time when they had to have short hair in order to play the game. Now it's so long it can be pulled out of their hair. Oh, crap, think we loose right now - OMG! We didn't loose yet! The other team missed!! I better just finish this blog! lol 

At least today was a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trip To Portland And Back

 We were able to enjoy a couple hours this morning before heading to Portland to pick mom up at the airport. She was due in at 3:30 pm. We left a little early so we could stop at Ikea before picking her up. We arrived about an hour before having to get to the airport. At least it was only 5 mins away. 

We arrived to find a line all the way around the side of the building. So, we headed over there figuring we would see how long it took to get back around and in the store. 20 mins later, we finally made it into the store. Patrick and I wanted to check out the frames they had. We found 2 that would work, till we tapped on the "glass" to find it was plastic. I didn't want plastic as the cover of a frame. We even picked out 2 frames we liked. Changed our mind. So, we headed out the building with nothing to buy. That is really rare for me to leave a building without buying something! I was looking around and really shocked at finding the "good quality" they used to have - is now plastic, cheap, and easy to break. Not real wood like they used to have. Really disappointed. It's been a long time since we have been there, (other than when we took mom to the airport a couple weeks ago). 

Mom was one of the last ones to come to the luggage area. She was in the wheelchair. I took the dog and her "purse." We had to walk up 2 levels to get to the walkway. Patrick went before us to get to the car first. But we got up there about the same time. He paid for the time in the garage, and we met up at the car. 

We then stopped in Longview/Kelso at Red Lobster. We all had a good meal. Mom and Patrick got the shrimp scampi with a lobster tail. I got the Kung Puo noodles with fried Lobster tail. That was really good. Patrick and mom were happy with theirs as well. 

Another long drive home, and dropped mom off at her place. Then headed back home. We were home by 7 pm. It turned out to be a LONG day. 

Made some hot chocolate and then sat to work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the measuring tape and did a few outlining stitches. I was enjoying this. I was enjoying working on the spool and measuring tape as well. I still need to do the rest of the tail. Then I will work on the outlining as well. What fun! 

At least the day wasn't a bust. I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Spending The Morning Quilting....Sort of

 This morning I picked up some coffee for Nancy and tea for me before heading to her house. When I arrived one of the gals from the Tuesday group was there. Poor Nancy was waiting for the call on her car. It's at the Toyota dealers. We chatted for awhile then went to walk the dog. Picked up mom's mail and dropped it off at her place before walking back to her house. Her friend left and then we started working on our pieces. I'm still working on Ethel's friendship block. I need to add the center part of the flowers and then it's done. I finished the 2 flower "bases" so now I can get it finished here pretty soon. Who knows I may do that tomorrow. 

After all that, I dropped off fabric for Georgie and then came home. I was home about 2 pm. I was happy to see my beads arrived. They are in cute containers. I didn't think to take a photo, but will do that tomorrow. So, I was able to sit down and work on my beading. 

I wish I could show this! The colors are "artsy fartsy" to me. I'm not happy with the way part of it is coming along. I wish the colors where a little better. It does have some gold in it. The gold is nice, but it tends to make it darker. I'm now at 92/200. 

I was listening to the news today. Seattle is losing a lot of businesses that are moving out. Seattle home owners are ticked that Seattle Police aren't doing their job. City Council as decided to cut the Police, but now over 100 police officers have left Seattle. They are getting close to the point where they won't have enough police to cover Seattle. I told Patrick it's going to be worse before it gets better. Seattle is suing the government because they refuse to control the anarchists'. As bad as it is, I do agree with the Federal Government. They need to keep violence out of the city. Seattle just doesn't get it. Shame. Homeless is take over. When will it all end?!

Then it was time to go bowling. I started out crappy! I needed to relax and try to calm down. I bowled a t149, 167, and 164. At least it was doing better than last week. I really do need to work on it. 

At least today I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Away From Home Today

 I had to be other at the Grange by 10 am. I was running late, but still made it in time to meet with Sandy's daughter. She brought a friend along and he help with getting the rack set up. We are doing a display for our Brazilian embroidery group. So, we had some displays of our work. The grange has a craft fair this weekend, so we wanted to be able to display our work and have the information of the group. 

We started out with the frame work and then started with the display. Laura did an awesome job of working on this. 

This side has the smaller pieces and the leaflets to take. 

This had the 2 bigger pieces. 

We had this as well. The quilt shows how we can use quilting and embroidery together. 

I was there for about 2 to 3 hours. I chatted with Alice and gave her $10 for letting us do the display. She's going to keep an eye on it. I left after this was done. 

Went to the Veterans Memorial Museum to drop off the quilts I put labels on yesterday. Then I helped Sam with counting the pounds of all the candy they got in. We were betting it was about 500 lbs. I bet we were close. I didn't stay to see how many pounds we had. 

Came home and sat. After supper, I worked on Smiley's paperwork. I have him all set with the information on the quilt requests. I've got his booklet all set. He can check on it when I tell him who's up for receiving a quilt. That took some time. Then I decided I just want to listen to my book. Trouble is Patrick has my tablet to get my point for the casino game. Which means, I'm playing on my laptop and will have to wait to listen to my book. Oh, well. I also had to get some scraps and fabric ready for Georgie. Then I emailed Sue to see if she was using the fabric I sent, and if she wasn't, I could use some back. We ran out of our tan fabric now. I haven't seen a lot come back with those in the background, so I'm getting a little concerned. 

As much as I wanted to be happy working on my crafts, today just didn't turn out to be one of those days. I can wish that I will be back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Windows Up And Labels On

 This morning we were up early because of the windows getting done at 9 am. I had to get Sophie downstairs, which I did. Then Patrick went downstairs and she came back up. That made it a little harder to get her because she went under the table and wouldn't let me touch her. Once I did get her, I took her back downstairs. The truck arrived just as I was getting her back downstairs. Patrick was on it. He took down all the stuff I wanted down there. I took the quilts down there so I could label them while I watched TV. Nothing else (really) to do. 

Patrick was up and down the whole time we were downstairs. You know how that goes! He turns the TV on and watches it for a little bit, then disappears. That leaves me watching the channel. He usually comes back by the time I change the channel, so just grinned and bared it. UGH

I was able to put 6 labels on 6 quilts. I have 2 more to do. I also have 6 more quilts that need bindings on them. So, I figured if I had to stay downstairs and watch TV with Patrick, I could try and get some of the quilts done for QOV. I also made sure I had the information written on them. I did find one quilt was labeled with a persons name and will keep that tag on it. We will need to make sure he comes to get the quilt. 

Patrick had to play with Sophie to get her comfortable. She tends to run and hide. She was hiding part of the time, but we got her out to relax. Then she let Patrick know she wanted to play. 

It's awesome to have new window! The house looks so much better now that the windows have been replaced. The window by the door is not yellow - anymore - and it's clouded. I really like it because I can see out pretty good, but no one can see in. 

They really look good inside too. We don't have the bar going across anymore. Patrick is going to fix the holes where the bars went across. 

I decided to work on my cross stitching tonight. I was able to get some more done. I worked on the measuring tape and then decided to go work on the outlining. I don't like the outlining that it shows because it's hard to figure out. They go across so many threads that it makes it a little awkward. But I was able to add a few more blue shadow stitches as well. It's getting there. It was nice to have a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Getting Ready For Windows

  This morning was pretty drab to start out. Once I got moving it got sunnier. Patrick had part of the window shades down. He wanted some help so I helped with vacuuming the walls and windows. Then we took down the shade bracket. Now the window doesn't have any covering. We are having windows put in tomorrow morning. It's going to be interesting how they do it, but I'm game. I can't wait for better windows (2 pain). That will be the last of the windows we need to replace. Poor Sophie didn't know what was going on, so she went under the bed. We'll take her downstairs tomorrow. 

Then I went to work on my beading. 

Still can't show it. It's showing what I want under that white part. Not crazy about the colors but this one is a lot better than the first one I did. I may have to figure out what colors are where and maybe try it with different colors. I don't know. I really think I needed a better photo with better contrasts with color. I was able to get 85/200 done. It's getting closer to the 100 mark. It will be faster once I get to the 100 mark. 

Sophie's tree was moved because of the windows. 

She was checking it out. She still won't sleep on the pillow area. Guess she would rather check it out on the bottom. 

So, I decided to try and get a few stitches in on the cross stitching. I am working on the measuring tape. Didn't get a lot done, but I did get started. I need to finish the tail. lol 

Once the day got going, Patrick was taking a nap in the afternoon. I don't think he's feeling good. He has some pain in his back again, so chances are he was trying to get comfortable. Me, I keep working on my crafts and work on other stuff around the house. It turned out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Hello Monday....Hello Friends...

 This morning I was out the door by 9 am. I wanted to leave early so I could drop off our voting packet. I dropped it off at the voting drop site. There was a car in front of me and another behind me. I didn't think about it till after, that I should have taken a photo of me dropping it off....NOT. 

Arrived at the grange early. No one was there yet. I pulled my stuff out and then Sandy I arrived. We were there about 10 mins and Sandy II arrived. She brought we 3 pillow cases to go with my quilts for QOV. Made my day! Half hour later, Georgie arrived. So, we all sat and chatted as well as worked on our projects. 

I actually got a lot done today. I finished the bottom flower and then worked on the flower above it. The one above it looks better in real life. There was a lot of work done today by all. 

Came home and made a phone call after phone call after phone call. Had to get a hold of some people for Quilts of Valor. Then had to call mom. And then, had to call on an old QOV. Had a long chat with one of the gals from the Olympia group. We had a really good chat. I thought she didn't care for me, but found out she didn't have a problem with me. Way cool. 

After all the chatting, I decided I wanted to just "relax." So, since I got home, I haven't done squat. 

I did decide to pull the bird out and check it out. I need to work on the wing and get it to work out better. I will work on it. I think it's easier with the wing unattached. 

It's been a good day. Monday came and now it went. I'm enjoying my friends. I've been getting ready for the QOV presentation on the 28th. I want to be lazy, but I can't. It's not in my nature to do "nothing." It's fun when the day winds up being a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's Sunday.....What A Boring Day

 This morning I didn't want to get up. What else is new. When I finally did, I had to get the sheets in the wash - even though laundry was caught up yesterday! Patrick did his usual cleaning - NOT COMPLAINING!

I worked on my beading today. 

I was able to get 8 or 9 rows done. I'm enjoying it, now that the picture is starting to show details. I really wish the colors were better thought. 

I ordered 25 needles from Amazon, and I only got 10. So, I had to go in and send a message to the sellers that they didn't give me what I ordered. I was looking forward to having 25 needles. Plus it was cheaper to get the bigger amount. So, now I need to wait and see if they will give me the other 15 needles. 

So, Sophie decided to take over my chair. 

So, I decided to let her have my chair while I went on the couch to play a few games. I should have done my cross stitching but just wasn't in the mood. 

All in all, I was able to bead....but the day was really boring! Not much going on, other than beading. Nothing to look forward to, other than beading. Starting to sound like a broken record....but at least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Busier Day Than I Planned....We Know How That Goes.......

 This morning I was up early. I started out with waiting to see when Patrick would get up. I listened to my book, "The Cat Who Brought Down the House." I love the Cat Who books. I've been listening to the ones I missed. I even have the first book on hold so I can listen to it again. It's the one that tells how all this started. This book said, "25 years" have gone by. So, I was wondering if she had been writing all those books over 25 plus years. 

Then it was time to run to the store. We had to stop at Ace Hardware to get the parts for the toilets. Then we headed to Safeway to pick up a few things that were needed. Patrick was noticing how cereal boxes are about half the size they used to be. Which means he goes through his cereal faster then he used to. I tend to agree. 

Laundry was started. Took most of the day. I decided to make cream puffs for dessert. But first I needed to cook the tomatoes that were ripe. I made a ketchup. It wasn't much, but we are going to make that into BBQ sauce. Once all that was done, I started the cream puffs. Once that was cooked, I went to work on my beading. 

I was able to get to 65/200 rows. I wish I could show it, but I can't. It's coming out pretty good. A little better than I expected. 

Then it was folding laundry, cleaning up the kitchen (3 times), and THEN it was time to work on my cross stitching. 

I was able to work on the tail of the tan mouse. I wanted to get started on the measuring tape. I had to work on the spool first to get close to working on the tape measure. I will probably work on the outlining again since it's getting to the part where it will look good. 

This is a closer look at what I was working on. I finished the ear, started the tail, worked on the spool, and then worked on starting the measuring tape. This is really fun to work on. I was thinking of my grandmother when I was working on this. She was doing counted cross stitch when I was about 8 years old. We lived in Japan at the time, so she got some pillow patterns that we worked on. I asked her to teach me how to do that, and she told me she didn't think I could do it. It was too complicated. It was when I married Patrick, that his mother showed me how to do this kind of cross stitch. I had always done the stamped cross stitch before. Funny how my mind wonders at times while I work on these pieces. I do miss those days, when my grandmother taught me embroidery and my mother-in-law and I had something in common that we worked on together. Those were Precious Moment pieces too. 

So, when I said, "We Know How That Goes," I was meaning how I can plan a day and it doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to. Today, it did, but didn't. I didn't get as much done on the beading as I would have liked. But all in all, it turned out pretty good. Going from one thing to another, and I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Friends Day And Bowling Night..

 This morning I over slept, but made it in time to be at Nancy's for appliqueing. We had a good visit. I got to see her new kitchen minus the counter tops. That will come next week. It looks good and she has a couple of drawers that I really love! I wish they had those when we put our kitchen together! 

We sat and chatted. I was able to get to work on the flowers for Ethel's quilt block. 

I freaked out! I couldn't get the stem to go under the flower (left side). I took it apart and put it back on. After trying hard to get the stem to "not show," I realized there is still more to the flower and it will disappear when I do get that part on. So, I just sewed it on and will add the next part to make it work. Then it was time to walk the dog. One of the quilters from Tuesday's group came over and we ended up chatting the rest of the time. 

Came home and worked on my beading. 

I got my beads from Aurora Crystals. 

This is the color I needed for both the Snowman and the gift. I was able to get 8 rows of the "gift" done. It's coming along, and I actually am starting to like it as it goes. I'm now at 60/200 rows. I will try and work on it again tomorrow. 

It was now time to go bowling. We headed down to Longview and the good news was - no accident. It was full on the freeway though. Not sure why. Coming and going there was plenty of traffic. I didn't bowl any better than I did on Tuesday. Lost another 3 pins!! And I was 3rd in high average for women. UGH! I bowled a 150, 136, 165. I seriously need to figure out what my problem is! I found I was dropping my shoulder as well as throwing my wrest off. Can't win! I seriously need to work on my mistakes! I think it's me. I have a hard time with those lanes. I really need to get over the difference in lanes and try harder. 

At least I was enjoying the day by being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

My Day Today

 Patrick was up and out the door before I knew it. I forgot he had golfing today. When I realized it, I was happy! It's always nice to have time to myself - almost like when he was working. 

First started out playing games (what else is new?!). Then I decided to watch TV shows that I recorded. I even started laundry....but just realized that was as far as I got with laundry today. Need to put the load in the dryer before I go to bed tonight. lol 

I took a break for a few minutes and did my Flosstube piece. Once that was done, Sophie and I sat and watched TV while working on my cross stitching. 

The good news is that I was able to get a lot done. I worked on the shirt - SEVERAL times The sleeve by the spool was a pain in the butt! I must of took it out 5 times before I got it right. Once I did, then it was easy going. I was able to get more done on the shirt, then start the spool on the left. I also went back and worked on the feet and tail of the light brown mouse. I'm happy to be able to get as much done as I did. 

Patrick came home and he joined me at watching TV. So, that made it easier for me to get more done. I couldn't be happier with the way it started coming together. I almost gave up and quit. When I kept taking out the work in that sleeve, I was getting frustrated. I took a deep breath and kept going. I cut out all the mistakes. The good news is that I did a good job putting it in because it was a bear to take out. 

Tomorrow I'm heading over to see Nancy. It will be a couple hours of fun! 

Today was my day. It was a good day to be my day. That makes it a very good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Still Waiting......

 This morning I was up early. Playing games while I waited for Patrick. We really didn't do much today. 

I did go downstairs to finish up the 3 masks I was making. 

Patrick's is the green one. It has felt like material, so didn't add the interface. My 2 have the interface. It was fun to make and really not that hard. I don't sew unless I have to or want to. So, this turned out better than I thought. Not the best, but it worked. 

Then I came back upstairs. Patrick worked outside till about the time I was done with the masks. We watched 3 "Perry Mason" shows. I was able to work on my cross stitching while watching the show. 

I worked on the mouse, finishing the body parts. Then I got to work on the shirt. I will work on it some more after I'm done here. 

I also had to try and get some more veterans to get their quilts. I'm giving them the option to do it now without a group or wait till next year be in a group. I have two people so far that wants to do it individually. Still working on a couple more. Time will tell. 

While I was doing all this, I'm still waiting on the beads to arrive. Both companies have mailed the beads, but it will be another day or two before I get them. I can't wait!! I want to get moving on my gifts. 

Even though I am getting excited about getting the beads, I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Bowling Make Up And More

 This morning we got a call from mom. She's doing good and they were leaving the cabin to go back to Las Vegas. My brothers and family were spending the time with mom. She's have a good time. She wanted to know if I got her mail. Nope.

So, Patrick and I made a trip over there to collect the mail and get her water drip system cleaned up. He took out her bird feeder poll that she wanted taken out. No bills that mom was looking for, so we headed back home. 

Picked the mail up for us, and my parts to make 10 masks where in the post. I then decided to go downstairs and see if I could get them done before heading to Longview to bowl. 

I cut out 2 of the 6 patterns that P3 Designs gave me. The pattern was free and the parts are only $7 each for 10 masks. I got going on this. I went from watching the video to sewing and back to watching the video and back to sewing. This took time. But the pattern and the design don't take that much time all in all. 

I'm almost done with these 2. I have a few more things to do. I made 2 - 1 for Patrick and 1 for me. I also have another one for me. The nose pieces need to go in and then I sew around it. I really like how easy this worked out. But I have more to do. 

It was off to Longview for bowling. We met up with our partners and bowled to make up for Friday when we were stuck in traffic for 2 1/2 hours. Found out today that it was a truck that fell on it's side taking out all 3 lanes of traffic. 

It wasn't my night for bowling! I had a 170 average, till tonight. I'm now 166. UGH!! I bowled a 146, 156, 164. Just couldn't figure out what my problem was. I wasn't into it or I just didn't need the break we ended up with. What ever the reason, I wasn't on till the last game. I hate waiting till the last game to figure things out, but that's the way it goes. UGH. We stopped and got a milkshake at Burgerville. I couldn't not believe a 12 oz cup cast $5.45 for a shake! We decided we wouldn't be doing that very often again. 

Noticed my photo disappeared so I put another one on my blog. What a day! At least after all we did today, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Now What?!

I forgot to mention yesterday that I talked to Sharon. She was home. Apparently she had a TIA. I told her she was lucky because they know what to do now with stokes. The sooner the better. At least she's doing better.  

Today was interesting. We headed to Costco in Olympia around 10 am. We really didn't have a lot to get, and the toilet paper we wanted wasn't in stock. No worries. We picked up stuff for us and Phil. It is fun to shop for Phil as well as us. Mom isn't around, so we didn't have to shop for her too. 

Came home. I got hung up on the genealogy. Found a couple things I'm not sure of. Then I think I found a mistake in my tree....which I think I did. Asked Emily if she could check it out for me. I did find more family on Patrick's side and added them in as well. 

Of course that took all afternoon. So, I decided to go bead....YEA, RIGHT! I was able to get 2 rows in.....then started looking for my beads (1584)....not in my stash.....not where it should be......not in my snowman bead pile where it came from.....not under the table. No such luck in finding it! I'm going to have to order a tube of it. When I went to Aurora Crystals to see what my order was (2nd one in 2 weeks) and it wasn't in there. I thought I would order it. NOPE, they were out of it. So, I ended up going to High Street Beading Company and they only had 3 grams left. I bought all 3 grams. Now I have to keep my eyes open on Aurora Crystals to see when it comes in stock. In the meantime, I can't do any beading because both projects are now waiting on beads. Go Figure!! I can't believe I misplaced the beads. I have looked al over the place for them. The ONLY thing I can think of, is that it could have been in a "bag" of a few grams. I used up a couple of those bags, so it's possible I was actually out of that color. 

I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring. At this rate, I'm not getting anywhere at this rate. I do play games, but I need to work on my gifts! It makes we wonder, Now What?! I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

I Have Way Too Many Interests!

 Okay, I was up earlier today. 

I was thinking about what I would wright about. Then I realized, I have WAY TOO MANY interests. I love to do calligraphy which I haven't done in ages. I love to work on my genealogy but that takes a LOT of work. I'm getting there, but still have boxes and boxes of family information. Then there is the letters I have from family that I'm trying to get in the blog....and at the same time, I'm getting older! That being said, I still love beading as well as all the other crafts I do. My time is running out, and I can't seem to get near as much done as I would like. 

So, today I did work on my beading. 

I started a load of laundry and then got to work on my beading. It's looking better than the one I took apart. I'm slowly getting to like this. It's still a little artsy though. I hope when it's done, I will like it enough to give as a gift. The good news is that I got 10 rows done. I'm now 53/200 rows. It's 65 beads in each row. So, that means I put 650 beads in today. 

Then I realized I forgot I was doing laundry. Which meant I needed to get another load or 2 in. I put one more load in, and I've folded 2 loads so far. I have 2 more loads and then I can be happy I was able to get some of the laundry done. Remember - Patrick cleans on Sundays, and my laundry ends up doubling in size. So, for 2 days it's catch up. 

I then decided to go to work on my cross stitching. 

I was able to get more stitches in on this. It's coming along good. I'm just not getting the time to work on it. - Again - Way too many things on my mind! I will work on it. I started working on the shirt that the mouse on the right is sewing. 

While I was working on the cross stitch, I was getting overly excited about the Seahawks game! It went down to the last minute!! WOW! We actually won. At first I thought they were going to mess it up! They weren't playing in the first half. 

I have my genealogy in books right next to me. I need to add more to it. I've added more family members to the tree. I also need to print out information on each of the grandparents, but that will have to wait. 

Even though I want to do so much, with so little time, I'm still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...