Sunday, October 4, 2020

Flu Shot And Errands

 This morning we were out the door shortly after getting up. Patrick and I were scheduled to get a flu shot at 10:40 am. We also had some errands to do on the way back. When we were close to Hwy 101 in Olympia, there was a sign stating there was an accident by Black Lake Blvd. Good thing we were not going that way. We arrived about 5 mins early and just sat down when we were called to come in to get our shots. It took all of 5 to 10 mins. 

We headed back home, and were surprised to see the traffic was clear. When we went up, it was backed up a long way. So, they must of cleared the road. 

It was off to Rochester WA. We had 2 stops to make. I didn't have all my information, but at least Patrick was on it. First stop was to pick up 7 or 8 quilts from Barbara for our QOV. Then the next stop was at Sharon M's to drop off batting and backing. Chatted with both. Once that was done, it was off to moms. 

Arrived at moms and dropped off the big suit case so she could take it with her. She was getting packed and realized she needed a little bigger bag then hers. We let her take ours last time and she asked for it this time. We didn't mind dropping it off. We left there, and it was 12:30 pm. That was a quick trip to Olympia and back with all the errands that we were doing.

Got home and I played a few games while Sophie slept on my lap. That was a good hour or two. I was going to bead tonight but Big Brother wasn't on - which Patrick watches - so I didn't need to quit watching TV. 

 So, after Sophie got down, I pulled out my cross stitching. I was able to work more on the middle mouse on the bottom. I will start going back to the mouse on the right. He's cute and I'm looking forward to working on him again. Patrick said he even liked the expressions of the mice. I'm just having fun working on this. 

Now I will probably go work on it some more. This is really fun to work on. It's so much fun that I feel - when I work on it - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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