Friday, October 9, 2020

Not One Of My Better Days.....But It Wasn't Because Of Me

 Today started out with me going over to Nancy's since mom is in Las Vegas - or Utah now that I think of it. Mom's at the cabin in Utah with my 2 brothers and their wives. 

Nancy and I did some stitching to start out. She told me of her son having back issues and was going to the doctors today. So, while we were stitching he was texting what was going on. He was going to help her get all her cabinets taken out so the new cabinets would go in on Monday. The doctors first thought it was a muscle issue. Today, they think it was a disk issue. So, he is going to the Orthopedic doctor on Monday to see if it really is a crushed disk. Not good news. After lunch, Nancy and I took everything out of her kitchen cabinets. Since her son couldn't take the cabinets out on Sunday, the neighbor (old neighbor), said he could come and do it, but it had to be tomorrow. Which had both Nancy and I boxing up everything in the cabinets. It went fast with the 2 of us. Told her the best part is that it saved her 4 hours of that later tonight. 

Put the last 2 flowers on and started to stitch one of them. Had to fix a stem and replace where the flower goes. I'm getting there. 

Headed home and got gas. My beads came in today. Trouble was, the blue I thought I ordered wasn't among them. So, I hurried up and placed another order. Hopefully I will have it on Tuesday. But for right now, I can work on the gift for Christmas. 

At least I got the one bead I really needed on the gift. 

Then Patrick and I went out to eat before heading to Longview for bowling. I thought about going to the rest room before heading down, but figured I could make it till we got there.....Not so lucky. Not that I couldn't have made it - but ended up in a traffic jam on I-5 south. We called Joanne and Nick to see where they were in the traffic - they were behind us. Told them to get off at exit 42, where we got off..... We turned right and ended up circling around and getting back on the freeway back in Lewis County!! We went backwards. Called Joanne and found we were now behind them! It was 5:50 pm when we called the bowling alley to let them know we were stuck in traffic. They said we had till 8 pm to finish 3 games. Traffic was touch and go. About an hour in line, Joanne and Nick were able to get off the freeway and head home. When they got off, we moved another half mile and stopped.......At this point I needed to go pee!! We ended up stopped on I-5 for 2 1/2 hours! Nick and Joanne were home when traffic stopped. When we FINALLY moved, after 2 1/2 hours! - we turned around. If we would have gone to Longview - we would have 15 mins to bowl 3 games! I told Patrick it was like we were coming home from bowling but we didn't get to bowl. 

Turned around before Castle Rock, WA. (Half way point) This was the road trip to Longview, and 

And this is what was left of what we left behind. It went on for 6 miles. The best part was the rest stop was only a mile from this part! I told Patrick he better stop!! Wow! Next time I think about going before leaving, I will!

We were back home at the usual time, all because of traffic. While we were in traffic, I talked to Bill (quilter) and Sharon is in the hospital. She had a stroke last night! Not good news! I can't seem to win today. They say things go in 3's and that exactly what happened to us today. Or maybe to me! Made up for the "now worry" day yesterday. Prayers going out to Sharon! 

All in all, today was a pretty good day of getting a chance to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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