Saturday, October 10, 2020

FINALLY - A Movie!!

 I'm loosing it! I was sleeping till 10:30 am this morning!! I couldn't believe it. Reminded me of being in HS when I slept on weekends till noon or 1 pm. Funny how my parents didn't seem to mind till 1 pm. 

I got started on roasting garlic for garlic bread. I didn't have a lot of time to do that. So, about 30 mins before leaving for the theater I was getting the bread ready to rise. 

We headed out the door and went to the movie, "War With Grandpa." Loved it!! I laughed and laughed on that movie. It's well worth seeing! I highly recommend it!

Came home and baked the bread. Trouble was, it over raised. I could have reshaped it and let it rise again, but I didn't. So, I baked turned out okay but not the best. I needed to add more salt, I think. 

After supper, I cleaned up the computer room and got some checks written that needed to be done. Then I pulled out the TAPPY family history papers and started working on the information. I added more to Patrick's family tree. I found out, they are connected to Patrick through both the KOEPPLER and WILTZIUS families. 

Now, time has gone so fast. It's almost 9 pm and I haven't done one thing that is crafty. So, I guess it's a waiting game for tomorrow. Will I or won't I be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting?!

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Lazy Day - All Day

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