Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Bowling Make Up And More

 This morning we got a call from mom. She's doing good and they were leaving the cabin to go back to Las Vegas. My brothers and family were spending the time with mom. She's have a good time. She wanted to know if I got her mail. Nope.

So, Patrick and I made a trip over there to collect the mail and get her water drip system cleaned up. He took out her bird feeder poll that she wanted taken out. No bills that mom was looking for, so we headed back home. 

Picked the mail up for us, and my parts to make 10 masks where in the post. I then decided to go downstairs and see if I could get them done before heading to Longview to bowl. 

I cut out 2 of the 6 patterns that P3 Designs gave me. The pattern was free and the parts are only $7 each for 10 masks. I got going on this. I went from watching the video to sewing and back to watching the video and back to sewing. This took time. But the pattern and the design don't take that much time all in all. 

I'm almost done with these 2. I have a few more things to do. I made 2 - 1 for Patrick and 1 for me. I also have another one for me. The nose pieces need to go in and then I sew around it. I really like how easy this worked out. But I have more to do. 

It was off to Longview for bowling. We met up with our partners and bowled to make up for Friday when we were stuck in traffic for 2 1/2 hours. Found out today that it was a truck that fell on it's side taking out all 3 lanes of traffic. 

It wasn't my night for bowling! I had a 170 average, till tonight. I'm now 166. UGH!! I bowled a 146, 156, 164. Just couldn't figure out what my problem was. I wasn't into it or I just didn't need the break we ended up with. What ever the reason, I wasn't on till the last game. I hate waiting till the last game to figure things out, but that's the way it goes. UGH. We stopped and got a milkshake at Burgerville. I couldn't not believe a 12 oz cup cast $5.45 for a shake! We decided we wouldn't be doing that very often again. 

Noticed my photo disappeared so I put another one on my blog. What a day! At least after all we did today, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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