Thursday, September 30, 2021

Another Good Day

 This morning Patrick and I went for a drive. We went to Michaels on the way back so I could pick up the DMC floss I needed for my piece. It seems to be the right shade of color. I'm happy that now I can keep moving on my cross stitch. 

Okay, so I've been working on my cross stitching. I know I need to get back to my beading. I will get back to it one of these days, but right now I really want to work on this piece. 

I had a phone call from Sharon and that took an hour. She likes to chat. Then I was able to get back to work on my piece. I worked on the wolf. It wasn't as easy as it looked. lol  For some reason I was having trouble with the grey area on the right. I lined up the right side as well. I've been working on the right side of this piece. I will do the left side when I get this side done. I like doing half at a time this time. First time I've done that. I do like doing it that way. I can do the stair step way on the left side when I get there. I'm getting close to the bottom of this part. Then I will move up and do the upper part. Who knows, I may do the left side before doing the top part. 

It turned out to be another good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dental Work And Cross Stitching

 This morning I was not too thrilled knowing I had to go to the dentist. One of my fillings was going bad, so they wanted to redo it.....ugh. So, I went on to the dentist. I was there about 10 mins and Nancy showed up! She was going to her dentist as well. I asked for the "laughing gas" so that I could get through this easier than normal. I was thrilled they had it! So, I felt a lot better when it was all over. My fingers weren't in knots! It went a lot better than most of my dental work goes - when I have to have it done. Trouble is that when I was 17 years old, I had 7 cavities because of braces! That was trauma! Ever since, I have a hard time even going to the dentist for cleanings. lol I did okay with the cleaning - and didn't realize they had me down for major cleaning - that cost more! I told them today to change that cleaning to a "normal" cleaning and not the hard core cleaning. 

On the way home stopped at Safeway for a couple things. Then was home by 11:30 am. After the numbing wore off, my tooth hurt a little bit. Now it's fine. 

Patrick wanted to watch a movie, so I pulled out my cross stitch. I'm enjoying working on it, so I decided to sit and spend time with him. 

We ended up with a Hallmark movie that I recorded because he couldn't find anything he wanted to watch. So, I worked on the wolf. At first I worked on the coat. Then I moved over to the wolf. I had to roll the piece before I could get to the wolf. I found I was having some problem with my stitches. So, I ended up ripping out some of it and fixing it. Like Sandy said, I tend to be a perfectionist. I like to make sure it is right. I found that I'm running out of DMC 814, so will have to stop at Michaels to get it. I hope they have it. I need to put the black in where the eye is, and then I can get to work on the mouth area. Of course, Sophie wanted attention but I worked it out so she got done. I didn't want her in my work and I wanted to work on this more than pet her. lol So far so good. 

Today was a rainy day. But it was a nice day to sit and enjoy being with Patrick. We chatted about this and that. Mostly I worked on my piece and he checked out his tablet for tik tok and other stuff. It turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Slow Start Today

 This morning Patrick was out the door to golf. Poor guy was golfing in the rain! It rained a couple hour after he left and was off and on all afternoon. 

As for me, I cleaned the kitchen. Did my usual of cleaning the kitty litter as well. Refreshed my sourdough for tomorrow. I'm going to make bread tomorrow. 

Then when laundry was done, I decided to watch TV. 

Was ripping out some of my work because it wasn't done right. I have one mistake in this but decided to keep it in, don't think it will be noticed when I fill it in. I worked on getting the gold going so I knew where I was. I kept getting off for some reason and the darker color had a few mistakes that made me take it out as well. Now I'm back on track. I believe I've done about 600 stitches if not more today. I know I have beading to do, but wanted to work on this instead. I enjoyed working on this. 

I started out with working on the wolf and then moved over to the coat. I need to roll my piece to make it easier to get to it. The wolf is coming along good. I will finish this up soon I hope. I'm close to the eyes of the wolf. 

We watched the Great British Baking show tonight. I was enjoying this. It made it easy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 27, 2021

We Finally Had Another Meeting

 This morning I was out the door by 9 am. I had to stop at the bank to get our account open for the bowling league. Man! It's been one pain after another, but it's finally done. I went in to find out I needed Rick to sign some more papers, so I called him to see if he would come in and sign. He said he would. I couldn't make the deposit till he did. So, at least I had the account set up! Brought the deposit back with me. 

Next stop was at McD's to pick up our drinks and then off to the grange to have our Brazilian embroidery meeting. Sandy and another gal were already there. Bev came later on. We sat and chatted. I was surprised at the new gal, she loves to talk. Now we have 2 members that are talkers. lol I worked on  my "Fairwell to Ruth" piece. 

I worked on the little primroses. I finished 2 and started another one. I have more greenery to do but this works. 

Then it was off to the bowling alley to pay them. The gal there (not my favorite for doing business with) counted the money and kept coming up short. I was about ready to freak out! Then I remember he took the checks and put them in the till. So, I told her there was $64 in checks and that is the amount she was short. Once that was done, I headed back to the bank, because Rick called to say he signed the papers. So, now I could deposit the checks. I wanted to get cash back, but found that since I was opening the account, I couldn't get money back. I'll just work it out in the bookkeeping next week to not add the extra money that was deposited. 

Stopped and got a large order of fries, and headed home. I then worked on my books for the bowling league. I organized what I wanted to do and have it in the order that I wanted it in. Anything to make this easier for me. I then printed out the bookkeeping of this month and stapled the receipts and deposit to the page. I will do that monthly. 

Once all that was done, called it done and played games. Then it was time to enjoy the TV with Patrick. So, I tried to get some stitching done. 

Didn't get a lot done, because I had some help from Sophie. 

It was hard to get these photos. But she was wanting to help me out. And with all that weight on my arm, it wasn't that easy to do.

I just love this cat! She's so spoiled though. She's getting to the point when I pull my stuff out she wants to get attention. I will have to start putting her done so I can get stuff done!

At least with all the stuff I had to do, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Bowling Night

 This morning we were up and moving early. Me, not so much. I was playing my game most of the day. I want to get my dragon! lol 

I watched the Seahawks loose with Patrick. They were really bad today. I also tried to cross stitch. 

See those 10 stitches?! Well that was my down fall! I must have worked them for about an hour and then called it quits. I could not for the life of me, put them in right. I made them too big, too small or even off track. Which means I took it out about 10 times before I called it quits. Oh, what fun! 

Then we had our virtual BE meeting and I forgot! So Sandy texted me and I went in. I was able to enjoy them for about 45 mins. I will try to be on time next times. Then I had to leave early because of bowling. 

I bowled pretty good. Except for the middle game. That game we lost. I bowled a 196, 159, 203. I'm okay with that. A lot better than last week. Then came home and had to figure out what to pay who. It's been a pain in my rear because we have the cards I have to figure out. I'll do that later this week. 

At least I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Day Of Baking

 This morning both Patrick and I slept in. It felt good. 

We played a few games and then Patrick went outside. I decided to work on my sourdough bread. I actually did 2 of them today. One isn't doing as well as it should, but I will bake it here shortly. 

I wanted to try something different today. I do like the way my bread came out today. 

I also baked a pear upside down cake. Patrick and I took a walk to the corner store and picked up a yellow cake mix so I could make it. He said it turned out pretty good. I didn't have any because it was past 6 pm. I try not to eat past 6 pm. So, when 7 pm starts, I won't eat. Anyway - My bread is my pride. 

It came out better than I thought it would. Nice and fluffy. Not a lot of air, but I like it that way. Even though I did what they told me to do. I do like the technique I was looking at. 

I also tried to make another BBQ sauce. I peeled all the tomatoes and cooked it most of the afternoon. Then as I was thinking it would work - I burned it. Plus it still had that bitter taste, so I think the tomatoes were bad. I'm not sure how. I peeled and I made sure I didn't put the cores in. I thought that would help. Guess not. Hopefully next year we will have better tomatoes. 

Now I'm playing games again - just need to relax. Plus with Patrick watching his shows, I would rather play a game then listen to repeated shows. I think I've seen this one about 10 times now. Not something I care to see again - unfortunately. 

As much as I would love to say "I was," I can't say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 24, 2021

My Friday Meeting Day

 I packed up the quilt tops, thread, quilt, project and veggies to go to moms. My first stop was to Connie to drop off the quilt tops to be quilted for QOV. Then it was off to moms. I showed the quilt to the gals. This was the quilt that Sandy gave me to see if we could use it for a QOV quilt. It is also a Queen size quilt. After a lot of chattering, they decided it would not work. It's too big, and the theme (even though red, white and blue), didn't go with patriotic. So, I will return it to Sandy on Monday. 

We had a good time and I worked on my block. 

I was able to get most of the inside part of the petal done. I have a couple more that go on top of this as well. I'm getting there. I really do want to get this done. 

Came home around 2 pm and Patrick was busy cleaning up things. He was getting stuff for Goodwill in boxes and ready to go. He went through the canning jars as well. He told me I had a about an hour before we leave. I worked on a couple things and then decided to try and bead. 

I beaded 1 row before it was time to leave. I had my mind on other things, so didn't get as much beading done as I could. 

We drove down to Red Lobster and had dinner. It's our "night out." We had a pretty good dinner. I usually don't get fish, but I decided to try the Salmon and it turned out pretty good. I got shrimp too, but that came home for tomorrow. We had a free dessert with the app, so we had that as well. We couldn't finish it! It was huge! I loved it though! I will eat chocolate all day long!

Now I'm enjoying the evening with Patrick and watching TV. As well as playing my games. I had a good day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Another Golfing Day - For Me, Not So Much

 This morning Patrick was out the door. I was playing games. I don't know what is going on with me, but I can't seem to get into working on my projects. 

I watched TV. I was watching Perry Mason and then watched another show. So, then I thought I would work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the wolf. I really didn't feel like doing much - even when it came to getting lunch. I guess things could have been worse. At least I was enjoying what little I did. 

Patrick went golfing and I just couldn't think of much to do other than being lazy. I'm wondering if there is something bothering me. In other words, "Not so Much" going on with me lately. At least I can be enjoying what little I do at times. Which is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Nothing To Report

 This morning we were up and chatting. Patrick decided he wanted to get out and we went up to Costco. We looked around and found some glasses (drinking) that I liked. Of course we bought those, since I have been braking the ones we have. We also picked up a few other things. Came home with more than what was on our list. 

We got home and then took a walk around the neighborhood. The ambulance was at our neighbors house and chances are it was to take her "home." She was on hospice, so I'm thinking she didn't make it. 

Then we came back home and I played for a little bit, but mostly I typed the letters that I have. I added them to my "letters from the past" blog. There are about 8 letters added today. 

Below is another cool picture I found of my daughter! Hard to believe time flies! 

Now we are just sitting here watching the mask singer. So, I haven't pulled anything out to work on. I will hopefully get back to it tomorrow. I do miss being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Golfing Day - My Day

 Today I wasn't in the mood to do anything! So, I watched my shows that were taped. Then I mopped around. Debbie stopped by to pick up her batting and backing for the quilts. As for me, I took awhile to get moving. Decided FINALLY at 2 pm to go for a walk. 

Since Patrick was gone all day, I had the day to myself. Not a good thing some times. When I came back from walking I decided I better do something. So, I sat down to bead. 

I was able to get 5 more rows in before Patrick got home. I'm now at 66. I can't seem to remember how many rows I have to do. I know it's in the 400's. Think it's 435. My parrot is coming along nicely. I love the bright yellow colors. 

I was about ready to sit down, when I saw my chair was taken over. 

After supper and exercises, I decided to cross stitch. First I needed to give Patrick a back massage. He was whining he hadn't had one in awhile. lol

Sophie doesn't like her picture taken, but she was sitting there waiting on me. She wasn't too thrilled I was with Patrick. 

Then it was time to cross stitch!

 I worked on the wolf again. I know I've been saying "fox" but noticed the photo this time and found it's actually a wolf. I do like this. It's coming along. I have the ears about done. This really is fun to work on. Once I get started I really don't want to stop. 

Tonight I will be listening to another audiobook. Last night I realized M C Beaton has passed away (in 2018). Her Hamish McBeth books are my FAVORITE. It's like loosing a friend when the author passes. I loved everyone of those books. I have 2 more to go. I did find out she had one more book published in 2020 but I don't see it as an audio book yet. I have come to love the things Hamish McBeth went through and keep hoping he gets married. I have a filling the last book may keep me hanging. After 30+ books, I do get into the series. Like everything else, I like a series to end. Bet this one doesn't end. She also did the Agatha Raisin series and that will probably be hanging out there as well. I do like that series, but not as much as "Death of....." series. 

I'm happy to say I was stitching. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a lot done. When it's golfing day, I tend to not do much at all. At least I did find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Not A Good Day For Me

 This morning I got everything together to head out to our BE meeting. Before I could go there, I had an appointment at the credit union to get an account for our bowling league.....well, that was interesting! I got there early. I waited 10 mins before I could tell them I had an appointment. They told me to wait "over there." I did, and waited another 10 mins on the person I was to have the appointment with. He took another person in front of me before calling me over to chat. I wasn't thrilled. I explained about needing a bowling league account. Well, after a lot of chatter, I was told I needed minutes that stated I could open an account for the league. I also needed to get the Articles AND signatures from the other officers. I decided I would go to Security State Bank on Gold St. to see if they could help me. I was surprised at how easy it was to chat with her. Trouble was, I need to get my minutes redone - as it had to state I was allowed to open an account for bowling. I was given some papers to fill out as well. So, I NOW have everything I need to open the account. Trouble is, I need to get signatures from the Pres. and VP of the league. Once that is done (Sunday!) I can get the account opened. UGH, UGH, UGH. Once this is done, it should be easier to do my deposits! I can hope. 

While I was having trouble with that, Sandy texted and asked who was supposed to be at the meeting today. I told her it looks like it's just the 2 of us. She went on home and I went to her place. She got me an ice tea from McD's. I picked up a quilt, some pillow cases, and eggs. I chatted with her awhile and then came home. I was home by noon. 

I decided I wanted to work on my BE stuff for at least an hour. 

I was able to get half of this done. I do like this piece. I hope to be working on this more. 

Then it was (after supper) time to sit and watch TV with Patrick. He put on the part of draining the sea. I like watching those shows. While that was going on, I worked on my cross stitching. 

I didn't get a lot done. I worked on the ears of the fox. It's getting there. I really do like this piece. 

I cut some backing and batting for Debbie. We were going to the quilt shop tomorrow, but canceled that because the owner was in Hawaii. So, when she gets back we will go and chat with her about doing some quilts for us. 

My day ended better just because I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Bowling Night

 This morning I was up and getting laundry going. Then we took our walk before the Seahawks game. What a downer!! We could have won if they wouldn't have given up in the last half!! So disappointing. And YES I watched the whole thing. 

While I was watching the game, I was working on my cross stitching. I played games earlier and wanted to get some work done on this. I'm really enjoying it. It's coming along great. I fixed the white line by filling it in on the paw. Now I'm working on a fox (I believe) with the ears. I worked on the coat as well. I am having fun working on it by color. I work a color till I am satisfied with what I did. Then I move to the next color in that area. Or I move to another area and try to fill that in. Hard to decide sometimes where I want to work on next. Then I pick a color I haven't done before and work it. It's big. I showed Patrick the pattern and how much I had done. He said, "Jeeze." I have a long way to go, but I just love the colors. Not sure what I will do after this. I have a lot lined up. It's just picking what I want to do. 

Then it was off to bowling. I bowled a 156, 154, 155. Can't be more consistent then that! Not what I'm happy with. I was figuring out the money to pay the bowling alley. I didn't wait to do it at 7 am in the morning. I'm going to the credit union tomorrow to open an account. I really need to get this going. If they won't do it, I may go back to Security State main office and get it done there. 

Even when the Seahawks don't win, I'm at least able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Yet Another Saturday

 Today I enjoyed sleeping in. 

Once Patrick and I took a walk and come home, I decided to enjoy my time beading. With audiobook on, I worked on my beading. 

The best part is that I'm to the bird now! I love how bright this is. I was able to do 14 rows today. I'm around 54/345. Can't remember what row I ended at. It's fun working on this. 

Then after I called it quits, I decided to enjoy watching the British shows with Patrick. That is - the last show "Summer Wine." As for the shows before that, I put my headset on and listened to my audiobook. I had finished one and started another. 

Sometimes I think Patrick doesn't pay attention - because he starts chatting with me and I have to stop my book to take the headset off. Then he looks at me, "Sorry, forget it." So, I have no clue what the heck he was saying. I wish he would look at me before he starts chatting. Then again, maybe I should do it more often! lol 

I was able to get more done on my cross stitching! I put the gold in the coat and then started working from there. That is close to where my pattern is folded. So, I may have to turn the piece and work on the top part. Or I can just figure out where the fold is and work from there. I'll be turning the pattern to work on the bottom half. I do like the way this is coming out. I need to add the brown by the star, so it will get rid of the white area. 

So, it was "yet" another Saturday. It keeps coming and going. I have to get ready for the bank on Monday with the bowling teams account. So, I need to take my computer and do the paperwork and money tomorrow night. Hopefully I can figure out how to do it right and that way when we go to Kentucky, I will have it done that night as well. It will be interesting to see. Might be easier to do it at the bowling alley then wait and bring it home. Time will tell on that. 

BE is on Monday as well. So, I am going to be busy that day! Not sure I want to be. BUT then again, it keeps me from getting bored. 

Today I was able to do 2 things, and that makes my day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Quilting Day

 As always, today was Friday and quilting day at moms. We had a new member show up today. I knew her from our quilt guild. We've known each other for about 15 years. 

There were 6 of us today. I worked on my block that needs to be finished. It will help to get this quilt all together. 

The photo is brighter than it really is. But it does show what I'm doing. I have the bottom part of the petals done. I have the upper part put on top of the petal. I have the one on the right done, and started stitching the next one on. It's going quick. Mom was working on another embroidery quilt. This one is really pretty. She is so good at it, one can't tell the back from the front. I do love the work she has done on it. I just wish I could do as well. 

Came home. Patrick and I went to the Outback for supper. We both decided to have the Lobster tonight. We did enjoy that. It's not the best lobster I've had but it was really good. 

Came home and I'm getting caught up on my games. For some reason when I get back home from quilting, I'm not in the mood to do anything else. I did give Nancy the 2 quilts that need bindings. She going to work on that. I brought home the 2 buckets of fabric for QOV. Not easy to lift every time. 

It makes for a very good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Day To Myself - Mostly

 Today Patrick was up at 7 am and out the door to golf. That left me the whole day - explain as I go. 

So, first things first - what do I want to do today?! Not much.... Okay, play games till I decide. Sophie wanted her attention - so she got it. Then lunch time came around and I got lunch. Decided I would get some beading in. Not much but will work on it. 

I got in another 6 rows. Patrick got home when I was on the last 6th row. I decided to call it quits. 

Patrick and I watched some TV and then I called it quits. 

Patrick had to leave early for his district meeting. Then he would be off to bowling. He's doing pretty good. 

I sat and watched the Hallmark channel. I really do get into those shows. It's been awhile since I've seen one. This one is a Christmas show. I do like it. 

Sophie wasn't too happy with me cross stitching tonight. She wanted to be in my lap. Poor thing!

I was able to get a lot done. I do like working on this. I seem to want to work on this more lately. Beading is coming in second lately. I will be stitching at moms tomorrow. So, today I enjoyed working on my stuff. 

It was an interesting day. I was feeling a little lonely - go figure. I was thinking it would be more fun if I had somewhere to go. Go figure. Not sure why. I tend to like being home. I guess since we had the scare of Patrick's cancer, I've been thinking of "what if." Not the thing to be thinking. 

It doesn't help when the news is all about how much worse things are with the covid virus. I just don't understand why no one gets the science. I am open to each persons reasons, and I understand some of them. Other's not so much. Even my daughters reason, I'm open to. It's part of life. I really like to stay positive, and I'm going to be positive! Things are going to get better!!

It makes my day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Fun Day

This morning Patrick was up before me. 

We took a walk. Once that was over we came back we played with Sophie. She found a thick rubber band that she loves to play with. 

Patrick worked on grape jelly today. While he was doing that, I decided to bead. 

 I was able to get another 9 rows done. It's coming along great. I do like working on this. I get 3 rows done at a time. It takes almost as long as one rows did on the Snowman. This one has 345 rows. I'm at around 40 rows. I figured I'm about 10% done. 

It turned out to be a Fun day. I did what I enjoyed doing. Had a really good day with Patrick. We chatted about this and that. Then we took a little time to ourselves but in the same room. 

I really didn't do a lot today. I pretty much listened to my audiobook while beading. It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Things To Do Today

This morning was up early. Patrick had an early golf time, and I needed to get ready for the dentist. I was going to go to the bank first but decided to wait. Good thing I did. My dental appointment was an hour long! Then was told I need to get one of my fillings redone. Not too thrilled about that. Apparently it's coming apart.  It is a "silver" filling and they don't do those any more and haven't done them for a long time. I told him I think it's one from when I was a teenager. What a pain, now I have to get it done again. I go back on the 29th. 

Once that was over, I headed to the bank. The bank I use for the water had the lobby closed. So, I headed over to the main street bank. They didn't seem to know what to do as far as a bowling league. They wanted to know if I wanted a checking account or savings. Then they chatted about how they were trying to get away from those kinds of accounts. I was told to go onto the web and get the UBI and EIN numbers for the account. I decided to try the credit union. I need to make an appointment with the credit union to open the account. They were way too busy today. I will do that after I get this done. Once that was done, I went to the bowling alley and paid for the Sunday bowling. 

Then it was off to Sharon's. I hadn't been there for a while, so I needed to go see her. When I got there I showed her my Snowman and she showed off her smaller pieces she made. I may do one or two of those as well. 

I finished up her box top. I was showing her she needed to keep going and finish a few rows before she called it done. It fix once I got it this far. She was happy with that. She was working on another box. 

She was doing the big box on the left. The lid was the last part she needed to work on. She has it pretty close to being done. 

I added the blue box I finished up for her. It looks pretty good. She's been giving away a lot of the boxes she's made. I do want to do these. I may buy the book after all. 

After a couple hours, I left. Didn't have much else to do. 

Came home and worked on my games. After supper we sat and watched "Mrs. Brown's Boys - Christmas." I really enjoy that show! 

Got back to my cross stitching. 

I finished up the purple banner. It's coming along pretty good. I'm really having fun with this. Patrick reminded me that I haven't done any beading in a few days. I told him I was enjoying my cross stitching and really haven't had the afternoon to work on my beading. I will tomorrow. 

Even with a busy day today, I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 13, 2021

Spending The Day With Hubby

This morning Patrick took me to Berry Fields for breakfast. We let early and had a great breakfast, that made it easy to skip lunch. lol 

Then we headed to Olympia to get my blood test. Next stop was to Cabela's. We looked for a couple jackets like the ones we have. Patrick finally found them. Patrick got a green one and I got a black one. They are the same jacket just different colors. 

Headed home. Got back by 1 pm. Then I sat down and worked on the bowling Secretary work. I had to get the cards, sponsor fees, and bowling alley fees done. I ran into problems, and Patrick helped. Come to find out I was $23 short. So, that took out of my secretary fees. UGH!! I only got $3.50 for doing all that work. Then I got on my excel program and did a list for each team where I can mark who paid when. Then I did a "summary" report for the league. That way if there are any questions on the money, I have all the records. I need to get a bank account for the league. Patrick did the minutes for me. I signed that and now am ready to go to the bank. I hope there aren't any problems. That ended up being an all day thing. 

Tomorrow I need to go to the bank, dentist, bowling alley, and then head up to Olympia. Sharon has been wanting me to come up and show her how to do the bead box top. So, I'm going to go up and see if I can help her. I don't want to stay long. It may be a long day again. 

Today ended up being nothing but running around and then a LOT of secretary work. I need to work on my Gunderson Water stuff as well, but that will be another day. 

Not a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

 (An old photo of my daughter, Katt - just found it)

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Started Bowling Again

 This morning we cleaned up the house. Patrick did the bathrooms. I vacuumed and cleaned the cat litter - yep I'm the cat litter person. Patrick made a deal with me a long time ago - if we got a cat I had to clean the litter box. I had laundry going as well. 

Then we sat and watched the Seahawk game! I was thrilled to see we won! I watched the whole thing. I also worked on my cross stitching. Didn't get a photo today. Will post one tomorrow. We watched a movie on Netflix and then had to get ready to leave for bowling. We stopped at the post office, but the box I wanted to send was too big to go in the box. 

We got to the bowling alley early because we had to have our meeting. I ended up being the Secretary because Theresa is no long bowling with us. So, we had to get new officers. Only the President was the one that came back. So, we had our meeting and then bowling. 

I bowled a 203, 165, and a 128! I couldn't believe it! I had 4 splits in the 3rd game. I just lost it. I brought the secretary stuff home and will work on it tomorrow. Not in the mood to do it right now. 

At least my day was a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Making Tomato Sauce

 This morning I needed to get to work on laundry. Got that going and then started peeling tomatoes for sauce. 

I let that cook for awhile. Then I played games. I really didn't feel like doing much but keep an eye on the tomato sauce. It's interesting trying to find spices that work to make a really good BBQ sauce. 

Then I decided it was time to work on something. 

I worked on the white star. I'm working on this piece and then I needed a another color. So, I went through all my floss for the piece. Couldn't find had to go downstairs and get the floss...just to find out I have a very small amount. I will have to pick up the color later. Never fails. Wonder how many more I will find that I'm low on. 

I boxed up the quilt blocks and have them ready to mail off to Laurie. She seems to be putting them together for us. I can't wait to see what comes back. 

Today turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 10, 2021

What A Day

Today was Friday and every Friday we meet at mom's for quilting. Actually it's our applique group. So, I headed over there. Trouble was, I forgot to go to the church to pick up the quilts that were quilted. 

I arrived at moms after having to drive around the long way. They had the on ramp of the I5 closed. So, after going all the way around, then getting on I5 at Main Street, I was on my way to moms. Got there before everyone else. 

I took the 2 quilts from the museum with me to get the label on it. Then I gave Nancy our labels since she is doing the bindings. I marked the labels with who made the quilts. They were both done by "Jubilee Quilt of Valor" but they are not a QOV group. Nancy was putting the label on the one mom and I made. Debbie came over and we got her some fabrics. Then she went through the blocks and took a few that were done. Nancy also took a few blocks to work on. The rest of them I brought back and will mail them to Laurie again. She said she has some done with a quilt top. She'll let me know when she mails the tops. I then needed to get the quilts to the museum and get to the church before they closed. 

I headed back to Chehalis to pick up the quilts and then headed over to the museum to drop off the quilts. Once all that was done, I headed home. Patrick was gone to pick up Patrick (Emily's Uncle) to get Phil's motorcycle from the garage. Long story there and won't bore you on that. 

Ruth called and I called here back. We chatted for a good hour. Then we went out to eat. We went to Pizza Hut for supper. I had a white sauce instead of a tomato sauce. I had a veggie pizza that was an individual pizza. We then headed home. 

I decided to play games. I have a list of stuff I need to do. But I decided it could wait. Tomorrow I will send photos and then I will get moving on getting a few more things done. 

Today was not quiet a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Quilts Of Valor Presentation Day

This morning I was off and running. I had a few things to do before heading to the museum. I actually arrived at 10 am when I was hoping to get there at 11 am. So, I got busy and set everything up. 

Once everything was ready, we had 2 different ceremonies. 

Our 1 pm we had 4 Veterans honored. 

 This group is Richard Carns, Army, Jerry Teaford, Coast Guard, Patrick Fortney, Navy, and John Kenwisher, Army. (not in that order). 

This group was our 2 pm group - Karl Rosbach, Marine Corps, Kenneth Dobler, Marine Corps, William Reichardt, Navy, James (Richard) Reichardt, Army, and Leonard Krause. 

Leonard Krause is the middle one - he's 100 and 9 months old. He's a kick! He came in a wheel chair and when he was honored, he got out of his chair to receive his quilt! It was a joy!!

So, today was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Last Minute Sewing! UGH

 Today started out pretty good. Patrick and I took a walk. Then came home and started working on the Rugelach Cookie Salad that I got off Food network. I had to make the pudding and let it sit a few hours. Patrick helped me with getting the orange peel ready for me. Plus he did the cookies. 

Then I decided to enjoy my afternoon with cross stitching. 

I was enjoying myself so much with this! Just before supper I had to get back to the salad. 

Patrick helped me out with this. He cut the apples and got the marshmallows. I did the whipping cream. We put it all together and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then had it for supper.  

Then I called mom. 

She told me they were going to be leaving tomorrow around 12:30 pm for our 1 pm presentation. I told her, "No, you need to leave by noon." I was hoping they would be there an hour early to help with getting ready. We have 2 presentations to do and I need prep time for everyone to help. Then I called Nancy and told her she needed to be there an hour early to get the quilts ready to give out to the Veterans. As we were talking, I asked how many pillow cases we had, and she said "none." OUCH. I called Debbie and texted Faye. They didn't have any. Debbie had the ones that go with her quilts. She always makes a pillow case for her quilts. I can't seem to remember to do that, so Sandy used to do them for me. I haven't made a quilt in awhile, so I didn't need them. Sandy didn't have any made either. 

As I was sitting in front of the TV, AFTER supper - 5 pm - it hit me I needed to get those made. So, I went downstairs to see if I had enough fabric to do them. Remember, now, I took the boxes over to moms so she could pick out her fabrics for a quilt. So, that left me with VERY LITTLE fabric to mess with. Never fails! So, I found some fabric in the panel box, and there was enough to make 4 pillow cases. Then I decided to use some of the background fabrics for some pillow cases. I cut 2 out of 2 background fabrics for a total of 4. That gave me 8. Debbie has 2 with the 2 quilts we will be giving out tomorrow, so we should be good. 

The prep work on pillow cases takes the longest time. I had sewed these up and asked Patrick to pull them inside out for me. Then I ironed them and had to trim before sewing them twice. 

Four hours later, 8 pillow cases are done. Now we are ready! Talk about LAST MINUTE! I wasn't wanting to do this at the very last minute, but I needed to have them for tomorrow. Sandy said she didn't get to the pillow cases she had cut. So, I had to do it. Everyone else was busy or couldn't get to them. UGH

Sophie was finding bugs to keep her busy! 

Today did turn out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Not Feel 100% Today

 Last night I had the first "attack" of reflex in a long time. My throat burned and I was "up-chucking" in my throat. It was awful! So, I went to the couch to see if that would help. I could sleep with my head on the arm rest, which help stop the reflex. Not fun! 

So, when I did wake up this morning, I had a good headache as well as not feeling good all day. I tried not to let it bother me. I felt better as the day went on, but it's not the best. 

Patrick was golfing, so I decided to watch TV and play. After awhile, I was tired of playing games and went to watch TV. I found my VERA show and watched that. Then I was out of Perry Mason, so I went on You Tube and found some shows that talked about the cast of Perry Mason. Then I found a show on John Wayne's life. I watched that and cross stitched. 

I was enjoying working on this. I have about 300 to 500 stitches done today. Not sure, as I didn't count them in the beginning. I used my gold threads and I do like the way this is coming out. I haven't quiet decided if I am just working each color and stitching or if I'm trying to get to a stair step type place. Right now, it seems to be more by color. I work it till the color is done, then I either do more with that color or change it up. 

Got the certificates for out QOV presentation on Thursday done. Have 9 Veterans we will be honoring. 

Patrick came home and I pulled out the Babka from the refrigerator. Then I shaped it. Once I did that, Patrick added the filling and twisted it. 

They turned out great. I thought this batch was a lot better than the last one I made. I used chocolate chips for the chocolate as well as the powdered chocolate. It turned out great. I was really happy with this one. 

Then I decided since I still wasn't feeling 100% I would just cross stitch. So, my day was "blah" but I actually did more than usual. I thought about beading, but really wanted to work on my cross stitching. I watched a Colorado Cross Stitcher on You Tube - it was an hour long, so only got about 30 mins of what she was saying. Mom called and I let it run it's course. After 30 mins, I tend to go to "la la" land. It still makes the day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, September 6, 2021


 Labor Day is one of those days were family get together and enjoy the holiday. I remember times when we would take trips driving around to find a park where we would sit and have a picnic. My dad loved to travel and always wanted to drive somewhere. When the kids where younger, we would go to a park and have a picnic. Or we would get together with friends and have a good BBQ. 

This year, not so much. Patrick and I had the day to ourselves. So, we worked on cooking. Patrick got the meat for BBQ sandwiches going and I worked on a Babka bread. It's in the refrigerator for tomorrow. We will work on it tomorrow. I also baked a homemade brownie. It was darker chocolate than what I like. Patrick did like it, but told me to find a different recipe lol. We even went shopping for groceries today! 

When all that was done, I decided to get some beading going. 

The leaves are starting to show. I do like this. I hope it gets a little brighter sooner. I was able to get 6 rows done. 

Then I wanted to work on my cross stitching. 

As I was finishing the paw, I thought about how I am going to work in 10 squares. So, I moved over to the right side to work from there. 

The gold threads were to be worked in. I decided to keep the gold thread all together and not split them up. I will probably split it in half when I have to add it to another color. I'm happy with it so far. 

But I'm at least getting this going. I really do want to work on this. I have too many things I want to work on!

All in all, even with the holiday, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Fun With Family Day

 This morning I was getting laundry going and playing games. I wanted to get my game done today. 

Then it was time to head over to moms. My niece was there. She fixed supper - which was awesome! She made some meat balls and wrapped them with cheese in a crescent roll. She also had a really good crookneck squash casserole. 

We played games all afternoon. It was fun because I won! lol - Love playing games with family. Rumicube (sp?) is a fun game to play. I noticed that our tiles are loosing some of the color and I may need to buy another game. 

We came home and watched a movie. I really didn't do anything else. I thought about beading today, but really wasn't in the mood. I have a hard time thinking about working on something. It turned out to be a "not so" Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...