Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dental Work And Cross Stitching

 This morning I was not too thrilled knowing I had to go to the dentist. One of my fillings was going bad, so they wanted to redo it.....ugh. So, I went on to the dentist. I was there about 10 mins and Nancy showed up! She was going to her dentist as well. I asked for the "laughing gas" so that I could get through this easier than normal. I was thrilled they had it! So, I felt a lot better when it was all over. My fingers weren't in knots! It went a lot better than most of my dental work goes - when I have to have it done. Trouble is that when I was 17 years old, I had 7 cavities because of braces! That was trauma! Ever since, I have a hard time even going to the dentist for cleanings. lol I did okay with the cleaning - and didn't realize they had me down for major cleaning - that cost more! I told them today to change that cleaning to a "normal" cleaning and not the hard core cleaning. 

On the way home stopped at Safeway for a couple things. Then was home by 11:30 am. After the numbing wore off, my tooth hurt a little bit. Now it's fine. 

Patrick wanted to watch a movie, so I pulled out my cross stitch. I'm enjoying working on it, so I decided to sit and spend time with him. 

We ended up with a Hallmark movie that I recorded because he couldn't find anything he wanted to watch. So, I worked on the wolf. At first I worked on the coat. Then I moved over to the wolf. I had to roll the piece before I could get to the wolf. I found I was having some problem with my stitches. So, I ended up ripping out some of it and fixing it. Like Sandy said, I tend to be a perfectionist. I like to make sure it is right. I found that I'm running out of DMC 814, so will have to stop at Michaels to get it. I hope they have it. I need to put the black in where the eye is, and then I can get to work on the mouth area. Of course, Sophie wanted attention but I worked it out so she got done. I didn't want her in my work and I wanted to work on this more than pet her. lol So far so good. 

Today was a rainy day. But it was a nice day to sit and enjoy being with Patrick. We chatted about this and that. Mostly I worked on my piece and he checked out his tablet for tik tok and other stuff. It turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

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