Friday, December 31, 2021


 Today we were up and getting ready for Nick and Joanne to show up. They had said they would be here around 2:30 pm. Texted and found out they were coming at 4 pm. We got things ready. Put supper in the oven and had everything read for when they arrived. 

We finally sat down to eat around 5 pm. It turned out to be a great meal. I did enjoy it. The bread was nice a fluffy. 

We then played games. I won the domino's game and Nick won the Rummikub game. I lost that last one. 

While I waited on them, I stitched. 

I was able to get the last block started. I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the week. But that doesn't look like it will happen, since tomorrow is Sunday. We can hope I get it done by the middle of the week. Patrick is already talking about going to the movies tomorrow. Not sure I want to. I have things I want to get done. Oh, well. 


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Able To Cross Stitch With All This Snow

 Another day done. Hard to believe how fast things go, and at other times how slow it goes. Today was a little of both. There were times it seemed slow, other times like the time flew by. Go figure. 

Woke up to more snow. 

More snow all over. 

Plenty to go around!

Now remember, we went out in the truck (behind the car). That's how much more snow we got. Even the mail lady didn't show up today. That's twice this week that she didn't deliver the mail. 

We cleaned up a few more things before sitting down to watch TV. We watched 2 Hallmark Christmas movies. I enjoyed them. Think Patrick did too. It's funny with him, he finds things that they don't say in the movie that makes one wonder how they know the answer. Like when they make a date, but don't say where or what time. But the date is on and they meet us. lol 

While we were enjoying that, I was working on the bookmark. I need to get it done. I do need to figure out how to finish it off, since the "cut" is slowly coming apart. I will work with my BE threads and do something nice for it. Just need to think of how I will do it. 

I finished the bottom block and started on the top block. It's almost done. Have about 30 more stitches to do and then I can do the last one. I'm getting there. 

Sophie knows how to be comfortable. Wish at times I could be that comfortable. At least today was a good day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Out And About Before The Next Snow Falls

 This morning there was a little more snow, but the roads were starting to clear. Patrick and I needed to go out and get a few things done. So, we headed out in Patrick's truck. We figured we should have gone in the Buick! lol We hit 10 places today! It was to the Bank, post office, Credit Union, Pharmacy, Connie's (got 4 quilts back), gas, Mom's, Home Depot, Walmart (ugh), and Safeway! Of all days! It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get around. Partly because of the weather. The roads were starting to clear up when he headed home. More snow is expected tonight and tomorrow. Then rain. We really don't need rain! 

While at Connie's I picked up 4 quilts that she had finished. I gave her my 2 brother's quilts. I also gave her batting and backing for her quilt. It was great! I have 3 more quilts to take to her, but don't want to overwhelm her with quilts. 

Debbie stopped by to pick them up. She's going to do the binding on it, and I'm going to stitch them down - with a little bit of help from the group. lol 

Patrick got back to fixing up the spare bedroom. It's looking awesome!

The bedspread actually matched the walls. So, we decided to keep them on the bed. 

He even set it up with the quilts that we have for the ladder. The middle one is the one he got from QOV. The double wedding ring is my very first quilt. And the Hawaiian quilt is the one on this blog. 

We finished up the cabinet in the "office." It's looking good. We picked up more boxes at Home Depot, but they didn't have anymore of the size I wanted. We ended up using another kind instead. Those will have genealogy and photos in them.

I didn't get much work done on my cross stitch. Sophie wanted me to pay more attention to her than my hand work. 

Maybe 10 to 15 stitches were done. That doesn't make my day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Snow Keeping Us Home

 This morning things were busy again. We couldn't go anywhere because of all the snow. We are going to try to get out tomorrow and get some stuff. We are supposed to have more snow on Thursday. I was thinking about quilting on Friday, but think that will be canceled because mom has a lot more snow then we do. Plus I wanted to go to Connie's to pick up 4 quilts and drop off 2 more. I don't want to overload her with quilts, but I have 3 ready to go, with 2 more coming soon. 

We moved the bed from downstairs to upstairs. That was not an easy thing to do. We had to go outside and come back in. The mattress was easier though. Then Patrick dropped some gel (dark brown) on the carpet on the stairs. He cleaned most of it up - but that's our new carpet!! So, he has a call into the carpet places to get them to replace that piece. Good thing he kept some of the extra carpet. I'm not thrilled about what he did!

I wasn't have much luck with selling my stuff, so will put it in for the garage sale. I did repost one of my patterns. 

I mostly did laundry. I wanted to get a few things done. We got the quilts refolded and put some in the spare bedroom and in the cabinet downstairs.  The quilts are now all together in one or the other place. I washed the quilt that was on the bed, and it went into the spare bedroom. We took another quilt and put it on the bed. 

I joined WIPGO (bingo). I added a few things to my list. I'm going to change it a little. This is just a start. I used someone else's chart and fixed it for me. 

After supper I figured I needed to get back to stitching. 


I was able to get a few more stitching in on the bookmark. It's looking pretty good. The colors look better in person. That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 27, 2021

Day At Home Because Of Snow

 Today we enjoyed being able to sleep in. The snow kept coming last night. We had a little bit of the sun show up, but not much. Still have a few inches on the ground. My poor hummingbird is having trouble with the food freezing. I will have to do food for her every day at this rate. 

We worked on getting my quilts out and figuring out which are going to be in the guest room and which are going in the cabinet downstairs. Then we worked on cleaning up a few things. 

Once all that was done, I worked on my book mark. 

I have the main design done and now it's time to do the black background. It was pretty easy. I finished up the first block. I'm enjoying this. We watched a couple movies this afternoon and I stitched. It felt good to be able to work on this. 

My day turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

More Snow! Woo Hoo!

 This morning I was up and moving. I looked out the window and there was SNOW! Love the stuff! We had a small amount yesterday, but this morning there was a good inch or two. 

We got moving on putting more stuff away. Getting rid of stuff. Getting laundry going....oops, behind on that. 

Then I had to get my water bills out. I'm still working on that. It took all afternoon to get my books up to date. I boxed up stuff that was over 7 years old. I now have a "current" and "old" box for the water system stuff. I then got the bills printed and started on getting the minutes with the bills together. In the middle of it, Sharon called and that was a good hour call. After I hung up with her I had to get moving and get supper - because my virtual meeting was tonight. I was eating as I entered the meeting. Turned out that was only 3 of us. Sandy was the 3rd. I was able to work an hour and 10 minutes on my cross stitch book mark. 

 Snow was coming down the whole time I was on the meeting. I didn't cancel bowling because it wasn't that bad - that was today anyway. Then an hour before bowling it got worse. 

We went bowling - with less than half the league showing up. We bowled anyway. I bowled REALLY BAD! I bowled a 146, 159, and 131. I just couldn't find my spot! I had more splits than strikes. Let alone spares. I could not pick up the 10 pin for the life of me. 

On the way home we took it easy. We even had a car pass us in town! I could not believe it. They were in a hurry. Not much going on out there. When we got home, I took some photos. I have one for our Christmas card next year! Not going to post it till then.

This one is by the garage. I love the photo! I have a better one of the house. 

Today turned out to be a day where I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Today we slept in. Katt called to wake her father up - which is a tradition. Of course he was in a soar mood. It turned out she was a little bit down too. So, didn't talk to him for awhile this morning - till I calmed down and he had his shower. 

We then worked on getting the closet in the hallway cleaned out. I have a couple quilts to take to Phil and one to Katt. I want to get some things out of the house. I decided to get rid of a few pillow cases and a few old towels. I have a box for the grange to take for their garage sale. Hopefully they will get some money out of it. Plus I like supporting them, since they support our embroidery group. 

I got some wonderful knitted socks and hat from my daughter in law. I love them! She's really good with her knitting! I also got a really nice stoneware bread pan. This one is the long one for French bread.  Katt gave me so chocolates - yum! and a set of bowls for prep work. I love them! 

We headed over to moms. She shocked me this year. I was given 2 gift certificates! One for beading and one for Starbucks! I will be using the Starbucks when I get her some tea off and on sometimes. 

We had a wonderful meal - Ham, scallop potatoes, cranberries, and homemade buns. Really good! Had an ice cream cake after. We played games and chatting with family. It turned out to be one of the better Christmas' we've had in a long time. 

I didn't make it to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 24, 2021


 Today started out with me over sleeping. I woke at 9 am and had to get moving fast. It was a day at moms. I had to stop at the post office to drop off a package. I was shocked to find that no one was at the post office and not even cars outside. I thought it was closed at first! The gal at the counter was working on stuff, and laughed at me for saying it was looking like they were closed. 

Got to moms. There were 6 of us at the meeting. I took my book mark that I need to get done. I wanted to have it done for Nancy but never made it. So, I'm doing it now and told her her gift wasn't done yet. 

I was able to get part of one block done. There are 4 of them (on the right). It goes fast! I had the top part done at the meeting. I worked on the dark pink and bottom half tonight. 

When I got back home, I ended up pulling boxes out and getting them organized. I put a few more things in "grange" box (for their garage sale). I put the genealogy together. Wound up with 4 boxes full of genealogy stuff. That will stay downstairs. Patrick did a lot of work while I was with the group. He has the office all organized and the good news is that my binders arrived. So, now I can get those organized as well. Went through all my "paper" recipes and throw out a lot that I had copied off the web. Plus got rid of a few that I don't want to make or that no one would want. I collected so many recipes that it's not funny any more. I've weeded out a LOT now. 

We watched a Hallmark movie. Now it time to be Thankful today was a good day. Tomorrow will be another good day. At least today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Finished And Gifted

 Today we started out with more stuff to do. Patrick worked on getting the desk in the office. I worked on getting the Christmas Star bread going. Once that was started, Patrick wanted to go out and get a few things. First stop was Home Depot for the boxes we bought the other day. Of course, they didn't have the size I wanted. So, I will need to keep my eyes open for them again. Then we headed over to Staples. We needed the mat for the office chair. Didn't want it scratching the new floors. I also picked up a few little things for the desk. Once all that was done, we went to Safeway. There we got more stuff for Christmas dinner - AND man, was it crowded! We had to wait in line for about 5-10 mins. I picked up Patrick a coffee and me a hot cocoa. 

Got home and got back to the bread. Then Patrick needed help with getting the end table for the spare bedroom in the house. We brought that in. He was setting everything up and I was working on dinner. Then I found out that I couldn't get eBay to send my payments to Paypal like they used to, so that put me in a spot. I called and set up another account for my eBay stuff. Didn't like it, but did it. Of course that was an hour on the phone! I had Patrick running around getting supper going. At least I had it ready. Then he could sit and eat for about 10 mins before heading out the door. 

Yesterday I couldn't post that this was done. I wanted to make it a surprise. So, today we delivered it to my son and daughter in law. I had them open it early. I do like to give surprise gifts along with the list of gifts they ask for. I always hate lists. But now a days that's about the only way to go. 

I really like this one. Phil said he liked it better then last years, and I agree with him. I already have an idea for next year. lol 

The dangles have some "pearl" beads from one of moms broken necklaces. I wanted to add something special to the ornament. Don't know if anyone will notice or not. At least I was able to reuse them. 

My evening was cleaning up the kitchen and mess. Plus I called to talk to Cheryl as I haven't seen her in awhile. I guess she fell the other day. Not a good thing! 

So, my day was busy. I didn't get a chance to work on the next ornament. I will be able to do that tomorrow - MAYBE. With all this organizing and getting the upstairs back to normal, it's hard to say what I will be doing. Still boxes downstairs I need to go through. Finding more pen and pencils. So, will get those in the box were they belong! 

In the meantime, I'm trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Now It's Clean Up Time - UGH

 This morning I wanted to work on my beading, but didn't get the chance. I hope to do it tomorrow night when Patrick is bowling. 

Instead, today was working on getting the bedroom finished, working on getting the office and dinning room ready, and just cleaning up. We brought some of the boxes up from downstairs and went through them. I have the Japanese dishes back in the china cabinet. Need to get the doll back in there as well. Went through the books that I had in the bedroom and have a stack to take to moms. I'm hoping to sell my stuff on eBay so I can get them out of the house. If not, I will figure something else out. I may give the stuff to the Grange to sell at their garage sale. 

I went through all the pens we had in a box - and threw out the ones that didn't work. I got my table clothes in a box. Brought up the genealogy and but a lot of those in a box as well. There is a lot of stuff that we are getting organized and in their places. 

The bedroom is set and good. 

The office is getting there. We have the cabinet set up and ready to put stuff in. We did get some of the containers done. We still have more to put in there. 

Once all that was done, I decided to just try and get my next set of Santa's done. 

Didn't get very far. I knew I wouldn't get the ornament done in that short a time. So, I figure when I have a good 2 to 3 hours, I can get it finished. It won't be done by the time Patrick goes bowling because I know Patrick is going to put the desk up in the office. I also need to get my Christmas Star done, and will work on it tomorrow. Not sure if I will have time to work on it while he's bowling, even. I am going to try! I do want to have at least one done by Friday, but at this rate, it may be Friday before I do. lol 

My back is bugging me, so hopefully tonight when I sleep, it will feel better in the morning. I can hope! At least today I was able to get a little bit of fun! That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Finally - Done With The Floors

 Yesterday they finished up the floors. Then today Patrick went off golfing! I grabbed about 4 boxes of clothing and stuff. I was putting the clothes in the dressers and getting them put away. I was interesting trying to decide where each part of my clothing was going where. I figured it out. Laundry was running all day long. 

I took a little bit and worked on my beading. 

I worked on the fringe of the ornament. This one is more black, but there are some beads from my grandmother's necklaces. I wanted to have something of hers on this. They look really good on the bottom. Plus there are some seed beads that she had as well. I liked the way it came out. Unfortunately one can't really see them because of the pattern behind it. 

Then it was time to get moving on boxing up my beads -again. I decided to take them out of the big box, and put them in a smaller box. I didn't want a big box that was 3/4's empty. Then I took a box of table clothes and put them in a container. I think it will work out for me to find what I need. I just need to remember to put what is washed back into the container. 

Once Patrick got home he started working on cleaning up the wood that had "issues." He is going to have to replace an area in the entry way. The wood cracked. He had some jell that he was cleaning up our doors with. They are looking a lot better!

We finished getting the bedroom set up. So, we will be sleeping in our own room again. I'm happy! 

After that, I tried to get my ornament done. We all know how that goes! I was close to getting it done, but then - OF COURSE - there was a "boo-boo." So, I had to take it out. Which I did. Then I said the heck with this, I will finish it tomorrow. I just need about 2 hours and it will be done. 

 This went together differently then the others. Plus the top is done differently as well. So, I was happy to finally get this done. 

I added the top, and actually had 2 rows done. THAT'S where the mistake was. So, I had to take it out, as well as the one on the first row. I will have to put that part back in, then start the next row. There are 3 rows, so I need to pay attention to how it goes together. I will have to shorten it as I go. We will see. I like what I have going so far. Figures crossed tomorrow. 

Between cleaning and trying to get the house back to "normal," I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Embroidery Day - Not So Much

 This morning I was out the door around 9 am. I needed to get 2 more gift cards, and ended up waiting in line a good 10 mins. I was okay with that. Then headed over to the Grange to join the others. Sandy and Cindy were already there. I was given a couple gifts. Since I needed to do my beading, I decided to take my bead work and do it at the meeting. TROUBLE WAS that I didn't grab ALL the beads that I needed. So I ended up only doing 4 rows of beading then sitting and enjoying their company. We were laughing about a lot of stuff. It's amazing at how many topics we can get in, in a day. Because I didn't take any embroidery - I didn't do any embroidery - bummer! I should be more prepared!

I headed back home. When I arrived the guy that did the flooring was putting the edge work down. He even finished up the hardwood at the door. He made my day with the way he worked the woodwork on the door!! I was thrilled. Made the front door look a 100% better. I do like having the carpet all the same as well. We got the bed in the bedroom and moved our dressers back in. Patrick and I are trading dressers because I tend to put crap in mine - since I don't have a lot of clothes. He has more T-shirts and jeans then I do! So, I'm working on laundry and putting the clothes in the right dressers. I realized I didn't get my old dresser all cleaned out - my "junk" drawer was still full. I will take care of that tomorrow. It needs to be cleaned out. 

Once I was able to, I decided to bead. 

I finished my first panel!! It's the one on the right side. They are all done and will be assembled it tomorrow. Then I will get started on my next set. I need to get one more set done for SURE! 

It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

What Can I Say - What A Day

This morning we headed to Costco to pick up the ham for Christmas dinner at moms. While we were there, we found a desk that we liked and bought it. Now we just need to figure out where the 2 printers are going and how we are going to set that up. We picked up a few things for mom as well. 

Came home and cleaned a couple things up for tomorrow. I was going to get laundry going as it's been awhile, but that got away from me as well. 

I sat down on the floor and went through my bead containers and rearranged them. I put my bead stuff in a big tub. I'm almost thinking I need another "photo" box for my beads. They are easy enough to stack. But then I have my mats and things as well. I could think of all kinds of thing I need, but will worry about that later. I may go buy another photo box for my beads. I am getting a lot more beads lately. Some for the ornaments and some for my tapestry beading. Oh, well. 

This is what Sophie thought about my playing.  I played a few games on my tablet before we headed to the bowling alley. We had a pot luck and they was part of the reason for Costco visit. We took some wraps that we picked up at Costco. I gave what was left to the bowling alley. Food must have helped some because I bowled a 165, 175, 155. Couldn't have done that in my dreams! I couldn't believe how that turned out! 

Tomorrow (Day 4) of flooring - will be the final day of getting the base boards done - I HOPE. I want to get moving this stuff back where it belongs! 

Because of cleaning, trips out, and bowling, it didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Waiting To Finish Flooring

 This morning we were busy with vacuuming the floors. I swept the kitchen and dinning room floors as well. We then vacuumed all the way down the hall. I got our room vacuumed. We dusted the window sill and the heater. At least they were halfway clean. 

We then hooked the TV up. Then we put the railing back in place. At least that didn't take long. Once all that was done we headed out the house. First stop was JR Furniture. We picked up a night stand that was on sale. Patrick even got another $20 off it. We looked at the desks and I found one I liked but it was the only one they had and was scratched up. They said it would be March before they could get another one like that in. So, we took off again. We went to Home Depot and got some containers to organize our stuff. Mostly mine - Genealogy - and a few other things for the office. We looked for  a desk at "Just Woods Furniture" and found a desk that we liked. But didn't want to get just yet. Patrick liked it a bit more than I did. I'm not finding what I want. Then we headed to Staples and they didn't have what we wanted. Plus that stuff looked cheap - even when the price wasn't. By that time Patrick was tired of being out, and we headed back home. 

Got home and a package with 2 quilt tops were there. Laurie Allen made these for us. I had sent her the blocks that we had, and she worked them into quilts. Said she may have 14 quilt tops by the time she's done. lol 

This one needs another border. So, I will add one. It's a little small and needs to add some to the size. It was nice to see this when we got home. 

Sophie was enjoying the new carpet. 

Once we got home, we relaxed. After awhile I figured out I better get back to my beading. That ornament needs to be done! Plus I need to do another one! 

I finished the bottom Santa Claus. I found a mistake between them, but don't think it's one that matters. 

I finished one and started another. This is the last of the set. 

This is where I am now. It won't take long to finish it. Hopefully by Wednesday I can have this finished. 

Patrick has plans for tomorrow as well. So, it's going to be another busy day. Plus we have bowling. This week is going to be a bear! I do miss not having a Christmas tree, but at this rate, I would have it up and then have to take it down. Not fun. But I can be thankful I have been able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Day 3 Of Carpet

 This morning I got all my stuff together for the artichoke dip. I then got the other stuff ready to go to moms. Friday is quilt day - even when we don't quilt. 

I stopped at Phil's to pick up a box. I also got moms gift from them to take over. I gave some patterns that I didn't want to do to the group. Not sure who took them. 

We had an awesome time. The salad and soup were done by a chief. Games were played and we all hung around till about 3 pm. 

Then back home. They were working on the carpet. Guess that didn't get here till 11 am. So, we sent the day downstairs - yet again. Patrick had texted me that Sophie didn't care for them, and she hid behind the couch. When I got home, she started to come out. There was a lot of racket. I did find 2 places I didn't care for what they did. The guy that did the floors was awesome, not sure about these 3. I did see a seam. Not happy about that either, but maybe it will go away after I vacuum and clean up tomorrow. It will be interesting to find out. 

So, our living right now is downstairs. We are waiting on the trim to be put on the walls. Once that is done, we will be moving the bed back in place as well as everything else. Time will tell how it goes. This is going to take all week, I'm betting. 

I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Day 2 Of Flooring

 I was out the door before the guy came back to work on the flooring. I ended up at moms for making fudge and peanut brittle. I wasn't planning on doing peanut brittle, but she really wanted that. That made my morning busy. We finished with the fudge and brittle when Nancy arrived to take mom to go get a hair cut. When they left, I left. I knew if I stayed she would have a ton of stuff for me to do all day. She even wanted me to do my own gift card on the computer. I told her I gave her the website and she could do the work. I would rather it be a surprise for the amount. Should be interesting!

Came home by noon. I stopped at Safeway to get some cheese for my artichoke dip for tomorrow. I will put all the stuff in the cockpot before I leave tomorrow. 

Got home to find that they guy with the floors was out to lunch. He had a LOT of floors done in the dinning and living room. The dinning room was done, and he was at the sink area. I was thrilled. It looks awesome. He put the trim in the bedroom before he left. He decided to wait till after the carpet was done to do the entryway. Carpet is tomorrow. I'll be gone! Patrick wants to move furniture tonight - after he gets home from bowling - lucky me!

I decided I had some work to do.

I needed to clean up my mess. I have stuff that needs to be put away - go figure! lol And I needed to get rid of stuff. 

So, I put stuff on eBay to sale. It's changed a little, so not sure where to set my link to. I will work on it. I have both quilting and cross stitch stuff up. 

So, the good news is that I cleaned up pretty good. Still have a few things to finish up, but that is for another day. I got tired of cleaning. The quilt on the corner need a label and it will be off to the museum soon. 

I worked on the panel piece. I was able to get this far. Not very far either! I had to go to McD's and get supper since we couldn't cook today. I'm hoping tomorrow we can cook again. lol 

Then Patrick was gone. I decided to work a little on the quilt for QOV. Then I decided to put the vinyl words on my brother's quilts. Now I just need to get them quilted. 

This is for my younger brother. 

This is for my older brother. They were designed by my daughter and her business. I love what she did for me. I'll have to find her web page again. lol 

At least today I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Day 1 Of New Flooring

 This morning Patrick and I were up early so that we would be ready for the carpet people to arrive. Instead we got a phone call double checking that they had us signed up for 3 days. He then said he would call back. After about a half hour, he called back to say they were loading the van. This was at about 9:30 am. He arrived around 11 am. That was okay. Patrick talked to him to figure out what needed to be done first. They decided on the bedroom first. 

I love the way it looks. It's all done. Then he headed into the dinning room and took the carpet out. Then he figured it would be less time if he added the plywood to equal to the floor in the kitchen. He had to go and get the plywood. He came back about the time I headed out to get us something to eat. 

He was able to get this far. I love the work. He's really good. He's coming back tomorrow. Poor guy left around 6:30 pm. It was getting dark and hard to see. I do like the way the floor looks. I'm really happy with this!

While he was doing all that, I was downstairs with Patrick and Sophie. We watched TV and I worked on my stash. I pulled a few things out to get rid of. I have 2 items on eBay right now. I found a few things I won't be working on. I also had that hard part of "I like this, will I do it? Maybe.....," "I hate to get rid of this one, I really like it and MAY do it...," and that famous one - "I don't know!" and then I keep those. UGH

I did find some embroidery pieces, so I will do those. I will add them to my "next" list. THEN I found a bookmark kit that's cross stitch, and decided I'm going to do that next! Not like I need more to do, but I think it will be quick and easy. 

After going though that stash - I sat down to bead!

I finished the #3 Santa. I am now closer to getting an ornament done on time!!

I am now working on the second #3 Santa. I'm really liking the way this came out. There is one mistake in the left one, and I will fix that when I get there. I'm just pleased I got this much done today. 

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to moms and work on her fudge for Christmas. I hope she has everything we need. I will find out when I get there. 

It was just nice to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Getting Ready For New Floors Tomorrow

 This morning I woke with a headache - that pretty much lasted all day. First things first. I pulled all my clothes out of my dresser and boxed them up. I took my jewelry off the top shelf of my cabinet (dresser). Then I got to work on my laundry sense all my clothes are downstairs. I'm almost done with laundry. 

Patrick went golfing again today. They decided to go a little later. I wasn't in the best of moods, which meant I watched TV (Perry Mason - the older versions). I decided to get a FlossTube done today.  I showed the cross stitch kits that I was given. I did enjoy doing this one. 

After awhile I decided to get moving on my beading. I really need to get this done! Trouble is, when one is not feeling so good, one doesn't get very far. I'm going to have to work on this tomorrow while they work on my floors. I want to get moving on this! Fingers crossed. 

I have to go to moms on Thursday - if all goes well with the floors. 

I got an email today that said quilt tops are done and she is going to mail a few to me tomorrow. I'm thrilled. She also said that she has about 15 total with all those blocks I sent her. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. Those quilt tops will help get the quilts done! I can't wait. I will take a couple over to the church to see if they can do them. Connie is loaded right now. I really do need someone that can get the quilts quilted. At least at this rate, we can have quilts done faster. 

Even with trying to rest and not doing much, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Meeting Day - A Full Day

 This morning I went through my list of things to do. I had a ton! First was go pick up a quilt from the church, then to the bank, then McD's to pick up breakfast for mom and I. Next two stops were to get mom at LeDuc's (old name) then off to the Grange to work on our embroidery. 

We arrived when Cindy arrived. I did know Sandy was coming because she sent a text that her sis was in town. I couldn't wait to see her!

I worked on "Ruth's Farwell." I was thrilled to see this going so fast. I did the right side today. 

I was trying to decide if I wanted to use the yellow beads or the clear beads. One 11/0 seed bead and the other is 8/0 seed bead. I'm thinking I may go with my delica beads instead. I like the clear white better. So, that will be something to think about later. 

Then on the way home, I dropped mom off at the shop, then headed over to the eye doctors. I asked for the gal who could help me with getting lenses in my glasses. The gal at the desk told me she was out till 1:30 pm and that when I come back I need to call from the car to see if she is available. She was a little rude. I decided I would not go back today. 

Stopped at the bowling alley and headed home. When I got back home, I worked on my ornament. 

I finished the second Santa (far right) and started to work on my Santa #3. Patrick decided he wanted to call tonight early. So, I will work on it tomorrow. I do see a mistake on the second Santa, but don't think it's that noticeable. 

It was one busy day, but the best part was that I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...