Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Snow Keeping Us Home

 This morning things were busy again. We couldn't go anywhere because of all the snow. We are going to try to get out tomorrow and get some stuff. We are supposed to have more snow on Thursday. I was thinking about quilting on Friday, but think that will be canceled because mom has a lot more snow then we do. Plus I wanted to go to Connie's to pick up 4 quilts and drop off 2 more. I don't want to overload her with quilts, but I have 3 ready to go, with 2 more coming soon. 

We moved the bed from downstairs to upstairs. That was not an easy thing to do. We had to go outside and come back in. The mattress was easier though. Then Patrick dropped some gel (dark brown) on the carpet on the stairs. He cleaned most of it up - but that's our new carpet!! So, he has a call into the carpet places to get them to replace that piece. Good thing he kept some of the extra carpet. I'm not thrilled about what he did!

I wasn't have much luck with selling my stuff, so will put it in for the garage sale. I did repost one of my patterns. 

I mostly did laundry. I wanted to get a few things done. We got the quilts refolded and put some in the spare bedroom and in the cabinet downstairs.  The quilts are now all together in one or the other place. I washed the quilt that was on the bed, and it went into the spare bedroom. We took another quilt and put it on the bed. 

I joined WIPGO (bingo). I added a few things to my list. I'm going to change it a little. This is just a start. I used someone else's chart and fixed it for me. 

After supper I figured I needed to get back to stitching. 


I was able to get a few more stitching in on the bookmark. It's looking pretty good. The colors look better in person. That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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