Friday, December 24, 2021


 Today started out with me over sleeping. I woke at 9 am and had to get moving fast. It was a day at moms. I had to stop at the post office to drop off a package. I was shocked to find that no one was at the post office and not even cars outside. I thought it was closed at first! The gal at the counter was working on stuff, and laughed at me for saying it was looking like they were closed. 

Got to moms. There were 6 of us at the meeting. I took my book mark that I need to get done. I wanted to have it done for Nancy but never made it. So, I'm doing it now and told her her gift wasn't done yet. 

I was able to get part of one block done. There are 4 of them (on the right). It goes fast! I had the top part done at the meeting. I worked on the dark pink and bottom half tonight. 

When I got back home, I ended up pulling boxes out and getting them organized. I put a few more things in "grange" box (for their garage sale). I put the genealogy together. Wound up with 4 boxes full of genealogy stuff. That will stay downstairs. Patrick did a lot of work while I was with the group. He has the office all organized and the good news is that my binders arrived. So, now I can get those organized as well. Went through all my "paper" recipes and throw out a lot that I had copied off the web. Plus got rid of a few that I don't want to make or that no one would want. I collected so many recipes that it's not funny any more. I've weeded out a LOT now. 

We watched a Hallmark movie. Now it time to be Thankful today was a good day. Tomorrow will be another good day. At least today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

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