Saturday, December 4, 2021

A Cleaning Day

 This morning I cut the backing for Debbie. She stopped by to pick it up and the quilt I picked up from the church yesterday. 

Then it was time to go into the computer room and clean out the room. We are getting ready for the floors to be redone, which means we have to clean everything up and put stuff in boxes. Then we have to move the furniture out of the rooms. We have the "blue room" all downstairs, and now the computer room has joined the boxes. I found a few things with my genealogy and need to sent the information to Bill Wineland to share with him. 

It was pretty much an all day thing. I went through "my" file cabinet and throw a few things away. I also tried to put them in folders. We need to get a couple more boxes for the genealogy. I want to have each family in a box. I'm getting there. I have been going over some of the information to see if I missed anything - which I did. I have more letters, and one of the letters I found tells about the Wineland family. One of the letters I found is written by my great grandmother. So, I found a lot that I need to work on. 

After all that, I called it quits. It gets tiring when one has to go through all that. I'm going to give my neighbor all my scrapbooking stuff. I have over $500 worth of scrapbooking. I don't do it any more and I'm done. I was looking at what I have and was thinking I could do "this or that." But decided to call it done! I don't need to have another project!

Sophie and I had our TLC time tonight. I didn't get the chance to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

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